2015-11-05 07:00:00 CET

2015-11-05 07:01:03 CET


Englanti Suomi
Bittium Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Bittium Corporation's interim report January-September 2015

Stock exchange release

Free for publication on November 5, 2015 at 8.00 a.m. (CET+1)

Bittium Corporation's interim report January-September 2015

Net sales of January-September 2015 grew and operating profit improved from the
previous year

In this interim report the Wireless business and corporate functions are
reported as continuing operations and the Automotive business, sold on July
1, 2015, as discontinuing operations. Cash flow includes both continuing and
discontinuing operations.

Changing the name from Elektrobit Corporation to Bittium Corporation became in
force on July 1, 2015. In this interim report the name Bittium is also used in
the events before the name change.

Summary July-September 2015, continuing operations

  * Net sales grew to EUR 11.1 million (EUR 10.0 million, 3Q 2014), representing
    an increase of 11.7 % year-on-year.
  * Operating result was EUR 0.0 million (EUR 1.1 million, 3Q 2014), including
    the non-recurring income of EUR 1.1 million resulting from the
    reorganization cases of the TerreStar Companies.
  * Net cash flow was EUR 575.5 million (EUR 9.8 million, 3Q 2014, including
    both continuing and discontinuing operations).  Net cash flow includes the
    cash flow resulting from the sale of the Automotive business and the cash
    flow of the cancelled demerger process.
  * Earnings per share were EUR 0.001 (EUR 0.009, 3Q 2014).
  * The number of Bittium's shares increased by altogether 277 005 new shares
    subscribed by virtue of the stock option rights 2008C. At the end of the
    period, the number of shares in Bittium Corporation totaled 132 818 030.

  * The sale of the Automotive business was closed on July 1, 2015, as the
    closing conditions, such as the approval of the Extraordinary General
    Meeting, receipt of the required authority approvals and other customary
    closing conditions was fulfilled. The purchase price of the transaction was
    EUR 600 million, which was fully paid in cash upon the closing of the
  * As the transaction was closed, the name of the Company was changed to
    Bittium Corporation, Bittium Oyj in Finnish, registered in the trade
    register and the new trading code in the stock exchange changed from July
    2, 2015 onwards to BITTI.
  * On July 1, 2015, due to the sale of the Automotive business and the change
    of the company name on July 1, 2015, the Board of Directors of Bittium
    updated the company's strategic guidelines.
  * On August 6, 2015 Bittium Corporation announced that it is planning to
    distribute the net proceeds from the sale of its Automotive business, a
    maximum of EUR 595 million, to its shareholders in the first instance by
    repurchasing own shares in a voluntary public tender offer directed to all
    shareholders of the company. On August 6, 2015 the Board of Directors of
    Bittium Corporation also decided upon nominations and changes in the
    company's management. Hannu Huttunen, M.Sc. (Econ.) was appointed CEO of
    Bittium Corporation as of August 7, 2015. The contract of Bittium's current
    CEO Jukka Harju terminated on August 6, 2015 by mutual consent.
  * On August 24, 2015 Bittium announced its plans to repurchase its own shares
    and stock options for a total purchase price of approximately EUR 595
    million in a voluntary public tender offer directed to all shareholders and
    holders of stock options 2008C of the Company.
  * As part of the arrangement to distribute the net proceeds from the sale of
    its Automotive business to its shareholders, Bittium Corporation published
    its interim financial statements from the period of January 1 - July
    1, 2015, and gave notice to convene an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting to
    decide upon the repurchase of the company's own shares and stock options
    2008C entitling to shares by means of a voluntary public tender offer made
    to all shareholders and holders of stock options 2008C.
  * The Extraordinary General Meeting of Bittium Corporation, held on September
    14, 2015 decided on the repurchase of own shares and stock options. The
    offer period of the Offer commenced on September 25, 2015 at 9.30. a.m.
    (Finnish time) and expired on October 16, 2015 at 4.00 p.m. (Finnish time).
    The offer price of a Share was EUR 5.06 for a Share, and it was paid in cash
    for each Share validly tendered in accordance with the terms and conditions
    of the Offer. The offer price of a Stock Option was EUR 4.51 for a Stock
    Option, and it was paid in cash for each Stock Option validly tendered in
    accordance with the terms and conditions of the Offer.
  * In addition the Extraordinary General Meeting of Bittium Corporation decided
    on election of new members of the Board of Directors. Kirsi Komi, Juha
    Putkiranta and Seppo Mäkinen were elected as new members of the Board of
    Directors for a term commencing on November 5, 2015 and continuing until the
    close of the next Annual General Meeting. The new members of the Board of
    Directors replace the previous members of the Board of Directors Jorma
    Halonen, Juha Hulkko and Seppo Laine, who had notified that they will leave
    the Board of Directors when the term of the new members commences.

 GROUP (MEUR)                                       7-9/2015 7-9/2014      2014
 Continuing operations                              3 months 3 months 12 months
 NET SALES                                              11.1     10.0     52.7*
 Change of net sales, %                                11.7%   -13.5%   -13.7 %
 OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS                                 0.0      1.1       0.8
 Operating profit / loss, % of net sales                0.2%    10.4%     1.5 %
 Operating profit / loss without non-recurring           0.0     -0.1       0.3
 EBITDA                                                  0.6      1.7       3.1
 CASH AND OTHER LIQUID ASSETS                          617.5     40.7      43.3
 EQUITY RATIO (%)                                      97.9%    64.0%    62.3 %
 EARNINGS PER SHARE (EUR)                              0.001    0.009     0.010

*) Continuing operations include the previously reported Wireless business and
corporate functions. Net sales from the continuing operations does not include
the previously reported net sales of the Wireless Business Segment resulting
from the internal sales from the Wireless Business Segment to the Automotive
Business Segment.

Summary January-September 2015, continuing operations

  * Net sales grew to EUR 41.6 million (EUR 36.6 million, 1-9 2014), an increase
    of 13.7 % year-on-year.
  * Operating profit was EUR 1.5 million (operating loss of EUR -1.0 million,
    1-9 2014, including the non-recurring income of EUR 1.1 million resulting
    from the reorganization cases of the TerreStar Companies).
  * Net cash flow was EUR 574.2 million (EUR -2.3 million, 1-9 2014).  Net cash
    flow includes the dividend payment of EUR 5.3 million in April, the cash
    flow of the Automotive business until June 30, 2015, as well as the cash
    flows related to the sale of the Automotive business and cancelled demerger
  * Earnings per share were EUR 0.009 (EUR -0.008, 1-9 2014).
  * The number of Bittium's shares increased by altogether 1 324 886 new shares
    subscribed by virtue of the stock option rights 2008B and 2008C. At the end
    of the period, the number of shares in Bittium Corporation totaled
    132 818 030.

 GROUP (MEUR)                                       1-9/2015 1-9/2014      2014
 Continuing operations                              9 months 9 months 12 months
 NET SALES                                              41.6     36.6     52.7*
 Change of net sales, %                                13.7%   -14.6%    -13.7%
 OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS                                 1.5     -1.0       0.8
 Operating profit / loss, % of net sales                3.6%    -2.7%     1.5 %
 Operating profit / loss without non-recurring           1.5     -2.1       0.3
 EBITDA                                                  3.2      0.8       3.1
 CASH AND OTHER LIQUID ASSETS                          617.5     40.7      43.3
 EQUITY RATIO (%)                                      97.9%    64.0%     62.3%
 EARNINGS PER SHARE (EUR)                              0.009   -0.008     0.010

*) Continuing operations include the previously reported Wireless business and
corporate functions. Net sales from the continuing operations does not include
the previously reported net sales of the Wireless Business Segment resulting
from the internal sales from the Wireless Business Segment to the Automotive
Business Segment.

Bittium's CEO Hannu Huttunen"Third  quarter was our first  quarterly period as Bittium.  The new name of the
company  has been well-accepted  among our customers,  personnel and other stake
holders.  Our identity builds on being Nordic,  Finnish Company, on trust and on
our  competence  grown  during  our  long  history.  The new visual identity and
focusing  our business in  communication and connectivity  solutions has created
positive interest towards Bittium.

