2013-04-03 09:28:53 CEST

2013-04-03 09:29:53 CEST


Klaipedos Baldai AB - Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's own shares

Klaipedos baldai AB, purchase of own shares

Klaipedos baldai AB finished purchase of own shares through a way of official
offer at NASDAQ OMX Vilnius. 

Purchase of own shares started: 06 March 2013.
Purchase of own shares ended: 02 April 2013.
Purchase of own shares price: EUR 1.5 per share.
Actual quantity of purchased own shares: 77 473.

For supplementary information contact:

Public Relations Manager of Concern “SBA”

Goda Januškevičiūtė

Tel. +370 612 07 187