2009-02-11 15:33:00 CET

2009-02-11 15:33:02 CET


Enska Finnska
Okmetic Oyj - Financial Statement Release




Okmetic is a technology company that supplies customised silicon wafers for the 
sensor and semiconductor industries and sells its technological expertise. Net  
sales for the financial year amounted to 67.9 million euro (64.7 million euro). 
Profit for the period amounted to 5.8 million euro (5.3 million euro). Earnings 
per share were 0.34 euro (0.31 euro).                                           

REVIEW IN BRIEF                                                                 

- Net sales amounted to 67.9 million euro (64.7 million euro).                  
- Profit for the period amounted to 5.8 million euro (5.3 million euro).        
- Earnings per share were 0.34 euro (0.31 euro).                                
- Okmetic´s equity ratio strengthened, amounting to 62.8 percent (55.3 %).      
- The net cash flow from operations amounted to 13.2 million euro (8.3 million  
- On 31 December 2008, the group´s cash and cash equivalents exceeded the       
interest-bearing liabilities by 0.6 million euro (On 31 December 2007           
liabilities 9.0 million euro higher than cash and cash equivalents).            
- Net sales for the first half of 2009 are expected to amount to considerably   
less than in 2008. The uncertainty that currently dominates the global economy  
and the prevailing trend towards lower stock levels amongst semiconductor       
customers in particular are making business projections more challenging. The   
company is expecting to make a slight profit thanks to cost-cutting measures.   
Cash flow from operating activities is estimated to be clearly positive.        
- The company plans to temporarily lay off 240 people in Finland for a fixed    
period of between one to six weeks between February and June 2009, and will also
adjust other costs to the prevailing market situation.                          

KEY FIGURES                                                                     

| 1,000 euro                     | 1.1.-31.12.08 |       1.1.- |         1.1.- |
|                                |               |    31.12.07 |      31.12.06 |
| Net sales                      |        67,867 |      64,652 |        63,694 |
| Operating profit               |         8,476 |       7,121 |         9,877 |
|    % of net sales              |          12.5 |        11.0 |          15.5 |
| Earnings per share, euro       |          0.34 |        0.31 |          0.41 |
| Net cash flow from operating   |        13,177 |       8,305 |        17,945 |
| activities                     |               |             |               |
| Return on equity, %            |          12.1 |        12.4 |          18.6 |
| Net gearing ratio, %           |          -1.2 |        19.6 |          31.3 |
| Equity ratio, %                |          62.8 |        55.3 |          51.1 |
| Average number of personnel    |           364 |         362 |           360 |
| during the period              |               |             |               |


The year 2008 was marked by below-average growth in Okmetic's customer industry,
electronics. The market became particularly cautious towards the end of the last
quarter of the year. The clearly weakened financial trend affected customers'   
business activities.                                                            

In 2008, the increase in the sales of silicon-based sensors remained below the  
long-term average of 10 - 20 percent (SIA, IC Insights, Yole). Growth was       
concentrated on accelerometers, in particular, which are used in cars and mobile
telephones as well as other consumer applications.                              
Semiconductor shipment volumes increased during the year under review, although 
net sales within the semiconductor industry did not increase due to dropping    
sale prices (WSTS/SIA,IC Insights).                                             

Demand for silicon wafers follows the shipment volumes of the customer          
industries, and the trend of companies lowering their stock levels during the   
last quarter of the year clearly reflected on wafer shipment volumes as well.   
The total volume of silicon wafers shipped during 2008 was similar to the       
previous year's figure.                                                         

The global shipment volumes of the wafer sizes that Okmetic produces were       
slightly lower in 2008 than in 2007.                                            

PROJECTIONS FOR THE NEAR FUTURE                                                 

Forecasts for 2009 are marked by uncertainty and cautiousness. Due to the weak  
financial forecasts for the first months of the year, the electronics industry  
is trying to minimise stock levels. Okmetic is keeping a close eye on the       
behaviour of its customers throughout the production chain. The objective is to 
be able to react quickly as soon as growth resumes.                             

The silicon-based sensor industry benefits from steadier growth than the        
semiconductor industry. Overall, the early months of 2009 are nevertheless      
likely to see the sensor shipment volumes falling short of the figures recorded 
during the same period last year. However, several microelectromechanical       
products are currently being developed within the sensor segment, and demand for
these is also expected to grow in 2009. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology is
a good example of a rapidly growing new sensor manufacturing technology. Okmetic
is amongst the pioneering suppliers who provide these products and services to  
the sensor industry.                                                            

Semiconductor sales are believed to drop considerably in 2009. Forecasts have   
been revised frequently in recent months, and it is not possible to form a clear
picture especially as regards the latter part of the year. During the first half
of the year, semiconductors are expected to be in low demand overall.           

Global demand for silicon wafers is also expected to drop from last year's      
shipment volumes over the next few months. The decrease affects semiconductor   
wafers in particular, and will comprise all wafer sizes.       

Okmetic is believed to still have the capacity to strengthen its market         
leadership in sensor wafers, the demand for which is expected to hold up better 
than that for semiconductor wafers.                                            

Net sales for the first half of 2009 are expected to amount to considerably less
than in 2008. The uncertainty that currently dominates the global economy and   
the prevailing trend towards lower stock levels amongst semiconductor customers 
in particular are making business projections more challenging. The company is  
expecting to make a slight profit thanks to cost-cutting measures. Cash flow    
from operating activities is estimated to be clearly positive.                  

EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR                                      

Board of directors´ proposals at the annual general meeting to be held on       
Thursday, 2 April 2009:                                                         

The board's proposal regarding its own powers to decide on new issues, stock    
options and other share entitlements is presented under Authorisation of the    
board of directors to increase share capital.                                   

Okmetic Oyj opened negotiations for adjusting staff levels in Finland according 
to Finnish law in January. The objective of the negotiations was to ensure      
continued profitability in the prevailing weaker market situation within the    
semiconductor industry in particular by cutting staff costs and fixed costs.    

After the personnel negotiations, the employer decided it will implement        
fixed-term temporary layoffs. The layoffs will affect 240 people out of the     
total 320 Okmetic employees in Finland. The layoffs began on 9 February 2009 and
will take place between February and June. The layoffs are administered in      
one-week periods. The duration of the layoffs per employee will vary from one to
six weeks.                                                                     

At a group level, efforts are also made to minimise other costs where possible, 
and to reduce the labour costs of 40 employees working in foreign subsidiaries  
to accommodate the current market situation.                                    


Okmetic's net sales grew by 5.0 percent (1.5%) from the previous year, amounting
to 67.9 million euro (64.7 million euro). The company therefore did not quite   
meet its long-term growth objective of six percent. The modest growth in net    
sales was partially due to the overall weakening of the market situation towards
the end of the year. In addition, the majority of the company's net sales are   
made in the US dollar, the main trading currency in the industry, the average   
rate of which dropped by 7.3 percent compared to the euro during the year. The  
company's share of its customers' wafer sourcing continued to increase.         

Sales per customer area                                                         

|                              |       2008       |           (2007)           |
| Sensors                      |       37%        |           (34%)            |
| Semiconductors               |       38%        |           (56%)            |
| Technology                   |       25%        |           (10%)            |

Okmetic's performance in the sensor market developed according to objectives.   
The use of sensors is expected to continue its increase. Sensor applications are
rapidly becoming more popular in cameras and other consumer electronics         
products, for example, in addition to the automotive industry and other         
traditional applications.                                                       

The drop in the share of semiconductor sales is due to the weak market          
situation. The shipment volumes and sale prices of these wafers continued to    
drop overall, in line with the previous year. The most typical uses of          
semiconductor wafers include consumer electronics, information technology,      
telecommunications and the automotive industry.                                 

Technology sales comprise not just manufacturing technology but also crystal    
sales and occasional polysilicon recycling. Okmetic saw the first revenue from a
major technology sales project in 2007. The project initially progressed ahead  
of schedule, which is why the majority of the revenue was accumulated during    
2008. The fluctuations in sales volumes, which are due to the nature of         
technology sales, cause significant variation in the percentage of sales that   
technology transfer represents per customer area and market area.               

Net sales per market area                                                       

|                              |       2008       |           (2007)           |
| North America                |       39%        |           (48%)            |
| Europe                       |       33%        |           (32%)            |
| Asia                         |       28%        |           (20%)            |

Asia's share of sales has developed according to plan thanks to strategic       
investments. The weakening exchange rate of the US dollar against the euro had a
significant effect on the way net sales were distributed between different      
market areas.                                                                   


In 2008, Okmetic group recorded a profit of 5.8 million euro (5.3 million euro).
Earnings per share amounted to 0.34 euro (0.31 euro).                           

The company's profits suffered from the strong decrease in the value of the US  
dollar during the year and the increasing prices of polysilicon, the principal  
raw material, similarly to the previous year.                                   

Income from Okmetic's first ever technology project and silicon recycling       
boosted profits in 2008 significantly. In addition, the sale of an old machine  
decommissioned from the Vantaa plant towards the end of the year boosted profits
by 0.5 million euro.                                                            

The annual profits of the Okmetic group and Okmetic Oyj were compromised by the 
impairment of the shares of Norstel AB, a Swedish company in which Okmetic Oyj  
has invested, as 2.5 million euro and 3.2 million euro respectively were        
recorded as value adjustments in financial expenses at the end of the year. The 
holding had been initially accounted for as available-for-sale investments and  
the change in fair value had been accounted for in the fair value reserve of    
equity. The decision had no bearing on the operating profit or cash flow.       

Okmetic Oyj's loan to Okmetic Inc, which was originally recorded as a net       
investment, generated a loss for the group due to the exchange loss entered in  
translation differences under equity. At the beginning of 2008, the remaining   
loss amounted to 1.3 million euro (1.4 million euro). The loan has been recorded
as a regular liability since 2006. Financial expenses for 2008 include 0.2      
million euro of the exchange loss, which represents a loan repayment. The       
remaining 1.1 million euro of the exchange loss will be expensed according to   
the same principle in the future, proportioned to the loan repayments.          

The group's operating profit accounted for 12.5 percent of net sales. This is in
line with the long-term goal of 10.0% set by the board of directors.            


The group´s financial situation is good. The net cash flow from operations      
amounted to 13.2 million euro (8.3 million euro). In 2007 the cash flow was     
compromised by 3.5 million euro worth of interest payments associated with the  
company´s subordinated loans that were overdue from previous years as well as   
3.8 million euro worth of subordinated loan repayments.                         

The group´s interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 17.4 million euro at the   
end of the year (22.3 million euro). Subordinated loans accounted for 0.9       
million euro of these at the end of the year (1.9 million euro).                

At the end of the year, cash and cash equivalents amounted to 18.0 million euro 
(13.3 million euro). On 31 December 2008, the group´s cash and cash equivalents 
exceeded the interest-bearing liabilities by 0.6 million euro (on 31 December   
2007 liabilities were 9.0 million higher than cash and cash equivalents).       
Return on equity amounted to 12.1 percent (12.4%). The group´s equity ratio     
strengthened, amounting to 62.8 percent (55.3%). The company exceeded the 50    
percent financial objective set for the group´s equity ratio. Equity per share  
was 2.98 euro (2.70 euro).                                                      


In 2008, Okmetic´s capital expenditure amounted to 2.6 million euro (4.8 million
euro). The majority of the capital expenditure focused on increasing the        
company's sensor wafer production capacity and on regular maintenance.          

