2013-07-31 11:34:08 CEST

2013-07-31 11:35:10 CEST


English Lithuanian
Lietuvos Dujos AB - Interim information

AB Lietuvos Dujos publishes Financial Statements for the First Half-Year of 2013

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013-07-31 11:34 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AB Lietuvos Dujos
publishes Financial Statements for the First Half-Year of 2013. Consolidated
Interim Report will be published till  31 August 2013. 

1. Confirmation of responsible persons of AB Lietuvos Dujos;
2. AB Lietuvos Dujos Consolidated and the Parent Company's Condensed Financial
Statements for the Six Months ended 30 June 2013.

Authorised person:
Jolita Butkiene
Officer (public relations) of Strategic Development Division
tel. +370 5 236 01 35