After  the sale of the Automotive business Bittium focuses on utilizing wireless
technologies.  Our competitiveness is based on  extensive and strong know-how in
radio  technology, embedded software, electronics  and product integration. This
competence  results  from  our  long-term  cooperation with world leading mobile
communication  technology companies, Finnish Defence Forces and other technology

In  the third quarter the net sales grew by 11.7 per cent from previous year and
was  EUR 11.1 million.  The share  of the  product-based net  sales was EUR 2.4
million,  representing slight growth from previous year (EUR 1.9 million 3Q14).
Operating  result  was  EUR  0.0 million.  The  operating  result was negatively
affected  somewhat by the  re-organizing costs after  the sale of the Automotive
business  and bigger corporate costs directed  to the continuing operations than
in  corresponding period last year. Variations  in the operating results between
the  quarters are quite extensive in our business operations resulting above all
by the timing of product deliveries. In addition, vacation periods in the summer
time create variations in the operating results between the quarters.

In January-September, the net sales grew by 13.7 per cent from previous year and
was  EUR 41.6 million. Operating profit was EUR 1.5 million, which was generated
during  the first half of  the year. Both net  sales and operating result of the
period are according to our expectations.

During  the third  quarter, as  part of  the arrangement  to distribute  the net
proceeds  from  the  sale  of  the  Automotive  business to our shareholders, we
started  the  process  of  repurchasing  our  own  shares and stock options in a
voluntary  public tender  offer directed  to all  shareholders and  stock option
holders.  It was  executed during  October and  as a  result, the company's cash
flows and the shareholders equity decreased by EUR 493 million.

Bittium continues its R&D investments to its own products and platforms and aims
at growing the net sales especially in the international defense and authorities
markets.  Our most  significant R&D  investment is  related to the Bittium Tough
Mobile  LTE smartphone, directed  to public safety  and authorities markets. The
R&D  phase of the phone  is at the final  stage and the first product deliveries
will  be already during this year. The authorities markets are slowly developing
markets  by their  nature and  the sale  of Bittium  Tough Mobile is expected to
develop steady along the market development pace.

We  continued our efforts to bring our defense market targeted product portfolio
to  the  international  defense  markets,  and  delivered  our first small pilot
delivery  of our tactical wireless IP network system for our customer abroad. As
stated  earlier, the defense sales  cycles are long by  their nature and winning
significant  deals takes  several years.  We have  also continued our successful
cooperation  with  Finnish  Defence  Forces.  The  demand  for  our R&D services
remained steady during the period.

The  growing need for wireless connectivity, increasingly growing amount of data
transfer  and  need  for  secure  data  transfer  create  demand  for  Bittium's
competence,  products and product platforms, and  Bittium has good conditions to
continue its growth also in the future."

Outlook for 2015

The  2015 business outlook  remains unchanged.  The demand  for R&D services and
products is expected to develop positively especially in the authorities markets
and in various applications where wireless connectivity is needed.

For  the year 2015 Bittium expects that from continuing operations the net sales
will  grow and operating profit will be at  the same level or higher than in the
previous  year  for  the  Wireless  business  (net sales of EUR 53.0 million and
operating profit of EUR 1.0 million in 2014). The outlook includes approximately
EUR  1.0 million more corporate  functions' costs for  the second half of 2015,
since  these costs will no longer be  shared with the Automotive business due to
the sale of the Automotive business.

The  operating profit outlook  above does not  include non-recurring profits and
costs  related to the  sale of the  Automotive business or  the demerger process
that   was  cancelled.  These  are  reported  as  part  of  the  result  of  the
discontinuing   operations.  The  company  specifies  that  the  transaction  is
estimated to have approximately EUR 532 million positive non-recurring effect on
Bittium's net profit for the full year 2015.

More  information about  Bittium's market  outlook is  presented in  the section"market outlook" in this interim report.

More information about other uncertainties regarding the outlook is presented in
this  interim report  sections "Risks  and uncertainties"  and "Events after the
review period", as well as on the company's internet pages at www.bittium.com.

Invitation to a press conference

Bittium  will hold  a press  conference on  the interim report January-September
2015 for  media,  analysts  and  institutional  investors  in  Restaurant Savoy,
Eteläesplanadi  14, Helsinki, Finland,  on Thursday  November 5, 2015 at 9.30 am

Bittium  will also hold a telephone conference  on the same day at 10.30 am. The
dial-in number for the conference call is +44 203 059 8125, confirmation code is"Bittium".  The  conference  can  be  followed  also  live  as an audio webcast,
accessible  at www.bittium.com/investors.  The  conference call will  be held in

A recording of the audio webcast and the presentation will be available after
the conference on Bittium's website at www.bittium.com/investors.


Bittium is specialized in developing reliable and secure communications and
connectivity solutions using the latest technologies and deep knowledge on radio
technology. Bittium provides innovative products and customized solutions based
on its product platforms, and R&D services for customers in various industries.
Bittium also offers high quality information security solutions for mobile
devices and portable computers. Net sales of continuing operations in 2014 was
EUR 52.7 million and operating profit was EUR 0.8 million. Bittium is listed on
Nasdaq Helsinki. www.bittium.com

Bittium Corporation Interim Report January-September 2015

In this interim report the Wireless business and corporate functions are
reported as continuing operations and the Automotive business, sold on July
1, 2015, as discontinuing operations. Cash flow includes both continuing and
discontinuing operations.

Changing the name from Elektrobit Corporation to Bittium Corporation became in
force on July 1, 2015. In this interim report the name Bittium is also used in
the events before the name change.

Financial performance in January-September 2015

Bittium's net sales during January-September 2015 grew by 13.7 per cent year-on-year  to EUR 41.6 million (EUR 36.6 million,  1-9 2014). The growth in net sales
was mainly driven by the deliveries of special terminal products and related R&D
services as well as other products for authorities use.

The  share of the product-based net sales was EUR 11.2 million (EUR 7.8 million,
1-9 2014), which  resulted mainly  from the  product deliveries  of the tactical
communication  system to the Finnish Defence Forces and from a similar but small
pilot  system delivery for  a customer abroad,  as well as  from the delivery of
other terminal products for the authority use.

Operating  profit was  EUR 1.5 million  including the  costs of  EUR 0.4 million
resulting  from  the  name  change  of  the  company (operating loss of EUR -1.0
million, 1-9 2014, including a non-recurring income of EUR 1.1 million resulting
from  the reorganization cases of the TerreStar companies). The operating result
improved  from the  previous year  due to  the growth  in net sales and improved
gross margin.

 consolidated statement of comprehensive income, meur       1-9/2015 1-9/2014
                                                            9 months 9 months
   Net sales                                                    41.6     36.6
   Operating profit / loss                                       1.5     -1.0
   Financial income and expenses                                -0.3     -0.0
   Result before tax                                             1.2     -1.0
 RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                                         539.6      6.2
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                     539.7      6.6

 Result for the period attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent                                539.6      6.2
   Non-controlling interests
 Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent                                539.7      6.6
   Non-controlling interests

 Earnings per share from continuing operations, EUR            0.009   -0.008

  * Cash flow from operating activities was EUR 1.8 million (EUR 5.1 million,
    1-9 2014). The cash flow includes the operating cash flow of the Automotive
    business until June 30, 2015.
  * Net cash flow was EUR 574.2 million (EUR -2.3 million, 1-9 2014). Net cash
    flow includes the dividend payment of EUR 5.3 million in April and the cash
    flow of the Automotive business until June 30, 2015, as well as the cash
    flows related to the sale of the Automotive business and cancelled demerger
  * Equity ratio was 97.9 % (64.0 %, September 30, 2014).
  * Net gearing was -97.9 % (-38.9 %, September 30, 2014).
  * The figures mentioned above are essentially affected by the sale of the
    Automotive business and thereof received net proceeds.

Quarterly figures

 GROUPS NET SALES AND OPERATING RESULT,           3Q/15 2Q/15 1Q/15 4Q/14 3Q/14
 Net sales                                         11.1  15.3  15.1  16.1  10.0
 Operating profit (loss)                            0.0   1.0   0.5   1.8   1.1
 Operating profit (loss) without non-recurring      0.0   1.0   0.5   2.4  -0.1
 Result before taxes                                0.1   0.8   0.4   1.6   1.2
 Result for the period                              0.1   0.8   0.4   2.4   1.2

Non-recurring items

Non-recurring  items are  exceptional gains  and losses  that are not related to
normal  business operations and  occur only seldom.  These items include capital
gains  or losses,  significant changes  in asset  values such  as write-downs or
reversals  of write-downs, significant restructuring  costs, or other items that
the  management considers to  be non-recurring. When  evaluating a non-recurring
item,  the euro translation  value of the  item is considered,  and in case of a
change in an asset value, it is measured against the total value of the asset.