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                                                             

The company invested 2.3 million euro (1.9 million euro) in long-term product   
development projects in 2008. Product development accounted for 3.3 (2.9%)      
percent of net sales. Okmetic engaged in several strategic research projects    
with customers, research institutes and other partners and participated both in 
national technology programmes funded by Tekes, the leading Finnish funding     
agency for technology and innovation, and international EU-funded programmes.   

New products and new versions of existing products were developed and introduced
during the year. The development of new SOI versions continued in sensor wafers,
and preparations for the shift of demand towards 200 mm wafers continued. Both  
Okmetic's own and its customers' yields improved and the consumption of raw     
materials dropped thanks to efforts to develop production machinery and internal
processes and practices.                                                        


The group's objectives for personnel development and staff well-being are set   
out in Okmetic's strategy. The personnel's expertise and well-being are         
Okmetic's strengths as well as preconditions for the realisation of the         
company's strategy and success in the long term. The company conducts regular   
one-on-one development discussions in order to monitor how well goals are being 

On average, Okmetic employed 364 people in 2008 (2007: 362 and 2006: 360).      

At the end of the year, 324 of the group's employees worked in Finland, 36 in   
the US and three in Japan.                                                      

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of the personnel were women and seventy-one percent   
(71%) were men. Clerical workers accounted for 36 (35) percent of the personnel 
and manual workers for 64 (65) percent. The average age of Okmetic's employees  
was 41 (40) and the average length of employment was 8.5 (8.1) years.           

On average, each employee spent 4.8 (4.4) days in training. Courses organised   
for clerical workers focused on management and leadership skills. The two-year  
training programme, which was launched during the previous year, continued at   
the Vantaa plant. The course is open for all manual workers and results in a    
vocational qualification in chemical engineering.                               

As regards staff well-being, the focus was on physical fitness, ergonomics and  
people management.                                                              

Salaries and bonuses are based on the level of skills required in each position 
throughout the organisation. Salaries and bonuses amounted to 18.0 million euro 
(2007: 18.1 million euro and 2006: 17.6 million euro). The group's parent       
company complies with the collective labour agreements of the Technology        
Industries of Finland.                                                          

All employee groups at Okmetic are eligible for an incentive scheme. Monthly    
targets are set for the manual workers' productivity, and the resulting bonuses 
are paid once a month. Clerical workers are paid bonuses according to annual    
targets relating to the group's profitability, financial situation and operative
performance. The bonuses payable for meeting the group's financial targets      
account for 4 - 22 percent of the employees' annual income, at the most,        
depending on the personnel group. Operative targets are set individually from   
managerial level upwards. Any bonuses paid as a result of meeting these can     
account for no more than eight percent of the managers' annual income.          

ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES                                                            

Okmetic takes good care of its environmental responsibilities. The company has  
investigated the environmental risks associated with its business and devised   
both a universal risk management plan and plans for individual processes.       
Ecologically sustainable operations boost Okmetic's competitiveness and         

Measures devised for eliminating environmental risks are built into Okmetic's   
operational processes. Environmental considerations are also factored into the  
further development of products and business in line with continuous improvement
principles. Planning preventive measures is fundamental to managing             
environmental risks.                                                            

Okmetic keeps an eye on developments in environmental legislation both in       
Finland and internationally, and adjusts its business to meet the latest        
regulations. For example, Okmetic follows the chemicals regulations of the      
European Union (REACH).                                                         

Okmetic has ISO 9001:2000, TS 16949 and ISO 14001 certified quality and         
environmental systems, and the company's plants have been built with            
environmental considerations in mind. Okmetic's most important subcontractors   
and suppliers are also ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified.                   

Okmetic recognises that the use of silicon material has an important            
environmental impact. The company does not produce essential volumes of         
emissions or waste, and the resulting costs are not significant from a business 
point of view. On a day-to-day level, Okmetic strives to use materials, water   
and electricity as efficiently as possible. The company also strives to recycle 
its silicon material.                                                           

Okmetic had no major environmental non-conformities in 2008. The acceptable     
emission limit values set for waste water treatment were exceeded on three      
occasions. In these instances the recorded values were nevertheless only just   
over the acceptable limits and corrective measures were implemented expediently.
Okmetic's environmental management system was found to meet the requirements of 
the company's demanding international customers. The company is not subject to  
emissions trading regulations.                                                  

The key figures on environmental protection at the Vantaa plant in 2008 are as  

Energy consumption (GWh): electricity 28.6 (25.7), district heating 2.2 (2.2)   
Water consumption (tm3): water 520 (490), waste water 450 (430)                 
Waste volumes (t): hazardous waste 230 (290), landfill waste 57 (63), recycled  
waste 190 (180).                                                                

Okmetic does not publish a separate environmental report in addition to the     
annual report.                                                                  

BUSINESS RISKS                                                                  

The group's silicon wafer sales are targeted at the sensor and semiconductor    
industries. The demand for semiconductor wafers is sensitive to economic        
fluctuations and changes in the market situation can be sudden and dramatic. The
demand for sensor wafers is more stable. Periodic revenue from technology sales 
causes significant variations in the interim results. The success of the sales  
strategy hinges on trouble-free contract manufacturing.                         
Okmetic's share of the global silicon wafer market is around one percent and the
market prices have a notable effect on the price development of Okmetic's       
products. The majority of sales are conducted in US dollars. The Japanese yen is
another notable trading currency. Despite hedging, the company remains          
vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuations.                                       

Great volumes of electricity are used in Okmetic's production. Despite hedging, 
the company is also vulnerable to fluctuations in the price of electricity.     

