2010-03-31 14:45:00 CEST

2010-03-31 14:45:02 CEST


English Finnish
GeoSentric Oyj - Financial Statement Release


GEOSENTRIC OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE BULLETIN March 31, 2010 at 15:45               


The Annual Report 2009 of GeoSentric Oyj has been published and is available at 
company's website, www.geosentric.com. GeoSentric's Corporate Governance        
Statement, which is separate from the Operating Report by the Board of          
Directors, is also available at www.geosentric.com.                             

- Summary of key figures                                                        
- Review of October - December 2009                                             
- Operational overview                                                          
- Material events in the year 2009                                              
- Material events after the end of the financial year                           
- Review of the financial position and the financial results                    
- Sufficient Liquidity                                                          
- Outlook                                                                       
- Assessment of significant operational risks                                   
- Review of R&D-activities                                                      
- Change in Accounting Practices                                                
- Investments and financing                                                     
- Personnel and organization    
- Environmental issues                                                          
- Board of Directors and auditors                                               
- Group Structure                                                               
- Board authorization                                                           
- Structural arrangements and changes in amounts of shares                      
- Company shares and shareholders                                               
- Board proposal for distribution of profit                                     

SUMMARY OF KEY FIGURES                                                          

Key figures summarizing the Group's financial position and financial results    
(teuros if not indicated otherwise):                                            

| In period              4Q/2009      2009    4Q/2008    2008                  |
| Net sales                  475      2491      1164      4374                 |
| Operating result         -3697     -15538    -3255    -11919                 |
| Basic earnings                                                               |
| per share (eur)          -0.00     -0.02     -0.00    -0.01                  |
| At the end of period                                                         |
| Total assets                         8893              16805                 |
| Shareholders´ equity                -2236              10053                 |
| Total liabilities                   11129               6752                 |

REVIEW OF OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2009                                               

The development of the GyPSii platform and services continued strongly through  
the fourth quarter. TWIG sales declined substantially over the period as the    
TWIG Discovery Pro GSM/GPRS/GPS handset (for the safety and security market) and
the TWIG Locator tracking device (for the asset and vehicle tracking market)    
reached the end of their product lives. The Company succeeded in closing the    
first 7.5M€ tranche of financing to support its business plan.                  

In October the Company, along with China Unicom's launch activities, announced  
the launch of the iPhone with GyPSii/Unispace branded mobile application        
pre-loaded (bundled before point of purchase on the iPhone) into the Chinese    
market. Unispace is the China Unicom 3G brand and the only social networking    
application provided under the brand into China on iPhone is powered by GyPSii. 

In November the Company announced its partnership with China Unicom to launch   
the new consumer-focused 3G mobile lifestyle service - Unispace powered by      
GyPSii, for iPhone customers offered via Shanghai Unicom.                       

The GyPSii growth strategy is building distribution through partnerships, like  
device manufacturers, aligning GyPSii products with distribution partnership    
phone products, leveraging distribution launches, promotion of devices and in   
sequence build out monetization from revenue sharing such as advertising and    
fees from OEM/ODM relationships.                                                

GyPSii has been executing on the distribution deal and product alignment phases,
and has moved into distribution launch and promotion phase, which will lead to  
market penetration and monetization into 2010.                                  

The Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the company convened on November 17, 
2009. The EGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide upon raising of new   
financing up to EUR 25,000,000 through the Company's fully owned Dutch          
subsidiary GeoSolutions Holdings N.V. (“Offering”). The purpose of the Offering 
is to secure the working capital needs of the group and support the execution of
the business plan. The Offering shall be implemented by issuance of convertible 
notes entitling to subscription of GeoSolutions Holdings N.V's shares to a      
limited number of selected investors. The conversion rate will be based on      
valuation exceeding GeoSentric's current stock price in the stock exchanges and 
accordingly the maximum amount of new shares to be issued by virtue of possible 
conversions would in all events be less than half of GeoSolutions Holdings N.V's
outstanding shares and share capital. The investors may also be offered an      
option to convert their notes into GeoSentric's shares alternatively. In such   
conversions the number of GeoSentric's shares received would be the same        
proportional amount of fully diluted shares as the investor otherwise would have
received of the GeoSolutions Holdings N.V's shares.                             

The Extraordinary General Meeting's authorization is part of the previously     
announced fund raising process enabling the Company to close the required       
additional external financing in one or several tranches by end of March 2010.  

The Board decided in its meeting on November 22, 2009 upon the Offering as      
authorized by the EGM. First investment commitment of EUR 7,500,000 has been    
received from the lead investor participating in the Offering. The Board of     
Directors has accepted the commitment in its meeting on November 22, 2009 by    
virtue of the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting on May 15,    
2009 and the Extraordinary General Meeting on November 17, 2009. The loan       
matures in five years starting from 31 March, 2010 or closing of the Offering,  
whichever comes earlier. The commitment was drawn down in November.             

The Offering was originally decided to continue until March 31st 2010, which now
has been extended by the end of the year 2010 as described in section “Material 
events after the end of the financial year below”. The final terms of the       
financing will be confirmed upon closing and shall be applied to the lead       
investor as well. The terms shall be published after their confirmation. The    
Company is engaged in negotiations with multiple potential investors and sees it
likely that the Offering will be successful and that it's able to retain        
sufficient liquidity in all circumstances.                                      

As precondition for the investment the Company has agreed to pay an industry    
standard placement fee, which shall be paid partially in cash and partially in  
Company shares. The amount of the fee shall depend on final terms of the        
Offering to be confirmed.                                                       

OPERATIONAL OVERVIEW                                                            

GeoSentric is a developer and provider of solutions, products and technologies  
for location based services and LBS-enabled social networks. It develops a      
leading geo-integration platform for mobile devices, personal navigation        
devices, web browsers, and other internet-connected devices, which provides     
applications and bundled ODM/OEM solutions for consumer and B2B markets, built  
on the convergence of location based services, social networking, search, mobile& Web 2.0 technologies. Its intellectual property is delivered as software and  
services in products which include the GyPSii product platform (“GyPSii”)       
together with ready-to-use integrated GPS/GSM devices for navigation and object 
tracking and customisable software solutions for industry specific uses         
(“TWIG”). In addition, GeoSentric offers Internet-based locating services with  
which the user may locate other GeoSentric devices. The GyPSii platform and TWIG
product line complement each other and enable GeoSentric to utilize its overall 
intellectual property rights to software and services in an efficient manner    
with delivery of products and services to two different markets, GyPSii         
offerings to the geo social networking/LBS sector and TWIG offerings to the     
LBS/B2B sector.                                                                 

The business model for the GyPSii platform services and applications is via     
embedded licensing of IPR in terms of software technology and branded           
trademarks, and downstream advertising revenue generation from the platform in  
partnerships with mobile operators and carriers. Thus during the reporting      
period 2009 the Group continued its focus on securing contracts with the major  
distribution partners to integrate product on to their new devices and services.
Major marketing and launch plans during 2009 by the distribution partners have  
driven significant volumes of GyPSii users on a global basis, which is also     
expected to have a positive impact on revenues from GyPSii during 2010. The     
global financial crisis has delayed the launches of certain new products by some
of the company's distribution partners. This has caused some lag to the         
company's business plans but has not had any significant effect on the future   
outlook for GyPSii business.                                                    

The total net sales of the Group in 2009 were 2491 teuros, substantially down   
(-43.0%) on total net sales in 2008 of 4374 teuros, while the total cost of     
sales in 2009 were also down from that of the prior year 2008, going to 2141    
teuros from 3006 teuros, a 28.8% reduction. Revenue in the calendar year 2009   
was substantially all from the TWIG product and TWIG IP. The revenue reduction  
was caused by a decline in sales of the older Discovery Pro product which was   
not offset by the newly launched Protector product. The gross margin for the    
reporting period was 350 teuros (14.1%), compared to a gross margin of 1368     
teuros (31.3%) for the prior year 2008. This reduction reflects further price   
erosion in the Twig product line up together with a Twig inventory write down of
approximately 500 teuros as the TWIG Discovery products reach the end of their  
market lives.                                                                   

Total operating expenses were substantially higher in the reporting year        
compared to the prior year, going to 15890 teuros, from 13322 teuros in 2008, a 
19.3% increase. This was mainly driven by increases in R & D personnel related  
to the development of GyPSii products and services and to increased sales and   
marketing expenditure and personnel again in relation to the GyPSii products and

As a result, total result before taxes was -16187 teuros in 2009, versus -11865 
teuros in the prior year, a 36.4% decrease. Earnings per share for the reporting
period were -0.02 euros per share.                                              

Strategy update                                                                 

The Company adopted a new strategy in 2007 to fully leverage the acquisition of 
GeoSolutions B.V. At the core of the strategy was the integration of the GyPSii 
platform across the product portfolio of the Group Companies for mobile social  
networking and geo-mobility. This strategy positioned the Group Companies to    
exploit the fast growing global markets of Internet enabled mobile phones       
needing location based services.                                                

