2008-02-13 08:30:00 CET

2008-02-13 08:30:00 CET


Enska Finnska
QPR Software - Financial Statement Release



FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1.1. - 31.12.2007



QPR Software Group´s net sales in 2007 reached MEUR 7.059 (6.901)
and grew 2.3%. Net sales in international operations increased in
the financial year 7.1% compared to previous year and were MEUR
4.942  (4.613), corresponding to 70.0% (66.8%) of net sales.
Operating profit was MEUR 0.031 (0.517).Operating profit was was
0.4 % (7.5%) of net sales. Earnings per share were EUR 0.02 (0.06).

In October-December, Group net sales showed 11.6% growth and were
EUR 1.995 million (1.787). Growth in the last quarter of the year
was mainly due to an increase of 43.1% in license sales to MEUR
1.057. License sales in Finland showed strongest growth while
professional services sales were lower than last year. Operating
profit was EUR 72 thousand (43).

The Group delivered software licenses and services in the
financial year to 55 countries.  Software licenses were sold by 60
resellers in various parts of the world. The Group´s biggest
export markets in the financial period were South-Africa, Japan,
Brazil, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States of America.


(EUR 1000)             10-12/  10-12/ Change  1-12/  1-12/  Change
                         2007    2006      %   2007   2006       %
Net Sales               1 995   1 787   11.6  7 059   6 901    2.3
Operating profit           72      43   66.3     31     517  -94.0
% of net sales            3.6     2.4           0.4     7.5  
Profit before tax          78      58   32.8     64     577  -88.9
Profit for the period     222     314  -29.4    204     702  -71.0
% of net sales           11.1    17.6           2.9    10.2  
Earnings per share,EUR                         0.02    0.06       
EPS (diluted), EUR                             0.02    0.06       
Equity per share, EUR                          0.18    0.21       
Cash flow from operating activities             438     976  
Cash and cash equivalents                     1 245   1 884  
Net liabilities                                -876  -1 408  
Gearing, %                                    -38.7   -54.4  
Equity ratio, %                                57.0    59.0  
Return on equity, %                             8.4    30.0  
Return on investment, %                         2.5    19.2  


QPR Software aims to focus its resources this year especially to
accelerate positive development in Risk Management and Compliance
software solution sales. Risk Management and Compliance software
solution sales already showed strong growth in 2007 in QPR´s
international business.

The management of QPR Software estimates the Group´s net sales and
operating profit to grow in 2008 compared to previous year. The
nature of the software license business of the QPR Group is
seasonal. Seasonality of large software deals can affect
significantly net sales and profit of one individual quarter.


This interim report complies with accounting- and valuation
principles of IFRS, but in preparations all the requirements of
IAS 34-standard have not been considered. The accounting- and
valuation principles are the same as they were in 2006 financial
statements. This interim report is not audited.


QPR Software Group's net sales in the fourth quarter of the year
2007 increased 11.6% and were MEUR 1.995 (1.787). The increase in
net sales was mainly due to positive sales development in Finland,
Denmark, Japan and Brazil. In Finland, software licenses were
delivered to Skanska, Onninen, Kunta-IT and Ministry of Education,
among others. In Denmark, QPR won new significant customers from
municipal sector. In Japan, QPR solution deliveries to local
listed companies continued to be used for compliance purposes
brought by the new security markets law (J-SOX). QPR also won a
significant extension deal with Brasil Telecom.

Net sales in international operations were in the fourth quarter
MEUR 1.356 (1.289), and corresponded to 68.0% (72.1%) of the
Group´s total net sales.

Software license sales and maintenance service sales corresponded
to 88.4% (78.7%) of the total net sales of the Group.

The geographical break-down of the net sales was as follows, (EUR 000):

              10-12/ Share- 10-12/ Share- Change-
                2007      %   2006      %       %
Domestic         639   32.0    498   27.9    28.2
International  1 356   68.0  1 289   72.1     5.2
Total          1 995  100.0  1 787  100.0    11.6

Break-down of software sales and related services in the fourth
quarter, (EUR 000):
                     10-12/ Share- 10-12/ Share- Change-
                       2007      %   2006      %       %
Software licenses     1 057   53.0    739   41.3    43.1
Maintenance services    707   35.5    668   37.4     6.0
Professional services   230   11.5    381   21.3   -39.6
Total                 1 995  100.0  1 787  100.0    11.6

Operating profit in the fourth quarter was MEUR 0.072 (0.043), and
its share corresponded to 3.6% (2.4%) of net sales. In the fourth
quarter operating profit was affected negatively MEUR 0.113
(0.020) by recorded bad debt provisions.