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

On 31 December 2008, Okmetic Oyj's paid-up share capital, as entered in the     
Finnish trade register, was 11,821,250.00 euro. The share capital is divided    
into 16,887,500 shares. The shares have no nominal value attached. Each share   
entitles its holder to one vote at general meetings. The company has one class  
of shares. The company's shares are included in the Finnish book-entry          
securities system.                                                              

| Major shareholders on 31 Dec 2008             |                |             |
|                                               |    Shares, pcs |    Share, % |
| Outokumpu Oyj                                 |      2,705,000 |        16.0 |
| OP-Suomi Arvo Equity Fund                     |      1,185,401 |         7.0 |
| Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company    |      1,149,300 |         6.8 |
| Mandatum Life Insurance Company               |        800,000 |         4.7 |
| Etra-Invest Oy Ab                             |        500,000 |         3.2 |
| FIM Fenno Equity Fund                         |        487,349 |         2.9 |
| Varma Mutul Pension Insurance Company         |        477,175 |         2.8 |
| Arvo Finland Value Equity Fund                |        400,000 |         2.4 |
| Finnish Industrial Investment Ltd.            |        320,750 |         1.9 |
| Op-Ilmasto Investment Fund                    |        218,000 |         1.3 |
| Foreign shares and nominee accounts           |      4,146,410 |        24.6 |
| held by                                       |                |             |
| custodian banks                               |                |             |
| Others                                        |      4,498,115 |        26.6 |
| Total                                         |     16,887,500 |       100.0 |

| Shareholders by group on        |              |               |             |
| 31                              |              |               |             |
| Dec 2008                        |              |               |             |
| Shareholders groups             |     Quantity |   Shares, pcs |    Share, % |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Enterprises                     |          195 |     4,294,437 |        25.4 |
| Financial and insurance         |           18 |     2,630,910 |        15.6 |
| institutions                    |              |               |             |
| Public organisations            |            3 |     1,642,475 |         9.7 |
| Non-profit organisations        |           11 |       797,129 |         4.7 |
| Households                      |        2,771 |     3,376,139 |        20.0 |
| Foreign investors and nominee   |           27 |     4,146,410 |        24.6 |
| accounts held by custodian      |              |               |             |
| banks                           |              |               |             |
| Total                           |        3,025 |    16,887,500 |       100.0 |

| Distribution of shareholdings on  |              |              |            |
| 31 Dec 2008                       |              |              |            |
| Shares, pcs         |   Number of |         % of |     Shares,  | % of share |
|                     | shareholder | shareholders |          pcs |    capital |
|                     |           s |              |              |            |
| 1-100               |         362 |         12.0 |       28,955 |        0.2 |
| 101-500             |       1,246 |         41.2 |      384,024 |        2.3 |
| 501-1 000           |         598 |         19.8 |      514,620 |        3.0 |
| 1 001-10 000        |         735 |         24.3 |    2,181,905 |       12.9 |
| 10 001-100 000      |          70 |          2.3 |    1,690,777 |       10.0 |
| 100 001-1 000 000   |          10 |          0.3 |    3,675,477 |       21.8 |
| Over 1 000 000      |           4 |          0.1 |    8,411,742 |       49.8 |
| Total               |       3,025 |        100.0 |   16,887,500 |      100.0 |

SHARE PRICE DEVELOPMENT AND TRADING                                             

A total of 8.4 million shares (13.2 million shares) were traded between 1       
January and 31 December 2008, representing 49.5 percent (78.0%) of the share    
total of 16.9 million. The lowest quotation of the year was 2.15 euro (2.54     
euro) and the highest 3.14 euro per share (4.67 euro per share), with the       
average being 2.63 euro (3.87 euro). The closing quotation for the year was 2.40
euro (3.03 euro). At the end of the year, the market capitalisation amounted to 
40.5 million euro (51.2 million euro).                                          

Okmetic is listed on the Small Cap list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd under the    
trading code OKM1V. According to the Global Industry Classification Standard    
(GICS), which the exchange uses, Okmetic Oyj is listed under the Information    
Technology sector. The company´s website can be found at www.okmetic.com.       

OWN SHARES                                                                      

The company has not repurchased any of its own shares.                          

The board of directors' authorisation to decide on repurchasing the company's   
own shares                                                                      

The shareholders participating in the extraordinary general meeting held on 6   
November 2008 accepted the board of directors' proposal regarding the board's   
authorisation to repurchase the company's own shares as follows:                

The aggregate number of shares repurchased on the basis of the authorisation    
cannot exceed 1,688,750 shares, which represents 10 percent of all the shares of
the company. The company and its subsidiaries together cannot at any time own   
more than 10 percent of all of the company's registered shares.                 

Only unrestricted shareholders' equity can be used to repurchase the company's  
own shares under the authorisation. Own shares can be repurchased at a price    
determined by public trading on the day of repurchase or at another market-based

The board of directors decides the method of repurchasing the company's own     
shares as well as the other terms and conditions. Derivatives, for example, can 
be used in the repurchase. Shares can be repurchased independently of the       
shareholders' proportional share holdings (private placement). The authorisation
will remain in force until the annual general meeting of spring 2010 and in any 
case not past 6 May 2010.                                                       

The board of directors' authorisation to decide on transferring rights to the   
company's own shares                                                            

The shareholders participating in the extraordinary general meeting held on 6   
November 2008 accepted the board of directors' proposal regarding the board's   
authorisation to transfer rights to the company's own shares as follows:        

The aggregate number of rights transferred on the basis of the authorisation    
cannot exceed 1,688,750 shares, which represents 10 percent of all the shares of
the company.                                                                    

The board of directors has the authority to decide on all the terms and         
conditions of the share issues. The authorisation is limited to transferring    
rights to the company's own shares as held by the company. The share issue can  
be carried out as a private placement. The board of directors can also cancel   
any shares it has repurchased. The authorisation will remain in force until     
further notice, although in any case not past 30 June 2013. Moreover, the       
authorisation cannot override the authorisation granted at the annual general   
meeting of 3 April 2008 regarding share issues.                                 

