2024-08-13 11:56:50 CEST 2024-08-13 11:56:59 CEST REGULATED INFORMATION Ponsse Oyj - Half Year financial reportCorrection: Ponsse's Half-year Report for 1 January - 30 June 2024Correction: Ponsse's Half-year Report for 1 January - 30 June 2024 Ponsse Plc Stock Exchange Release - Half-year Report 13 August 2024, 12:55 p.m. (EEST) A correction has been made in the Ponsse's stock exchange release regarding half -year report for 1 January - 30 June 2024 published on August 13 at 9:00 a.m. In the English version of the release “Change in provisions 978” was incorrect in the table "Consolidated statement of cash flows (EUR EUR 1,000) 1-6/2024”. The correct number is 11,151. The corrected release in full is available below and as attachment to this release. No changes beyond the above have been made. April-June: - Net sales amounted to EUR 188.0 (208.1) million - Operating profit totalled EUR -0.6 (10.2) million, equalling -0.3 (4.9) per cent of net sales January-June: - Net sales amounted to EUR 357.7 (409.8) million - Operating profit totalled EUR 0.6 (26.8) million, equalling 0.2 (6.5) per cent of net sales - Net result was EUR -11.7 (21.8) million - Earnings per share were EUR -0.42 (0.78) - Order books stood at EUR 210.4 (294.2) million at the end of period under review - Cash flow from business operations was EUR 25.4 (0.1) million - Equity ratio was 52.8 (54.3) per cent at the end of period under review - Ponsse published a new profit guidance on 9 August 2024: The company's euro -denominated operating profit is estimated to be significantly lower in 2024 than in 2023 (EUR 47.2 million). PRESIDENT AND CEO JUHO NUMMELA: The uncertainties in the forest machine market continued in the past quarter. There were positive signals in the forest industry, but in general, interest rates and the poor situation in European construction are weakening demand for forest machinery. Among market areas, the Nordic countries were the best performers, led by Finland and Sweden. Orders received during the second quarter totaled EUR 172.4 million, bringing the company's order book to EUR 210.4 (294.2) million at the end of the period. Despite the challenges in the market, the company's order book has remained at the same level throughout the first half of the year. Net sales in the second quarter decreased by approximately 10 per cent compared to the comparison period, amounting to EUR 188.0 (208.1) million. In the second quarter, the delivery volumes of forest machines were lower than in the comparison period. Turnover from service sales remained at a normal level due to the relatively good working conditions of our customers. However, the market situation for used machines was challenging and turnover was below target. Demand for products from Ponsse's technology company Epec Oy also continued to be weak and turnover was on a downward trend. Our Vieremä factory performed excellently and there were no problems with parts availability. The profitability of Ponsse's Brazilian Full Service contract remains challenging. The company has updated the financial forecast of the contract, and therefore we are preparing for higher-than-expected losses on the contract for 2024 and 2025. The operating profit for the period includes an expense of EUR 18.6 million related to the Full Service contract. Productivity and mechanical utilisation of the machines involved in the contract have developed favorably and are generally in line with the targets. The contract is fixed term and will expire at the end of 2026. The deterioration in the general market situation and the reduction in Epec's turnover have also had a wide-ranging impact on our profitability. The company's relative profitability in the second quarter was -0.3 (4.9) percent. We are continuously working both to improve the Full Service situation in Brazil and to increase the profitability of our core business as a whole. Our cash flow for the reporting period was EUR 25.4 (0.1) million. Our cash flow has developed in the right direction, but some of our capital is still tied up in inventories of materials and supplies and especially in inventories of used machines. Our stock of used machines increased during the period under review as the market situation deteriorated. Working capital efficiency is at the core of our operations and one of our top priorities, together with profitability development. The company's solvency has remained at a very good level. Ponsse's new operating model was introduced on 1 June 2024.Our organisation has been in the midst of changes during the spring and summer, and we are working hard to consolidate the new operating model. The change is important for Ponsse's long-term development and will create new development opportunities for our staff. At the same time, it improves the efficiency of the group's operations, and allows the country-organisations to focus on serving our customers. The coming autumn will kick off a busy season of fairs and customer events at Ponsse, which will also involve some highly anticipated product launches. We welcome our customers and business partners to our events around the world! NET SALES Consolidated net sales for the period under review amounted to EUR 357.7 (409.8) million, which is 12.7 per cent less than in the comparison period. International business operations accounted for 72.8 (74.1) per cent of net sales. Net sales were regionally distributed as follows: Nordic countries and the Baltics 47.5 (45.0) per cent, Central Europe and Southern Europe 22.5 (20.8) per cent, North America 13.1 (13.6) per cent, South America 14.4 (17.7) per cent and Asia, Australia and Africa 2.5 (3.0) per cent. 1-6/24 1-6/23 Net sales from continuing operations 357,673 409,828 Net sales from discontinued operations 0 2,533 Net sales total 357,673 412.362 PROFIT PERFORMANCE The operating result amounted to EUR 0.6 (26.8) million. The operating result equalled 0.2 (6.5) per cent of net sales for the period under review. The operating profit for the reporting period includes an expense of EUR 18.6 million related to the Brazilian Full Service contract, of which the impact of realised loss is EUR 8.4 million and the change in the provision related to the fulfilment of contractual obligations amounts to EUR 10.2 million. 1-6/24 1-6/23 Operating profit from continuing operations 607 26,834 Operating profit from discontinued operations 0 947 Operating profit total 607 27,781 Consolidated return on capital employed (ROCE) stood at -2.4 (15.1) per cent. Staff costs for the period totalled EUR 58.0 (60.6) million. Other operating expenses stood at EUR 55.6 (41.9) million. The net total of financial income and expenses amounted to EUR -8.4 (2.1) million. Exchange rate gains and losses due to currency rate fluctuations were recognised under financial items, having a net impact of EUR -6.1 (3.1) million. During the period under review, EUR 34.0 thousand of revaluation losses on interest rate swaps were recognised in the result. The parent company's receivables from subsidiaries stood at EUR 144.1 (112.2) million net. Receivables from subsidiaries mainly consist of trade receivables. Result for the period under review totalled EUR -11.7 (21.8) million. Diluted and undiluted earnings per share (EPS) came to EUR -0.42 (0.78). STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES At the end of the period under review, the total consolidated statements of financial position amounted to EUR 568.5 (596.9) million. Inventories stood at EUR 240.7 (251.4) million. Trade receivables totalled EUR 62.2 (67.3) million, while cash and cash equivalents stood at EUR 53.9 (49.6) million. Group shareholders' equity stood at EUR 298.9 (322.8) million and parent company shareholders' equity (FAS) at EUR 293.0 (249.0) million. The amount of interest -bearing liabilities was EUR 102.7 (108.3) million. The company has ensured its liquidity by credit facility limits and commercial paper programs. Group's loans from financial institutions are non-collateral bank loans without financial covenants. Consolidated net liabilities totalled EUR 48.8 (55.3) million, and the debt-equity ratio (net gearing) was 16.3 (17.1) per cent. The equity ratio stood at 52.8 (54.3) per cent at the end of the period under review. Cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 25.4 (0.1) million. Cash flow from investment activities came to EUR -11.0 (-18.3) million. ORDER INTAKE AND ORDER BOOKS Order intake for the period totalled EUR 336.0 (350.3) million, while period-end order books were valued at EUR 210.4 (294.2) million. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK In the new operating model, which entered into force at the beginning of June 2024, Ponsse shifted to a global organisational structure and reporting lines. With this operating model, Ponsse will secure globally harmonised and effective operations that respond to future customer needs. At the same time, the company aims to increase its competitiveness and cost-effectiveness, and to harmonise its practices. With focus on sales and maintenance, the organisation will be divided into five market areas: 1) Nordic countries and the Baltics; 2) Central Europe and Southern Europe; 3) South America; 4) North America; and 5) Asia, Australia and Africa. R&D AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Group's R&D expenses during the period under review totalled EUR 12.3 (14.0) million, of which EUR 5.1 (5.7) million was capitalised. Investments during the period under review totalled EUR 11,3 (18.7) million. In addition to capitalised R&D expenses, they consisted of investments in buildings and ordinary maintenance and replacement investments for machinery and equipment. PERSONNEL The Group had an average staff of 2,113 (2,090) during the period and employed 2,112 (2,168) people at the end of the period. On 3 April 2024, Ponsse announced that the planning process for the changes in the operating model and related cooperation negotiations had been completed. Changes in Ponsse's operating model and related cooperation negotiations resulted in the termination of 21 employment contracts in Finland and about 40 outside Finland. Previously, the changes were estimated to cause the termination of 120-140 employment contracts in the company, of which 50-60 would have been in Finland. However, the number of terminated employment contracts was smaller than estimated after dozens of the company's employees were reassigned to new positions that resulted from the changes in the operating model. SHARE-BASED INCENTIVE PLANS The Board of Directors of Ponsse Plc approved two new Ponsse Group's share-based incentive plans in 2023. A stock exchange release regarding the incentive plans was published on 3 March 2023. The aim of the new plans is to align the objectives of the shareholders and plan participants for increasing the value of the company in the long-term, to retain the participants at the company and to offer them competitive reward schemes that are based on earning and accumulating the company's shares. The Board of Directors of Ponsse Plc decided on new performance periods of share-based incentive plans in June 2024 and published a stock exchange release about them on 11 June 2024. The CEO Performance-Based Share Ownership Plan The CEO plan consists of five performance periods, calendar years 2023, 2023 -2024, 2023-2025, 2024-2026 and 2025-2027. A restriction period is included in performance periods 2023 and 2023-2024, which begins from the reward payment and ends on 31 December 2025. The matching reward will be paid by the end of May 2024, 2025 and 2026. The matching shares delivered as a matching reward cannot be transferred during a restriction period that will end on 31December 2025, 31 December 2026 and 31 December 2027. The performance-based reward will be paid by the end of May after the end of each performance period. The shares received as reward based on performance periods 2023 and 2023-2024 cannot be transferred during the restriction period, i.e. 31 December 2025. During the performance period 2024-2026 of the CEO Performance-Based Share Ownership Plan, the rewards are based on the group's operating result, revenue, personnel satisfaction and injury frequency (LTIF). The amount of rewards to be paid based on the performance period 2024-2026 will correspond to an approximate maximum total of 50000 Ponsse Plc shares, including also the portion to be paid in cash (gross reward). The performance-based bonus for the 2023 performance period was paid in June 2024 and its cost effect to the company was EUR 0.4 million. Key Employee Performance-Based Matching Share Plan The key employee plan consists of three performance periods, each lasting for three calendar years, performance periods 2023-2025, 2024-2026 and 2025-2027. The matching reward will be paid in 2023, 2024 and 2025 after the acquisition of the investment shares and confirmation of reward, as soon as practically possible. The matching shares delivered as a matching reward cannot be transferred during a restriction period that will end on 31December 2025, 31 December 2026 and 31 December 2027. The performance-based reward will be paid by the end of May after the end of each performance period. For the restriction periods that started in 2023, the total cost effect of the share-based incentive plans is estimated to be around EUR 2.0 million in the years 2023-2025. During the performance period 2024-2026 of the Key Employee Performance-Based Matching Share Plan, the rewards are based on the group's operating result, revenue, personnel satisfaction and injury frequency (LTIF). The amount of rewards to be paid based on the performance period 2024-2026 will amount to a maximum total of 60000 Ponsse Plc shares (net reward). In addition, the company pays the taxes and statutory social security contributions arising from the reward to participants in connection with the reward payment. The estimate includes the matching rewards to be paid in 2024. Approximately 140 key employees, including the Management Team members but excluding the President and CEO, belong to the target group of the plan. During the period under review, there were no expenses related to the share-based incentive plan. SHARE PERFORMANCE The company's registered share capital consists of 28,000,000 shares. The trading volume of Ponsse Plc shares for 1 January - 30 June 2024 totalled 411,672, accounting for 1.47 per cent of the total number of shares. Share turnover amounted to EUR 9.7 million, with the period's lowest and highest share prices amounting to EUR 22.10 and EUR 26.20, respectively. At the end of the period, shares closed at EUR 26.10, and market capitalisation totalled EUR 730.8 million. At the end of the period under review, the company held 15,105 treasury shares. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2024 A separate release was issued on 9 April 2024 regarding the authorizations given to the Board of Directors and other resolutions at the AGM. SUSTAINABILITY We have defined our key sustainability goals, the realisation of which we promote through annual, activity-specific targets and actions as part of the company's strategy process. We want to improve the well-being of our people, innovate sustainable solutions that respect nature, develop our operations in a way that respects the natural environment, and be a reliable partner for whom community is an asset. In the second quarter, we continued to prepare for the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which came into force at the beginning of 2024. We refined our double materiality assessment, documented our reporting processes, and developed our ability to implement CSRD-compliant reporting. Ponsse's first Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) emissions calculation from 2023 data was completed in June 2024. The Scope 3 emissions calculation was mainly cost-based, taking into account all emission categories. As a result, the greenhouse gas emission sources that are relevant to our operations were identified and will be monitored on an annual basis. Purchased products, use of products sold, and end-of-life treatment of products sold account for 97% of Ponsse's Scope 3 emissions. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) gave Ponsse a grade of C for Climate Change reporting and C- for Water Security reporting (on a scale from A to D-). There was no change in the obtained grade, when comparing with that of the previous year. On the reporting scale, these scores represent awareness of the company's own impacts on climate and water, and their implications for business. Ponsse Plc complies with the ISO 9001 quality management standard, ISO 14001 environmental management standard, and ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management standard. On 1 June 2024, the company renewed its Operating Policy in accordance with the management systems. The new Operating Policy is based on the company's responsibility objectives, guiding everyone to follow the company's values and responsible practices in business development. During the second quarter, a new Code of Conduct was developed at Ponsse. The Code of Conduct is based on the company's human rights assessment which was completed at the end of 2023. The revised Code of Conduct will be implemented in the company in autumn of 2024, and it will be trained for the company's employees and key stakeholders. On 1 June 2024, a new operating model was introduced at Ponsse. The change in our operating model has required a lot from our organisation, and progress will continue with the consolidation of new ways of working. A global organisation creates many new development opportunities for our staff. As a result of the change, the company has also unified its safety management and day-to-day practices, and safety resources have been strengthened. In the future, we will monitor the following indicators in our half-year report: KPI Long-term Result H1/2024 Result H1/2023 Change % objective Lost Time Injury LTIF 0 12.3 10.8 13.9 % Frequency (LTIF) Number of safety 8500 2,112 3,847 -45.1 % observations, pcs pcs/year Employee eNPS > 40 3 36 -91.7 % experience (eNPS) (on a scale of -100 to 100) Voluntary < 5 % 6.1 % 10.9 % 4,8 % employee turnover, % RISK MANAGEMENT Our risk management is based on the company's values and strategic and financial goals. The purpose of risk management is to support the company's strategic objectives and to secure its financial development and the continuity of its business. Ponsse's management conducts an annual risk assessment that includes the sustainability risks and opportunities impacting the company's business. Within them, aspects related to climate change, biodiversity, and resource efficiency together with digitalisation and technological development are emphasised. The purpose of risk management is to identify, assess, and monitor business -related risks that may impact the realisation of the company's strategic and financial objectives or the continuity of business. This information is used to decide what measures will be required to prevent risks and respond to current risks. Risk management is part of the company's daily business and has been incorporated into its management system. Risk management is directed by the risk management policy approved by the Board of Directors. A risk is any event that may prevent the company from achieving its objectives or threatens the continuity of business. A risk may also be a positive event, in which case the risk is treated as an opportunity. Each risk is assessed on the basis of its impact and probability. The company's risk management methods include the avoidance, mitigation, and transfer of risk. Risks may also be managed by controlling and minimising their impacts. SHORT-TERM RISK MANAGEMENT Our major short-term risks are related to the global geopolitical situation, sudden economic fluctuations, and to the interest rate level that has remained high. The geopolitical situation increases uncertainty through financial market operability, sanctions, and growing cybersecurity threats. The risks in the financial market may also increase the volatility of developing countries' foreign exchange markets. The continued instability of the world economy and growing financing costs may also reduce demand for forest machines. Additionally, if the industrial action measures in Finland take place, Ponsse could suffer significant financial losses. These financial risks relate in particular to the functionality of the production and supply chains. In the challenging situation, Ponsse's strong financial position is important. In terms of financing, Ponsse has carried out all measures necessary to ensure business continuity, and financial situation is regularly evaluated. The key objective of the company's financial risk management policy is to manage liquidity, interest, and currency risks. The company's financial position and liquidity have remained strong due to binding credit limit facilities agreed with several financial institutions. The effect of adverse changes in interest rates is minimized by utilizing credit linked to different reference rates and by concluding interest rate swaps. The effects of currency rate fluctuations are partly mitigated through derivative contracts. The parent company monitors the changes in the Group's internal and external trade receivables and the associated risk of impairment. The company has long -term and extensive service contracts, which may involve operational risks. Changes taking place in the fiscal and customs legislation in countries to which Ponsse exports may hamper the company's export trade or its profitability. Global supply chain disruptions can make it more difficult to manage PONSSE forest machine production schedules and it may tie up more capital in the company's supply chain and increase the risks related to working capital management. In order to strengthen cybersecurity, Ponsse has clarified its software update policy and user manuals. We will improve our ability to detect and react to abnormal activity on our networks, and we regularly test our digital services with our partners against cyber-attacks. OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE The company's euro-denominated operating profit is estimated to be significantly lower in 2024 than in 2023 (EUR 47.2 million). Due to the uncertainty in the market, the company continues to carefully consider investments, maintains cost controls in place, and is developing its operational model to improve competitiveness. The company is closely monitoring changes in the operating environment and customers operating conditions. The status of the Full Service contract of Ponsse's Brazilian country -organisation will remain under close scrutiny and the company will continue to take measures to improve the situation. EVENTS AFTER THE PERIOD Ponsse cut its profit guidance in the profit warning release that was published on 9 August 2024. According to the new guidance, the company's euro-denominated operating profit is estimated to be significantly lower in 2024 than in 2023 (EUR 47.2 million). The company's operating profit (EBIT) is affected by the significantly lower -than-expected profitability of Ponsse's Brazilian country-organisation. Ponsse has previously estimated its profit outlook in an insider information release published on 19 April 2024 as follows: “The company's euro-denominated operating profit is estimated to be slightly weaker in 2024 than in 2023 (EUR 47.2 million).” At the end of July, the Ponsse factory transitioned to using biogas. Biogas replaces the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) used in the factory paint shop and is a significant step towards achieving carbon neutrality goal in Ponsse's production. PONSSE GROUP CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (EUR 1,000) 1-6/24 1-6/23 1-12/23 NET SALES 357,673 409,828 821,800 Increase (+)/decrease (-) in 12,153 7,103 -3,545 inventories of finished goods and work in progress Other operating income 3,343 2,097 5,593 Raw materials and services -241,253 -274,177 -534,497 Expenditure on employment-related -58,048 -60,594 -115,262 benefits Depreciation and amortisation -17,708 -15,564 -31,337 Other operating expenses -55,553 -41,859 -95,599 OPERATING PROFIT 607 26,834 47,153 Share of results of associated 200 144 255 companies Financial income and expenses -8,373 2,143 -4,459 RESULT BEFORE TAXES -7,566 29,120 42,949 Income taxes -4,149 -7,352 -12,924 NET RESULT FROM THE CONTINUING -11,715 21,768 30,026 OPERATIONS Net result from the discontinued 0 1,043 -11,149 operations NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD -11,715 22,812 18,877 OTHER ITEMS INCLUDED IN TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE RESULT: Translation differences related to 4,232 -5,257 3,001 foreign units TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE RESULT FOR THE -7,483 17,554 21,878 PERIOD Diluted and undiluted earnings per -0.42 0.78 1.07 share from continuing operations Diluted and undiluted earnings per 0 0.04 -0.40 share from discontinued operations Diluted and undiluted earnings per -0.42 0.81 0.67 share 4-6/24 4-6/23 NET SALES 188,014 208,099 Increase (+)/decrease (-) in 5,175 4,812 inventories of finished goods and work in progress Other operating income 1,681 1,151 Raw materials and services -122,834 -141,228 Expenditure on employment-related -30,212 -32,446 benefits Depreciation and amortisation -8,981 -7,784 Other operating expenses -33,483 -22,389 OPERATING PROFIT -640 10,215 Share of results of associated 80 145 companies Financial income and expenses -4,591 1,579 RESULT BEFORE TAXES 5,151 11,939 Income taxes -3,125 -4,206 NET RESULT FROM THE CONTINUING -8,276 7,733 OPERATIONS Net result from the discontinued 0 551 operations NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD -8,276 8,284 OTHER ITEMS INCLUDED IN TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE RESULT: Translation differences related to 3,246 -3,317 foreign units TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE RESULT FOR THE -5,030 4,967 PERIOD Diluted and undiluted earnings per -0.3 0.28 share from continuing operations Diluted and undiluted earnings per 0 0.02 share from discontinued operations Diluted and undiluted earnings per -0.3 0.30 share CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (EUR 1,000) 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Intangible assets 51,337 52,708 52,736 Goodwill 6,668 5,718 6,698 Property, plant and equipment 116,616 116,391 119,017 Financial assets 375 429 374 Investments in associated companies 1,073 956 1,067 Non-current receivables 224 58 3,229 Deferred tax assets 9,294 6,024 8,446 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 185,586 182,284 191,569 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 240,724 251,415 240,837 Trade receivables 62,240 67,316 69,129 Income tax receivables 937 1,289 1,249 Other current receivables 25,162 27,000 29,225 Cash and cash equivalents 53,860 49,608 74,002 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 382,922 396,629 414,443 Assets related to assets held for sale 0 18,018 0 TOTAL ASSETS 568,508 596,931 606,011 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Share capital 7,000 7,000 7,000 Other reserves 3,892 3,460 3,460 Translation differences 19,934 7,443 15,702 Treasury shares -476 -290 -463 Retained earnings 268,528 305,143 296,101 EQUITY OWNED BY PARENT COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS 298,878 322,757 321,799 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Interest-bearing liabilities 66,888 49,894 66,637 Deferred tax liabilities -568 242 1,120 Other non-current liabilities 6,238 79 6,284 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 72,558 50,214 74,041 CURRENT LIABILITIES Interest-bearing liabilities 35,813 58,382 52,816 Provisions 24,916 10,930 14,690 Tax liabilities for the period 3,167 3,101 1,257 Trade creditors and other current liabilities 133,176 151,092 141,407 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 197,072 223,505 210,171 Liabilities related to assets held for sale 0 454 0 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 568,508 596,931 606,011 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (EUR 1,000) Continuing and discontinued operations 1-6/24 1-6/23 1-12/23 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net result for the period -11,715 22,812 18,877, Adjustments: Financial income and expenses 8,373 -2,219 16,647 Change in provisions 11 151 -158 3,677 Share of the result of associated companies -200 -144 -255 Depreciation and amortisation 17,708 15,564 31,402 Income taxes 4,149 7,332 13,115 Other adjustments -3,094 1,801 1,304 Cash flow before changes in working capital 26,372 44,988 84,767 Change in working capital: Change in trade receivables and other receivables 11,405 -7,283 -17,531 Change in inventories 2,115 -20,302 -10,166 Change in trade creditors and other liabilities -5,800 -6,123 -4,451 Interest received 190 246 960 Interest paid -2,558 -1,455 -3,927 Other financial items -1,841 1,160 -294 Income taxes paid -4,436 -11,126 -18,966 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (A) 25,445 106 30,391 CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES Investments in tangible and intangible assets -11,307 -18,745 -35,892 Proceeds from sale of tangible and intangible assets 309 405 1,282 Acquisition of subsidiaries* 0 0 -1,458 NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES (B) -10,998 -18,340 -36,068 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Withdrawal/Repayment of current loans -16,903 4,475 14,121 Withdrawal of non-current loans 0 8,000 10,000 Repayment of finance lease liabilities -2,568 -1,932 -4,066 Dividends paid -15,400 -16,794 -16,794 NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (C) -34,871 -6,251 3,261 Change in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) -20,424 -24,485 -2,416 Cash and cash equivalents on 1 Jan 74,002 76,545 76,545 Impact of exchange rate changes 281 -429 -127 Cash and cash equivalents on 30 Jun/31 Dec 53,860 51,632 74,002 *) Acquisition of Bram Engineers B.V. (now Epec B.V.), the Netherlands. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (EUR 1,000) A = Share capital B = Share premium and other reserves C = Translation differences D = Treasury shares E = Retained earnings F = Total shareholders' equity EQUITY OWNED BY PARENT COMPANY SHAREHOLDERS A B C D E F SHAREHOLDERS' 7,000 3,460 15,702 -463 296,101 321,799 EQUITY 1 JAN 2024 Comprehensive result: Net result -11,715 -11,715 for the period Other items included in total comprehensive result: Translation 4,232 4,232 differences Total 4,232 -11,715 -7,483 comprehensive result for the period Direct entries -457 -457 to retained earnings Transactions with shareholders Share Plan Dividend -15,400 -15,400 distribution Treasury 432 -13 419 shares, change Transactions 432 -13 -15,400 -14,981 with shareholders in total Other changes SHAREHOLDERS' 7,000 3,892 19,934 -476 268,528 298,879 EQUITY 30 JUN 2024 SHAREHOLDERS' 7,000 3,460 12,701 -274 298,926 321,813 EQUITY 1 JAN 2023 Comprehensive result: Net result 22,812 22,812 for the period Other items included in total comprehensive result: Translation -5,258 -5,228 differences Total -5,258 22,812 17,554 comprehensive result for the period Direct entries 206 206 to retained earnings Transactions with shareholders Share Plan 30 Dividend -16,800 -16,800 distribution Acquisition -16 -16 of treasury shares Transactions -16 -16,800 -16,816 with shareholders in total Other changes SHAREHOLDERS' 7,000 3,460 7,443 -290 305,144 322,757 EQUITY 30 JUN 2023 NOTES TO THE RELEASE FOR THE HALF-YEAR REPORT The stock exchange release for the half-year report has been prepared observing the recognition and valuation principles of IFRS, and the requirements of IAS 34 have been complied with. The half-year report has been prepared applying the same accounting principles as for the annual financial statements dated 31 December 2023, except for the IAS/IFRS standard and interpretation changes that entered into force on 1 January 2024. These standard and interpretation changes did not have a material impact on the half-year report. Ponsse has classified the Russian operations subject to trade as assets held for sale and reported them as discontinued operations in 2023. Unless otherwise specified, the figures presented in this half-year report refer to continuing operations. The figures presented in the stock release have not been audited. The figures presented in the stock release have been rounded and may therefore differ from those given in the official financial statements. Ponsse is preparing for the adoption of Pillar 2 minimum tax rules and is currently assessing its impacts. This communication includes future-oriented statements that are based on the assumptions currently made by the company's management and its current decisions and plans. Although the management believes that the future expectations are well founded, there is no certainty that these expectations will prove to be correct. This is why the results may significantly deviate from the assumptions included in the future-oriented statements as a result of, among other things, changes in the economy, markets, competitive conditions, legislation or currency exchange rates. 1. SEGMENT INFORMATION (EUR 1,000) As a result of the new operating model, the Group is changing its segmentation. The operating segments are based on a geographical division of market areas, and they are defined based on the reporting used by the Group's top operational decision-maker. The change in reporting structure will affect Ponsse's financial reporting from the second quarter of 2024 onwards. OPERATING SEGMENTS 1-6/2024 Nordic Central North South Asia, Total countries Europe America America Australia and and the and Africa Baltics Southern Europe Net sales of 245,886 82,216 48,176 52,230 9,017 437,525 the segments Revenues -75,912 -1,864 -1,336 -667 -73 -79,852 between segments NET SALES 169,974 80,352 46,840 51,563 8,944 357,673 FROM EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS Operating 6,855 7,405 1,299 -14,889 189 859 result of the segment Unallocated -252 items OPERATING 6,855 7,405 1,299 -14,889 189 607 RESULT DEPRECIATION 14,444 494 551 2,136 83 17,708 AND AMORTISATION 1-6/2023 Nordic Central North South Asia, Total countries Europe America America Australia and and the and Africa Baltics Southern Europe Net sales of 264,617 88,197 56,702 73,147 12,289 494,952 the segments Revenues -80,131 -3,131 -1,139 -613 -111 -85,124 between segments NET SALES 184,486 85,067 55,563 72,534 12,178 409,828 FROM EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS Operating 3,497 11,682 7,038 3,239 2,385 27,841 result of the segment Unallocated -1,007 items OPERATING 3,497 11,682 7,038 3,239 2,385 26,834 RESULT DEPRECIATION 13,157 490 448 1,371 97 15,564 AND AMORTISATION 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 2. LEASING COMMITMENTS (EUR 1,000) 1,150 994 964 3. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES (EUR 1,000) 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 Guarantees given on behalf of others 0 0 0 Responsibility of checking the VAT 5,088 5,757 5,349 deductions made on real property investments Other commitments 230 305 139 TOTAL 5,317 6,063 5,488 4. PROVISIONS (EUR 1,000) Guarantee provision Other provisions Total 1 January 2024 4,395 10,295 14,690 Provisions added 1,088 10,174 11,262 Provisions cancelled 110 0 -110 Exchange rate difference 0 -926 -926 30 June 2024 5,373 19,543 24,916 The Group has recognized a provision in the item of other provisions based on a Full Service contract entered into by the Brazilian country-organization as the fulfilment of the contractual obligations is estimated to generate expenses that exceed the expected economic benefits obtained from the agreement. The provision has been measured based on the best possible estimate of the expenses arising from the fulfilment of the obligations on the closing date. 5. DIVIDENDS PAID (EUR 1,000) 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 Dividends per share EUR 0.55 15,400 16,800 (EUR 0.60) 6. PROPERTY, PLANT AND 1-6/24 1-6/23 EQUIPMENT (EUR 1,000) Increase 12,826 14,586 Decrease -13,057 -14,407 TOTAL -231 179 7. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 1-6/24 1-6/23 Management's employment -related benefits (EUR 1,000) Salaries and other short-term 2,381 2,118 employment-related benefits Benefits paid upon termination 0 0 of employment Pension liabilities, statutory 562 622 and voluntary pension security Compensation of the members of 141 155 the Board of Directors KEY FIGURES AND RATIOS 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 31 Dec 23 R&D expenditure, MEUR 12.3 14.0 29.5 Capital expenditure, MEUR 11.3 18.7 35.9 as % of net sales 3.2 4.6 4.4 Average number of employees 2,113 2,090 2,016 Order books, MEUR 210.4 294.2 232.1 Equity ratio, % 52.8 54.3 53.3 Diluted and undiluted earnings per -0.42 0.78 1.07 share (EUR), continuing operations Diluted and undiluted earnings per 0 0.04 -0.40 share (EUR), discontinued operations Diluted and undiluted earnings per -0.42 0.81 0.67 share (EUR) Equity per share (EUR) 10.67 11.53 11.49 Order intake, MEUR 336.0 350.3 697.6 FORMULAE FOR FINANCIAL INDICATORS Return on capital employed, % (including discontinued operations): Result before taxes + financial expenses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Shareholder´s equity + interest-bearing financial liabilities (average during the year) * 100 Average number of employees: Average of the number of personnel at the end of each month from continuing operations. The calculation has been adjusted for part-time employees. Net gearing, % (including discontinued operations): Interest-bearing financial liabilities - cash and cash equivalents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Shareholders' equity * 100 Equity ratio, % (including discontinued operations): Shareholders' equity + Non-controlling interests ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Balance sheet total - advance payments received * 100 Earnings per share, continuing operations: Net result from continuing operations for the period - Non-controlling interests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Average number of shares during the accounting period, adjusted for share issues Earnings per share, discontinued operations: Net result from discontinued operations for the period - Non-controlling interests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Average number of shares during the accounting period, adjusted for share issues Earnings per share (including discontinued operations): Net result for the period - Non-controlling interests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Average number of shares during the accounting period, adjusted for share issues Equity per share (including discontinued operations): Shareholders' equity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Number of shares on the balance sheet date, adjusted for share issues Order intake: Net sales from continuing operations for the period + Change in order books from continuing operations during the period Vieremä, 13 August 2024 PONSSE PLC Juho Nummela President and CEO FURTHER INFORMATION Juho Nummela, President and CEO, tel. +358 400 495 690 Petri Härkönen, CFO, tel. +358 50 409 8362 DISTRIBUTION NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd Principal media www.ponsse.com Ponsse Plc is a company specialising in the sales, manufacture, servicing and technology of cut-to-length method forest machines and is driven by genuine interest in its customers and their business. Ponsse develops and manufactures sustainable and innovative harvesting solutions based on customers' needs. The company was established by forest machine entrepreneur Einari Vidgren in 1970, and it has been a leader in timber harvesting solutions based on the cut -to-length method ever since. Ponsse is headquartered in Vieremä, Finland. The company's shares are quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic List. |