2017-02-08 07:30:14 CET

2017-02-08 07:30:14 CET


Enska Finnska
Kemira Oyj - Financial Statement Release

Kemira Oyj's Financial Statements Bulletin 2016: Profitability improvement continued in 2016

Kemira Oyj
Financial Statements Release
February 8, 2017 at 8.30 am (CET+1)

Kemira Oyj's Financial Statements Bulletin 2016: Profitability improvement
continued in 2016

This is a summary of the Financial Statements Bulletin of 2016. The complete
Financial Statements Bulletin 2016 with tables is attached to this release and
available at www.kemira.com/investors.

Fourth quarter
  * Revenue remained at approximately the prior year level and was EUR 596.5
    million (600.2) as the growth in Oil & Mining was offset by decline in sales
    prices in Pulp & Paper and Municipal & Industrial. Revenue in local
    currencies, excluding acquisitions and divestments, decreased 1%.
  * Operative EBITDA increased 3% to EUR 70.0 million (68.0) driven by sales
    volume growth and lower fixed costs. Operative EBITDA margin improved to
    11.7% (11.3%).
  * Earnings per share increased to EUR 0.11 (0.02) due to higher profitability
    and lower taxes.

Full year
  * Revenue remained at approximately the prior year level and was EUR 2,363.3
    million (2,373.1) as growth from acquisitions and increased sales volumes
    was offset by decline in sales prices and challenging market impacting Oil &
    Mining segment. Revenue in local currencies, excluding acquisitions and
    divestments, decreased 2% as volume growth was not able to offset declining
    sales prices.
  * Operative EBITDA increased 5% to EUR 302.5 million (287.3), mainly due to
    sales volume growth while lower sales prices were offset by lower variable
    costs. Operative EBITDA margin improved to 12.8% (12.1%).
  * Earnings per share increased 28% to EUR 0.60 (0.47) due to improved
    profitability and gain on the sale of electricity assets.

Dividend proposal for 2016

The Board of Directors proposes a cash dividend of EUR 0.53 per share (0.53) to
the Annual General Meeting 2017, totaling EUR 81 million (81).

Outlook for 2017

Kemira expects its operative EBITDA to increase from the prior year (2016: EUR
302.5 million).

Kemira's President and CEO Jari Rosendal:

"The fourth quarter was our 10(th) consecutive quarter of year-on-year operative
EBITDA improvement. Municipal & Industrial demonstrated good performance in
operative EBITDA while Pulp & Paper was affected by higher than normal impact of
maintenance breaks. Oil & Mining had the first quarter of revenue growth since
Q1 2015 as the demand from shale oil and gas operators has recovered from the

In 2016, our revenue remained at the prior year level with improving operative
EBITDA by EUR 15 million despite challenging oil and gas markets. The
profitability improvement from 12.1% to 12.8% is a good achievement in the
current market environment. In addition, our cash flow from operations improved
and cash flow after investing activities more than covers the dividend proposal.
I am pleased with our development, especially when considering the volatile
market conditions.

In Pulp & Paper, we had sales volume growth in 2016 while sales prices declined.
Sales prices have declined as a result of the lower raw material prices and
competitive market environment. Despite the negative organic growth, the segment
improved its operative EBITDA margin to 13.4% from 12.1% driven by acquisition
synergies, higher utilization rates, and new capacity. During the year, we
started up a new bleaching chemical site in Brazil and initiated an EUR 50-60
million investment in the new sodium chlorate line in Finland, which is expected
to be in production in the fourth quarter of 2017.

In Oil & Mining, adverse market development led to lower revenue and declined
profitability for the year. We have seen signs of recovery in the shale market
after the summer of 2016. We continued investments into new long-term growth
areas, such as oil sands and Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery. These created new
revenue streams for us during the year even as the market uptake in CEOR has
been slower than expected and the market is very competitive.

In Municipal & Industrial, sales volume growth and profitability improvement
continued. The operative EBITDA margin reached 14.9% compared to 13.7% in 2015.
The improvement is mainly driven by better operational performance, customer
focus, and lower raw material prices. The closures of sites in Canada and Spain
enabled to improve our utilization of capacity and efficiency.

Looking back to our development since 2014, we have increased our revenue by EUR
230 million and operative EBITDA by EUR 50 million. This is a good achievement,
taking into account adverse oil and gas markets. We continue to drive for
profitable growth towards our mid- to long-term targets of above-the-market
revenue growth and operative EBITDA margin of 14-16%. We look into 2017 with
cautious optimism, despite macroeconomic and political uncertainties. Kemira
expects its operative EBITDA to increase from the prior year."

