2012-03-20 07:30:00 CET

2012-03-20 07:30:55 CET

Enska Finnska
Raisio - Tender offer

Raisio’s growth continues with a Polish acquisition

Raisio plc, Stock Exchange Release 20 March 2012, at 8.30 a.m. Finnish time


Raisio will acquire Sulma sp. z o.o.'s pasta and buckwheat groats operations
that include intellectual property rights as well as fixed and current assets.
The value of the deal is EUR 2.4 million (PLN 9.8 million). The purchase price
will be paid in cash and Raisio will not assume liabilities of the acquired
company. With this acquisition, Raisio's growth continues as planned and the
company reinforces its position both in Polish market and in pasta products. 

Sulma is one of the significant Polish pasta brands, particularly in Western
Poland. Other well-known brands of the company are Ideal and Makaron
Nadodrzański. These brands will be transferred to Raisio. In Poland, pasta
products are sold for some EUR 190 million annually. Sulma's range of pasta
products is wide, and consumers value the company's high-quality branded
products. The product range also includes roasted buckwheat, a common side dish
in Poland. 

With the acquisition of Sulma operations, Raisio will get a foothold in the
Polish pasta market, the product range of Raisio's local subsidiary will expand
and its profitability is expected to improve. Through its own sales network and
distribution channels, Raisio aims to expand the market area of Sulma pasta
products to cover the whole country. The acquisition makes it possible to take
advantage of synergies between the Group's market areas. Sulma will be made
part of Raisio's Brands Division's Eastern European operations on 20 March

Sulma sp. z o.o. was founded in 1994 and its production plants are located in
Sulechów, near the city Poznan. At the end of 2011, the company employed 85
people who will be transferred to Raisio as serving employees. The seller of
Sulma operations is the company's founder and Managing Director Teresa
Juśkiewicz-Kowalik. She will not continue at Raisio. Net sales of the acquired
operations totalled EUR 3.9 million (PLN 16.3 million) in the financial year
ending 31 December, 2011. In 2011, the company's net sales increased by 25%
from the previous year. The 2011 figures are unaudited. 

Further information on Sulma's products at www.sulma.pl

Exchange rate on 19 March 2012: EUR 1 = NLP 4.1300


Heidi Hirvonen
Communications and IR Manager
Tel. +358 50 567 3060

Further information: Matti Rihko, CEO, Raisio plc, tel. +358 400 830 727

Raisio plc
Raisio plc is an international specialist in plant-based nutrition. Raisio's
operations are divided into two divisions: Brands and Raisioagro. The Group's
key market areas are Finland, Great Britain, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Poland
and the Baltic Countries. Raisio plc's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
Ltd. In 2011, the Group's net sales totalled EUR 553 million, EBIT was EUR 32
million and balance sheet total EUR 562 million. The Group employs over 1,400
people. Raisio's best-known brands are Benecol, Honey Monster, Elovena,
Carlshamn, Nordic and Raisioagro.