In 2014 the following non-recurring items were included:  * Non-recurring income of approximately EUR 1.1 million in the Wireless
    Business Segment resulting from the reorganization cases of TerreStar
    companies during the third quarter of 2014; and
  * A total of EUR 0.6 million of non-recurring costs resulting from the
    Wireless Business Segment's personnel layoffs and from the acquisition costs
    of SafeMove during the last quarter of 2014;

 Asia                                          0.1    0.1    0.0    0.2    0.0
                                             0.6 %  0.6 %  0.2 %  1.5 %  0.0 %
 Americas                                      0.2    0.8    2.1    0.6    0.7
                                             1.6 %  5.2 % 14.2 %  3.5 %  6.6 %
 Europe                                       10.9   14.4   13.0   15.3    9.3
                                            97.8 % 94.2 % 85.6 % 94.9 % 93.3 %

Research and development

Bittium  continued its R&D investments in  products and product platforms mainly
for the defense and public safety markets.

The  total R&D  investments during  January-September 2015 were  EUR 5.4 million
(EUR   4.9 million,  1-9 2014), equaling  to  13.0% of  the  net  sales  (13.3%,
1-9 2014).

EUR   2.7 million   of   R&D  investments  were  capitalized  (EUR  1.3 million,
1-9 2014). The  amount of  capitalized R&D  investments at  the end of September
2015 was  EUR 5.1 million  (EUR 1.5 million,  September 30, 2014). A significant
part  of these capitalized R&D investments is  related to the development of the
Bittium  Tough Mobile  product. Depreciations  of R&D  investments were EUR 0.1
million during the reporting period (EUR 0.1 million, 1-9 2014).

The  total negative effect, caused by  the research and development investments,
their  capitalizations  and  depreciation,  on  Bittium's  income  statement  in
January-September 2015, was EUR -2.8 million (EUR -3.7 million, 1-9 2014).

Business development in July-September 2015

Bittium's  net sales during  July-September 2015 grew by  11.7 per cent year-on-
year to EUR 11.1 million (EUR 10.0 million, 7-9 2014). The share of the product-
based  net sales was EUR 2.4 million (EUR 1.9 million, 7-9 2014), which resulted
mainly  from the product deliveries of  the tactical communication system to the
Finnish  Defence Forces and from a similar but small pilot system delivery for a
customer abroad, as well as from the delivery of other terminal products for the
authority use.

Operating  profit  during  July-September  2015 was  EUR  0.0 million  (EUR 1.1
million, 7-9 2014, including EUR 1.1 million non-recurring income resulting from
the reorganization cases of the TerreStar Companies).

Bittium continues its R&D investments for its own products and product platforms
and  aims at growing its net sales especially from the international defense and
other  authorities markets. R&D  investments in the  third quarter were EUR 1.5
million   (EUR   1.5 million,   7-9 2014). R&D  investments  mainly  focused  on
developing  the  Bittium  Tough  Mobile,  a  high security level LTE smartphone,
targeted  mainly for the demanding authority use.  Its R&D phase is at the final
stage  and the first product  deliveries will be made  already during this year.
The  authorities markets are  slowly developing markets  by their nature and the
sale  of Bittium  Tough Mobile  is expected  to develop  steady along the market
development pace.

The  demand  for  Bittium's  R&D  services  for  mobile infrastructure customers
continued  stable during the third quarter of the year. The demand was driven by
the  use of  LTE technology  and the  need to  develop low  power and micro base

Bittium  continued its efforts  in bringing its  defense market targeted product
portfolio  to the international  defense markets, and  delivered the first small
pilot delivery of its tactical wireless IP network system for a customer abroad.
The  defense market sales cycles are long  by its nature and winning significant
deals  takes several  years. Also  the deliveries  of our tactical communication
products,  systems and services  to the Finnish  Defence Forces continued during
the  third quarter. We also continued  our good cooperation with Finnish Defence
Forces in developing our tactical communication system.

The development of the three mobile devices for Mexican government authority has
been  started.  Due  to  the  failed  launch  of customer's first satellite, the
overall  project schedule is expected to be delayed from the original. Over half
of the contract revenue is expected to materialize during 2016.

During  the reporting period, Bittium participated in the Comprehensive Security
exhibition  in Tampere, Finland, as well as in the DSEI 2015 exhibition targeted
for defense industry in London, UK, where we presented our products targeted for
defense and authorities customers.

Significant events during the reporting period

A  total  of  1 324 886 new  shares  in  Bittium  Corporation (former Elektrobit
Corporation)  were subscribed  between December  15, 2014 and August 17, 2015 by
virtue  of the option rights 2008B and  2008C. The share subscription price, EUR
808,698.10, was  recorded in the Company's  invested non-restricted equity fund.
The  corresponding increase  in the  number of  the Company's shares was entered
into  the Finnish Trade Register on  February 6, April 14, June 24 and September
1, 2015. Shareholder  rights  by  virtue  of  the  new shares commence as of the
abovementioned registration entry date. Trading with the newly registered shares
started  on February  9, April 15, June  25 and September  2, 2015 in NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki  Ltd. After the registration of the new shares, the number of shares in
Elektrobit Corporation's totals 132,818,030.

On  January 2, 2015 a subsidiary of Bittium Corporation acquired 100 per cent of
the shares of Birdstep Technology Oy, which was a fully owned Finnish subsidiary
of  Birdstep Technology  ASA, based  in Norway.  The acquired company's SafeMove
business  provides its customers high quality information security solutions for
mobile   devices  and  portable  computers.  The  acquisition  strengthened  the
competitiveness  of Bittium as a provider  of secure communication solutions for
defence,   safety  and  other  authorities  markets.  Birdstep  Technology  Oy's
(SafeMove  Oy from 2nd of January 2015 onwards) net sales was EUR 2.5 million in
2013 and  in  2014 EUR  2.9 million.  The  company employs 19 persons located in
Espoo,  Finland.  The  debt  free  cash  purchase price was EUR 1.8 million. The
acquisition  had no significant impact on Bittium's balance sheet, net sales and
financial position.

The  Board of Directors  of Bittium Corporation  approved on February 18, 2015 a
plan  for partial  demerger of  the company  and the  listing of the new Bittium
Corporation as a separate entity at Nasdaq Helsinki. Simultaneously the Board of
Directors  updated the strategic guidelines and  financial targets for the years
2015 -2017.  Based on the  demerger plan, the  assets and liabilities related to
Elektrobit  Corporation's  Wireless  Business  Segment  would  be transferred to
Bittium  Corporation, a new entity that would  be listed at Nasdaq Helsinki. The
Automotive  Business  Segment  would  remain  as  a  part of the then Elektrobit
Corporation,  which would continue  its listing at  Nasdaq Helsinki. The partial
demerger would have been approved by an extraordinary general meeting, which was
planned to be held on June 11, 2015. The planned effective date for the demerger
would have been June 30, 2015. The partial demerger process was cancelled on May
19, 2015 as  the company announced its plans  to sell the Automotive business to
Continental AG.

On  April  29, 2015 a  notice  has  been  given  to  the shareholders of Bittium
Corporation  to an Extraordinary General Meeting that  was planned to be held on
Thursday, 11 June 2015.

On  May  2, 2015 Bittium  Corporation  announced  that  its  subsidiary  Bittium
Wireless  Ltd  and  the  Ministry  of  Mexican  Communication and Transportation
(Secreteria  de Comunicaciones y Transportes, SCT) signed an agreement regarding
the  development of three  types of Android-based  L-band mobile devices for the
SCT's   Mexsat  program.  These  mobile  devices  will  be  based  on  Bittium's
Specialized  Device  Platform,  a  customized  Android-based  platform  designed
especially  for  public  safety  and  cyber  security markets. The value of this
development  agreement  was  approximately  USD  21.9 million (approximately EUR
19.5 million  as  per  exchange  rate  of  April 30, 2015) with revenues will be
recognized   gradually  in  2015 and  2016 depending  on  the  progress  of  the
development  work.  More  than  half  of  the  contract  value is expected to be
recognized as revenue during 2016.

The Extraordinary General Meeting held on September 14, 2015 decided on election
of  new members of the Board of Directors. Kirsi Komi, Juha Putkiranta and Seppo
Mäkinen  were  elected  as  new  members  of  the  Board of Directors for a term
commencing on November 5, 2015 and continuing until the close of the next Annual
General  Meeting. The new members of the Board of Directors replace the previous
members  of the Board of  Directors Jorma Halonen, Juha  Hulkko and Seppo Laine,
who  had notified that they  will leave the Board  of Directors when the term of
the new members commences.