                                        Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Dec
 EUR million                               2016    2015    2016    2015
 Revenue                                  596.5   600.2 2,363.3 2,373.1
 Operative EBITDA                          70.0    68.0   302.5   287.3
 Operative EBITDA, %                       11.7    11.3    12.8    12.1
 EBITDA                                    65.5    57.7   284.2   263.8
 EBITDA, %                                 11.0     9.6    12.0    11.1
 Operative EBIT                            36.1    33.1   170.1   163.1
 Operative EBIT, %                          6.1     5.5     7.2     6.9
 EBIT                                      29.2    17.8   147.0   132.6
 EBIT, %                                    4.9     3.0     6.2     5.6
 Finance costs, net                        -5.9    -5.8   -19.1   -30.8
 Profit before taxes                       23.3    12.0   128.0   102.1
 Net profit for the period                 18.2     4.4    97.9    77.2
 Earnings per share, EUR                   0.11    0.02    0.60    0.47

 Capital employed*                      1,718.2 1,659.5 1,718.2 1,659.5
 Operative ROCE*                            9.9     9.8     9.9     9.8
 ROCE*, %                                   8.6     8.0     8.6     8.0
 Cash flow from operating activities      102.4   112.6   270.6   247.6
 Capital expenditure excl. acquisitions    89.4    61.2   212.6   181.7
 Capital expenditure                       89.3    63.2   210.6   305.1
 Cash flow after investing activities      13.4    49.8    97.8   -53.8
 Equity ratio, % at period-end               45      46      45      46
 Equity per share, EUR                     7.68    7.76    7.68    7.76
 Gearing, % at period-end                    54      54      54      54

 Personnel at period-end                  4,818   4,685   4,818   4,685

*12-month rolling average (ROCE, % based on the EBIT)

Kemira provides certain financial performance measures (alternative performance
measures) on non-GAAP basis. Kemira believes that alternative performance
measures, like operative EBITDA and operative EBIT, followed by Kemira
management, provide useful and more comparable information of its operative
business performance.

Kemira's alternative performance measures should not be viewed in isolation to
the equivalent IFRS measures and alternative performance measures should be read
in conjunction with the most directly comparable IFRS measures. Definitions of
the alternative performance measures can be found in the Definitions of the key
figures in this report, as well as at www.kemira.com >Investors > Financial


On December 31, 2016, Kemira Oyj's distributable funds totaled EUR 822,049,454
of which net profit for the period was EUR 215,781,981. No material changes have
taken place in the company's financial position after the balance sheet date.

Kemira Oyj's Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting to be
held on March 24, 2017 that a dividend of EUR 0.53 per share totaling EUR 81
million shall be paid on the basis of the adopted balance sheet for the
financial year ended December 31, 2016.

Kemira's dividend policy aims to pay a stable and competitive dividend.


Kemira updated its mid- to long-term financial targets on September 14, 2016,
emphasizing its continued goal of above-the-market revenue growth with improving
profitability. The company has progressed well towards the previous targets of
EUR 2.7 billion in revenue and operative EBITDA margin of 15%, despite the weak
developments in oil & gas markets, which started in 2015.

Kemira aims at above-the-market revenue growth with operative EBITDA margin of
14-16%. The gearing target is below 60%.

Main drivers for Kemira's profitable growth are:
  * In Pulp & Paper: above-the-market growth arising from the new Total
    Chemistry Management (TCM) contracts and bleaching chemical capacity
    additions, as well as synergy capture from acquisitions
  * In Oil & Mining: profitable growth in newer applications such as Chemical
    Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR) and oil sands, as well as potential oil market
  * In Municipal & Industrial: increasing revenue from Advanced Water Treatment
    (AWT) applications, as well as continuing growth in current business driven
    by selective geographic expansion
  * Group-wide operational efficiencies with new BOOST program.
Kemira has launched an operational excellence program 'BOOST' to further improve
its efficiency. Estimated annual savings run-rate from the program are EUR
20-30 million in 2-3 years. BOOST will focus on the supply chain process
optimization and improved asset utilization.

The integration of the acquired AkzoNobel's paper chemicals business has
progressed better than expected and Kemira has raised the synergy target from
EUR 15 million to EUR 20 million.

In addition, Kemira continues to evaluate acquisition opportunities to enhance
profitable growth.

Outlook for 2017

Kemira expects its operative EBITDA to increase from the prior year (2016: EUR
302.5 million).

Helsinki, February 7, 2017

Kemira Oyj
Board of Directors


Interim report January-March 2017                              April 26, 2017
Interim report January-June 2017                                July 21, 2017
Interim report January-September 2017                       October 25, 2017

The Annual General meeting will be held on March 24, 2017 at 10.00 a.m. at the
Marina Congress Center, Helsinki.

Capital Markets Day will be held in London on September 21, 2017.

Press and analyst conference and conference call

Kemira will arrange a press conference for the analysts, investors, and media on
February 8, 2017 starting at 10.30 a.m. (8.30 a.m. UK time) at GLO Hotel Kluuvi,
Kluuvikatu 4, 2nd Floor, Helsinki. During the conference, Kemira's President and
CEO Jari Rosendal and CFO Petri Castrén will present the results. The press
conference will be held in English and will be webcasted at
www.kemira.com/investors. The presentation material and the webcast recording
will be available on the abovementioned company website.

You can attend the Q&A session via a conference call. In order to participate in
the conference, please call ten minutes before the conference begins:
FI: +358 9 7479 0361
SE: +46 8 5033 6574
UK: +44 330 336 9105
US: +1719 325 4746

Conference id: 2285978

For more information, please contact:

Kemira Oyj
Olli Turunen, Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel.  +358 10 862 1255

Kemira is a global chemicals company serving customers in water-intensive
industries. We provide expertise, application know-how and chemicals that
improve our customers' product quality, process and resource efficiency. Our
focus is on pulp & paper, oil & gas, mining and water treatment. In 2016, Kemira
had annual revenue of around EUR 2.4 billion and 4,800 employees. Kemira shares
are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
