2010-05-24 13:30:00 CEST

2010-05-24 13:30:01 CEST


English Finnish
Cramo Oyj - Company Announcement

Share subscription schedule under Cramo stock options 2006A

Cramo Plc    Stock Exchange Release 24 May 2010, at 2.30 pm Finnish time (GMT+2)

Share subscription schedule under Cramo stock options 2006A                     

The shares subscribed for under Cramo Plc's stock options 2006A will be         
registered in the Trade Register and listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki on the       
following target dates:                                                         

| Share subscription      | Entry into the Trade    | New shares tradable on   |
| deadline                | Register on or about    | or about                 |
| 30 June 2010            | 9 July 2010             | 12 July 2010             |
| 30 September 2010       | 11 October 2010         | 12 October 2010          |
| 31 December 2010        | 13 January 2011         | 14 January 2011          |
| 31 January 2011         | 10 February 2011        | 11 February 2011         |

Shares will establish shareholders rights as of the date of share registration. 

Subscriptions will be accepted at Evli Bank Plc.                                

A total of 1.000.000 stock options 2006A were issued. A wholly-owned subsidiary 
of Cramo Plc currently holds 306.000 stock options 2006A which will not be used 
for share subscription. Each stock option outstanding entitles its holder to    
subscribe for one new share in the Company. The share subscription period for   
2006A stock options began on October 1, 2009 and will terminate on January 31,  
2011. The share subscription price per share with the option rights 2006A       
currently amounts to EUR 13.16.                                                 

The terms and conditions of Cramo Plc stock options 2006 with additional        
information are available on the company's website www.cramo.com.               

CRAMO PLC                                                                       

Vesa Koivula                                                                    
President and CEO                                                               

Further information:                                                            
Martti Ala-Härkönen, CFO, Cramo Plc, tel. +358 40 737 6633                      

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.                                                        
Major media                                                                     
Cramo is a service company specialising in construction machinery and equipment 
rental and rental-related services, as well as the rental and sale of modular   
space. As one of the industry's leading service providers in the Nordic         
countries and Central and Eastern Europe, Cramo operates in eleven countries    
with 284 depots. With a group staff of 2.000, Cramo's consolidated sales for    
2009 was EUR 450 million and Cramo shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki 
Ltd. For further information, please visit www.cramo.com.