2007-08-08 08:46:03 CEST

2007-08-08 08:46:03 CEST


TietoEnator Oyj - Total number of voting rights and capital

TietoEnator shares subscribed with stock options 2002 A/B

TietoEnator Corporation Stock Exchange Announcement 8 August 2007
9.45 am EET

The share  subscription period  for TietoEnator  Corporation's  stock
options 2002 A commenced on December 1, 2005 and stock options 2002 B
on December 1, 2006. Stock options 2002 B have been combined with the
stock options 2002  A and  listed on the  Main List  of the  Helsinki
Stock Exchange on December 1, 2006 after which the name of the  stock
options has been TietoEnator 2002 A/B.

Each stock option 2002 A/B entitles  its holder to subscribe for  one
TietoEnator share. During the period  from June 1, 2007 through  July
31, 2007 a total of 61 shares were subscribed with the stock options.
The subscription price per share amounted to EUR 22.18.

The increase  in the  share capital,  in total  EUR 61.00,  has  been
registered in the  Finnish Trade  Register on  August 8,  2007. As  a
result of the  increase, the share  capital of TietoEnator  currently
amounts to  EUR 75,841,523.00   and  the total  number of  shares  to

The holders of  the subscribed shares  are entitled to  shareholders'
rights as from the registration date, August 8, 2007. The new  shares
will be  listed on  the  Main List  of  the Helsinki  Stock  Exchange
together with the old shares on or about August 8, 2007.


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal Media