The sale of the Automotive business to Continental AG and the related changes

On May 19, Bittium Corporation (former Elektrobit Corporation) announced it will
sell  its Automotive business to Continental AG for a purchase price of EUR 600
million.   The   share  purchase  agreement  was  signed  on  May  18, 2015. The
transaction was expected to close in the beginning of July 2015. The Transaction
comprised the sale of Elektrobit Automotive GmbH and its subsidiaries, including
its  51 per cent ownership in e.solutions  GmbH, a jointly owned company between
Elektrobit Automotive GmbH and Audi Electronics Venture GmbH. Simultaneously the
company  cancelled the ongoing demerger process,  and announced it will continue
to  carry on  its Wireless  business within  its existing Elektrobit Corporation
(currently  Bittium Corporation). The company also  announced to change its name
to  Bittium Corporation, as the  Elektrobit brand will be  included as a part of
the  transaction. In addition the company  updated its outlook for 2015 based on
the  assumption that the sale of the Automotive business will materialize in the
beginning of July.

The  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  of  Bittium Corporation (former Elektrobit
Corporation),  which  was  held  on  June  11, 2015, approved  the  sale  of the
Automotive  business to Continental AG according to Board of Director's proposal
and  recommendation. The Extraordinary  General Meeting also  resolved to change
section 1 of the Company's Articles of Association and the name of the company.

The  transaction was  closed on  July 1, 2015 as  the closing  conditions of the
transaction,  such as the  approval of Bittium's  Extraordinary General Meeting,
receipt  of  the  required  authority  approvals  and  other  customary  closing
conditions  were  fulfilled.  The  purchase  price  of the transaction, EUR 600
million, was fully paid in cash upon the closing of the transaction.

As  the transaction was closed,  the name of the  company was changed to Bittium
Corporation,  Bittium Oyj in Finnish, and the  name change was registered in the
trade  register  on  July  1, 2015. The  company  will  continue to carry on its
Wireless business and will continue to be listed on NASDAQ Helsinki with its new
name.  Bittium's  new  trading  code  in  the  stock exchange is BITTI from July
2, 2015 on.

On  July 1, Bittium stated that the outlook for 2015 has been updated due to the
sale  of the  Automotive business  and the  change of  the company  name on July
1, 2015. Outlook  regarding the net sales and  operating result remains the same
as  given  in  the  outlook  in  the  stock  exchange  release  published on May
19, 2015. It  was estimated  that the  transaction has  a non-recurring positive
effect of approximately EUR 530 million on net profit and approximately EUR 575
million positive effect on net cash flow of the Bittium group in the year 2015.

On  July 1, Bittium updated its strategic guidelines and outlook for 2015 due to
the  sale of the Automotive business and the change of the company name. Bittium
carries on its Wireless business according to the announcements made on February
19, 2015, and  according to the  strategic guidelines and  financial targets for

On  August  6, as  a  result  from  the  sale of the Automotive business on July
1, 2015, the  Board  of  Directors  of  Bittium  Corporation  has  decided  upon
nominations  and  changes  in  the  company's  management. Hannu Huttunen, M.Sc.
(Econ.)  has been appointed CEO of Bittium Corporation as of August 7, 2015. The
contract  of Bittium's current  CEO Jukka Harju  terminated on August 6, 2015 by
mutual consent, and he did not continue at Bittium after August 2015.

The  company also announced,  that as of  August 7, 2015 the corporate functions
and  Wireless  Business  Segment's  functions  will  be merged and the following
persons  will  make  the  company's  new  management  team:  Hannu Huttunen, CEO
(chairman);  Veli-Pekka Paloranta, CFO;  Kari Jokela, CLO;  Jari Sankala, Senior
Vice President, Sales; Karoliina Fyrstén, Director, Corporate Communications and
Marketing,   heads  of  product  and  services  areas:  Harri  Romppainen,  Vice
President,   Defense;  Klaus  Mäntysaari,  Vice  President,  Telecom;  and  Sami
Kotkajuuri,  Vice President,  Connectivity; Jari-Pekka  Innanen, Vice President,
Engineering  and Arto Pietilä, Senior Vice President, Operations. CFO Veli-Pekka
Paloranta  has  decided  to  move  to  another  company in November 2015 and has
resigned  from Bittium. He will continue  as Bittium's CFO until November 2015.
M.Sc.  (econ.)  LL.M.  Pekka  Kunnari  has  been  appointed  as  CFO  of Bittium
Corporation as of beginning of November 2015. It was also decided that the Board
of  Directors  of  the  Wireless  Business  Segment  will be discontinued, since
Bittium  now focuses on one  business and there is  no need for another board in
addition to the Board of Directors of Bittium Corporation.

On August 6, Bittium also told that it plans to distribute the net proceeds from
the  sale  of  its  Automotive  business,  a  maximum of EUR 595 million, to its
shareholders  in the  first instance  by repurchasing  own shares in a voluntary
public  tender offer directed to all  shareholders of the company. The technical
analyses  regarding  the  execution  of  the  possible  public  tender offer was
continued  and also other possible  ways to carry out  the distribution of funds
was  also  being  evaluated  simultaneously,  and  at  that  moment there was no
certainty  on which distribution method the  Board of Directors would propose to
the  Extraordinary General Meeting.  The planned distribution  of funds required
preparation  of separate  interim accounts,  after the  completion of  which the
Board  of Directors was expected to decide  on the proposal to the Extraordinary
General  Meeting regarding the distribution method and the amount of funds to be
distributed during the second half of August 2015.

On  August 24, Bittium told that it is planning to repurchase its own shares and
stock  options for a total purchase price  of approximately EUR 595 million in a
voluntary  public tender offer directed to all shareholders and holders of stock
options  2008C of the Company. The  offer would be made  at market price and the
consideration  offered would be determined as  the volume weighted average price
of the share based on transactions in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd over the five days
preceding  the acceptance of the offer document  rounded to the nearest full EUR
cent. The offer would be made for a maximum of 124,747,351 Shares, corresponding
approximately  to 94.1 per cent of all the shares  in the Company on the date of
this  release.  The  offer  would  also  be  made for a maximum of 252,648 stock
options.  The offer  would be  executed only  for the  part of the consideration
payable  for the shares amounting up  to EUR 593,797,392.67 in the aggregate and
for  the  stock  options  amounting  up  to EUR 1,202,607.33 in the aggregate. A
shareholder  or a holder of stock options had the option to accept the offer for
all  the shares and/or stock options owned by  him/her or for a number of shares
and/or stock options of his/her choosing per each book-entry account.

On  August 24, the company gave a notice to its shareholders to an Extraordinary
General  Meeting to  on the  repurchase of  the company's  own shares  and stock
options  2008C entitling to shares  by means of  a voluntary public tender offer
made  to all  shareholders and  holders of  stock options  2008C. As part of the
arrangement  to  distribute  the  net  proceeds  from the sale of its Automotive
business  to  its  shareholders,  Bittium  Corporation also prepared its interim
financial statements from the period of January 1 - July 1, 2015.

The  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  of  Bittium Corporation, held on September
14, 2015, decided in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors that
the  Company repurchases  its own  shares and  stock options  2008C entitling to
shares  by means of a voluntary public tender offer made to all shareholders and
holders of stock options.

On  September 22, the  company announced  that its  public tender  offer for own
shares  and  stock  options  will  commence  on September 25, 2015 and expire on
October  16, 2015. The offer  price for  a share  was EUR  5.06 and for  a stock
option  EUR 4.51. The share offer price was,  in accordance with the decision of
the  Company's  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  held on September 14, 2015, the
volume  weighted average price  per share based  on transactions in the official
list  of  Nasdaq  Helsinki  Ltd  during  the  five  trading  days  preceding the
acceptance  of the offer document (between September, 15 - September 21, 2015),
rounded  to the  nearest full  euro cent.  The offer  document, accepted  by the
Finnish  Financial Supervisory Authority, was available from September 23, 2015
onwards on the company's internet pages.

At  the end  of the  January-September 2015 interim  period the offer period was
ongoing  and the company had no information  on the results of the tender offer.
As  part of the  tender offer, the  distribution of the  net proceedings and the
shares   becoming   null  and  void  was  finalized  on  November  4, 2015. More
information in this interim report, chapter "events after the review period", or
from  the stock exchange releases, published  on the company's internet pages at

Outlook for 2015

The  2015 business outlook  remains unchanged.  The demand  for R&D services and
products is expected to develop positively especially in the authorities markets
and in various applications where wireless connectivity is needed.

For  the year 2015 Bittium expects that from continuing operations the net sales
will  grow and operating profit will be at  the same level or higher than in the
previous  year  for  the  Wireless  business  (net sales of EUR 53.0 million and
operating profit of EUR 1.0 million in 2014). The outlook includes approximately
EUR  1.0 million more corporate  functions' costs for  the second half of 2015,
since  these costs will no longer be  shared with the Automotive business due to
the sale of the Automotive business.

