2010-10-04 10:43:57 CEST

2010-10-04 10:44:54 CEST


Anglų Islandų
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Amendment to Primery dealer agreements

Primary dealers and Government Debt Management have decided to make a temporary
amendment to Article 3 of the agreement between the parties in connection with
Government bond issuance and market making in the secondary market, dated 14
May 2010. 

From 4 October 2010 through 4 November 2010, the maximum spread between bid and
ask quotes for RIKB 19 0226 and RIKB 25 0612 will be as follows: 

   Bonds	 Maximum spread
RIKB 19 0226	0.60%
RIKB 25 0612	1.20%

This amendment is made in order to help market makers to carry out market
making duties with the specified series in the secondary market.