Authorisation of the board of directors to increase share capital               

On 11 February 2009, the board of directors decided to propose at the annual    
general meeting to be held on Thursday 2 April 2009 that the board be granted   
the authority to decide on new issues, stock options and other share            
entitlements according to the first paragraph of section 10 of the Finnish      
Companies Act as follows:                                                       

The aggregate number of shares issued on the basis of the authorisation cannot  
exceed 3,377,500 shares, which represents approximately 20 percent of all the   
shares of the company.                                                          

The board of directors has the authority to decide on all the terms and         
conditions concerning the issue of shares and other share entitlements. The     
authorisation relates to the issuance of new shares. Issuance of shares and     
other share entitlements can be carried out as a directed issue.                

The authorisation is effective until the following annual general meeting of    

The board of directors was granted similar authorisations at the annual general 
meetings held on 29 March 2007 and 3 April 2008. The board had not taken        
advantage of its authorisations by 11 February 2009.                            

CONVERTIBLE BONDS AND OPTION PROGRAMMES                                         

Okmetic has no convertible bonds or option programmes at the moment.            

MANAGEMENT AND AUDITOR                                                          

In 2008, Okmetic´s board of directors was made up of Mikko J. Aro as the        
chairman, Karri Kaitue as the deputy chairman, and Tapani Järvinen, Jarmo Niemi,
Pekka Salmi and Henri Österlund (as of 6 November 2008) as members of the board.

Antti Rasilo, M.Sc. (Technology) has been acting as the president of Okmetic Oyj
since 1 January 2003. In addition to the president, the group´s executive       
management group comprises Tapio Jämsä, Senior Vice President, Sourcing; Jaakko 
Montonen, Senior Vice President, Production; Mikko Montonen, Executive Vice     
President, Sales and deputy to the president; Esko Sipilä, Senior Vice          
President, Finance; Markku Tilli, Senior Vice President, Research; Markus       
Virtanen, Senior Vice President, Human Resources; and Anna-Riikka               
Vuorikari-Antikainen, Senior Vice President, Product Development.               

The company´s auditors are PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Authorised Public      
Accountants, with Markku Marjomaa, Authorised Public Accountant, acting as the  
principal auditor.                                                              


According to the financial statements dated 31 December 2008, the parent        
company´s distributable earnings amount to 15,559,346.96 euro. No significant   
changes have taken place in the company´s financial position after the end of   
the financial year.                                                             

The board of directors of Okmetic Oyj propose to the annual general meeting that
Okmetic Oyj pay a dividend of 0.05 euro per share for 2008, which, based on the 
number of shares registered on 11 February 2009, amounts to 844 375,00 euro.    

Vantaa, 11 February 2009                                                        

Board of directors                                                              


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

The report on Annual Financial Statements has been prepared in accordance with  
IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted EU.                             

In preparing these financial statements, Okmetic has followed the same          
accounting policies as in the financial statements for 2007 except that the     
company has adopted the following revised standards issued during 2008:         

IAS 39(Amendment) and IFRS 7(Amendment), reclassification of financial assets.  
Following the amendment, certain financial assets can be classified as something
other than assets held for trading or sale if certain criteria are met. When    
this is the case, additional information must be provided on the arrangement in 
the financial statements. The amendment took effect on 1 July 2008. The group   
did not take advantage of the provisions of the amendment during the financial  

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                         

| 1,000 euro                |    1.10.- |    1.10.- |       1.1.- |      1.1.- |
|                           |  31.12.08 |  31.12.07 |    31.12.08 |   31.12.07 |
| Net sales                 |    15,751 |    15,790 |      67,867 |     64,652 |
| Cost of sales             |   -11,545 |   -13,207 |     -50,687 |    -50,967 |
| Gross profit              |     4,206 |     2,583 |      17,180 |     13,685 |
| Other income and expenses |    -3,097 |    -1,602 |      -8,704 |     -6,564 |
| Operating profit          |     1,108 |       981 |       8,476 |      7,121 |
| Financial income and      |    -2,432 |      -527 |      -2,900 |     -1,906 |
| expenses                  |           |           |             |            |
| Profit before tax         |    -1,323 |       454 |       5,576 |      5,215 |
| Income tax                |       206 |        95 |         248 |         90 |
| Profit for the period     |    -1,117 |       548 |       5,825 |      5,305 |
| Attributable to:          |           |           |             |            |
| Equity holders of the     |    -1,117 |       548 |       5,825 |      5,305 |
| parent company            |           |           |             |            |
| Basic and diluted         |     -0.07 |      0.03 |        0.34 |       0.31 |
| earnings per share, euro  |           |           |             |            |