Profit of the fourth quarter was MEUR 0.222 (0.314), and includes
an effect of an increase of deferred tax assets in the parent
company´s books MEUR 0.160 (0.260). The profit for the period
represented 11.1% (17.6%) of net sales.

YEAR 2007


QPR Software Group´s net sales grew by 2.3% compared to previous
year and were MEUR 7,059 (6.901).

Net sales in international operations increased 7.1% and the Group
delivered software licenses and services to a total of 55
countries. The share of international business of the total net
sales increased to 70.0% (66.8%).

The largest export markets in 2007 were South Africa, Japan,
Brazil, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. The fastest
growing export markets were Brazil, the United States, Denmark and
Japan. Business growth in Japan was positively affected by a
solution that QPR and its local reseller launched to respond to
the challenges of the local security markets law (J-SOX). The new
security markets law came in force at the beginning of 2007 in
Japan, and 40 Japanese publicly listed companies purchased QPR J-
SOX solution. QPR estimates that demand for the said software
solution remains good among the Japanese publicly listed companies
in 2008 as well. In Brazil, QPR business growth was positively
affected especially by an extensive Risk Management software
solution delivered to Brasil Telecom.

In September, QPR launched a new Business Process Management Suite
and QPR WorkFlow product. The sales of the new suite and product
have started both in Finland and in international channel, and is
estimated to have a positive impact to QPR net sales in the
first half of 2008.

Geographical break-down of the net sales was as follows, EUR 000:

                 1-12/ Share-  1-12/ Share- Change-
                  2007      %   2006      %       %
Domestic         2 117   30.0  2 288   33.2    -7.5
International    4 942   70.0  4 613   66.8     7.1
Total            7 059  100.0  6 901  100.0     2.3

Break-down of software sales and related services in the financial
year, EUR (000):
                     1-12/ Share-  1-12/ Share- Change-
                      2007      %   2006      %       %
Software licenses    3 489   49.4  3 256   47.2     7.2
Maintenance services 2 764   39.2  2 509   36.4    10.2
Professional services  806   11.4  1 136   16.5   -29.1
Total                7 059  100.0  6 901  100.0     2.4

Operating profit in the financial year was MEUR 0.031 (0.517), and
its share of net sales was 0.4% (7.5%). Operating profit was
negatively affected by the recorded bad debt provisions MEUR 0.318
(0.151). Operating profit was also impacted by the launch costs of
QPR Business Process Management Suite and QPR WorkFlow product in
September and investments initiated in 2006 in local office in
South Africa. It was decided at the end of 2007 that the cost
structure of South African office will be curtailed.

Net profit for the financial year was MEUR 0.204 (0.702), which
corresponded 2.9% (10.2%) from net sales. Net profit for the
financial year includes an effect of an increase of deferred tax
assets in the parent company´s books of MEUR 0.160 (0.260).

As of December 31, 2007 the retained losses, for which no entry
has been made as deferred tax assets in the parent company's
books, nor in the closure of this financial year or earlier
financial years are approximately MEUR 1.0 corresponding to MEUR
0.3 deferred tax assets. In the Group´s balance sheet as of
December 31, 2007, the remaining amount of deferred tax is EUR 502
thousand, and an amount of EUR 479 thousand is in the books of
parent company.

Diluted earnings per share were EUR 0.02 (0.06).


The value of the total assets of the Group was MEUR 5.091 (5.913).
The Group's investments in non-current assets during the financial
year totaled MEUR 0.464 (0.361).

Cash flow from operating activities was positive in the financial
year and reached MEUR 0.438 (0.976) Cash and cash equivalents at
the end of the year were MEUR 1.245 (1.884).

The Group's interest-bearing liabilities decreased by MEUR 0.108
and were MEUR 0.368 (0.476). Gearing was -38.7% (-54.4%). Return
on investment was 2.5% (19.2%).

The total amount of dividend paid was MEUR 0.489 (0.243).

Short-term liabilities contain deferred revenue a total of MEUR
1.116 (1.532). At the end of financial period, quick ratio was 
2.49 (3.31).At the end of the financial year, the Group's equity
stood at MEUR 2.264 (2.586) and the Group's equity ratio reached
57.0% (59.0 %). Return on equity was 8.4% (30.0%).


At the end of the financial year, the Group employed a total of 58
people (59).

For incentive and commitment purposes, the Group has personnel
bonus scheme covering the whole personnel and personnel stock
option plan.


The amount of R&D expenses in the review period rose to MEUR 1.502
(1.245), representing 21.3% (18.0%) of net sales.

During the review period, R&D expenses have been capitalized for a
total amount of EUR 217 thousand (147). The depreciation period of
capitalized R&D expenses is 4 years.

Product development employed 14 (12) people at the end of the
review period, corresponding to 24% of the total personnel. The
core know-how of product development remains centralized within
the own organization. QPR continued long-term co-operation with
its established subcontractors.

During the review period, Research & Development activities
focused on developing new product and product version releases. As
a result, in September 2007 QPR released a new software product,
QPR WorkFlow, which is based on OEM technology, for automating
human centric business processes. At the same time, QPR released
new versions of all other products in the QPR 7 software suite.
This broadened the scope of the QPR software offering,
particularly in the area of Business Process Management (BPM) by
introducing full support for the BPMN and BPEL standards and
workflow modeling. In December 2007, QPR introduced language
support for Arabic and initiated development to introduce support
for Persian language in early 2008. The QPR product family also
became fully compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista™. As a proof
of this compatibility, QPR ProcessGuide has been Certified for
Microsoft Windows Vista™. During the review period, QPR achieved
the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status.

QPR offers an interactive, easy-to-use, ready-to-run software that
combines process modeling and analysis (QPR ProcessGuide),
business process automation (QPR WorkFlow), performance management
and measurement (QPR ScoreCard), and business intelligence (QPR
FactView) into one complete solution for risk management and
compliance. With the help of QPR software solutions, organizations
take control of risk and compliance issues, optimize business
processes, improve operational performance and drive strategy
throughout their organization in order to comply with rules and
regulation as well as manage transition caused by strategic or
regulatory demands. The software products developed by QPR are
fast to implement and adapt to customers' evolving requirements
and their chosen management methodology. QPR software applications
are scalable from a single-user to an organization-wide management
system, and integrate seamlessly to the customers' existing
information systems.

The QPR product family has been localized into 24 languages.


The Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on 14 March 2007 made the
following decisions:

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting confirmed the company's financial
statements and the group's financial statements for the financial
period 1 January - 31 December 2006 and released the Board of
Directors and the Managing Director from liability.

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting approved the Board's proposal
that a per-share dividend of EUR 0.04, a total of EUR 489,430.56,
be paid for the financial year 2006. The record date for the
payment of dividend was 19 March 2007 and the dividend payment
date was 26 March 2007.

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting resolved that the Board of
Directors consist of five (5) ordinary members. The Annual
Shareholders' Meeting elected the following members to the Board
of Directors: Vesa-Pekka Leskinen, Asko Piekkola, Topi Piela,
Jarmo Niemi and Niklas Sonkin. In its first meeting immediately
following the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, the Board of Directors
elected Vesa-Pekka Leskinen as Chairman of the Board.

KPMG Oy Ab, Authorized Public Accountants, continues as QPR
Software Plc's auditor, and Authorized Public Accountant Sixten
Nyman as the principle auditor.

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting decided that the emoluments to
the Chairman of the Board and the other Members of the Board shall
be the same as in previous year.

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting decided to renew the articles of
association. The primary content of the amendment was as follows:
-   The provisions on minimum and maximum share capital were
    deleted (3§);
-   The provisions on minimum and maximum amount of shares were
    deleted (4 §);
-   The provisions on the record date were deleted (6§);
-   The provisions on representation of the company were amended
    to correspond to the terminology of the new Companies Act 8§);
-   The Articles of Association were amended so that the company
    has one (1) auditor, which is required to be an auditing
    company approved by the Central Chamber of Commerce (9§);
-   The agenda of the Annual Shareholders Meeting was amended to
    Correspond to the contents of the new Companies Act and the
    Article 13 of the current Articles Of Association - according
    to which the Annual Shareholders' Meeting shall be held in
    Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa as decided by the Board of Directors
    -was included to the same section (11§); and
-   The numbering of the Articles of Association was amended
The company's articles of association is available in its entirety
on the investors section of the company's internet pages, and on
the stock exchange release, published by the company on 14 March

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting decided to authorize the Board of
Directors to decide on an issue of new shares and conveyance of
the own shares held by the company (share issue) either in one or
in several occasions. In the share issue and/or based on the
special rights a maximum of 4,000,000 new shares can be issued and
a maximum of 250,000 own shares held by the company can be
conveyed. The authorization shall be in force until the next
Annual Shareholders' Meeting. The conditions of the authorization
of the Board are available in their entirety on the investors
section of the company's internet pages, and on the stock exchange
release, published by the company on 14 March 2007.

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting decided to authorize the Board of
Directors to decide on an acquisition of own shares. Based on the
authorization own shares may be acquired, either in one or in
several occasions, the aggregate maximum amount of 250,000 shares.
The authorization shall be in force until the next Annual
Shareholders' Meeting. The conditions of the authorization of the
Board are available in their entirety on the investors section of
the company's internet pages, and on the stock exchange release,
published by the company on 14 March 2007.

At the end of the financial year the members of QPR Software Plc´s
executive management group were CEO Matti Kanninen (Chairman), SVP
Business Operations  Jari Jaakkola, VP Strategic Accounts and
Marketing Teemu Lehto, VP Business Operations Finland Matti
Erkheikki, CFO Ritva Lindqvist and VP Products, Research and Care
Tony Virtanen.


QPR Software Plc complies with the Helsinki Exchanges' Guidelines
for Insiders entered into force on 1 January 2006 and the
Recommendation on Corporate Governance entered into force on 1
July 2004. The Company's Corporate Governance Statement is
available in the Investor sector of the Company's website.
http://www.qpr.com. Also, available in the investor
pages is further information, such as, administration of insiders
register, public insiders register, list of major shareholders,
articles of association, charter of the Board, description of how
internal control and internal audit is organized, introductions of
the members of the Board and Executive Management Team, and the
information published by the company to the Helsinki Stock
Exchanges in the financial year 2007.


The Company's share capital at the end of the review period was
EUR 1,359,089.93 divided into 12,355,363 shares, the book counter-
value being EUR 0.11.

The share capital was increased once during the review period when
119,599 new shares were subscribed based on the stock option
programs 2003/II, 2003/III and 2005/I. The corresponding increase
of EUR 13,155.89 in the Company's share capital was entered in the
Finnish trade register on June 11, 2007.

The Group announced of holding changes in accordance with chapter
2, section 10 of the security market act:

-21 August 2007 the holding of Kauppamainos Oy (Company ID 0109754-5)
 in QPR Software Plc had decreased under one-twentieth (1/20)
 from 5.73% to 3.85% of QPR Software Plc's share capital and votes.

-24 September 2007 the holding of Oy Autocarrera Ab 
 (Company ID 0628902-8) in QPR Software Plc had increased above 
 one-twentieth  (1/20) to 5.67% of QPR Software Plc's share capital and votes.

-2 November 2007 the holding of Oy Autocarrera Ab (Company ID 0628902-8)
 in QPR Software Plc has increased above one-tenth (1/10) to 10.003%
 of QPR Software Plc's share capital and votes.

At the end of review period, the Company had a total of 604
shareholders. During the review period, trading in company shares
amounted to MEUR 2.923, i.e. an average of EUR 11,691 per trading
day. Trading in shares totaled 3,491,055 shares, giving an average
of 13,964 shares per trading day. Turnover in shares corresponds
to 29% of the total shares and the average price was EUR 0.84 per

At the end of the review period, the total market value of the
company shares was MEUR 10.502 at the review period's closing
price of EUR 0.85.


QPR Software Plc has one share class and company has repurchased
81.761 of its shares during the period under review for an average
price of EUR 0.79 per share.

At the end of the financial year the company held 81.761 of its
shares with a total nominal value of EUR 8,993.71 and a total
purchase price of EUR 64,531.85. These shares represent 0.66% of
the company´s capital stock. The purchase cost has been deducted
from shareholders´ equity in the consolidated financial statements.

The Board of Directors has been granted by the Annual
Shareholder´s Meeting of 14 March 2007, a share repurchase
authorization, valid until next Annual Shareholders´ Meeting, to
repurchase company shares in total of 250,000 shares at maximum.
According to the authorization the company may acquire own shares
in order to strengthen the company's capital structure, to be used
as payment in corporate acquisitions or when the company acquires
assets related to its business and as part of the company's
incentive programs in a manner and to the extent decided by the
Board of Directors, and to be transferred for other purposes or to
be cancelled.


During the review period, the Company had three prevailing stock
option programs. Each stock option issued under these stock option
programs entitle to subscribe one new share in the Company.

Based on stock option program 2003/II, there are no more
unconverted stock options on 31 December 2007. At the end of the
review period, QPR Software Plc or any of its subsidiaries held no
more stock options of the stock option program 2003/II.

At the end of the review period, based on stock option program
2003/III, in total of 202.500 hitherto unconverted stock options
have been issued, and 121,290 stock options are held by the
Company's subsidiary. The subscription time will end December 31,

Based on stock option program 2005/I, there are no more
unconverted stock options on 31 December 2007. QPR Software Plc´s
subsidiary held still 150,401 stock options, but the subscription
period had ended.

At the end of the review period, in total of 202,500 hitherto
unconverted stock options have been issued, and in addition, in
total of 121,290 stock options were in the possession of the
Company's subsidiary, to be given to present and future employees
and management.


At the end of the financial year the Company had a total of 604
shareholders. The company has in total of six nominee-registered,
holding in total of 107,951 company shares. At the end of the
financial year, based on the various stock option programs, the
inner circle (including holdings more than 1.0%) and their
immediate circles held issued stock option rights that entitle the
holders to subscribe company shares as follows (each stock option
issued under these stock option programs entitle to subscribe one
new share):

Shareholder        Option rights      Shares pcs  (% of all shares)

Teemu Lehto           30 000             153 654     1.24


The members of QPR Software Plc Board of Directors and the CEO
together with their immediate circles held on 31 December 2007 in
total of 1,887,866 QPR Software Plc's shares, corresponding to
15.3 percent of the company's shares and votes. The said amounts
of shares include own holdings as well as the holdings of spouses,
persons under guardianship, and controlled companies.

The Board members and the CEO (together with their immediate
circles) had not any stock option rights issued as at December 31,


The Board of Directors appointed B.A., MBA Jari Jaakkola, 46, as
new Chief Executive Officer. Jaakkola has worked as SVP, Business
Operations for QPR Software since August 2006. QPR Software Plc´s
Chief Executive Officer Matti Kanninen resigned from his position
as of 3 January, 2008.

As of 3 January, QPR Software´s Executive Management Teams
comprises of CEO Jari Jaakkola (chairman), VP, Channel Sales (Asia& Africa) Antti Ainasoja, VP, Channel Sales (Europe & Americas)
Maija Erkheikki, VP, Sales (Finland) Matti Erkheikki, VP,
Marketing & Solutions Development Teemu Lehto, CFO Ritva Lindqvist
and VP, Products, Research & Care Tony Virtanen.

QPR Software Plc has received the following notice of holding
change in accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities
Market Act:

The total holding of Jouko Antero Pelkonen and his controlled
companies Electrosale Oy (company ID 0252032-5) and Pohjolan Rahoitus Oy
(company ID 0486816-5) in QPR Software Plc has increased above one-tenth
(1/10) to 10.098% of QPR Software Plc's share capital and votes.


In the financial statements of 2007 the risks related to the
company's activities have been reported in more detail. It is the
duty of the Board of Directors to approve QPR's risk management
and reporting procedures, and to monitor the adequacy,
appropriateness and effectiveness of the company's risk
management. Risk management relating to company's business
operations is supported by continuous development of the company´s
operating processes.

