2024-08-13 11:45:00 CEST

2024-08-13 11:45:14 CEST


Mandatum Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Mandatum plc Board of Directors resolved on a personnel offering

Mandatum plc, stock exchange release, 13 August 2024 at 12:45 EEST

The Board of Directors of Mandatum plc (the “Company”) has on 13 August 2024
resolved on a personnel offering based on the authorisation granted by the
general meeting on 15 May 2024.

The purpose of the personnel offering is to strengthen employee commitment and
to encourage the personnel to acquire and own shares in the Company and to
commit the personnel to the Company's long-term strategy and goals.
Consequently, the Board of Directors considers that a directed share issue is in
the best interests of the Company and that there is a weighty financial reason
for the Company to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right
in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 4 of the Limited Liability Companies Act.

In the personnel offering, a maximum total of 250,000 new shares in the Company
are offered for subscription by the personnel of the Company and its
subsidiaries, and the CEO of the Company, in deviation from the shareholders'
pre-emptive subscription right and in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the personnel offering. Shares in the personnel offering will not be offered
for subscription to members of the Board of Directors of Mandatum plc or members
of the Boards of Directors of the Company's subsidiaries who do not have a valid
employment relationship with a subsidiary of the Company. In the event of an
oversubscription, the Board of Directors of the Company may decide to increase
the number of shares offered up to a maximum total of 900,000 shares. The shares
offered correspond to approximately 0.05 per cent of all the shares and voting
rights in the Company prior to the personnel offering (approximately 0.18 per
cent prior to the personnel offering, assuming that the Board of Directors uses
its right to increase the number of offered shares to 900,000 shares), and
approximately 0.05 per cent after the personnel offering, provided that all of
the 250,000 offered shares are fully subscribed (approximately 0.18 per cent
after the personnel offering, assuming that the Board of Directors uses its
right to increase the number of offered shares to 900,000 shares).

The subscription price is EUR 3.74 per share, which is based on the volume
weighted average price of the Company's shares on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd during the
calendar month preceding the Board of Directors' decision on the share issue,
i.e. during the period from 1 July 2024 to 31 July 2024 (“VWAP”), and a discount
of ten (10) per cent in relation to the VWAP. The VWAP of the share during the
aforementioned period was EUR 4.15 per share.

The subscription period for the shares is from 21 August 2024 to 30 August 2024.
A subscription in the personnel offering must cover a minimum of 140 and a
maximum of 22,000 shares. The shares subscribed in the personnel offering are
subject to a lock-up period, which ends 360 days after the end of the
subscription period. The proceeds from the personnel offering will be recorded
in the Company's reserve for invested unrestricted equity.

The terms and conditions of the personnel offering are attached to this stock
exchange release.

The Company's Board of Directors will decide on the approval of subscriptions
and the final number of new shares to be issued in the personnel offering after
the end of the subscription period. The final result of the personnel offering
will be announced in a stock exchange release after the Board of Directors'
decision approximately by 10 September 2024.

Additional information

Investor enquiries:
Lotta Borgström
VP, Investor Relations
Tel. +358 50 022 1027

Media enquiries:
Niina Riihelä
SVP, Communications, brand and sustainability
Tel. +358 40 728 1548

Mandatum in brief

Mandatum is a major financial services provider that combines expertise in
wealth management and life insurance. Mandatum offers clients a wide array of
services covering asset and wealth management, savings and investment,
compensation and rewards as well as pension plans and personal risk insurance.
Mandatum offers services to corporate, retail, institutional and wealth
management clients. At the centre of Mandatum's success are highly skilled
personnel, a strong brand as well as a proven investment track record.
mandatum.fi/en/group (https://www.mandatum.fi/en/group/)


Nasdaq Helsinki
Financial Supervisory Authority
The principal media
www.mandatum.fi (https://www.mandatum.fi/en/group/)