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                            

| 1,000 euro                            |    December 31, |      December 31,  |
|                                       |            2008 |               2007 |
| Assets                                |                 |                    |
| Non-current assets                    |                 |                    |
| Property, plant and equipment         |          38,848 |             43,355 |
| Available-for-sale financial assets   |               0 |              2,431 |
| Other receivables                     |           4,619 |              2,731 |
| Total non-current assets              |          43,468 |             48,517 |
| Current assets                        |                 |                    |
| Inventories                           |          10,753 |              6,399 |
| Receivables                           |           9,289 |             14,439 |
| Cash and cash equivalents             |          17,975 |             13,308 |
| Total current assets                  |          38,016 |             34,147 |
| Total assets                          |          81,484 |             82,664 |
| Equity and liabilities                |                 |                    |
| Equity                                |                 |                    |
| Equity attributable to equity holders |                 |                    |
| of the parent company                 |                 |                    |
| Share capital                         |          11,821 |             11,821 |
| Other equity                          |          38,568 |             33,828 |
| Total equity                          |          50,389 |             45,649 |
| Liabilities                           |                 |                    |
| Non-current liabilities               |          14,027 |             17,716 |
| Current liabilities                   |          17,068 |             19,299 |
| Total liabilities                     |          31,095 |             37,014 |
| Total equity and liabilities          |          81,484 |             82,664 |

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                      

| 1,000 euro                            |      January 1- |         January 1- |
|                                       |    December 31, |      December 31,  |
|                                       |            2008 |               2007 |
| Cash flows from operating activities: |                 |                    |
| Profit before tax                     |           5,576 |              5,215 |
| Adjustments                           |          11,272 |             9,826  |
| Change in working capital             |          -2,935 |             -2,235 |
| Interest received                     |             424 |                394 |
| Interest paid and other financial     |          -1,135 |             -4,805 |
| items                                 |                 |                    |
| Tax paid                              |             -26 |                -90 |
| Net cash from operating activities    |          13,177 |              8,305 |
| Cash flows from investing activities: |                 |                    |
| Proceeds from investing activities    |             469 |                498 |
| Capital expenditure                   |          -2,646 |             -4 809 |
| Net cash used in investing activities |          -2,177 |             -4 311 |
| Cash flows from financing activities: |                 |                    |
| Repayments of long-term borrowings    |          -4,748 |            -21,540 |
| Proceeds from long-term borrowings    |               - |             18,000 |
| Payments of finance lease liabilities |            -198 |               -213 |
| Dividends paid                        |          -1,689 |                  - |
| Net cash used in financing activities |          -6,634 |             -3,754 |
| Increase (+) / decrease (-)           |           4,365 |                241 |
| in cash and cash equivalents          |                 |                    |
|                                       |                 |                    |
| Exchange rate changes                 |             301 |               -117 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the      |          13,308 |             13,184 |
| beginning of the period               |                 |                    |
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end  |          17,975 |             13,308 |
| of the period                         |                 |                    |

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     

|             | Equity attributable to equity holders of parent company        |
| 1,000 euro  |   Share |    Share | Trans-l |     Fair |  Retained |    Total |
|             | capital |  premium |   ation |    value |  earnings |   equity |
|             |         |          | differ- |  reserve |           |          |
|             |         |          |   ences |          |           |          |
| Balance at  |  11,821 |   20,185 |      75 |     -114 |    13,682 |   45,649 |
| 31 Dec 2007 |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Available-f |         |          |         |   -2,441 |           |   -2,441 |
| or-sale     |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| financial   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| assets:     |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Fair value  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| gains/losse |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| s           |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| recognised  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| directly in |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| equity, net |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| of tax      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Transfer to |         |          |         |    2,554 |           |    2,554 |
| income      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| statement   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Translation |         |          |     320 |          |           |      320 |
| differences |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Transfer to |         |          |     240 |          |           |      240 |
| income      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| statement   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Equity      |         |      -70 |         |          |           |      -70 |
| component   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| of          |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| convertible |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| loan notes  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Net income  |       - |      -70 |     560 |      114 |         - |      603 |
| recognised  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| directly in |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| equity      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Profit for  |         |          |         |          |     5,825 |    5,825 |
| the period  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Total       |       - |      -70 |     560 |      114 |     5,825 |    6,428 |
| recognised  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| income and  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| expenses    |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Dividend    |         |          |         |          |    -1,689 |   -1,689 |
| distributio |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| n           |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Balance at  |  11,821 |   20,115 |     635 |        0 |    17,818 |   50,389 |
| 31          |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Dec 2008    |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Balance at  |  11,821 |   20,256 |     669 |   -1,042 |     8,376 |   40,080 |
| 31  Dec     |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| 2006        |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Available-f |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| or-sale     |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| financial   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| assets:     |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Fair value  |         |          |         |      929 |           |      929 |
| gains/losse |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| s           |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| recognized  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| directly in |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| equity, net |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| of tax      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Translation |         |          |    -712 |          |           |     -712 |
| differences |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Transfer to |         |          |     117 |          |           |      117 |
| income      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| statement   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Equity      |         |      -70 |         |          |           |      -70 |
| component   |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| of          |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| convertible |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| loan notes  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Net income  |       - |      -70 |    -595 |      929 |         - |      264 |
| recognised  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| directly in |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| equity      |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Profit for  |         |          |         |          |     5,305 |    5,305 |
| the period  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Total       |       - |      -70 |    -595 |      929 |     5,305 |    5,569 |
| recognised  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| income and  |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| expenses    |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Balance at  |  11,821 |   20,185 |      75 |     -114 |    13,682 |   45,649 |
| 31          |         |          |         |          |           |          |
| Dec 2007    |         |          |         |          |           |          |

CHANGES IN PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                        

| 1,000 euro                            |     January 1 - |         January 1- |
|                                       |    December 31, |  December 31, 2007 |
|                                       |            2008 |                    |
| Carrying amount at the beginning      |          43,355 |             47,821 |
| of                                    |                 |                    |
| the period                            |                 |                    |
| Additions                             |           2,773 |              4,816 |
| Disposals                             |            -537 |               -521 |
| Depreciation and impairments          |          -7,041 |             -8,102 |
| Exchange differences                  |             298 |               -659 |
| Carrying amount at the end            |          38,848 |             43,355 |
| of the                                |                 |                    |
| period                                |                 |                    |

