2012-05-03 07:00:00 CEST

2012-05-03 07:01:04 CEST


Pohjola Pankki Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

OP-Pohjola Group has good first quarter - earnings before tax were over EUR 200 million

OP-Pohjola Group
Stock Exchange Release 3 May 2012 at 8.00 am (UT +3)
Interim Report

OP-Pohjola Group has good first quarter - earnings before tax were over EUR 200
million, capital adequacy improved further and business growth remained strong

- Earnings before tax for the first quarter were EUR 203 million (210), that is,
about the same as a year ago. Compared to the previous quarter - which was
burdened by non-recurring items (Q4/2011: EUR 37 million) - earnings rose
- Net interest income increased considerably, being 15% higher than a year ago.
Total income increased by 5%.
- Due to investments in business growth and development, expenses increased by
13%. Impairment loss on receivables came to EUR 11 million, or 55% lower than a
year earlier.
- The Group's capital adequacy reached a new record level as the Core Tier 1
ratio exceeded the 15% target, standing at 15.1%.
- Integration of banking and non-life insurance operations proceeded well. The
number of joint customers rose in the report period by 31,000. Growth continued
in both business segments at a rate above the market average with the exception
of mutual funds.
- The Group improved its market position in both home loans and corporate
- OP-Pohjola Group's 2012 earnings before tax are expected to be about the same
or better than in 2011. For more details, see "Outlook for the rest of 2012".

OP-Pohjola Group's key indicators
                                       Q1/2012     Q1/2011 Change %   Q1-4/2011
 Earnings before tax, EUR million          203         210     -3.2         525

    Banking                                155         134     15.1         483

    Non-life Insurance                      15          19    -19.4           8

    Life Insurance                          19          37    -47.6          10

 Returns to owner-members
 and OP bonus customers                     44          42      5.4         176

                                   31 Mar 2012 31 Mar 2011 Change % 31 Dec 2011

 Ratio of capital base to minimum
 amount of capital base (under the
 Act on the Supervision of
 Financial and Insurance
 Conglomerates)                           2.02        1.67    0.35*        1.80

 Tier 1 ratio, %
 Core Tier 1, %                           15.1        12.7     2.5*        14.0

 Non-performing receivables within
 the loan portfolio, %                    0.53        0.43    0.10*        0.47

 Joint banking and insurance
 customers, 1,000                        1,329       1,222      8.8       1,299
* Change in ratio

Comments by Reijo Karhinen, Executive Chairman

We got off to a good start to our 110th anniversary. Our first-quarter
performance was on the whole the best since the financial crisis: our earnings,
capital adequacy and growth performance were at a level that I am very happy

Despite the sovereign debt crisis, our funding suffered no hiccups. This created
stability and a positive feeling, and our financial position is now very strong.

Many banks elsewhere in Europe had to cut down on their operations to improve
their capital adequacy, but we were going against the current. Our capital
adequacy got better and better and actually reached record figures. At the same
time, our business growth enjoyed double-figure growth.

Our operating profit was at the same level as last year and improved
considerably from the last quarter of 2011 that was burdened by extraordinary
items. Our earnings were boosted by significantly higher net interest income but
eroded by much higher expenses. Both of these were affected by strong business
growth. Our expenses grew because we increased our resources for development and
customer service. The persistently low interest rates will level off net
interest income growth in the course of 2012. It is clear that if we wish to
continue to offer competitive prices in the long run, we need to keep our
expenses in check.

This month we are celebrating our Group's 110th anniversary, and there is reason
for celebration as the number customers we attract keeps going up. The number of
customers we have who use both our banking and non-life insurance services has
increased after the purchase of the Pohjola insurance operations by over
600,000. During the first quarter, this growth continued at a record rate of
31,000 customers. This would not have been possible if we had not been able to
keep up with the times. Whenever our customers approach us, I want them to feel
that we provide an easy-to-use, personal and caring service.

In recent years, economic turbulence has become the norm, and swiftly changing
capital markets dominate financial reporting. Predicting the future is still
very difficult, but on the other hand businesses that are able to operate within
an atmosphere of uncertainty have a definite competitive edge. Although
Finland's economic future and recovery from the euro area sovereign debt crisis
is uncertain and some setbacks surely lie ahead, we have nevertheless reason to
be positive. The difference with the last quarter of 2011 is striking.

OP-Pohjola Group has shown excellent resilience in the midst of the financial
and sovereign debt crisis. I continue to look into the future with confidence.

Financial performance in the report period

The Group's earnings before tax amounted to EUR 203 million (210). The reportperiod's profit performance was supported by higher net interest income, lower
impairment loss on receivables and the fact that non-life insurance claims
expenditure was lower in relation to insurance premiums than a year ago.
Earnings were eroded by lower net investment income and asset management
commissions and fees than a year earlier, as well as higher expenses. Bonuses to
owner-members and OP bonus customers recognised in the income statement grew by
5.9% year on year to EUR 42 million.

The Group's fair value reserve increased by EUR 378 million thank to a recovery
of the investment environment, while a year ago it decreased by EUR 82 million.
Earnings before tax at fair value was record-high - EUR 581 million (128).

Outlook for the rest of 2012

The outlook for both the global and Finnish economy has become a little more
positive during the first quarter. However, economic growth for 2012 will
probably remain sluggish in Finland and in the euro area in general. The
European sovereign debt crisis will continue to cause instability to general
economic development. The financial sector will also be adversely affected by
the extremely low interest rates, jittery capital markets and tighter regulation
in the sector.

The sovereign debt crisis in the euro area will make it difficult to estimate
OP-Pohjola Group's performance for the rest of 2012. OP-Pohjola Group's 2012
results are expected to be at the same or even a better level than the year
before, provided that the operating environment will not undergo any major
deterioration and the management of the euro-area debt crisis will take no new
turn for the worse.

All forward-looking statements in this report expressing the management's
expectations, beliefs, estimates, forecasts, projections and assumptions are
based on the current view on developments in the economy and actual results may
differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements.

Press conference

OP-Pohjola Group's financial performance will be presented to the media by
Executive Chairman and CEO Reijo Karhinen in a press conference on 3 May 2012,
starting at noon at Teollisuuskatu 1 b, Vallila, Helsinki.

Financial reporting in 2012

Interim Report H1/2012                1 August 2012
Interim Report Q1-3/2012                31 October 2012

Helsinki, 3 May 2012

OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative
Executive Board

Additional information

Executive Chairman and CEO Reijo Karhinen, tel. +358 (0)10 252 4500
Harri Luhtala, CFO, tel. +358 (0)10 252 2433
Carina Geber-Teir, Chief Communications Officer, tel. +358 (0)10 252 8394

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
London Stock Exchange
SIX Swiss Exchange
Major media
op.fi and pohjola.fi
