2013-05-02 12:12:22 CEST

2013-05-02 12:13:00 CEST


Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj - Decisions of general meeting

Resolutions of Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Annual General Meeting

Stock Exchange Release
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
2 May 2013

      Resolutions of Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Annual General Meeting

Talvivaara  Mining Company  Plc ("Talvivaara"  or the  "Company") is  pleased to
announce  that, at the  Annual General Meeting  of the Company  held at 10:00 am
today  on 2 May 2013, all the resolutions proposed,  as set out in the notice of
the meeting to shareholders dated 25 March 2013, were duly passed.

Talvivaara's  Annual  General  Meeting  approved  the  financial  statements and
discharged  the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for
the  financial year  2012. Annual General  Meeting resolved  that no dividend is
paid  for 2012 and  that the  loss of  the financial  period is entered into the
Company's profit/loss account on the balance sheet.

The Board of Directors and the Auditor

As  proposed by the  Remuneration Committee the  Annual General Meeting approved
the  annual fee payable  to the members  of the Board  of Directors for the term
until the close of the Annual General Meeting in 2014 to be as follows: Chairman
of the Board of Directors: EUR 120,000/year, Deputy Chairman (Senior Independent
Director):  EUR 69,000/year, Chairmen of the Board Committees: EUR 69,000/year,
other  Non-Executive  Directors:  EUR  48,000/year and  Executive  Directors EUR

As  proposed by the Nomination Committee  the Annual General Meeting decided the
number  of Board members to be nine (9) and as proposed Mr. Tapani Järvinen, Mr.
Pekka  Perä, Mr. Graham Titcombe, Mr. Edward Haslam, Ms. Eileen Carr, Mr. Stuart
Murray,  Mr. Michael Rawlinson  and Ms. Kirsi  Sormunen were re-elected, and Ms.
Maija-Liisa Friman was elected as a new member to the Board.

It  was resolved that the auditor will  be reimbursed according to the auditor's
approved  invoice. The  authorised public  accountants PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
was  elected  as  the  auditor  of  the  Company  for  the financial year 2013.
PricewaterhouseCoopers   Oy  has  confirmed  that  the  auditor  with  principal
responsibility will be Ms. Ylva Eriksson.

Establishment of the Shareholders' Nomination Panel

As  proposed by the  Board of Directors  the Annual General  Meeting resolved to
establish a Shareholders' Nomination Panel to prepare proposals for the election
and  remuneration of the members of the  Board of Directors to General Meetings.
In addition, the Annual General Meeting adopted the Charter of the Shareholders'
Nomination Panel.

Resolution to amend article 8 of the Articles of Association

The  Annual General  Meeting also  resolved to  amend article 8 of the Company's
Articles of Association to correspond to the changes to be made to the duties of
the  Board Committees due  to the establishment  of the Shareholder's Nomination
Panel and the current practices applied by the Company.


Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Tel: +358 20 7129 800

Pekka Perä, CEO
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, Deputy CEO and CFO
