2007-12-20 17:45:00 CET

2007-12-20 17:45:55 CET


Wärtsilä - Changes in company's own shares

Notification in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 2 section 9: Fiskars Corporation has sold Wärtsilä shares to its subsidiary Avlis AB

Wärtsilä Corporation Changes in company's own shares 20.12.2007 at
18:45 EET

Wärtsilä Corporation has today received a notification from Fiskars
Corporation, that as a result of the share transaction concluded
December 20, 2007, the holding of Fiskars Corporation has decreased
to less than 1/20 (5%) of the share capital and voting rights in
Wärsilä Corporation.

The holdings of Fiskars Corporation are now as follows:

         No of shares % of shares % of votes
A-shares 752 047      0,78%       2,44%
B-shares 65 429       0,07%       0,02%
Total    817 476      0,85%       2,46%

Fiskars Corporation, Business ID: 0214036-5.

Wärtsilä Corporation has today received a notification from Avlis AB,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Fiskars Corporation, that as a result of
share transaction concluded December 20, 2007, the holding of Avlis
AB now is more than 3/20 (15%) of the share capital and more than 1/4
(25%) of the voting rights in Wärtsilä Corporation.

The holdings of Avlis AB are now as follows:

         No of shares % of shares % of votes
A-shares 8 500 000    8,86%       27,58%
B-shares 6 500 000    6,77%       2,11%
Total    15 000 000   15,63%      29,69%

Avlis AB, Business ID 556706-5346

The share capital of Wärtsilä Corporation comprises a total of
95,942,561 shares (23,579,587 A shares and 72,362,974 B shares). The
shares entitle to a total of 308,158,844 votes.
