2010-11-04 08:26:02 CET

2010-11-04 08:26:58 CET


Englanti Liettua
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event


During October 2010 the Company reloaded 560 thousand tones of oil products, if
compared to the transshipment of October 2009 (594 thousand tones) reloaded by
6 per cent less, however the transshipment during the ten months of 2010 (6 432
thousand tones) by 5 per cent exceeded the transshipment of the same period of
2009 (6 138 thousand tones). 

Preliminary income during October 2010 amounted to LTL 9.1 million (EUR 2.6
million), if compared to the income of October 2009 (LTL 9.3 million or EUR 2.7
million), are less by 2 % due to the reduced transshipment of oil products by 6

Preliminary income of the ten months of 2010 amounted to LTL 100.5 million (EUR
29.1 million) and, if compared to the corresponding period of the last year
(LTL 94.1 million or EUR 27.3 million), are greater by 9 % due to the increased
general transshipment of oil products by 5 %. While cargo flow from AB „ORLEN
Lietuva“ decreases, transshipment volumes from other clients exporting oil
products from Byelorussian and Russian refineries are increasing. 

Irena Barauskaitė-Gaižiūnienė
+370 46 391 626