2012-12-17 12:01:00 CET

2012-12-17 12:01:04 CET


Englanti Islanti
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Auction result

Government Bonds and Housing Financing (HFF) bonds

Today at 10:00 the Government Debt Management offered Government Bonds and
Housing Financing (HFF) bonds. The auction was structured as a single-price
auction which means that all accepted bids are offered to the bidders at the
same price. The lowest accepted price (highest yield) determines the selling
price.The following series and nominal values were offered: 

Series                         Nominal value
RIKB 19 0226           2.7 b.kr.
HFF150224                1.0 b.kr. .

                        The main results were following:

RIKB 19 0226:

Total bids in all the series amounted to ISK 5,200 million nominal value. Bids
were accepted for ISK 2,700 million nominal value at clean price of 113,400
(yield of 6.08%). 


Total bids in all the series amounted to ISK 3,120 million nominal value. Bids
were accepted for ISK 1,000 million nominal value at clean price of 109,050
(yield of 2.13%).