The  operating profit outlook  above does not  include non-recurring profits and
costs  related to the  sale of the  Automotive business or  the demerger process
that   was  cancelled.  These  are  reported  as  part  of  the  result  of  the
discontinuing   operations.  The  company  specifies  that  the  transaction  is
estimated to have approximately EUR 532 million positive non-recurring effect on
Bittium's net profit for the full year 2015.

More  information about  Bittium's market  outlook is  presented in  the section"market outlook" in this interim report.

More information about other uncertainties regarding the outlook is presented in
this  interim report  sections "Risks  and uncertainties"  and "Events after the
review period", as well as on the company's internet pages at www.bittium.com.

Market outlook

Bittium's customers operate in various industries, each of them having their own
industry  specific factors driving  the demand. A  common factor creating demand
among  the whole  customer base  is the  growing need  for even higher speed and
higher quality data transfer.

The  following factors are expected to  create demand for Bittium's products and
services in 2015 and beyond:

  * In the mobile infrastructure equipment market the use of LTE technology is
    expected to continue strong. This creates the need for services for LTE base
    station development. There is a wide range of frequencies allocated for LTE
    globally thus creating the need to develop multiple products to cover the
    market and creating demand for R&D services for development of product
  * The trend of using new commercial technologies, such as LTE, smart phones
    and applications, is expected to continue in special verticals such as
    public safety. The specific LTE frequency band allocations for authorities
    create demand for customized LTE devices, such as Bittium's specialized
    terminals communication modules. Bittium Tough Mobile secure LTE smart phone
    creates the basis for new customer orders in the markets for public
    authorities and mobile safety phones.
  * Due to the long history in developing smart phones and mobile communication
    devices, Bittium is in a good position to offer solutions, where e.g.
    mastering of multi-radio technologies and end-to-end system architectures
    covering both terminals and networks is needed.
  * The demand for safety devices is expected to grow in the near future.
    Bittium SafeMove product family is expected to increase the performance and
    suitability in information security markets.
  * IoT (Internet of Things) has become a significant development area in many
    industries. The need for Bittium's IoT platform and integration capability
    based customized solutions is generated by the increasing need by companies
    for connected devices for business or consumer use, such as various wearable
    devices and solutions, implementing industry's mobile applications and
    connecting devices both with internet services as well as with other
  * In the tactical defense communication market the need for larger amounts of
    information data grows, generating demand for broadband networks, such as
    Bittium's IP (Internet Protocol) based tactical communications solutions.
The  general  cost  savings  of  the mobile telecommunications network equipment
companies  is reflected  as increasing  price competition  in the  R&D services.
Despite of that the demand for Bittium's R&D services has remained steady during

Bittium continues the product development related to the Finnish Defence Forces'
Command  and Control  system, and  aims at  bringing its defence market targeted
products  and services also  to the international  defense markets. The defense,
national  safety and  other authority  markets are  slowly developing markets by
their  nature. They are characterized by  long sales cycles driven by purchasing
programs  of national  governments, and  the purchases  of the selected products
take place over several years.

Risks and uncertainties

Bittium  has identified  a number  of business,  market and finance related risk
factors and uncertainties that can affect the level of sales and profits.

Market risks

In  the ongoing  financial period,  global economic  uncertainty may  affect the
demand  for Bittium's services,  solutions and products  and provide pressure on
e.g.  pricing. In the short term such uncertainty may affect, in particular, the
utilization and chargeability levels and average hourly prices of R&D services.

As  Bittium's customer base consists mainly  of companies operating in the field
of  telecommunication and defense and public  safety authorities, the company is
exposed  to market changes in these  industries. A significant part of Bittium's
net   sales   accumulates   from  selling  R&D  services  to  a  certain  mobile
communications equipment manufacturer and from selling products and R&D services
to  the Finnish  Defence Forces.  Deviation in  anticipated business development
with  such customer concentrations  may translate as  a significant deviation in
the  Bittium's outlook, both in terms of  net sales and operating result, during
the  ongoing  financial  period  and  thereafter.  Bittium  seeks  to expand its
customer base on a longer term and reduce dependence on individual companies and
hence  the  company  will  thereby  be  mainly  affected by the general business
climate in these industries. The more specific market outlook has been presented
in this interim report in "Market outlook" section.

Business related risks

Bittium's  operative  business  risks  are  mainly  related  to following items:
uncertainties  and  short  visibility  on  customers' product program decisions,
their  make or buy decisions and on the other hand, their decisions to continue,
downsize  or  terminate  current  product  programs, execution and management of
large  customer projects, ramping up and down project resources, availability of
personnel  in labor markets, accessibility  on commercially acceptable terms and
on  the other hand successful utilization of the most important technologies and
components,  competitive situation and  potential delays in  the markets, timely
closing  of customer  and supplier  contracts with  reasonable commercial terms,
delays  in  R&D  projects,  realization  of  expected  return on capitalized R&D
investments,  obsolescence  of  inventories  and  technology  risks  in  product
development  causing higher  than planned  R&D costs.  Revenues expected to come
from  either existing or new products and customers include normal timing risks.
Bittium  has  certain  significant  customer  projects  and  deviation  in their
expected  continuation could result also significant deviations in the company's
outlook.  In addition  there are  typical industry  warranty and liability risks
involved in selling Bittium's services, solutions and products.

Bittium's product delivery business model faces such risks as high dependency on
actual  product volumes, timing  risks and potential  delays in the markets. The
above-mentioned  risks  may  manifest  themselves  as  lower amounts of products
delivered  or  higher  costs  of  production,  and  ultimately, as lower profit.
Bringing  Bittium's  products  to  international  defense  and other authorities
markets may take longer than anticipated because the projects are typically long
and the purchasing programs are prepared in the lead of national governments and
within  the available  financing.  Once  a supplier  has been  selected, product
deliveries are typically executed over several years.

Some  of Bittium's businesses operate in  industries that are heavily reliant on
patent protection and therefore face risks related to management of intellectual
property  rights,  on  the  one  hand  related  to accessibility on commercially
acceptable terms of certain technologies in the Bittium's products and services,
and on the other hand related to an ability to protect technologies that Bittium
develops  or licenses from  others from claims  that third parties' intellectual
property  rights are infringed. Additionally,  parties outside of the industries
operate  actively  in  order  to  protect  and  commercialize  their patents and
therefore  in  their  part  increase  the  risks  related  to  the management of
intellectual  property rights. At worst, claims that third parties' intellectual
property  rights  are  infringed,  could  lead  to  substantial  liabilities for
damages.  In  addition,  the  progress  of  the  customer  projects and delivery
capability  may be also affected by potential challenges in global accessibility
of  key technologies and components on commercially acceptable terms, as well as
by the acceptance of the necessary export licenses.

Financing risks

Global  economic uncertainty may  lead to payment  delays, increase the risk for
credit  losses and weaken the  availability and terms of  financing. To fund its
operations,  Bittium relies mainly on income from its operative business and may
from   time   to   time   seek  additional  financing  from  selected  financial
institutions.  Currently  Bittium  has  a  committed  overdraft  credit facility
agreement  of  EUR  10.0 million  with  Nordea  Bank Finland Plc and a committed
overdraft  credit facility agreement of EUR  10.0 million with Pohjola Bank Plc.
These  agreements  meant  for  general  financing  needs  are  valid  until June
30, 2017. These  agreements include customary covenants  related to, among other
things,  equity ratio, transferring property and pledging. There is no assurance
that  additional financing  will not  be needed  in case  of clearly weaker than
expected  development of Bittium's businesses. Customer dependency in some parts
of  Bittium's business may translate as an  accumulation of risk with respect to
outstanding receivables and ultimately with respect to credit losses.

Statement of financial position and financing

The figures presented in the statement of financial position of September
30, 2015, are compared with the statement of the financial position of December
31, 2014 (MEUR).

                                                          30.09.2015 31.12.2014
 Non-current assets                                             13.5       48.8
 Current assets                                                634.0      118.0
 Total assets                                                  647.5      166.8
 Share capital                                                  12.9       12.9
 Other capital                                                 616.4       80.5
 Total equity                                                  629.3       93.4
 Non-current liabilities                                         2.0        7.6
 Current liabilities                                            16.2       65.8
 Total equity and liabilities                                  647.5      166.8

 Cash flow of the review period :                           1-9/2015  1-12/2014
 + profit of the period  +/- Adjustment of accrual basis        10.8       27.4
 +/- Change in net working capital                              -4.8      -12.1
 - interest, taxes and dividends                                -4.2       -4.7
 = net cash from operating activities                            1.8       10.5
 - net cash from investing activities                          580.8       -9.2
 - net cash from financing activities                           -8.4       -1.0
 = net change in cash and cash equivalents                     574.2        0.3

Net  cash from operating  activities includes operative  cash flows generated by
the  Automotive business during first half of  the year. Net cash from investing
activities includes cash flows related to the sale of the Automotive business on
the  third quarter of the  year. Altogether the sale  of the Automotive business
and  the cancelled demerger process  have approximately EUR 584 million positive
effect on the cash flows of the review period.

