2009-02-05 06:30:00 CET

2009-02-05 06:31:10 CET


Össur hf. - Financial Statement Release

Ossur hf. - 2008 Full Year Report

2008 Financial Highlights

  * Sales USD 350.0 million, up by 4%
  * EBITDA USD 79.4 million, up by 23%
  * EBITDA margin 23%, compared to 19% in 2007
  * Net profit USD 28.5 million, compared to USD 7.6 million in 2007
  * EPS diluted 6.73 US cents, compared to 1.94 US cents in 2007
  * Cash EPS diluted 12.3 US cents, compared to 8.24 US cents in 2007

Jon Sigurdsson, President & CEO, comments:"The year was characterized by internal focus. One of our main tasks
has been to increase profitability and although the sales were slower
than anticipated  the  profits  increased considerably.  In  2008  we
introduced  thirteen   new   products  and   twenty   products   were
discontinued. In 2009 some new and exciting products will be launched
and we will focus on traditional  products that fit into the  current
reimbursement channels. The financial crises we have seen around  the
world have  had limited  effects on  the underlying  business of  the
Company as well as the healthcare sector in general. Overall, we  are
confident that we have managed to build a strong Company with a solid
foundation for future success."

The press release including tables, the Investor Presentation Q4 2008
and the Financial Statement Q4 2008 can be downloaded from the
following links: