2012-04-12 10:15:00 CEST

2012-04-12 10:15:57 CEST


Sanoma Oyj - Company Announcement

Kiosk operations in Finland, Lithuania and Estonia, and press distribution operations in Estonia and Lithuania to be classified as discontinued operations in 2012 - Group's outlook for 2012 unchanged

Stock Exchange Release 12/4/2012  11:15

On 5 March 2012, Sanoma Corporation announced that it had signed an agreement to
sell its kiosk operations in Finland, Lithuania and Estonia as well as its press
distribution operations in Estonia and Lithuania to the Norwegian Reitan
Servicehandel AS. According to International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) any material divestment that represents a separate major line of business
shall be classified as discontinued operation. Hence, Sanoma has to classify
these operations to be divested as discontinued operations for the 2012
reporting. The discontinued operations are eliminated in the Consolidated Income
Statement and only the result for the period of these discontinued operations
are presented as a separate item after the result for continuing operations.
Accordingly, the Consolidated Income Statement for 2011 has been restated.

The tables with the restated Consolidated Income Statement, Statement of
Comprehensive Income, Income Statement by quarter, segment information, net
sales by business unit, operating profit by segment and operating profit
excluding non-recurring items by segment for 2011 can also be found on Sanoma's
website at www.sanoma.com/archive/files.

Group's outlook for 2012 unchanged

In 2012, Sanoma expects its net sales to grow slightly, mostly due to the
acquired SBS operations in the Netherlands and Belgium. Operating profit margin,
excluding non-recurring items, is estimated to be around 10% of net sales.
Earnings per share excluding non-recurring items are estimated to grow.

Sanoma's net sales and result are affected by the underlying environment,
particularly by the development of advertising markets in the Group's countries
of operation. The 2012 outlook is based on the assumption that the advertising
markets in the Group's main operating countries will vary from stable to
slightly decreasing, as the economic uncertainty continues.

The restated 2011 figures in the tables are unaudited.


 EUR million

                                                   1-3/    1-6/    1-9/   1-12/

 CONTINUING OPERATIONS                             2011    2011    2011    2011

 NET SALES                                        530.2 1,122.8 1,750.2 2,378.1

 Other operating income                             7.0    77.0    87.4   116.5

 Materials and services                           205.5   422.8   651.2   858.2

 Employee benefit expenses                        148.1   300.2   442.8   611.7

 Other operating expenses                         118.7   255.2   394.2   541.3

 Share of results in associated companies                  -0.1    -1.2    -1.2

 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses  37.7    77.5   221.4   309.5
 OPERATING PROFIT                                  27.2   143.9   126.7   172.6

 Share of results in associated companies           1.9     1.8    -1.5    -3.7

 Financial income                                   2.3     3.6     4.6    13.9

 Financial expenses                                 4.7    11.3    24.3    46.6
 RESULT BEFORE TAXES                               26.7   138.0   105.5   136.3

 Income taxes                                      -8.3   -26.7   -48.0   -57.7


 Result for the period from discontinued            0.1     4.7     4.2     7.4
 RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                             18.5   116.0    61.6    86.0

 Result from continuing operations

 attributable to:

 Equity holders of the Parent Company              18.4   111.4    62.2    77.0

 Non-controlling interests                          0.0    -0.1    -4.7     1.5

 Result attributable to:

 Equity holders of the Parent Company              18.5   116.1    66.3    84.5

 Non-controlling interests                          0.0    -0.1    -4.7     1.5

 Equity per share for result attributable

 to equity holders of the Parent company:

 Earnings per share, EUR, continuing operations    0.11    0.68    0.38    0.47

 Diluted earnings per share, EUR, continuing       0.11    0.68    0.38    0.47

 Earnings per share, EUR, discontinued operations  0.00    0.03    0.03    0.05

 Diluted earnings per share, EUR, discontinued     0.00    0.03    0.03    0.05

 Earnings per share, EUR                           0.11    0.71    0.41    0.52

 Diluted earnings per share, EUR                   0.11    0.71    0.41    0.52


 EUR million                                       1-3/    1-6/    1-9/   1-12/

                                                   2011    2011    2011    2011

 Result for the period                             18.5   116.0    61.6    86.0

 Other comprehensive income:

 Change in translation differences                  6.0     6.5   -23.4   -25.6

 Cash flow hedges                                   1.8     0.8    -6.9   -11.7

 Income tax related to cash flow hedges            -0.5    -0.2     1.8     2.9

 Other comprehensive income for the period, net     7.3     7.1   -28.5   -34.4
 of tax
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD         25.8   123.1    33.1    51.6

 Total comprehensive income attributable to:

 Equity holders of the Parent Company              25.9   123.2    37.8    50.1

 Non-controlling interests                          0.0    -0.1    -4.7     1.5


 EUR million

                                                        1-3/  4-6/  7-9/ 10-12/

 CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                  2011  2011  2011   2011

