2017-02-28 16:41:23 CET

2017-02-28 16:41:23 CET

Össur hf. - Managers' transactions

Ossur Hf : insider trading

Announcement Össur hf. No. 18/2017

Viðskipti með eigin bréf/transaction in own financial instruments


Össur hf.

Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction:

28 February 2017

Kaup eða sala/Buy or Sell:


Tegund fjármálagernings/Type of instrument:


Fjöldi hluta/Number of shares:


Gengi/Verð pr. Hlut/Price:

3,000,000 at DKK 26.45

3,200,000 at ISK 395

Fjöldi hluta eftir viðskipti/Primary insider's holdings after the transaction:


Dagsetning lokauppgjörs/Date of settlement:

3,000,000 on 6 March 2017

3,200,000 on 7 March 2017

Ástæður viðskipta/Reason for transaction:

The purpose of the share buy-back is to adjust the capital structure by
distributing capital to shareholders in line with the Company's Capital
Structure and Dividend Policy.