CHANGES IN FINANCIAL LIABILITIES                                                

| 1,000 euro                            |     January 1 - |         January 1- |
|                                       |    December 31, |      December 31,  |
|                                       |            2008 |               2007 |
| Carrying amount at the beginning      |          22,259 |             25,731 |
| of                                    |                 |                    |
| the period                            |                 |                    |
| Proceeds of loans from financial      |             999 |             17,974 |
| institutions                          |                 |                    |
| Repayments of loans from financial    |          -4,744 |            -16,833 |
| institutions                          |                 |                    |
| Repayments of subordinated loans      |            -928 |             -4,591 |
| Changes in finance lease liabilities  |            -198 |                -21 |
| Carrying amount at the end            |          17,389 |             22,259 |
| of the                                |                 |                    |
| period                                |                 |                    |

DIVIDENDS PAID                                                                  

In April, the company distributed a dividend of 31.8 percent, i.e. 1.7 million  
euro, of the profit accrued in 2007, representing a 0.10 euro dividend per      

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                                                   

| 1,000 euro                            |    December 31, | December 31,  2007 |
|                                       |            2008 |                    |
| Loans secured with collaterals        |          13,333 |             15,667 |
| Collaterals                           |          24,964 |             29,001 |
| Off-balance sheet lease commitments   |             165 |                238 |
| Capital commitments                   |             574 |                  - |
| Nominal values of derivative          |                 |                    |
| contracts                             |                 |                    |
| Currency options, call                |               - |              3,484 |
| Electricity derivatives               |           2,961 |              2,383 |
| Fair values of derivative contracts   |                 |                    |
| Currency options, call                |               - |                119 |
| Electricity derivatives               |            -540 |                419 |

The contract price of the derivatives has been used as the nominal value of the 
underlying asset. Derivative contracts are for hedging.                         

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                      

Key management compensation during the period under review amounted to 1,506    
thousand euro (1,425 thousand euro).                                            

KEY FIGURES SHOWING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                       

|                                       |     January 1 - |        January 1 - |
|                                       |    December 31, |      December 31,  |
|                                       |            2008 |               2007 |
| Net sales                             |          67,867 |             64,652 |
| Change in net sales compared to       |             5.0 |                1.5 |
| the                                   |                 |                    |
| previous year´s period, %             |                 |                    |
| Export and foreign operations share   |            95.6 |               93.0 |
| of net sales, %                       |                 |                    |
| Operating profit                      |           8,476 |              7,121 |
|     % of net sales                    |            12.5 |               11.0 |
| Profit before tax                     |           5,576 |              5,215 |
|     % of net sales                    |             8.2 |                8.1 |
| Return on equity, %                   |            12.1 |               12.4 |
| Return on investment, %               |             9.9 |               10.8 |
| Non-interest bearing liabilities      |          13,707 |             14,755 |
| Net gearing ratio, %                  |            -1.2 |               19.6 |
| Equity ratio, %                       |            62.8 |               55.3 |
| Capital expenditure                   |           2,773 |              4,816 |
|     % of net sales                    |             4.1 |                7.4 |
| Depreciation                          |           7,041 |              8,095 |
| Research and development expenditure  |           2,261 |             1,854  |
| 1)                                    |                 |                    |
|     % of net sales                    |             3.3 |                2.9 |
| Average number of personnel           |             364 |                362 |
| during                                |                 |                    |
| the period                            |                 |                    |
| Personnel at the end of the period    |             363 |                357 |

1) Research and development expenditure has been presented in gross figures and 
only long-term projects based on research program have been taken into account. 

KEY FIGURES PER SHARE                                                           

|                                       |    December 31, | December 31,  2007 |
|                                       |            2008 |                    |
| Earnings per share basic and          |            0.34 |               0.31 |
| diluted, euro                         |                 |                    |
| Equity per share, euro                |            2.98 |               2.70 |
| Dividend per share, euro              |            0.05 |               0.10 |
| Dividend/earnings, %                  |            14.5 |               31.8 |
| Effective dividend yield, %           |             2.1 |                3.3 |
| Price/earnings (P/E)                  |             7.0 |                9.6 |
| Share price development (Jan 1-)      |                 |                    |
| Average trading price                 |            2.63 |               3.87 |
| Lowest trading price                  |            2.15 |               2.54 |
| Highest trading price                 |            3.14 |               4.67 |
| Trading price at the end of the       |            2.40 |               3.03 |
| period                                |                 |                    |
| Market capitalisation at the end      |          40,530 |             51,169 |
| of                                    |                 |                    |
| the period,  1,000 euro               |                 |                    |
| Trading volume (Jan 1-)               |                 |                    |
| Trading volume, transactions          |       8,355,374 |         13,175,961 |
| In relation to weighted average       |            49.5 |               78.0 |
| number of shares, %                   |                 |                    |
| Trading volume, euro                  |      22,002,739 |         51,002,491 |
| The weighted average number of shares |      16,887,500 |         16,887,500 |
| during the period under review        |                 |                    |
| adjusted by the share issue           |                 |                    |
| The number of shares at the end of    |      16,887,500 |         16,887,500 |
| the period adjusted by the share      |                 |                    |
| issue                                 |                 |                    |