The  amount of gross investments in the  period under review was EUR 6.3 million
including  EUR 1.7 million investments related  to acquisitions. Net investments
for   the  reporting  period  totaled  EUR  6.3 million.  The  total  amount  of
depreciation  during the period under review  was EUR 1.7 million. The amount of
interest-bearing  debt, including finance  lease liabilities, at  the end of the
reporting  period was EUR  1.5 million (EUR 8.3 million  on December 31, 2014).
Bittium's  equity ratio at the  end of the period  was 97.9% (62.3 % on December
31, 2014). The  high  equity  ratio  is  significantly  affected by the proceeds
generated from the sale of the Automotive business.

Cash  and other liquid assets at the end of the reporting period were EUR 617.5
million (EUR 43.3 million on December 31, 2014).

Bittium  has a EUR 10 million credit facility agreement with Nordea Bank Finland
Plc. and a EUR 10 million credit facility agreement with Pohjola Bank Plc. These
agreements  are intended for general financing purposes and they are valid until
June  30, 2017. These  agreements  include  conventional covenants and covenants
related  to  transfer  of  assets  were  breached  at the sale of the Automotive
business on July 1, 2017. The banks have informed Bittium that they will not use
their  rights to terminate credit facility agreements related to the sale of the
Automotive  business but they  will reserve their  right to consider termination
again  in connection with  the repatriation of  funds. At the  end of the review
period, EUR 0.0 million of these facilities was in use.

Bittium  follows a  hedging strategy  that objective  is to  ensure the business
margins in changing market circumstances by minimizing the influence of exchange
rates.   According   to   hedging   strategy  principles,  the  agreed  customer
commitments'  net cash  flow in  the currency  is hedged.  The net  cash flow is
determined on the basis of accounts receivable, accounts payable, order book and
budgeted  net  currency  cash  flow.  The  hedged  foreign currency exposure was
equivalent to EUR 4.0 million at the end of the review period.


The  Bittium group  employed an  average of  510 people in continuing operations
between  January and  September 2015. At  the end  of September, the company had
510 employees  (474 employees  in continuing  operations at  the end of 2014). A
significant part of Bittium's personnel are R&D engineers.

Flagging notifications

There  were no changes  in ownership during  the period under  review that would
have  caused  flagging  notifications  in  accordance  with  the obligations for
disclosure in Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Market Act.

Events after the review period

On October 19, 2015 Bittium announced that according to the preliminary result
of the offer, the shares tendered in the offer represented approximately 73.2
per cent of all the shares and votes in the Company. In addition, according to
the preliminary result of the offer, approximately 62.0 per cent of all the
stock options in the Company had been tendered in the offer.

On  October 21, the company announced that according  to the final result of the
offer,  97,244,662 shares were tendered in the offer, representing approximately
73.2 percent  of all the shares and votes  in the company. In addition, 166,694
stock  options  were  tendered  in  the  offer, representing approximately 62.0
percent  of all the stock options in the  company. As a result of completing the
offer  the cash balance and equity of the company will decrease by approximately
EUR  493 million. Completing the offer  will have no effect  on the guidance for
result  of  operations  concerning  the  year  2015 previously  published by the

On  October 22, the company  announced to have  received a flagging announcement
pursuant to chapter 9, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Market Act, according
to which the holdings of Kai Hilden in Bittium will decrease below the threshold
of 5 percent of the voting rights and total number of shares of the Company.

On  October 22, the company  announced to have  received a flagging announcement
pursuant to chapter 9, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Market Act, according
to  which  the  holdings  of  Eero  Halonen  in  Bittium will decrease below the
threshold  of 5 percent of the  voting rights and total  number of shares of the

On  October 22, the company  announced to have  received a flagging announcement
pursuant to chapter 9, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Market Act, according
to  which the holdings of Erkki Veikkolainen  in Bittium will decrease below the
threshold  of 5 percent of the  voting rights and total  number of shares of the

On  October 22, the company  announced to have  received a flagging announcement
pursuant to chapter 9, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Market Act, according
to  which  the  holdings  of  Juha  Hulkko  in  Bittium  will decrease below the
threshold  of 5 percent of the  voting rights and total  number of shares of the

On  October 27, the company announced to have cancelled its own shares and stock
options  2008C as a result of the completion  of a voluntary public tender offer
for the Company's own shares and stock options. In accordance with the terms and
conditions  of the offer, the shares and  stock options transferred in the offer
will  became null and void as part of the settlement of the completion trades of
the  offer. As a result of the shares  and stock options becoming null and void,
the  number  of  Company's  remaining  shares  is  35,578,835, and the number of
company's  all remaining stock options is 102,300. Settlement of 5,467 shares to
be  transferred in  the Offer  was completed  within the  same timetable  as the
settlement  of the other shares transferred, and such shares were not yet become
null and void.

On  October 28, the company announced that  as the voluntary public tender offer
for Bittium Corporation's own shares and stock options 2008C that was decided by
the  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  of  the Company on September 14, 2015, has
resulted  in changes in the ownership of  the company, the company announced the
changes  with regard to  its ten largest  shareholders resulting from completing
the offer.

On  October 28, the company  announced to have  received a flagging announcement
pursuant to chapter 9, section 5 of the Finnish Securities Market Act, according
to  which  the  holdings  of  Jukka  Harju  in  Bittium  will decrease below the
threshold  of 5 percent of the  voting rights and total  number of shares of the

On  October  29, the  company  announced  that  a  total of 25,000 new shares in
Bittium  Corporation were  subscribed for  between September 2, 2015 and October
14, 2015, pursuant  to series 2008C stock options. The share subscription price,
EUR  13,750 was recorded in  the Company's invested  non-restricted equity fund.
The  corresponding increase  in the  number of  the Company's shares was entered
into  the Finnish  Trade Register  on October  29, 2015. Trading with  the newly
registered  shares started on  October 30, 2015 as an  additional lot of Bittium
Corporation's  shares in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki  Ltd. After the registration of the
new shares, the number of shares in Bittium Corporation's totals to 35,603,835.

On  November  4, the  company  announced  to  have  cancelled  5,467 own  shares
transferred  in the offer, that didn't became null and void on October 27, 2015
in  connection with the completion of the  offer. After these shares became null
and void, the number of company's remaining shares is 35,598,368, and the number
of Company's all remaining stock options is 102,300.

The tender offer executed after the end of the review period has a significant
effect on financial position of the company. The following pro forma balance
sheet illustrates effects of the executed tender offer on the balance sheet per
September 30, 2015.

 BALANCE SHEET                   Reported                             Pro Forma
                                          Execution of the tender
                            Sep. 30. 2015                   offer Sep. 30. 2015
 Intangible assets                    8.6                                   8.6

 Tangible assets                      3.8                                   3.8

 Investments                          0.1                                   0.1

 Inventories                          1.4                                   1.4

 Receivables                         16.0                                  16.0

 Cash and other cash
 equivalents                        617.5                  -492.8         124.7
 Total Assets                       647.5                  -492.8         154.7

 Share capital                       12.9                                  12.9

 Other equity                       616.4                  -492.8         123.6

 Total equity                       629.3                  -492.8         136.5

 Long term liabilities                2.0                                   2,0

 Short-term liabilities              16.2                                  16,2

 Total equity and
 liabilities                        647.5                  -492.8         154,7

Decisions of the Extraordinary General Meeting

The   Extraordinary  General  Meeting  held  on  September  14, 2015 decided  in
accordance  with  the  proposal  of  the  Board  of  Directors  that the Company
repurchases its own shares  and stock options 2008C entitling to shares by means
of a voluntary public tender offer made to all shareholders and holders of stock

Election of members of the Board of Directors

The Extraordinary General Meeting held on September 14, 2015 elected Kirsi Komi,
Juha Putkiranta and Seppo Mäkinen as new members of the Board of Directors for a
term  commencing on November 5, 2015 and continuing  until the close of the next
Annual General Meeting.