 NET SALES                                             530.2 592.6 627.4  627.9

 Other operating income                                  7.0  70.0  10.4   29.1

 Materials and services                                205.5 217.3 228.4  207.0

 Employee benefit expenses                             148.1 152.1 142.6  168.8

 Other operating expenses                              118.7 136.6 139.0  147.1

 Share of results in associated companies                     -0.1  -1.1

 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses       37.7  39.8 143.9   88.1
 OPERATING PROFIT                                       27.2 116.7 -17.2   46.0

 Share of results in associated companies                1.9  -0.1  -3.2   -2.2

 Financial income                                        2.3   1.4   1.0    9.3

 Financial expenses                                      4.7   6.6  13.1   22.2
 RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                    26.7 111.3 -32.5   30.8

 Income taxes                                           -8.3 -18.4 -21.3   -9.7


 Result for the period from discontinued operations      0.1   4.6  -0.5    3.3
 RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                                  18.5  97.5 -54.4   24.4

 Result from continuing operations

 attributable to:

 Equity holders of the Parent Company                   18.4  92.9 -49.2   14.9

 Non-controlling interests                               0.0  -0.1  -4.6    6.2

 Result attributable to:

 Equity holders of the Parent Company                   18.5  97.5 -49.7   18.1

 Non-controlling interests                               0.0  -0.1  -4.6    6.2

 Equity per share for result attributable

 to equity holders of the Parent company:

 Earnings per share, EUR, continuing operations         0.11  0.57 -0.30   0.09

 Diluted earnings per share, EUR, continuing operation  0.11  0.57 -0.30   0.09

 Earnings per share, EUR, discontinued operations       0.00  0.03  0.00   0.02

 Diluted earnings per share, EUR, discontinued          0.00  0.03  0.00   0.02

 Earnings per share, EUR                                0.11  0.60 -0.31   0.11

 Diluted earnings per share, EUR                        0.11  0.60 -0.31   0.11


The continuing operations of the Group include four reportable segments: Media,
News, Learning and Trade. The segmentation is based on business model and
product differences. Media, operating in 12 countries, is responsible for
magazines and TV operations. Sanoma News is responsible for newspapers in
Finland. Both segments also have a great variety of online and mobile services.
Learning's business is mainly B2B business. In 2012, Trade segment includes the
Trade services in Finland, the bookstore operations in Estonia, and the real
estate and administration operations of the segment. The figures of Trade
segment in 2011 include also the operations that were divested during 2011. In
addition to the Group eliminations column unallocated/eliminations includes
Sanoma Corporation and real estate companies as well as items not allocated to

Segment assets do not include cash and cash equivalents, interest-bearing
receivables and tax receivables. Transactions between segments are based on
market prices.

 Sanoma segments 1.1-31.3.2011



                                    Lear-        elimi- Continuing

 EUR million            Media  News  ning Trade nations operations
 External net sales     290.1 107.7  57.7  74.7    -0.2      530.0

 Internal net sales       1.0   0.6   3.0   7.1   -11.5        0.2

 NET SALES, TOTAL       291.1 108.4  60.7  81.8   -11.7      530.2

 OPERATING PROFIT        22.7  12.9  -5.2   3.3    -6.5       27.2

 Share of results in

 associated companies     1.7   0.0   0.0   0.2                1.9

 Financial income                                   2.3        2.3

 Financial expenses                                 4.7        4.7

 RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                          26.7

 SEGMENT ASSETS       1,808.1 320.8 569.8 258.9    40.3    2,997.9

 Sanoma segments 1.1-30.6.2011



                                    Lear-        elimi- Continuing

 EUR million            Media  News  ning Trade nations operations
 External net sales     612.8 219.5 163.8 126.2    -0.1    1,122.3

 Internal net sales       2.0   1.1   5.4  14.7   -22.7        0.5

 NET SALES, TOTAL       614.8 220.6 169.2 140.9   -22.7    1,122.8

 OPERATING PROFIT        69.7  22.8  22.1  43.1   -13.8      143.9

 Share of results in

 associated companies     2.6   0.5   0.0  -1.3                1.8

 Financial income                                   3.6        3.6

 Financial expenses                                11.3       11.3

 RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                         138.0

 SEGMENT ASSETS       1,830.4 318.7 596.9 153.0    71.1    2,970.1

 Sanoma segments 1.1-30.9.2011



                                    Lear-        elimi- Continuing

 EUR million            Media  News  ning Trade nations operations
 External net sales     967.3 322.6 280.6 179.2    -0.2    1,749.6