According to the strategy the Group targets the mass-market consumer space      
through a multi-tiered go-to-market distribution strategy for social networks   
including internet portals, mobile OEM's and mobile networks and Operators. This
go-to-market strategy will build a scaled network of customers, distributors,   
licensees and alliances to propagate the Group business. Consequently, the Group
has focused on business partnerships, product development and marketing. The    
main achievements in implementing the strategy since 2007 have been as follows: 

- building the global service infrastructure;                                   
- broadening the range of GyPSii supported devices, which is an essential       
element in Group's strategy and introducing OEx;                                
- several important distribution partnerships with world's leading mobile       
manufacturers and mobile operators: Samsung, LG, Lenovo, Huawei, Garmin, China  
Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Genasys and Intel relationships            
- worldwide recognition by receiving multiple industry awards;                  
- exponential growth rate in number of GyPSii users and page views              

The above mentioned achievements are indicative of the global market's selection
and adoption of the GyPSii overall platform and have created a solid basis for  
achieving a critical mass of users for GyPSii and also for future revenue       

The Group is now moving to a new phase in executing its strategy as the GyPSii  
business is moving from intensive product partnership development/product and   
infrastructure development/market penetration phase to monetization phase while 
TWIG products are reaching the end of their product lives. The target is to     
expand GyPSii user base and strengthen Group's solvency by focusing the product 
portfolio and improving performance and profitability. Actions to be adopted in 
the near future may include following:                                          

- critical assessment of the Company's cost structure and commencing necessary  
- harmonizing, rationalizing and simplifying Group's operations;                
- focusing the product portfolio;                                               
- continuing to penetrate emerging markets                                      

In moving to the new phase in executing the strategy and the business plan, the 
Group expects to achieve critical user base and see positive development in     
GyPSii generated revenues during 2010.                                          

The strategy surrounding our 2010 operating plan for the Group is centered on   
four main areas: The first is branding GyPSii to grow our footprint globally,   
especially in the emerging markets which are ripe for a service like GyPSii. The
second is revenue acceleration by monetizing our footprint with multiple sources
of revenue (advertising and subscription). The third is to continue our         
intellectual property and product feature innovation and grow our partner       
eco-system. The execution of this strategy is simply to capitalize on our signed
deals in 2009 which provide less risk to achieving our financial goals, as they 
provide subscription revenue streams in addition to ad revenue streams.         
Predictability is greatly enhanced with this revenue mix. This was a core focus 
in contract negotiations to make the business less ad dependent in the near     
term. The fourth area is centered on improving the productivity of the company  
by restructuring its global footprint into more cost effective geographies such 
as China and India. This will have a major impact of reducing costs throughout  
the 2010 year.                                                                  

MATERIAL EVENTS IN THE YEAR 2009                                                

During the year 2009, the Group has continued its efforts to broaden the range  
of GyPSii supported devices, which is an essential element in Group's business  
plan. As GyPSii's revenue model is based on income from embedded and upstream   
licensing of IPR, subscription fees and advertising, broadening the range of    
supported devices, entering into agreements with major distribution partners and
introduction of OEx has created a solid basis for achieving a critical mass of  
users for GyPSii and also for future revenue generation, even though those      
events haven't had material effect on company's financial performance during    

The highlights of the year were as follows:                                     

Detailed Information on GyPSii services and related agreements-                 

The company entered in several important agreements for the deployment of       
GyPSii-platform based services:                                                 

At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February 2009, the Company         
announced a strategic partnership with LG Electronics of Korea, to embed        
GyPSii's location-enabled mobile digital lifestyle application on a range of    
mobile devices. LG Electronics and GyPSii will share advertising and sponsorship
revenues generated by users of GyPSii on the new LG devices. The range will     
first launch across Windows Mobile devices, closely followed by Android and     
java-enabled devices.                                                           

Also at the 2009 Mobile World Congress, the Company announced the launch of     
OpenExperience API (OEx), the premier all-inclusive platform for incorporating  
location-based social networking functionality into embedded mobile clients and 
applications. The Company demonstrated select services of OEx on the soon to be 
released GyPSii native application support for the iPhone at Mobile World       
Congress, in Barcelona. OEx supports a whole new “user experience” on mobile    
devices, as seen on the iPhone and other embedded mobile and internet connected 
device platforms. OEx allows GyPSii partners to enhance their own products and  
services with the rich location-specific features, content and community of the 
GyPSii mobile social network. In using the API, partners can leverage GyPSii's  
vast international infrastructure and immediately offer new services to their   
customer base. OEx powers GyPSii's own mobile social network and is currently in
use by industry leaders Samsung, Navteq and Garmin to offer enhanced services to
their customers.                                                                

In April the Company announced that the Group's GyPSii mobile social networking 
application was available as a free download from the Samsung Mobile Application
Store, which was launched in January 2009                                       
(http://applications.samsungmobile.com). This will further extend the           
accessibility of the GyPSii application to potentially many millions of users.  

In May, the Company announced GyPSii native application support for the iPhone, 
which can now be downloaded from the Apple iPhone Application Store, extending  
penetration into the fastest growing mobile phone sector, smart phones, to over 
30M iPhone/iTouch active mobile internet users.                                 

In July the Company announced its partnership with China Unicom's Shanghai      
Unicom for GyPSii to become the premier mobile social networking solution in    
China for its new consumer 3G SNS service, UniSpace. This enables more than 5   
million Shanghai Unicom customers to download GyPSii directly on to their mobile
devices from the UniSpace website, and access will expand to all 130M China     
Unicom Subscribers in 2009 and 2010.                                            

In August the Company added advertising network partner MadHouse, one of the    
largest advertising networks in China, to supply advertising to the GyPSii      
platform and users in China.                                                    

In September the Company announced that GyPSii functionality will be delivered  
to Garmin customers on the pre-installed Garmin Ciao service on the latest      
Garmin portable navigation device, the “nuvi 1690”.                             
In September the Company added a completely new product to support the fast     
growing Android (Google Phone OS) market, with several new design and technology
innovations, thus opening the subscriber base to many more devices.             

In September the Company announced a relationship with WeFI, a high speed open  
Wi-Fi network with 30M access points, to promote download of GyPSii via their   
Wi-Fi portal access points to their users.                                      

In September the Company announced a completely new Java based product aimed at 
the mass market java based phones, adding support for over 100 additional phones
from Nokia, Sony Ericsson and other phone manufacturers.                        

In October the Company, along with China Unicom's launch activities, announced  
the launch of the iPhone with GyPSii/Unispace branded mobile application        
pre-loaded (bundled before point of purchase on the iPhone) into the Chinese    
market. Unispace is the China Unicom 3G brand and the only social networking    
application provided under the brand into China on iPhone is powered by GyPSii. 

In November the Company announced its partnership with China Unicom to launch   
the new consumer-focused 3G mobile lifestyle service - Unispace powered by      
GyPSii, for iPhone customers offered via Shanghai Unicom.                       

Other events in 2009 included:                                                  

As described in section “Review of October - December 2009” the Extraordinary   
General Meeting (EGM) of the company convened on November 17, 2009. The EGM     
authorized the Board of Directors to decide upon raising of new financing up to 
EUR 25,000,000 through the Company's fully owned Dutch subsidiary GeoSolutions  
Holdings N.V. (“Offering”). The first investment commitment of EUR 7,500,000 was
received and drawn down from the lead investor participating in the Offering in 
November 2009. The Offering was originally decided to continue until March 31st 
2010, which now has been extended by the end of the year 2010 as described in   
section “Material events after the end of the financial year below”.            

TWIG business                                                                   

In February 2009, the Company announced the launch of its new, next generation, 
location-centric GPS/GSM personal protection device: the TWIG Protector, created
to protect lone workers, the vulnerable and those needing access to emergency   
care, the TWIG Protector is shock and water resistant, light and extremely easy 
to use. In addition it can communicate with all TWIG™ devices and support       
systems using both SMS and GPRS Mobile Phone Telematics Protocol. This latest 
addition to TWIG portfolio supports the efficient utilization of company's core 
IPRs and revenue generation from TWIG products. Sales of TWIG Protector started 
in June in selected markets and market roll-out was continued in second half of 

The business of the Company's TWIG unit declined substantially over the year as 
the TWIG Discovery Pro GSM/GPRS/GPS handset (for the safety and security market)
and the TWIG Locator tracking device (for the asset and vehicle tracking market)
reached the end of their product lives.                                         

Legal Proceedings                                                               

The Company made a settlement in the previously reported dispute with its US    
distributor for TWIG products whereby both parties have agreed to drop all      
claims against each other in return for a payment from the US distributor to the
Company of US$ 215,000 and the return of all TWIG Discovery units to the        
The Company does not have any pending or threatening legal proceedings which the
Company would consider to have material impact on the Company's financial       
position or profitability.                                                      


In February 2010, at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona Spain the company 
announced the following new applications and partnerships:                      

Tweetsii - GyPSii announced Tweetsii, a killer new Twitter application to      
connect people with places and networks by growing the Twitter experience and   
grounding it in the real world with multimedia and geo-location to support a    
free exchange of content and ideas. Tweetsii is a radical new way to use social 
media and the Internet that breaks down the barrier between the real world and  
digital world. The application stems from GyPSii's core mission “Connect,       
Create, Share” and seeks to energize a people-powered index of the world,       
supported by real time user created content, that is shared and accessed when   
it's most useful - while users are out, shaking it up in the real world.        
Tweetsii is a ready-to-use app for current Twitter users.                       