The  new members of the  Board of Directors replace  the previous members of the
Board  of Directors Jorma Halonen, Juha Hulkko and Seppo Laine, who had notified
that  they will leave  the Board of  Directors when the  term of the new members

The new members of the Board of Directors will be paid remuneration on the basis
of  the decision  of the  Annual General  Meeting held  on April 15, 2015 and in
proportion  to the remaining  term of the  current Board of  Directors after the
commencement of the term of the new members of the Board of Directors.

Oulu, November 5, 2015

Bittium Corporation
The Board of Directors

Further Information:

Hannu Huttunen
Tel. +358 40 344 5466


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Bittium Corporation Condensed Financial Statements and Notes January - September


The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial

 Continuing operations                              9 months 9 months 12 months
 NET SALES                                              41.6     36.6      52.7
 Other operating income                                  1.0      1.1       1.6
 Change in work in progress and finished goods
 Work performed by the undertaking for its own           0.1      0.0       0.0
 purpose and capitalized
 Raw materials                                          -4.6     -4.8      -6.8
 Personnel expenses                                    -23.9    -21.9     -30.1
 Depreciation                                           -1.7     -1.8      -2.3
 Other operating expenses                              -11.0    -10.2     -14.3
 OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                                 1.5     -1.0       0.8
 Financial income and expenses                          -0.3     -0.0      -0.2
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                       1.2     -1.0       0.6
 Income tax                                             -0.0     -0.1       0.7
 Discontinued operations
 Profit for the year from discontinued operations      538.4      7.2      11.2
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                 539.6      6.2      12.5

 Other comprehensive income:
 Items that will not be reclassified to statement
 of income
   Re-measurement gains (losses) on defined benefit                        -0.8
   Income tax effect                                                        0.2
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the
 statement of income
   Exchange differences on translating foreign           0.1      0.4       0.9
 Other comprehensive income for the period total         0.1      0.4       0.4
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD             539.7      6.6      12.9

 Profit for the year attributable to
   Equity holders of the parent                        539.6      6.2      12.5
   Non-controlling interests

 Total comprehensive income for the period
 attributable to
   Equity holders of the parent                        539.7      6.6      12.9
   Non-controlling interests

 Earnings per share from continuing operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                            0.009   -0.008     0.010
   Diluted earnings per share                          0.009   -0.008     0.010

 Earnings per share from discontinued operations,
   Basic earnings per share                            4.075    0.055     0.086
   Diluted earnings per share                          4.069    0.055     0.085

 Earnings per share from continuing and
 discontinued operations, EUR
   Basic earnings per share                            4.084    0.047     0.096
   Diluted earnings per share                          4.078    0.047     0.095

 Average number of shares, 1000 pcs                  132 121  130 868   130 975
 Average number of shares, diluted, 1000 pcs         132 322  131 604   131 663

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL  Sep. 30, 2015 Sep. 30, 2014 Dec. 31, 2014
 Non-current assets
   Property, plant and equipment                3.8           9.2          10.7
   Goodwill                                     1.4          19.4          19.3
   Intangible assets                            7.2          16.8          17.0
   Other financial assets                       0.1           0.1           0.1
   Deferred tax assets                          0.9           1.6           1.7
 Non-current assets total                      13.5          47.1          48.8
 Current assets
   Inventories                                  1.4           1.5           2.2
   Trade and other receivables                 15.1          60.9          72.5
   Financial assets at fair value              65.8          20.9          21.0
 through profit or loss
   Cash and short term deposits               551.7          19.8          22.3
 Current assets total                         634.0         103.1         118.0
 Assets classified as held for sale
 TOTAL ASSETS                                 647.5         150.2         166.8

 Equity attributable to equity
 holders of the parent
   Share capital                               12.9          12.9          12.9
   Invested non-restricted equity              25.9          24.9          25.1
   Translation difference                       1.2           1.0           1.5
   Retained earnings                          589.3          47.0          53.8
   Non-controlling interests
 Total equity                                 629.3          85.9          93.4

 Non-current liabilities
   Deferred tax liabilities                     0.1           0.5           0.5
   Pension obligations                                        2.2           3.0
   Provisions                                   1.2           0.2           0.2
   Interest-bearing liabilities                 0.7           3.0           3.8
 Non-current liabilities total                  2.0           5.9           7.6
 Current liabilities
   Trade and other payables                    13.5          51.2          58.5
   Financial liabilities at fair                              0.4           0.2
 value through profit or loss
   Provisions                                   2.0           2.5           2.6
   Interest-bearing loans and                   0.7           4.3           4.5
 Current liabilities total                     16.2          58.3          65.8
 Total liabilities                             18.2          64.3          73.4
 Liabilities classified as held for
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                 647.5         150.2         166.8

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS  (MEUR)       1-9/2015 1-9/2014 1-12/2014

                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months
 Profit for the year from continuing operations          1.2     -1.1       1.3
 Profit for the year from discontinued operations      538.4      7.2      11.2
 Adjustment of accrual basis items                    -528.8     10.7      14.9
 Change in net working capital                          -4.8     -9.3     -12.1
 Interest paid on operating activities                  -1.3     -0.4      -1.3
 Interest received from operating activities             0.3      0.3       0.4
 Other financial income and expenses, net received       0.0      0.0       0.0
 Income taxes paid                                      -3.2     -2.4      -3.8
 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                      1.8      5.1      10.5

 Proceeds from sale of business unit, net of cash      588.2
 Acquisition of business unit, net of cash acquired     -1.8
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment              -2.0     -2.2      -3.6
 Purchase of intangible assets                          -3.7     -4.4      -5.7
 Sale of property, plant and equipment                   0.0      0.0       0.1
 Sale of intangible assets                               0.1      0.0
 Proceeds from sale of investments                                0.0       0.0
 NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                    580.8     -6.6      -9.2

 Share-option plans exercised                            0.8      0.4       0.6
 Proceeds from borrowing                                14.6     19.4      19.4
 Repayment of borrowing                                -17.5    -16.6     -16.6
 Payment of finance liabilities                         -1.1     -1.4      -1.8
 Dividend paid and repayment of capital                 -5.3     -2.6      -2.6
 NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                     -8.4     -0.8      -1.0

 NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS               574.2     -2.3       0.3
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       43.3     43.0      43.0
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period            617.5     40.7      43.3

 A = Share capital
 B = Invested non-restricted equity fund
 C = Translation difference
 D = Retained earnings
 E = Non-controlling interests
 F = Total equity

                                                         A    B   C    D E    F
 Shareholders equity on Jan. 1, 2014                  12.9 24.5 0.6 43.7   81.7
 Comprehensive income for the period
   Profit for the period                                             6.2    6.2
   Exchange differences on translating foreign                  0.4         0.4
 Total comprehensive income for the period                      0.4  6.2    6.6
 Transactions between the shareholders
   Distribution of dividend                                         -2.6   -2.6
   Share option plans exercised                             0.4             0.4
   Share-related compensation                                        0.1    0.1
 Total transactions between the shareholders                0.4     -2.5   -2.1
 Other changes                                                      -0.3   -0.3
 Shareholders equity on Sep. 30, 2014                 12.9 24.9 1.0 47.0   85.9

                                                      A    B    C     D E     F
 Shareholders equity on Jan. 1, 2015               12.9 25.1  1.5  53.8    93.4
 Comprehensive income for the period
   Profit for the period                                          539.6   539.6
   Exchange differences on translating foreign                0.1           0.1
 Total comprehensive income for the period                    0.1 539.6   539.7
 Transactions between the shareholders
   Distribution of dividend                                        -5.3    -5.3
   Share option plans exercised                          0.8                0.8
   Share-related compensation                                       0.1     0.1
 Total transactions between the shareholders             0.8       -5.2    -4.4
 Other changes                                               -0.5   1.1     0.6
 Shareholders equity on Sep. 30, 2015              12.9 25.9  1.2 589.3   629.3



The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial
Reporting. Bittium Corporation has applied the same accounting principles in the
preparation of this Interim Report as in its Financial Statements for 2014,
except for the adoption of new standards and interpretations effective during
2015. The changes did not have material impact on the Interim Report.


Bittium Corporation does not have segments that require reporting according to
IFRS 8 standard.