 Internal net sales       2.9   1.2   9.8  22.7   -36.0        0.6

 NET SALES, TOTAL       970.2 323.8 290.5 201.9   -36.2    1,750.2

 OPERATING PROFIT        38.8  35.3  39.4  35.0   -21.8      126.7

 Share of results in

 associated companies    -1.0   0.7  -0.1  -1.1               -1.5

 Financial income                                   4.6        4.6

 Financial expenses                                24.3       24.3

 RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                         105.5

 SEGMENT ASSETS       3,048.5 319.8 540.3  84.7    47.8    4,041.2

 Sanoma segments 1.1-31.12.2011



                                    Lear-        elimi- Continuing

 EUR million            Media  News  ning Trade nations operations
 External net sales   1,412.1 434.1 331.9 198.4     0.3    2,376.8

 Internal net sales       3.7   1.7  11.2  30.4   -45.7        1.2

 NET SALES, TOTAL     1,415.8 435.8 343.1 228.7   -45.4    2,378.1

 OPERATING PROFIT        92.0  40.2  16.6  38.9   -15.1      172.6

 Share of results in

 associated companies    -2.5   0.6   0.1  -1.9               -3.7

 Financial income                                  13.9       13.9

 Financial expenses                                46.6       46.6

 RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                         136.3

 SEGMENT ASSETS       3,048.7 320.7 549.0  81.1    47.2    4,046.8


 EUR million                        1-3/  4-6/  7-9/ 10-12/   1-12/

                                    2011  2011  2011   2011    2011


 The Netherlands                   105.3 130.6 174.0  232.2   642.0

 Finland                            74.2  79.4  70.0   86.2   309.7

 Russia & CEE                       51.4  54.3  50.8   56.7   213.1

 Belgium                            50.1  48.7  48.4   61.9   209.1

 Other businesses and eliminations  10.2  10.7  12.3    8.6    41.8
 TOTAL                             291.1 323.7 355.5  445.6 1,415.8


 Helsingin Sanomat                  61.2  61.2  55.3   60.8   238.5

 Ilta-Sanomat                       19.1  22.2  21.6   21.6    84.4

 Other publishing                   23.7  25.0  22.9   25.4    97.0

 Other businesses and eliminations   4.4   3.9   3.4    4.2    15.9
 TOTAL                             108.4 112.2 103.2  112.0   435.8


 Learning                           34.3  87.4 100.2   34.7   256.6

 Language services                   8.7   8.1   7.2    8.4    32.4

 Literature and other businesses    20.1  15.1  13.9   10.4    59.5

 Eliminations                       -2.4  -2.1  -0.1   -0.8    -5.4
 TOTAL                              60.7 108.6 121.2   52.7   343.1


 Kiosk operations                    6.7   6.9   7.3    0.0    20.9

 Trade services                     28.8  27.3  24.4   23.2   103.6

 Bookstores                         24.8  18.8  29.7    3.7    77.0

 Movie operations                   21.9   6.5   0.0    0.0    28.4

 Eliminations                       -0.3  -0.5  -0.4    0.0    -1.2
 TOTAL                              81.8  59.1  61.0   26.9   228.7

 Other companies and eliminations  -11.7 -11.0 -13.5   -9.3   -45.4
 CONTINUING OPERATIONS             530.2 592.6 627.4  627.9 2,378.1


 EUR million                      1-3/  4-6/  7-9/ 10-12/ 1-12/

                                  2011  2011  2011   2011  2011

 Media                            22.7  47.0 -31.0   53.2  92.0

 News                             12.9   9.9  12.5    4.9  40.2

 Learning                         -5.2  27.3  17.3  -22.7  16.6

 Trade                             3.3  39.8  -8.1    3.9  38.9

 Other companies and eliminations -6.5  -7.4  -7.9    6.7 -15.1
 CONTINUING OPERATIONS            27.2 116.7 -17.2   46.0 172.6


 EUR million                      1-3/ 4-6/ 7-9/ 10-12/ 1-12/

                                  2011 2011 2011   2011  2011

 Media                            22.7 37.9 25.8   64.6 151.1

 News                             12.9  9.9 12.5   14.1  49.4

 Learning                         -6.1 29.0 42.4  -19.7  45.5

 Trade                             3.3 -2.9  4.8   -1.4   3.8

 Other companies and eliminations -6.5 -8.4 -7.9   -2.9 -25.7
 CONTINUING OPERATIONS            26.3 65.6 77.6   54.7 224.1

Sanoma Corporation

Kim Ignatius
Chief Financial Officer

Additional information: Sanoma's Investor Relations, Martti Yrjö-Koskinen tel.
+358 105 19 5064 or ir@sanoma.com


Sanoma inspires, informs and connects. As a diversified media group, we bring
information, experiences, education and entertainment to millions of people
every day. We make sure that quality content and interesting products and
services are easily available and meet the demands of our readers, viewers and
listeners. We offer a challenging and interesting working environment for nearly
15,000 people in over 20 countries. In 2011, the Group's net sales totalled EUR
2.7 billion.