OpenDeveloper - GyPSii announced a plan to open their API to the developer      
community with OpenDeveloper, a premier source of next generation technologies 
to connect people; create, share and search content; and monetize applications  
with contextual advertising. OpenDeveloper seeks to accelerate innovation in   
the mobile and social media ecosystem by arming developers with powerful        
technologies to create sticky apps. As consumers are increasingly eager to      
connect with mobile technologies the API will enable developers to get creative 
in the pursuit of compelling new solutions.                                     

China Telecom - GyPSii has been selected to be the branded China Telecom        
solution “le tu”, (Happy Trails in English) powered by GyPSii to be launched on 
and around 2010 Shanghai Expo with China Telecom Shanghai Telecom. GyPSii will  
deliver “le tu”, powered by GyPSii OEx API and distribution through China       
Telecom. The initial deployment will be to Shanghai during 2010 Shanghai Expo,  
in and around May 1, 2010. Subsequent deployment geographies include 14 other   
provinces including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Hainan, Shanxi, Anhui, 
Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhuo and Yuan. This partnership will  
supply GyPSii with subscription and advertising revenue into the China Telecom  
subscriber base that is estimated to be a 65M subscriber market size.           

Genasys/Telefonica - GyPSii has been selected to be the exclusive LBS social    
media partner in Telefonica's application portfolio in Latin America. The       
agreement provides both subscription and advertising revenue to GyPSii for a 5  
year term. GyPSii will deliver Movistar “Powered by GyPSii” WebTop, WAP site and
handheld apps into the approximately 130 million subscriber base supported by   
Telefonica in Latin America.                                                    

Intrinsyc - GyPSii and Intrinsyc will be going to market with a social network  
and navigation application. The application will provide a compelling integrated
mapping, navigation and social content solution to their current customer base, 
operators and into new navigation markets, incremental to GyPSii's core mobile  
lifestyle markets. The agreement provides 2 revenue streams for GyPSii, the     
first includes a support services fee per user. The second calls out an         
advertising split for all advertisements served within the social mapping and   
navigation application.                                                         

China Ad Partners - GyPSii announced several important on-line and mobile       
advertising and coupon distribution partners in China.                          

Working with Shanghai coupon provider Kubang, GyPSii connects users with coupons
for nearby restaurants that the user views alongside user-created content on the
GyPSii network. If the user searches “food” for example they might receive a    
coupon for a nearby restaurant. This not only adds value to the user experience 
but also drives transaction and referrals for the restaurant on GyPSii.         

GyPSii has also partnered with leading Chinese mobile advertising network       
MADhouse to help deliver inventory for major global and regional brands. GyPSii 
has other deals in place with Admob, search engine company Baidu, and CHANet,   
the leading mobile marketing affiliate network in China.                        

In addition, GyPSii continues to expand its extensive index of Points of        
Interest for GyPSii users to search and explore. Content relationships with     
5757577 and Gudumani connect GyPSii users with new restaurant and dining POIs:  
Avantouch for theatre information: and City8 for travel POI. This additional    
content enhances the GyPSii user experience, providing more information and     
greater choice for members to access and use on their mobile device.            

In the Magi.Tel case the Finnish Enforcement Authority approved Company's appeal
against enforcement of the decision of the Court of First Instance of Rome and  
ruled that the respective payment has lapsed in its entirety due to the         
Company's earlier reorganization program.                                       

As announced on March 31, 2010 the Company has decided to extend its current   
financing round until the end of the year 2010 and targets to close at minimum  
6M€ additional external financing during the Q2 2010.                           


The Company has during the period retained solidity and liquidity.              

Key figures summarizing the Group's financial position and financial results    
(teuros if not indicated otherwise):                                            

| In period                      2009         2008        2007                 |
| Net sales                      2491        4374        4435                  |
| Operating result             -15538      -11919      -18726                  |
| Operating result (%)           -624        -272        -422                  |
| At the end of period                                                         |
| Total assets                   8893       16805       17360                  |
| Shareholders´ equity          -2236       10053       12737                  |
| Total liabilities             11129        6752        4623                  |

The Company has agreed with its main investor to delay the payment of accrued   
interest on its loans, which had a positive impact of 630 k€ on the Company's   
cash position at the end of the reporting period.                               

Sufficient liquidity                                                            

The Company has, during the reporting period, retained sufficient liquidity.    
However, the Company's working capital is not sufficient for the next twelve    
(12) months without raising additional external financing. To secure sufficient 
liquidity in all circumstances, the Company has decided upon an extended        
financing round as is described in more detail in the section “Material events  
in the year 2009”. The original target was to close the financing round by March
31, 2010, which deadline now has been extended until the end of the year 2010.  
The financing round has been more challenging than expected before due to very  
challenging atmosphere in the financing markets globally, adding also lag to the
execution of the company's business plan and moving revenue expectations in the 
future accordingly.                                                             

Unless Company's near term cashflow improves significantly the Company will need
to raise at minimum 6M€ of external financing during the Q2 2010 to secure      
sufficient liquidity. Despite the challenges in the fund raising the Company has
been able to create significant business potential and is currently engaged in  
ongoing discussions with its key shareholders and investors to explore the      
different financing alternatives. With the new financing, the Company would     
retain sufficient liquidity through the next twelve (12) months period.         


Over the past year plus the Group has signed agreements with global leaders in  
mobile technology and GPS navigation: Samsung as the #2 provider of mobile      
handsets, LG as the #3 provider, which has now grown to over 10% of market      
share, and Garmin as the #1 provider of GPS products. Further, the agreement    
with MyNet and China Mobile is indicative of the global market's selection and  
adoption of the GyPSii overall platform. The Intel relationship as part of the  
reference platform for Atom-based processor MID devices is also a strategic and 
significant milestone for the Group. The Group also has deep device support for 
Nokia supported platforms built on the Symbian operating systems, like the      
recently introduced, 5th Edition Touch based device, Nokia 5800 and future      
devices expected in 2010, and added support for lower end Java based platforms  
for Symbian S40 and MIDP from other manufacturers like Samsung, Sony Ericsson   
and LG These material agreements continue to establish GyPSii as a leading      
platform, applications and services provider for the geo-social networking,     
mobility, and internet advertising markets.                                     

The recent announcement with China Unicom to use GyPSii as the mobile social    
networking application of choice, branded under their SG Brand Unispace for     
iPhone and their other mobile phones, extends GyPSii deeper into the DNA of our 
partners and their potential subscriber bases.                                  

GyPSii is further establishing distribution with major global players in the    
phone and MID (mid internet devices) markets. The market is blurring between    
smart phones, MID devices, even low end feature phones on Java, and new entrants
that are pushing the price down for entry point for what was seen as mid to high
level mobile devices, making them available for purchase by the mass market in  
the US, Europe and Asia. This trend continues with the recent entries on Android
supported by multiple phones manufacturers and operators, with approximately 18 
plus Android based devices to hit the market in early 2010. GyPSii is now       
supporting Android as it emerges as a serious alternative for device            
manufacturers to the development of home grown proprietary platforms, lightly   
supported Linux variants and established competitive platforms like Windows     
Mobile and Symbian.                                                             

The move onto platforms like Android is further evidence of the adoption and    
convergence of smartphones and feature phones into platforms that are being     
pushed aggressively by phone manufacturers and operators, and being adopted by  
the developer community.                                                        

The GyPSii business is moving from intensive product development phase to market
penetration phase. As the revenues derive from embedded licensing of IPR and    
downstream advertising revenue generation, the growth of both the number of     
GyPSii users and the devices supported by GyPSii in the markets are crucial for 
the commercial success of the business. Despite the global financial crisis the 
company has seen steady growth rate in the number of GyPSii users and managed to
close several important distribution partnership deals with world's leading     
mobile manufacturers and operators. As announced before, the company expected to
see positive development in GyPSii generated revenues starting from early 2010. 
Ongoing financing negotiations and global financing crisis have slightly shifted
the revenue expectations of GyPSii further to the future. Yet revenues have     
started to be generated during 2009 and the company expects to see accelerated  
positive development in GyPSii generated revenues during 2010.                  

TWIG product demand has declined substantially as the TWIG Discovery reaches the
end of its product life and the newer TWIG Protector has so far been            
disappointing in terms of new sales achievement. The TWIG Discovery Pro         
GSM/GPRS/GPS handset is targeted at the safety and security market and the TWIG 
Locator tracking unit for the asset and vehicle tracking market.                

ASSESSMENT OF SIGNIFICANT OPERATIONAL RISKS                                     

The global financial crisis and current global recession may have a negative    
impact also on the business of the Group. The Group's business model is partner 
driven and possible delays in partners' launching their new products to the     
market may have an adverse effect on the development of the Group's business by 
decelerating the distribution and user-adoption rate of the Group's services.   

There is no certainty of the success regarding the implementation and           
realisation of the business plan. According to the business strategy, the Group 
is pursuing entrance also to new business segments with competitive situations  
new to it, or which may be only in the early market phase. Unless the Group is  
able to successfully respond to these developments it may significantly impair  
the Group´s operating results.                                                  

A key driver of the business model is sufficient and sufficiently rapid growth  
of users of the services, and the speed of adoption of mobile, UGC and location 
based advertising of which the Group has no certainty. Advertising budgets are  
being reduced by all major brands and advertisers and this could have an adverse
affect on the adoption of mobile and location based advertising in 2010 and     

In addition, the Company carries a limited risk connected with the TWIG product 
inventory. Should the Company not be able to sufficiently protect its industrial
rights and other intangible assets, its competitive position may suffer. It is  
also possible that other parties may bring action against the Company on grounds
of alleged infringement of industrial or intellectual property rights and,      
should they be successful, the Company may be obligated to pay significant   

Since 1997, the Company has not paid dividends. In the future, the re-payments  
of capital loans will restrict the possibility to distribute dividends. The     
total amount of loans as at 31 December 2009 was 17613 teuros at nominal value. 
Regarding future dividend payments, there is also uncertainty about the ability 
of the Company to accrue distributable capital. According to the financial      
statements of the Company, there was no distributable capital in the latest     
balance sheet of the Company.                                                   

The Group´s business plan has been prepared by assuming that the Group´s result 
and cashflow will improve significantly. Should the result and cashflow         
essentially fail to meet the planned figures, the Group´s financing plan may    
turn out to be insufficient causing a need to secure additional financing. The  
Company has already decided upon new financing round. Should the minimum amount 
of the new financing described above in the section “Sufficient liquidity” be   
delayed beyond Q2 2010 this would enforce the Company to introduce significant  
cost cutting plan, which would also have material effect on execution on        
Company's current business plan in the short term, and also cause an insolvency 

There are significant financial risks related to the Company's business,        
competition and industry and it is possible that investors may lose all or a    
part of their invested capital.                                                 

GeoHolding B.V., and investor groups led by Horizon Group and Schroders & Co    
Limited have influence on GeoSentric, each of them separately. The Company      
trusts that the regulation and information obligation binding public companies, 
supported by the compliance with the corporate governance recommendations,      
together with the continuous external auditing activity maintained by a skilled 
and reputable auditing firm suffice to pre-empt a misuse of control power       

REVIEW OF R&D-ACTIVITIES                                                        

The volume of the group's R&D activities were significant due to the on-going   
R&D-programs by means of which the group intends to significantly expand its    
business over the next few years. No capitalizations were made.                 

The group has R&D units in Salo (Finland), Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Windsor 
(UK), Warwick, RI (USA) and Shanghai (China).                                   

Additionally, GyPSii server facilities are maintained in the US, China and the  
Netherlands at present, with continued upgrades and new locations planned in the

The development of R&D costs in years 2007-2009 was the following:              

| Year    | R&D costs      | % of sales     | of which       | % of sales      |
|         | teuros         |                | capitalized    |                 |
|         |                |                | teuros         |                 |
| 2007    | 5797           | 130.7          | 0              | 0               |
| 2008    | 6088           | 139.2          | 0              | 0               |
| 2009    | 8211           | 329.6          | 0              | 0               |

INVESTMENTS AND FINANCING                                                       

Gross investments in financial period were 208 teuros. In year 2008 gross
investments were 119 teuros and in year 2007 they were 6283 teuros, which amount
almost entirely came from the GeoSolutions acquisition.                         

PERSONNEL AND ORGANIZATION                                                      

The number of employed personnel at GeoSentric in 2009 averaged 120, of which   
35, at most, were affected by alternate forced leaves. The alternate forced     
leave program, agreed to in autumn 2007 to apply for the time being, continued  
in 2008 and 2009 and will continue also in 2010. The average number of personnel
in year 2008 was 94 and in year 2007 it was 83.                                 

The members of the management team of the Company are: Dan Harple (Executive    
Chairman), Tomi Raita (Senior Vice President & Managing Director, EMEA) Michael 
Po (General Manager, Senior Vice President, Engineering), Rich Pizzarro (Senior 
Vice President & Chief Technology Officer), Bruce Hathaway (Senior Vice         
President, Finance, Controller and Corporate Secretary), Robin Halliday (Chief  
Financial Officer), Shane Lennon (Senior Vice President, Marketing and Product  
Management), Jack Early (Senior Vice President, Global Matrix Operations), Jeff 
Lin (Managing Director, Asia Pacific), Jay Cahill (Vice President, Strategic    
Accounts), Sam Critchley (Vice President, Products) Adrian Anderson (Vice       
President, Strategic Partnerships), Gavin Nicol (Vice President, Principal      
Architect) and Jukka Nieminen (Vice President, Services & Solutions).           

Thor Johnson, SVP of Media Markets and member of the management team resigned   
from the Company as of April 2, 2009. Due to the resignation Jay Cahill joined  
the management team responsible for the Strategic Partner Relations.  The       
employment of Thor Jonson, SVP Media Markets, with the Company ended in June    
2009 and the employment of Bill Conners, SVP Sales & Business Development, with 
the Company ended during Q3/2009.                                           

ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES                                                            

The Company changed into a no-lead manufacturing process according to so called 
ROHS-directive during summer 2006. The Company pays for its products a statutory
recycling fee and has organized the recycling of disposed materials             
contractually through Jalopinta Ky. Altogether, the Company's operations cause  
no significant environmental impact.                                            

BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS                                                 

According to the Company's articles of association the Board of Directors       
consists of not less than three (3) but no more than nine (9) ordinary members. 
The term of the members of the Board of Directors begins at the end of the      
Annual General Meeting of shareholders and expires at the end of the next Annual
General Meeting of the shareholders following the election.                     

The Board consists of Daniel Harple (Chairman), Gary Bellot, Raymond Kalley,    
Michael Vucekovich, Andy van Dam, Winston Guillory and Hans van der Velde. Board
member David Francis resigned from the Board of Directors effective as of March 
13, 2009 due to personal reasons not connected to the Company. On 15 May 2009 Mr
Raymond Kalley was elected to the Board. Mr Kalley has extensive management     
experience and a background in mergers and acquisitions and general corporate   

GeoSentric Oyj's Board of Directors decided in March to establish committees to 
enhance the preparation of matters falling within the competence of the Board.  
The established committees are 1) Audit and Finance Committee; 2) Corporate     
Governance and Nominations Committee; 3) Compensation Committee; and 4)         
Strategic Options Committee.                                                    

In financial year 2009, the audit firm Ernst & Young Oy continued to serve as   
the ordinary auditor of the Company, with Mr. Erkka Talvinko, CPA, as the       
responsible auditor. Audit firm PricewaterhouseCoopers continued as the deputy  
auditor of the Company.                                                         

GROUP STRUCTURE                                                                 

In addition to the parent company, GeoSentric Oyj, the group comprises of 100 % 
owned subsidiaries, GyPSii (Shanghai) Co. Ltd, GeoSolutions B.V., GyPSii Inc.,  
GeoSolutions Holdings N.V. (formerly Benefon Solutions B.V.)  and GeoSentric    
(UK) Ltd. (formerly Benefon (UK) Ltd).                                          

The company completed a restructuring of its group structure during the year to 
achieve a more efficient operation model. Under the restructuring all           
GeoSentric's subsidiaries are held under its Dutch subsidiary, GeoSolutions     
Holding N.V. (formerly Benefon Solutions B.V). The restructuring did not have   
any effect on company's assets and liabilities.                                 

GeoSentric (UK) Ltd., GyPSii (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., GeoSolutions B.V. and GyPSii 
Inc. are primarily engaged with the GyPSii business. GyPSii (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
has a primary focus for market development in Asia. Further, product quality    
assurance, testing, and multi-lingual review are assisted by the Shanghai team. 
GeoSentric Oyj is the group parent company and is engaged in the TWIG-products  
and provides R&D services to the GyPSii-products and services. GeoSolutions     
Holdings N.V. is a semi dormant holding company.                                

