2013-05-22 15:20:23 CEST

2013-05-22 15:21:14 CEST


Atlantic Airways P/F - Notice to convene extr.general meeting

Extraordinary General Meeting - P/f Atlantic Airways

An Extraordinary General Meeting of P/f Atlantic Airways, Faroe Islands, will
be held at 62°N Airport Hotel (Hotel Vágar), Djúpheiðar 2, in Sørvágur, Faroe
Islands, on Wednesday 19 June 2013 at 16:30 (local time) 


1. The Extraordinary General Meeting chooses a chairman on proposal from the
Board of Directors. 

2. Election of a member to the board of Directors.

Order of admission cards and voting ballots

Admission cards and voting ballots can be ordered either by sending an e-mail
to ir@atlantic.fo or by calling the Head Office on (+298) 341030. The deadline
for ordering of admission cards and voting ballots is Monday 17 June 2013 at 4

If you cannot participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting you can give a
proxy in writing to a third person to represent you at the meeting. Proxy-forms
to be used for this purpose are available on the homepage of the Company
www.atlantic.fo and at the Head Office. Proxies must be submitted to the
Company no later than Monday 17 June 2013 at 4 p.m. 

When ordering admission card and voting ballots, shareholders must prove their
shareholding. Admission cards and voting ballots are supplied on presentation
of a transcript from Værdipapircentralen A/S or the account-holding institution
(custodian institution), not older than 4 days, as documentation of the
shareholding of shareholders holding shares not registered by name. Together
with the transcript a confirmation must be given in writing, stating that the
shares have not been and will not be transferred to others before the
Extraordinary General Meeting has been held. 

Share capital, voting rights and the Extraordinary General Meeting

The share capital of the Company is DKK 103,500,000 divided into 1,035,000
shares of DKK 100 and multiples hereof. The Company has 11,111 own shares with
no voting rights. No shares have special rights. The shares shall be made out
to a named holder and are freely negotiable. The shareholders are not obliged
to redeem their shares. 

A shareholder who according to the share register can prove with a registered
share that he or she is a shareholder, has admission to and voting rights at
the Extraordinary General Meeting if the shareholder has requested admission
tickets at the latest Monday 17 June 2013 at 4 p.m. 

Shareholders have the opportunity to vote on items on the agenda by letter,
i.e. vote in writing before the Extraordinary General Meeting. The voting slip
must clearly indicate what the shareholder votes for, and the voting slip must
be received by the company no later than 4 p.m. at 17 June 2013 in a sealed
envelope. The Chairman of the Extraordinary General Meeting decides whether the
vote on the voting slip is sufficiently clear. 

A shareholder can give another person written authority to attend the
Extraordinary General Meeting and vote by proxy. A written authority to vote by
proxy cannot be given for a period longer than 12 months. 

In addition, the press and representatives from the Stock Exchange have
admission to the Extraordinary General Meeting. 

Shareholders have one vote for every DKK 100, which they hold in share capital.
In order to give voting rights the shares must be registered in the company´s
share register before the Extraordinary General Meeting. 

At the Extraordinary General Meeting all issues are decided by a simple
majority of votes, unless stipulated differently in the Faroese Companies Act
in effect at the time. 

The language to be used at the Extraordinary General Meeting will be Faroese,
but there will be translation to English. The language of the documents to be
used at the Extraordinary General Meeting will be Faroese and English. 

P/f Atlantic Airways

Board of Directors

For further information contact:

Magni Arge, CEO, tel. +298 213700 - magni@atlantic.fo