QUARTERLY KEY FIGURES                                                           

|                                |   10-12/08 |   7-9/08 |   4-6/08 |   1-3/08 |
| Net sales                      |     15,751 |   18,090 |   16,992 |   17,034 |
| Compared to previous quarter,  |      -12.9 |      6.5 |     -0.2 |      7.9 |
| %                              |            |          |          |          |
| Operating profit               |      1,108 |    2,089 |    2,737 |    2,542 |
|   % of net sales               |        7.0 |     11.5 |     16.1 |     14.9 |
| Profit before tax              |     -1,323 |    2,683 |    2,582 |    1,634 |
|   % of net sales               |       -8.4 |     14.8 |     15.2 |      9.6 |
| Net cash flow generated from:  |      2,878 |    4,522 |    3,495 |    2,281 |
| Operating activities           |            |          |          |          |
| Investing activities           |       -716 |     -289 |     -841 |     -331 |
| Financing activities           |     -1,912 |      -48 |   -4,616 |      -58 |
| Increase/decrease in cash and  |        250 |    4,185 |   -1,962 |    1,892 |
| cash equivalents               |            |          |          |          |
| Personnel at the end of        |        363 |      361 |      370 |      359 |
| the                            |            |          |          |          |
| period                         |            |          |          |          |

|                                |   10-12/07 |   7-9/07 |   4-6/07 |   1-3/07 |
| Net sales                      |     15,790 |   15,927 |   15,613 |   17,322 |
| Compared to previous quarter,  |       -0.9 |      2.0 |     -9.9 |      8.2 |
| %                              |            |          |          |          |
| Operating profit               |        981 |    2,801 |      662 |    2,677 |
|   % of net sales               |        6.2 |     17.6 |      4.2 |     15.5 |
| Profit before tax              |        454 |    2,229 |      207 |    2,326 |
|   % of net sales               |        2.9 |     14.0 |      1.3 |     13.4 |
| Net cash flow generated from:  |      4,735 |    2,357 |     -414 |    1,628 |
| Operating activities           |            |          |          |          |
| Investing activities           |       -285 |     -593 |   -1,582 |   -1,850 |
| Financing activities           |       -931 |      -58 |   -3,582 |      817 |
| Increase/decrease in cash and  |      3,518 |    1,706 |   -5,578 |      595 |
| cash equivalents               |            |          |          |          |
| Personnel at the end of        |        357 |      356 |      369 |      360 |
| the                            |            |          |          |          |
| period                         |            |          |          |          |

DEFINITIONS OF KEY FINANCIAL FIGURES                                            

| Return on equity, % (ROE)      | =   | Profit/loss for the period from       |
|                                |     | continuing operations x 100           |
|                                |     | Equity (average for the period)       |
| Return on investment, % (ROI)  | =   | (Profit/loss before tax + interest    |
|                                |     | and other financial expenses) x 100   |
|                                |     | Balance sheet total - non-interest    |
|                                |     | bearing liabilities (average for the  |
|                                |     | period)                               |
| Equity ratio, %                | =   | Total equity x 100                    |
|                                |     | Balance sheet total - advances        |
|                                |     | received                              |
| Gearing, %                     | =   | (Interest-bearing liabilities - cash  |
|                                |     | and cash equivalents) x 100           |
|                                |     | Equity                                |
| Earnings per share             | =   | Profit/loss for the period            |
|                                |     | attributable to the equity holders    |
|                                |     | of the parent company                 |
|                                |     | Adjusted weighted average number of   |
|                                |     | shares in issue during the period     |
| Equity per share               | =   | Equity attributable to the equity     |
|                                |     | holders of the parent company         |
|                                |     | Adjusted number of shares at the end  |
|                                |     | of the period                         |
| Dividend per share             | =   | Dividend for the period               |
|                                |     | Adjusted number of shares at the end  |
|                                |     | of the period                         |
| Effective dividend yield, %    | =   | Dividend per share x 100              |
|                                |     | Trading price at the end of the       |
|                                |     | period                                |
| Price/earnings ratio (P/E)     | =   | Last adjusted trading price at the    |
|                                |     | end of the period                     |
|                                |     | Earnings per share                    |
| Average trading price          | =   | Total traded amount in euro           |
|                                |     | Adjusted number of shares traded      |
|                                |     | during the period                     |
| Market capitalisation at the   | =   | Number of shares at the end of the    |
| end of the period              |     | period x trading price at the end of  |
|                                |     | the period                            |
| Trading volume                 | =   | Number of shares traded during the    |
|                                |     | period                                |
|                                |     | Weighted average number of shares     |
|                                |     | during the period                     |

All figures of the financial tables are rounded, and consequently the sum of    
individual figures can deviate from the presented sum figure.                   

The figures are unaudited. In the written report, the figures in parenthesis    
refer to the corresponding period in the previous year.                         

The future estimates and forecasts in this financial statements bulletin are    
based on company management´s current knowledge. Actual events and results may  
differ from the estimates presented here.                                       

OKMETIC OYJ                                                                     

Mikko Montonen                                                                  
Deputy to the President                                                         

For further information, please contact:                                        

Executive Vice President, Sales, Mikko Montonen, Okmetic Oyj,                   
tel. +358 9 5028 0362, email: mikko.montonen@okmetic.com                        

Senior Vice President Esko Sipilä, Okmetic Oyj,                                 
tel. +358 9 5028 0286, email: esko.sipila@okmetic.com                           


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Principal media                                                                 

OKMETIC IN BRIEF                                                                

Take it higher                                                                  

Okmetic is a technology company which supplies tailor-made silicon wafers for   
sensor and semiconductor industries and sells its technological expertise.      
Okmetic provides its customers with solutions that boost their competitiveness  
and profitability.                                                              

Okmetic's silicon wafers are part of a further processing chain that produces   
end products that improve human interaction and quality of life. Okmetic's      
products are based on high-tech expertise that generates added value for        
customers, innovative product development and an extremely efficient production 

Okmetic has a global customer base and sales network, production plants in      
Finland and the US and contract manufacturers in Japan and China.               

Okmetic's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki under the code OKM1V. For    
more information on the company, please visit our website at www.okmetic.com.