BOARD AUTHORIZATION                                                             

The Annual General Meeting convened on May 15, 2009 authorized the Board to     
increase the share capital by maximum of 3,000,000 euros and share amount by    
maximum of 300,000,000 new shares. The authorization is valid for two (2) years 
from the date of the Annual General Meeting. At the same all the other          
authorizations were terminated.                                                 

At the end of the reporting period the remaining amount of Board's authorization
was 2,705,000.00  euros and 270,500,000  shares corresponding to 30.12 % of the 
currently registered share amount and 18.88 % shares after all shares and       
instruments entitled to shares, effecting a corresponding immediate dilution to 
existing shareholdings.                                                         


The Board decided during reporting period to adopt Option Plans 2009I-IV and    
issue an aggregate amount of 32,500,000 option rights to the key resources and  
members of the Board of Directors without charge. The option rights have been   

The Board option subscription period of Option Plan 2008-V has ended on December
31, 2009. Of the reserved amount, a total of 9,479,500 options have been        

The Board of Directors has accepted new financing amounting up to EUR 25,000,000
at maximum and accepted investment commitment of EUR 7,500,000 by the lead      
investor as described in more detail above in section 4 “Material events in the 
year 2009”.                                                                     

More information upon the option programs is available in Note 23 “Option       
Rights” of the Financial Statements.                                            

During the financial year the Company's share capital remained unchanged. The   
share amount was increased with a total amount of 2,830,189 new shares          
registered into the Finnish Trade Register on Febraury 5, 2009. The free share  
issue directed to an advisor of the Board was based on the decision by the Board
of Directors on November 20, 2008.                                              

As a conclusion the amount of securities of the Company changed over the        
reporting year as follows:                                                      

| Number of registered shares on 1.1.2009         | 895,096,165                |
| New shares issued in directed share issue       | 2,830,189                  |
| New shares issued in securities conversions     | 0                          |
| Number of registered shares on 31.12.2009       | 897,926,354                |

| Loan             | Amount /EUR       | Entitled shares   | Mature Date       |
| 2004A            | 112,762.57        | 0                 | 31.12.2008        |
| 2008B            | 10,000,000        | 94,339,622        | 25.8.2013         |

CAPITAL LOANS                                                                   

The Company did not raise any new capital loans in 2009.                        
The loan decided on February 26, 2004 and remaining 112,762.57 euros has been   
matured and entitles no longer new shares of the Company. Until now, no payments
have been made of the Loan. The loan will accrue a fixed annual interest of 4 % 
also paid on mentioned date of June 30 of each year providing that the          
requirements set in the Companies´ Act regarding interest payments on equity    
loans are met. Until now, no interest has been paid on the loan.                

COMPANY SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                 

The shares of GeoSentric Oyj are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (NASDAQ OMX: 
GEO1V) and issued in the book entry system held by Euroclear Finland, address PL
1110, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland. The ISIN-code of the share is FI 0009004204. 
The Company's shares have been on the surveillance list since February 11, 2003.

The Company and its subsidiaries do not have any Company´s shares owned by or   
administered on behalf of the Company.                                          

The company's share capital on December 31, 2009, was 8,950,961.65 euros,       
consisting of 897,926,354 shares. The number of outstanding shares in the       
beginning of the financial year 2009 was 895,096,165.                           

As of 31.12.2009 according to share register of the Euroclear Finland           
shareholders who hold their shares under a name of a nominee own a total amount 
of 778,880,207 shares corresponding 86.74 % of the Company's shares and votes   

| Shareholder                 | Shares                 | Vote and share %      |
| Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj     | 492,665,496            | 54.87 %               |
| (custodian shares)          |                        |                       |
| Skandinaviska Enskilda      | 261,694,243            | 29.14 %               |
| Banken (custodian shares)   |                        |                       |
| Svenska Handelsbanken AB    | 24,520,468             | 2.73 %                |
| (custodian shares)          |                        |                       |
| TOTAL                       | 778,880,207            | 86.74 %               |

During the year the company received a flagging notice from GeoHolding.         
According to the notice, the threshold of GeoHolding could increase from 27.97 %
to a maximum of 31.90 % by virtue of option rights. In addition the threshold of
GeoHolding and its beneficial shareholder, Dan Harple, could raise together up  
to a maximum of 32.80 % of the registered share amount and votes, comprising of 
aggregate amount of 251,171,068 shares and 43,418,055 option rights.            

The number of fully diluted shares as of 31.12.2009 was as follows:             

| Registered listed shares       | 897,926,354                                 |
| Registered rights entitling to | 264,161,464                                 |
| shares                         |                                             |
| Un-registered shares           | 0                                           |
| Board authorization            | 270,500,000                                 |
| TOTAL                          | 1,432,587,818                               |

The Company's all issued instruments entitled to shares together correspond to a
maximum of 29.42 % of the Company's registered number of shares and             
approximately 18,44 % of the share capital after all instruments entitled to    
shares issued by the Company and board authorization, effecting a corresponding 
direct dilution to existing holdings.                                           


The share holdings and potential holdings by virtue of instruments entitling to 
share subscriptions of the Board members and managing director, including the   
holdings by controlled corporations, are as follows:                            
| Person            | Direct shares   | Securities         | Total securities  |
|                   |                 | entitling to       |                   |
|                   |                 | shares             |                   |
| Bellot, Gary      | 323,571         | 7,000,000          | 7,323,571         |
| Kalley, Raymond   | 2,830,189       | 5,000,000          | 7,830,189         |
| Guillory, Winston | -               | 7,000,000          | 7,000,000         |
| *Harple, Daniel   | 248,673,068     | 46,918,055         | 295,591,123       |
| Tomi Raita        | 2,564           | 1,700,000          | 1,702,564         |
| Van Dam, Andries  | -               | 7,205,000          | 7,205,000         |
| Van der Velde,    | 1,190,476       | 7,000,000          | 8,190,476         |
| Johannes          |                 |                    |                   |
| Vucekovich,       | 1,691,397       | 7,000,000          | 8,691,397         |
| Michael           |                 |                    |                   |
* Held on behalf of GeoHolding, B.V.                                            

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                      

As a part of the terms relating to the investors investment to the Note,        
previous financing round arranged in August-September 2007 and simultaneously   
agreed restructuring of Company's ownership, the Board approved an incentive    
carve-out agreement entered into with key senior managers who are holders in    
GeoHolding B.V. for a successfully completed exit transaction. The incentive    
carve-out is based on the valuation of the Company in pre-defined exit events,  
requiring shareholders' approval to take place, and may not exceed 10 percent of
the valuation. The agreement shall be valid until July 31, 2017.                

As part of the Offering described in more detail above in section 4 “Material   
events in the year 2009” the Company has entered into an advisory agreement with
Raymond Kalley subject to financial services in the Offering. Based on the loan 
of 7,500 teuros raised in the Offering, Raymond Kalley was paid a total amount  
of 225 teuros in cash as part of the agreed introductory fee in the Offering.   
The introductory fee to be paid in shares shall depend on the final terms which 
shall be confirmed upon closing of the Offering.                                

More information upon the related party transactions is available in Note 30 of 
the Financial Statements.                                                       


The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend is distributed
and that the loss for the period is booked to the prior years´ result account.  

Annual General Meeting is scheduled to be held May 14, 2010. The notice of the  
meeting, including the Board of Directors' proposals to the Annual General      
Meeting, will be published as a separate stock exchange release.                


The GeoSentric's financial statements release has been prepared according to the
accounting standard IAS 34, Interim Reports. The accounting principles for the  
financial statements have been presented in the Financial Statements 2009       
published on March 31, 2010. The information presented in this report has been  

In the Notes to the Financial Statements there is more detailed and additional  
information about the Company's operations in the financial year 2009.          

It should be noted that certain statements herein which are not historical facts
are based on management's best assumptions and beliefs in light of the          
information currently available to it.                                          

According to Finnish Securities Market Act, Chapter 2, Section 10 c, GeoSentric 
Oyj has published the annual summary of the stock exchange releases and         
announcements published during the year 2009. The summary is available at:      

In Salo March 31, 2010                                                          

GeoSentric Oyj                                                                  

The Board of Directors                                                          

GROUP STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                                         

| 1000 EUR           |     Note |  4Q/2009 |      2009 |   4Q/2008 |      2008 |
| Net sales          |          |      475 |      2491 |      1164 |      4374 |
| Cost of goods sold |        4 |      419 |      2141 |       664 |      3006 |
| Gross margin       |          |       56 |       350 |       500 |      1368 |
| Other operating    |          |        2 |         2 |         0 |        35 |
| income             |          |          |           |           |           |
| General &          |        4 |      790 |      3111 |      1128 |      3874 |
| Administrative     |          |          |           |           |           |
| expenses           |          |          |           |           |           |
| Research &         |        4 |     1945 |      8211 |      1593 |      6088 |
| Development        |          |          |           |           |           |
| expenses           |          |          |           |           |           |
| Sales & Marketing  |        4 |     1020 |      4568 |      1034 |      3360 |
| expenses           |          |          |           |           |           |
| Operating result   |          |    -3697 |    -15538 |     -3255 |    -11919 |
| Financial income   |          |        0 |        74 |       190 |       330 |
| Financial expenses |          |     -231 |      -723 |      -195 |      -276 |
| Result before      |          |    -3928 |    -16187 |     -3260 |    -11865 |
| taxes              |          |          |           |           |           |
| Income taxes       |          |      110 |       409 |       110 |       492 |
| Result for the     |          |    -3818 |    -15778 |     -3150 |    -11373 |
| period             |          |          |           |           |           |
| Translation        |          |        8 |        11 |       124 |       124 |
| difference         |          |          |           |           |           |
| Comprehensive      |          |    -3810 |    -15767 |     -3026 |    -11249 |
| income             |          |          |           |           |           |
| Earnings per       |          |          |           |           |           |
| share, eur         |          |          |           |           |           |
| Basic earnings per |          |    -0,00 |     -0,02 |     -0,00 |     -0,01 |
| share, eur         |          |          |           |           |           |