 NET SALES OF GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS (MEUR) 1-9/2015 1-9/2014 1-12/2014

                                        9 months 9 months 12 months
 Net sales
   Europe                                   38.3     34.5      49.8
   Americas                                  3.1      2.0       2.5
   Asia                                      0.2      0.1       0.4
 Net sales total                            41.6     36.6      52.7

 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                         1-9/2015 1-9/2014 1-12/2014

                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months
 Employee benefits for key management and stock          1.3      0.9       1.1
 options expenses total, continuing operations

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF       7-9/2015 4-6/2015 1-3/2015 10-12/2014 7-9/2014
 (MEUR)                          3 months 3 months 3 months   3 months 3 months
 Continuing operations
 NET SALES                           11.1     15.3     15.1       16.1     10.0
 Other operating income               0.3      0.4      0.3        0.5      0.3
 Change in work in progress and       0.0      0.0      0.0        0.0      0.0
 finished goods
 Work performed by the
 undertaking for its own purpose      0.0      0.0      0.1        0.0      0.0
 and capitalized
 Raw materials                       -0.8     -1.4     -2.4       -2.1     -0.9
 Personnel expenses                  -7.0     -8.5     -8.4       -8.2     -6.1
 Depreciation                        -0.6     -0.6     -0.6       -0.5     -0.6
 Other operating expenses            -3.1     -4.2     -3.7       -4.0     -1.7
 OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)              0.0      1.0      0.5        1.8      1.1
 Financial income and expenses        0.1     -0.2     -0.1       -0.2      0.2
 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                    0.1      0.8      0.4        1.6      1.2
 Income tax                           0.0     -0.0     -0.0        0.7     -0.1
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD FROM           0.1      0.8      0.4        2.4      1.2
 Discontinued operations
 Profit for the period from         534.6      2.3      1.5        4.0      1.4
 discontinued operations
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD              534.7      3.1      1.8        6.4      2.6
 Other comprehensive income          -0.7     -0.5      1.2       -0.1      0.2
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR     534.0      2.6      3.1        6.3      2.8

 Profit for the period
 attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent     534.7      3.1      1.8        6.4      2.6
   Non-controlling interests
 Total comprehensive income for
 the period attributable to:
   Equity holders of the parent     534.0      2.6      3.1        6.3      2.8
   Non-controlling interests

 CONSOLIDATED             Sep.         Jun.        Mar.        Dec.        Sep.
 STATEMENT OF         30, 2015     30, 2015    31, 2015    31, 2014    30, 2014
 plant and                 3.8          3.9        10.8        10.7         9.2
   Goodwill                1.4          1.4        20.6        19.3        19.4
   Intangible              7.2          6.7        18.2        17.0        16.8
   Other                   0.1          0.1         0.1         0.1         0.1
 financial assets
   Deferred tax            0.9          0.9         1.5         1.7         1.6
 Non-current              13.5         13.1        51.3        48.8        47.1
 assets total
 Current assets
   Inventories             1.4          1.8         1.6         2.2         1.5
   Trade and
 other                    15.1         22.0        69.0        72.5        60.9
 assets at fair           65.8         15.9        21.1        21.0        20.9
 value through
 profit or loss
   Cash and short        551.7          6.2        29.4        22.3        19.8
 term deposits
 Current assets          634.0         45.8       121.1       118.0       103.1
 classified as                        117.3
 held for sale
 TOTAL ASSETS            647.5        176.2       172.4       166.8       150.2

 attributable to
 equity holders
 of the parent
   Share capital          12.9         12.9        12.9        12.9        12.9
   Invested non-
 restricted               25.9         25.8        25.6        25.1        24.9
 equity fund
   Translation             1.2          2.3         2.8         1.5         1.0
   Retained              589.3         53.5        55.7        53.8        47.0
 Total equity            629.3         94.5        97.0        93.4        85.9
   Deferred tax            0.1          0.1         0.8         0.5         0.5
   Pension                                          3.0         3.0         2.2
   Provisions              1.2          0.2         0.2         0.2         0.2
 bearing                   0.7          3.7         4.1         3.8         3.0
 liabilities               2.0          1.0         8.1         7.6         5.9
   Trade and              13.5         16.4        59.9        58.5        51.2
 other payables
 liabilities at
 fair value                             0.0         0.2         0.2         0.4
 through profit
 or loss
   Provisions              2.0          2.2         2.7         2.6         2.5
 bearing loans             0.7          6.7         4.6         4.5         4.3
 and borrowings
 liabilities              16.2         25.2        67.4        65.8        58.3
 Total                    18.2         26.2        75.4        73.4        64.3
 classified as                         55.4
 held for sale
 TOTAL EQUITY AND        647.5        176.2       172.4       166.8       150.2

 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH  7-9/2015 4-6/2015 1-3/2015 10-12/2014 7-9/2014
                                 3 months 3 months 3 months   3 months 3 months
 Net cash from operating              3.1    -12.2     10.9        5.4     20.5
 Net cash from investing            587.4     -2.5     -4.1       -2.6     -3.9
 Net cash from financing            -14.9      6.1      0.4       -0.2     -6.7
 Net change in cash and cash        575.5     -8.6      7.3        2.5      9.8

 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE RELATED RATIOS               1-9/2015 1-9/2014 1-12/2014

                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months
 Net sales                                              41.6     36.6      52.7
 Operating profit (loss)                                 1.5     -1.0       0.8
    Operating profit (loss), % of net sales              3.6     -2.7       1.5
 Profit before taxes                                     1.2     -1.0       0.6
    Profit before taxes, % of net sales                  2.9     -2.7       1.2
 Profit for the period from continuing operations        1.2     -1.1       1.3
 Interest-bearing net liabilities, (MEUR)             -616.1    -33.4     -35.0
 Net gearing, -%                                       -97.9    -38.9     -37.4
 Equity ratio, %                                        97.9     64.0      62.3
 Gross investments, (MEUR)                               6.3      3.5       4.5
 Average personnel during the period, continuing         510      489       486
 Personnel at the period end, continuing operations      510      476       474
 Average personnel during the period, discontinued               1182      1222
 Personnel at the period end, discontinued                       1234      1330
 Average personnel during the period, jointly owned               365       380
 company - discontinued operations
 Personnel at the period end, jointly owned company               407       431
 - discontinued operations

 AMOUNT OF SHARE ISSUE ADJUSTMENT     Sep. 30, 2015 Sep. 30, 2014 Dec. 31, 2014
 (1,000 pcs)
 At the end of period                       132 818       131 242       131 493
 Average for the period                     132 121       130 868       130 975
 Average for the period diluted with        132 322       131 604       131 663
 stock options

 STOCK-RELATED FINANCIAL RATIOS (EUR)               1-9/2015 1-9/2014 1-12/2014

                                                    9 months 9 months 12 months
 Earnings per share from continuing operations, EUR
    Basic earnings per share                           0.009   -0.008     0.010
    Diluted earnings per share                         0.009   -0.008     0.010

 Earnings per share from discontinued operations,
    Basic earnings per share                           4.075    0.055     0.086
    Diluted earnings per share                         4.069    0.055     0.085

 Earnings per share from continuing and
 discontinued operations, EUR
    Basic earnings per share                           4.084    0.047     0.096
    Diluted earnings per share                         4.078    0.047     0.095

 Equity *) per share                                    4.74     0.65      0.71

 *) Equity attributable to equity holders of the

 MARKET VALUES OF SHARES (EUR)         1-9/2015 1-9/2014 1-12/2014                 9 months 9 months 12 months
 Highest                                   5.30     3.23      3.83
 Lowest                                    3.27     2.30      2.30
 Average                                   4.52     2.70      2.85
 At the end of period                      5.02     2.91      3.36

 Market value of the stock, (MEUR)        666.7    381.9     441.8
 Trading value of shares, (MEUR)          281.0    139.6     188.0
 Number of shares traded, (1,000 pcs)    62 218   51 663    66 019
 Related to average number of shares %     47.1     39.5      50.4

 SECURITIES AND CONTINGENT            Sep. 30, 2015 Sep. 30, 2014 Dec. 31, 2014
 Floating charges                               3.0           1.0           1.0
 Guarantees                                     3.6          15.3           6.4
 Rental liabilities
    Falling due in the next year                2.3           7.4           7.2
    Falling due after one year                  2.5          14.3          13.0
 Other contractual liabilities
    Falling due in the next year                2.3           2.0           2.1
    Falling due after one year                  0.4           0.6           0.7

 Mortgages are pledged for                      0.0           1.5           2.6
 liabilities totaled

 NOMINAL VALUE OF CURRENCY            Sep. 30, 2015 Sep. 30, 2014 Dec. 31, 2014
 Foreign exchange forward contracts
   Market value                                 0.0          -0.0          -0.1
   Nominal value                                0.0           3.0           3.0

 Purchased currency options
   Market value                                 0.0           0.0           0.0
   Nominal value                                4.0           5.0           5.0

 Sold currency options
   Market value                                -0.1          -0.3          -0.1
   Nominal value                                8.0           8.0          10.0
