2016-11-14 15:02:45 CET

2016-11-14 15:02:45 CET

English Lithuanian
Klaipedos Nafta - Other information

Additional term for applications of candidates for independent board members of AB Klaipedos Nafta has been granted

On 14th November, 2016, the Supervisory Council of the Company (hereinafter –
the Company), taking into account the notice, dated 10th November, 2016, from
the board member Rytis Ambrazevičius regarding his withdrawal from the office
of the board of the Company from 1st December, 2016, entrusted the Committee
for selection of independent board member candidates (hereinafter – Selection
Committee) of the Company to nominate candidates to two vacancies of
independent board members. 

On 14th November, 2016, accordingly, the Selection Committee has granted
additional term for candidates’ applications to the independent board members
of the Company. Applications of the candidates for independent board members of
the Company shall be accepted until 18th November, 2016, 12:00 hrs (Lithuanian
local time) 

More information about the selection, requirements for candidates, documents to
be provided to the Selection Committee and the criteria of the assessment of
the candidates are announced on the internet site at:

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, (+370 46) 391 763