Diluted earnings per share have not been computed because dilution effect would 
improve the key figure.                                                         
GROUP STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                           

| 1000 EUR                         |        Note |   31.12.2009 |   31.12.2008 |
| ASSETS                           |             |              |              |
| Non-current assets               |             |              |              |
| Property, plant and equipment    |             |          240 |          194 |
| Goodwill                         |             |          216 |          216 |
| Other intangible assets          |             |          510 |         2520 |
| Other financial assets           |             |           66 |           64 |
| Deferred tax assets              |             |            0 |            0 |
|                                  |             |         1032 |         2994 |
| Current assets                   |             |              |              |
| Inventories                      |             |         1216 |         1405 |
| Trade receivables and other      |             |          696 |         1816 |
| receivables                      |             |              |              |
| Prepaid expenses                 |             |           10 |          836 |
| Cash and cash equivalents        |             |         5939 |         9754 |
|                                  |             |         7861 |        13811 |
| Total assets                     |             |         8893 |        16805 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           |             |              |              |
| Shareholders´equity              |             |              |              |
| Share capital                    |           5 |         8951 |         8951 |
| Share premium account            |           5 |        13631 |        13631 |
| Translation difference           |             |          135 |          124 |
| Invested distributable equity    |           5 |        30603 |        28039 |
| account                          |             |              |              |
| Retained earnings                |             |       -55556 |       -40692 |
| Total shareholders´ equity       |             |        -2236 |        10053 |
| Non-current liabilities          |             |              |              |
| Deferred tax liabilities         |             |          128 |          638 |
| Interest-bearing debt            |           7 |         7061 |         3394 |
|                                  |             |         7189 |         4032 |
| Current liabilities              |             |              |              |
| Trade payables and other         |             |         2634 |         1977 |
| payables                         |             |              |              |
| Provisions                       |             |           37 |           62 |
| Interest bearing debt            |           7 |         1269 |          681 |
|                                  |             |         3940 |         2720 |
| Total liabilities                |             |        11129 |         6752 |
| Total shareholders´ equity and   |             |         8893 |        16805 |
| liabilities                      |             |              |              |

GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                       

| 1000 EUR                                   |           2009 |           2008 |
| Cash flow from operations                  |                |                |
| Result for the period                      |         -15778 |         -11373 |
| Adjustments                                |           3991 |           3384 |
| Changes in working capital:                |                |                |
|    Change of trade and other receivables   |           1946 |            362 |
|    Change of inventories                   |           -295 |           1416 |
|    Change of trade and other liabilities   |            632 |           -454 |
| Paid interests                             |           -930 |             -2 |
| Received interest payments                 |            145 |            118 |
| Cash flow from operations, net             |         -10289 |          -6549 |
| Cash flow from investments, net            |           -208 |           -119 |
| Cash flow from financing                   |                |                |
| Proceeds from issue of share capital       |              0 |              1 |
| Transaction expenses of share issues       |            -68 |            -99 |
| Transaction expenses of loans              |           -750 |              0 |
| Proceeds from long term borrowings, equity |           2591 |           6038 |
| Proceeds from long term borrowings,        |           4909 |           3962 |
| liability                                  |                |                |
| Net cash flow from financing               |           6682 |           9902 |
| Change in cash                             |          -3815 |           3234 |
| Cash on January 1                          |           9754 |           6520 |
| Cash on December 31                        |           5939 |           9754 |


|            |    Share | Translat |    Share |     Inv. |  Accrued |    Total |
|            |  capital |      ion |  premium | distribu |   result | (1000eur |
|            | (1000eur | differen |  account |      ted | (1000eur |        ) |
|            |        ) |       ce | (1000eur |   equity |        ) |          |
|            |          | (1000eur |        ) |  account |          |          |
|            |          |        ) |          | (1000eur |          |          |
|            |          |          |          |        ) |          |          |
| Shareholde |     5246 |        0 |    14652 |    23695 |   -30856 |    12737 |
| rs´ equity |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2007 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Item       |        0 |      124 |        0 |        0 |        0 |      124 |
| booked     |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| directly   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| into       |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| shareholde |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| rs´ equity |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Result for |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |   -11373 |   -11373 |
| the period |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Comprehens |        0 |      124 |        0 |        0 |   -11373 |   -11249 |
| ive income |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Share      |        6 |        0 |        0 |       99 |        0 |      105 |
| issue,     |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| cash       |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Share      |     1022 |        0 |    -1021 |        0 |        0 |        1 |
| issue,     |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| special    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| rights     |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Conversion |     2677 |        0 |        0 |    -1694 |        0 |      983 |
| of         |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| convertibl |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| e bonds    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| into       |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| shares     |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Share      |        0 |        0 |        0 |      -99 |        0 |      -99 |
| issue      |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| expenses   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Booked     |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |     1537 |     1537 |
| expense of |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| stock      |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| options to |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| key        |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| personnel  |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| and        |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| partners   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Equity     |        0 |        0 |        0 |     6038 |        0 |     6038 |
| portions   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| of         |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| liabilitie |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| s          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Shareholde |     8951 |      124 |    13631 |    28039 |   -40692 |    10053 |
| rs´ equity |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2008 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Items      |        0 |       11 |        0 |        0 |        0 |       11 |
| booked     |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| directly   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| into       |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| shareholde |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| rs´ equity |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Result for |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |   -15778 |   -15778 |
| the period |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Comprehens |        0 |       11 |        0 |        0 |   -15778 |   -15767 |
| ive income |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Share      |        0 |        0 |        0 |      -68 |        0 |      -68 |
| issue      |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| expenses   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Booked     |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |      914 |      914 |
| expense of |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| stock      |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| options to |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| key        |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| personnel  |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| and        |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| partners   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Equity     |        0 |        0 |        0 |     2632 |        0 |     2632 |
| portions   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| of         |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| liabilitie |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| s          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Shareholde |     8951 |      135 |    13631 |    30603 |   -55556 |    -2236 |
| rs´ equity |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 31.12.2009 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
KEY FIGURES                                                                     

|                             |   4Q/2009 |      2009 |   4Q/2008 |       2008 |
| Net sales, 1000 EUR         |       475 |      2491 |      1164 |       4374 |
| Operating result, 1000 EUR  |     -3697 |    -15538 |     -3255 |     -11919 |
| Result before taxes, 1000   |     -3928 |    -16187 |     -3260 |     -11865 |
| EUR                         |           |           |           |            |
| Gross investments, 1000 EUR |         8 |       208 |        14 |        119 |
| Average personnel           |       126 |       120 |       101 |         94 |
| Earnings per share, EUR     |     -0,00 |     -0,02 |     -0,00 |      -0,01 |
| Equity per share, EUR       |     -0,00 |     -0,00 |      0,01 |       0,01 |
| Weighted average number of  |    897926 |    897651 |    895096 |     779047 |
| shares in period, 1000 pcs  |           |           |           |            |
| Number of shares at the end |    897926 |    897926 |    895096 |     895096 |
| of the period, 1000 pcs     |           |           |           |            |

1. BASE INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY                                              

GeoSentric is a developer and provider of solutions, products and technologies  
for location based services and LBS-enabled social networks. It develops a      
leading geo-integration platform for mobile devices, personal navigation        
devices, web browsers, and other internet-connected devices, which provides     
applications and bundled ODM/OEM solutions for consumer and B2B markets, built  
on the convergence of location based services, social networking, search, mobile& Web 2.0 technologies. Its intellectual property is delivered as software and  
services in products which include the GyPSii product platform ("GyPSii")       
together with ready-to-use integrated GPS/GSM devices for navigation and object 
tracking and customisable software solutions for industry specific uses         
(“TWIG”). The company has deep expertise and technology IP in User Generated    
Content Management, Location Based Services, Open Social Networking,            
Ad-Targeting and Integration, for Social Media markets and users on mobile      
phones, the web, personal navigation and internet connected devices. Based in   
Salo, Finland, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands, GeoSentric operates offices in   
North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. GeoSentric is listed in NASDAQ OMX      
Helsinki Ltd (NASDAQ OMX: GEO1V). The parent company of the group is GeoSentric 
Oyj (formerly Benefon Oyj). The registered domicile is Salo, Finland, with      
street address Meriniitynkatu 11, 24100 Salo, Finland, and mail address PL 84,  
FIN-24101 Salo, Finland. A copy of the group financial statements is available  
at the internet address www.geosentric.com or at the company head office at     
address Meriniitynkatu 11, FIN-24100 Salo, Finland. According Finnish Companies 
Act, the shareholders has possibility to accept or reject the financial         
statements, even the General Meeting is after financial statements is released. 
General Meeting has also possibility to make decision about changing financial  


