2017-12-13 07:00:00 CET

2017-12-13 07:00:16 CET


Enska Finnska
Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj - Inside information

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj: Financial targets for 2018-2020, and schedules for financial reports in 2018

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj

Stock Exchange Release, 13 February 2017, at 8:00 a.m. (EET)

Suomen Hoivatilat: Financial targets for 2018-2020, and schedules for financial
reports in 2018

Financial targets for 2018-2020 and dividend policy

The Board of Directors of Suomen Hoivatilat has set following targets for
strategic period 2018-2020:

  * Revenue growth of at least 40 per cent in 2018 and at least 30 per cent in
  * Operating result at 40 per cent of revenue, on average
  * Equity ratio at least 35 per cent on average

The dividend policy will remain unchanged. According to Hoivatilat's dividend
distribution policy, the target is to distribute at least 50 per cent of the
operating result as dividends every year.

Schedules of Suomen Hoivatilat's financial reports and Annual General Meeting in

Suomen Hoivatilat will publish the following financial reports in 2018:

13 February 2018: Financial Statements Bulletin for 2017

3 May 2018: Business Review, January-March 2018

16 August 2018: Half-Year Review, January-June 2018

1 November 2018: Business Review, January-September 2018

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 27 March 2018. The company's Board of
Directors will issue a separate notice of the Annual General Meeting at a later

The Annual Report for 2017 will be published in week 10 of 2018 (the week
beginning 5 March).


Board of Directors

Further information:
Suomen  Hoivatilat  Oyj,  Jussi  Karjula, CEO, jussi.karjula@hoivatilat.fi, tel.
+358 40 773 4054

Hoivatilat in brief:

Suomen  Hoivatilat specialises in producing,  developing, owning and leasing out
daycare  centre and  nursing home  premises and  service blocks.  Hoivatilat was
established in 2008 and cooperates with around 50 Finnish municipalities. It has
started over 100 real estate projects throughout Finland. The company was listed
on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki on 1 March 2017.