The group financial statement bulletin has been prepared in accordance with     
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and has been prepared to   
the accounting standard IAS 34, Interim Reports. Information is based to audited
financial statement for year 2009.                                              

Accounting principles:                                                          
The used preparation principles have been presented in the Financial Statements 
from year 2009.                                                                 

Since 1.1.2009 the group has applied the following new standards and            
IAS 23, cost of liabilities. The renewed standard prescribes that in the        
purchase cost of a commodity fulfilling the conditions are included the         
immediate cost of related liabilities. No effect on the Group.                  
IFRIC 13, Customer Loyalty Programmes. Group operations do not include pertinent
IAS 1, Presentation of the financial statements. The change affects the         
terminology and the presentation format of some accounts. IFRS 2, Share-based   
payments. The change affects the definition of the fair value of equity-based   
IAS 1, Presentation of the financial statements and IAS 32, Financing    
instruments: presentation format. The changes may cause the re-classification as
equity of certain equity-based financing instruments. Changes for "Improvements 
to IFRS". Small changes relate to 34 different standards but they have no       
significant effects on the financial statements.                                
Changes for IFRIC 9. Re-assessment of embedded derivative and IAS 39, Financial 
instruments: recognition and measurement - Embedded derivatives. No effect on   
the Group.                                                                      
IFRIC 15, Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate. No effect on the      
IFRIC 16, Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation.No effect on the    
IFRS 8, Business segments. No essential effect on the information because there 
is only one business segment.                                                   
IFRS 7, Financial instruments: information to be presented in the financial     
statements. The changes were given due to the international financing crisis and
concern the re-classification of certain financial assets. The Group holds no   
such financial assets that ought to be re-classified.                           

3. SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                          

The group has only one distinct segment, location based services and devices    
utilising them. Its share of net sales has been 100% in the period and in the   
reference period.                                                               

4. COSTS BY CATEGORY                                                            

| 1000 EUR                     |   4Q/2009 |     2009 |    4Q/2008 |      2008 |
| Increase/decrease in         |        97 |     -164 |        196 |      1290 |
| inventories of finished      |           |          |            |           |
| products                     |           |          |            |           |
| Impairment loss in           |        98 |      484 |          0 |         0 |
| inventories                  |           |          |            |           |
| Use of raw materials and     |        84 |     1288 |        261 |       808 |
| consumables                  |           |          |            |           |
| Total expense of direct      |       140 |      533 |        207 |       908 |
| employees                    |           |          |            |           |
| Cost of goods sold total     |       419 |     2141 |        664 |      3006 |
| Total expense of indirect    |      2100 |     8710 |       2199 |      7263 |
| employees                    |           |          |            |           |
| Depreciations                |       550 |     2172 |        538 |      2133 |
| Other operating expenses     |      1105 |     5008 |       1018 |      3926 |
| Expenses by cost category,   |      3755 |    15890 |       3755 |     13322 |
| total                        |           |          |            |           |

5. SHAREHOLDERS´ EQUITY                                                         
|                   |   Number |     Share |     Share |  Invested |     Total |
|                   |       of |   capital |   premium | distribut | (1000eur) |
|                   |   shares | (1000eur) |   account | ed equity |           |
|                   |   (1000) |           | (1000eur) |   account |           |
|                   |          |           |           | (1000eur) |           |
| 31.12.2008        |   895096 |      8951 |     13631 |     28039 |     50621 |
| Share issue free  |     2830 |           |           |           |         0 |
| 5.2.2009          |          |           |           |           |           |
| Cost of share     |          |           |           |       -68 |       -68 |
| issues            |          |           |           |           |           |
| Equity components |          |           |           |      2632 |      2632 |
| separated from    |          |           |           |           |           |
| liabilities       |          |           |           |           |           |
| 31.12.2009        |   897926 |      8951 |     13631 |     30603 |     53185 |

According to the Company´s articles of association registered there is no       
maximum for the shares and there is only one category of shares at the Company. 
Also the clause about maximum amount of share capital has been removed. The     
shares carry no nominal value. All outstanding shares are fully paid.           

6. OPTION RIGHTS                                                                

The Company carries nineteen on-going stock option programs. In all of these,   
one option right entitles to subscribe for one new S-share of the Company.      

Option program 2008-5:                                                          
The Board decided on 20.11.2008 by virtue of authorisation by Extraordinary     
General Meeting on 10.9.2007 to adopt new option plan and to issue a maximum of 
9,505,000 option rights to key persons of the Group. Option subscription period 
has ended and total of 9,479,500 pcs were subscribed. Option rights are divided 
into 5 separate series as decided by the Board. The options in each series shall
vest on quarterly basis during four year period. Share subscription period      
begins no earlier than 1.1.2009 but no later than on 1.1.2010. The share        
subscription period for each option series ends after six (6) years from the    
first vesting date, however on 1.1.2016 at the latest. The share subscription   
price for each series is determined to equal the trade volume weighted average  
share price of the Company share (GEO1V) in NASDAQ OMX during the 30 days period
preceding the first vesting quarter of the respective series.                   

| Series                  |                  Amount | Share subscription price |
|                         |                         |                      (€) |
| Series 2009Q1:          |                 5578500 |                 0,0346 € |
| Series 2009Q2:          |                   69000 |                 0,0305 € |
| Series 2009Q3:          |                 2130000 |                 0,0403 € |
| Series 2009Q4:          |                  195000 |                 0,0471 € |
| Series 2010Q1:          |                 1507000 |                 0,0432 € |

Option program 2009-1:                                                          
The Board decided in its meeting on May 14, 2009 to adopt Option Plan 2009-1 and
issue a total amount of 3,000,000 option rights by virtue of the authorization  
granted by the EGM on September 10, 2007. The options are directed to the       
Board´s advisors without charge as decided by the Board. The options may be     
subscribed into corresponding amount of new shares during the share subscription
period ending on December 31, 2012 with a share subscription price of 0.045     
euros per share. Option rights have been subscribed when issued.                

Option program 2009-2:                                                          
The Board decided in its meeting on May 15, 2009 to adopt Option Plan 2009-2 and
issue a total amount of 24,500,000 option rights to the members of the Board of 
Directors without charge by virtue of the authorization granted by the AGM on   
May 15, 2009. The options may be subscribed into corresponding amount of new    
shares during the share subscription period ending on December 31, 2013 with a  
share subscription price of 0.045 euros per share. Option rights have been      
subscribed when issued.                                             

Option program 2009-3:                                                          
The Board decided in its meeting on August 13, 2009 to adopt Option Plan 2009-3 
and issue a total amount of 1,500,000 option rights to the secretary of the     
Board of Directors without charge under the same terms and conditions as Option 
Plan 2009-2 directed to the Board members. The options may be subscribed into   
corresponding amount of new shares during the share subscription period ending  
on December 31, 2013 with a share subscription price of 0.045 euros per share.  
Option rights have been subscribed when issued.                                 

Option program 2009-4:                                                          
The Board decided in its meeting on November 13, 2009 to adopt Option Plan      
2009-4 and issue a total amount of 3,500,000 option rights to the financial     
advisor without charge. The options may be subscribed into corresponding amount 
of new shares during the share subscription period ending on February 17, 2015  
with a share subscription price of 0.0475 euros per share.                      

Special right:                                                                  
The Board decided to issue 2.830.189 shares without price to Raymond Kalley as  
part of the agreed advisor fee. The shares have been registered in trade        
register on 5.2.2009.                                                           

Shares without charge:                                                          
Based to the loan of 7.500.000 eur raised by the subsidiary GeoSolutions        
Holdings N.V., the Board has agreed as preconditions for the investment to pay  
and industry standard placement fee which shall be paid partially in cash and   
partially in company´s shares. The amount of fee shall depend on the final terms
of financing round to be confirmed.                                             

Cost of options booked in the period according to IFRS 2. Consideration is given
as options. The counter-item of costs bookings is income statement is           

| 1000 EUR                        |               2009 |                  2008 |
| Key persons                     |                276 |                   385 |
| Board                           |                557 |                   989 |
| Other interest groups           |                 81 |                   163 |
| Total                           |                914 |                  1537 |

7. FINANCIAL LIABILITIES                                                        
| 1000 EUR     | Nominal   |            | 2009       |            | 2008       |
|              | loan      |            |            |            |            |
|              | value     |            |            |            |            |
|              | 2009      |            |            |            |            |
| Non-current: |           |            |            |            |            |
| Loan 2008    | 10000     |            | 2605       |            | 3394       |
| Loan 2009    | 7500      |            | 4456       |            | 0          |
| Non-current  |           |            | 7061       |            | 3394       |
| total        |           |            |            |            |            |
| Current:     |           |            |            |            |            |
| Cbl 2004A    | 113       |            | 113        |            | 113        |
| Loan 2008    |           |            | 1156       |            | 568        |
| Current      |           |            | 1269       |            | 681        |
| total        |           |            |            |            |            |

Convertible bond loan 2004A:                                                    
This loan with a nominal principal of 1130 teuros was raised on year 2004 and   
was converted during the conversion period before 31.12.2008 in all 1017 teuros.
The remaining amount of loan is 113 teuros. The interest is 4%. No interest was 
paid. The loan capital, interest and other benefit may be paid in case of       
dismantling or bankruptcy of company only with priority after the other         
creditors. The principal may be returned otherwise only providing that a full   
coverage for the bound equity and other non-distributable items in the confirmed
financial statements for the latest expired financial year is retained. Interest
or other benefits may be paid only in case the paid amount may be used for      
profit distribution in the confirmed balance sheet for latest expired financial 

Financing round 2008:                                                           
The subscription period of the loan note for raising a maximum amount of 16,000 
teuros ended on May 15, 2009 and the total amount of subscription was 10,000    
teuros. The maximum amount of new shares to be subscribed by virtue of the      
subscribed note is 94,339,622 representing approximately 10.51 % of the         
registered share amount and 8.11 % of all outstanding securities. As a result of
the note the Company´s share capital may increase by a maximum of 943 teuros.   
The annual interest of the loan is 12.5 %, paid twice a year, however interest  
of period 1.7.-31.12.2009 was paid until January 2010. The loan will end on     
August 25, 2013.                                                                

Financing round 2009:                                                           

The subscription period of the loan note for raising a maximum amount of 25,000 
teuros, originally decided to end on March 31, 2010, has been extended until the
end of the year 2010. The group has received and withdrawn the investment       
commitment of 7,500 teuros. The loan note was raised by the subsidiary          
GeoSolutions Holdings N.V. The loan note entitles to subscribe shares of        
GeoSolutions. The amount of shares will in all events be less than half of      
GeoSolution´s outstanding shares and share capital. Alternatively the investors 
may be offered option to convert their notes into GeoSentric´s shares           
corresponding the same proportional amount of fully diluted shares as the       
investor otherwise would have received of GeoSolution´s shares. The note will   
expire in five years. The final terms shall be confirmed after closing the      
offering. As precondition for the investment the Company has agreed to pay an   
industry standard placement fee. The amount of fee depends on the final terms of
the offering.                                                                   

The above convertible loans has been divided in the financial statements into   
equity and debt as required by IAS 32. The deviation is based on careful        
evaluation of the actual and contractual terms of the convertible loan as well  
as judgments made by the management of the Group.                               

The part of the convertible loan presented as debt consist of the discounted    
present value of the future interest payments not avoidable to the Group        
regardless of the conversion. The remaining interest and main part of the       
convertible loan is presented as equity, as the management of the Group         
considers using the conversion right as highly probable. The part of the loan   
presented as debt will be amortized during the contractual maturity of the loan.

The discount interest rate used in valuation of the debt part of the convertible
loan is based on the interest rate the group could expect to negotiate for a    
corresponding loan from third parties. The interest rate used consist of risk   
free interest rate and of a group specific risk premium. Risk premium estimated 
by management is 5 %. Effective loan interests range from 16,2 to 16,8 %.       

8. COLLATERAL COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                                     

| 1000 EUR                                |            2009 |             2008 |
| Contingent liability                    |               0 |                0 |
| Collateral for own liabilities:         |                 |                  |
| Pledged non-current financial assets    |               5 |               44 |
| Pledged current financial assets        |              57 |               57 |

9. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                   

The parent and subsidiary company relations in the Group were as follows: Parent
company GeoSentric Oyj. Subsidiaries with parent company ownership and voting   
rights of 100 % are GeoSolutions Holdings N.V., and its through (100%)          
subsidiaries GeoSolutions B.V., GeoSentric (UK) Ltd., GyPSii (Shanghai) Co Ltd. 
and GyPSii Inc..                                                                

The management on 31.12.2009 comprised seven Board members and fifteen other    
managers. The Board members were Daniel Harple, Michael Vucekovich, Gary Bellot,
Andy van Dam, Hans van der Velde, Winston Guillory and Raymond Kalley. The top  
team comprised Daniel Harple, Tomi Raita, Michael Po, Rich Pizzarro, Bruce      
Hathaway, Robin Halliday, Shane Lennon, Jack Early, Jeff Lin, Sam Critchley,    
Gavin Nicol, Jay Cahill, Jukka Nieminen and Adrian Anderson. The Managing       
Director has been Tomi Raita.                                                   

Close circle events have been presented in the Financial Statements from year   


The Group has tested its tangible fixed assets, goodwill and the IPR acquired as
part of the acquisition of GeoSolutions BV. The method used in the testing is   
the value in use and the whole group has been considered to represent the cash  
generating unit subject to testing. The carrying value tested comprised of      
tangible fixed assets 240 t€, goodwill and other intangibles 226 t€ and the IPR 
500 t€, totalling 966 t€.                                                       

The test showed no impairment of the tested assets.                             

The following assumptions were used in the testing. The cash flow estimate is   
based on the management forecast for the years 2010-2013.                       

Aggregate operating cash flow in 2010-2013:21.2 m€                              
Discount rate used 20 %                                                         

Sensitivity analysis                                                            

The following changes in each of the assumptions individually applied would     
decrease the value in use to the carrying value of the tested assets.           

Decrease in annual operating cash flows: 2.9 m€                                 
Increase in discount rate used 36 %                                             

The management forecast used is based on the 2010 business plan, the planned    
revenue models and identified revenue sources and availability of external      
financing if the revenue from operations is inadequate to meet the working      
capital needs. The business model and main sources of revenue are expected to   
come via subscription and advertising sales in partnership with mobile operators
and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The key element for the business   
model and revenue generation is sufficient and sufficiently rapid growth of     
GyPSii members which shall be achieved by penetrating emerging location-based   
solution markets via Mobile Operators (MO), Original Equipment Manufacturers    
(OEM), Original Device Manufacturers (ODM) and Personal Navigation Device       
Manufacturers (PND) worldwide. In this past year, the Company has seen continued
success in penetrating additional large OEMs with distribution agreements for   
“GyPSii” to be embedded on a large volume of devices in the coming two years.   
OEM partners for GyPSii now include LG, Samsung, Lenovo and Huawei.  The        
distribution of GyPSii on devices manufactured by our OEM partners is estimated 
to be far above 300 million devices over the life of the contracts. GyPSii's    
other major distribution channel, Mobile Operators, also realized significant   
advancements during the year with the signing of new partnerships with China    
Telecom and Genasys/Telefonica. The addition of China Telecom to the previous   
established relationships with China Mobile and China Unicom have cemented      
GyPSii as the dominant mobile social network in China by capturing all three of 
the major Mobile Operators in China with a combined subscriber base of several  
hundred million. The Company's new agreement with Genasys/Telefonica, expands   
the GyPSii distribution channel into Latin America with a five-year exclusive   
relationship. These partnerships are indicative of the global market selection  
and adoption of the GyPSii platform and service for the geo-social networking,  
mobility and Internet advertising markets. Although the revenue generation of   
GyPSii represented a minority of the net revenues for the year 2009, GyPSii     
membership has grown to over 1.7 million and continues to grow at a rate of over
200,000 members per month. This exponential growth in the membership base has   
driven commensurate usage of the GyPSii application, thereby accelerating the   
monthly page views to nearly 30 million per month. This is significant growth   
during 2009 and establishes the ability to monetize the page views with         
advertising in 2010.                                                            

The most significant risk relating to the business plan is the sustained growth 
of distribution and members. As the Company's business model is partner driven, 
possible delays in partner's launching their new products to the markets may    
have an adverse effect on the development of the Company's business by          
decelerating the distribution and subscriber-adoption rate of the Company's     
products and services.                                                          

The Company's management reporting systems are highly developed enabling the    
management to monitor the progress of the business and financial performance    
against business plan and budget on a continuous basis. The management evaluates
on a regular basis the distribution channels, performance, scope and focus of   
the business plan in order to insure continuity and success. Based on the       
assessment of current and planned activities and the interest expressed by the  
market supporting the business plan and the management forecast by virtue of the
up-to-date reports, the board assesses the Company to be a going concern.       

11. EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE PERIOD                                          

The Company has decided to extend its current financing round from the original 
deadline of March 31, 2010 until the end of the year 2010 and is engaged in     
continuous discussions with its key shareholders and investors to explore the   
financing alternatives to guarantee sufficient liquidity in all circumstances.  


The Company has no distributable assets. The result of the period of the parent 
company is -4,183,103.69 euros (FAS).	                                          

The Board proposes to the General Meeting that no dividend is distributed and   
that loss for the period is booked on the account of Retained earnings.