Reasonable credit risk concerning individual business partners is
characteristic to any international business. QPR seeks to limit
this credit risk by continuous monitoring of receivables and
credit limits. The growth of QPR´s international business and
growing average deal size have increased credit loss risk related
to accounts receivable. To prepare for possible credit losses, the
Group recorded MEUR 0.318 bad debt provision in the financial

QPR Software tightened its standard payment terms in 2007, which
resulted in reduction in trade and other receivables. The
company´s current trade and other receivables decreased in the
balance sheet by MEUR 0.511 to MEUR 2.593. The management of QPR
estimates that the company´s credit loss risk is on customary and
reasonable level.


QPR Software aims to focus its resources this year especially to
accelerate positive development in Risk Management and Compliance
software solution sales. Risk Management and Compliance software
solution sales already showed strong growth in 2007 in QPR´s
international business.

Closer co-operation with the company´s largest resellers will be
reinforced in international channel management this year. In
marketing, the company prioritizes web marketing and solutions
development, and increases their weight significantly in marketing
mix from previous years.

QPR Software has also decided to step up investments in
utilization of Microsoft´s software platforms when offering its
customers and channel partners comprehensive solutions that are
closely linked to QPR´s own products. QPR believes that this co-
operation with Microsoft will result in efficiency improvements in
marketing and product development. In the last quarter of 2007,
QPR achieved Microsoft Gold Certified Partner status.

The management of QPR Software estimates the Group´s net sales and
operating profit to grow in 2008 compared to previous year. The
nature of the software license business of the QPR Group is
seasonal. Seasonality of large software deals can affect
significantly net sales and profit of one individual quarter.

The Company develops ready-to-run software products for risk
management and compliance, business performance management and
measurement, and business process modeling and analysis. New
product versions will be released to increase value of the
software to customers by broadening the solution scope and by
introducing functionality enhancements especially in the area of
risk management and compliance.

In addition, the Company continues to follow the developments in
the re-structuring of software industry, and aims to actively
participate in it.


The Board of Directors has decided to assemble the Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders, to be held on Wednesday March 12th, 2008,
starting at 9.00 a.m. at the company's headquarters, address:
Huopalahdentie 24, 00350 Helsinki, Finland.

The Board of Directors decided in its meeting on 13 February 2008
to propose to the Shareholders' Meeting that from the financial
year 2007, a dividend of EUR 0.03 per share be paid, a total of
EUR 370,669.08. In the end of financial year 2007, the Group's
distributable funds are EUR 653 thousand. The parent company's
distributable funds are 665,101 euros, of which the profit for the
financial year is 179,469 euros.

In addition, the Board proposes that the Shareholders' Meeting
resolves to authorize the Board to decide on a share issue -
including the conveyance of the own shares held by the company -
and issue of special rights. In the share issue and/or based on
the special rights, a maximum of 4,000,000 shares may be issued
and a maximum of 250,000 own shares held by the company may be
conveyed. Furthermore, the Board proposes that the Shareholders'
Meeting resolves to authorize the Board to decide on an
acquisition of a maximum of 250,000 own shares. The Board also
proposes that the Shareholders' Meeting resolves to amend the
transfer of reserve for invested non-restricted equity.The Board
of Directors further proposes that the Shareholders' Meeting would
resolve to amend the decisions made on 1 October 2003 and on 15 March
2005 regarding the issue of option rights so that the subscription 
prices of the shares subscribed based on the option rights will
be entered into the invested non-restricted equity fund.

The Board's proposals in their entirety are available on the
Notice for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, which shall
be published as a stock exchange bulletin on 13 February 2008.


In 2008, QPR Software Plc will publish its financial information
as follows:

Interim Report 1-3/2008             Thursday, April 24, 2008
Interim Report 1-6/2008             Thursday, July 24, 2008
Interim Report 1-9/2008             Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12,



(EUR 1000)                10-12/    10-12/    1-12/    1-12/
                            2007      2006     2007     2006
Net Sales                  1 995     1 787    7 059    6 901
Other operating income         3       107       46      268
Material and services        151       217      689      736
Employee benefit expenses  1 065     1 140    4 048    3 846
Deprecation                   67        58      214      206
Other operating income       642       436    2 123    1 864
OPERATING PROFIT              72        43       31      517
Financial income and expenses  6        15       33       60
PROFIT BEFORE TAX             78        58       64      577
Income tax expenses          144       256      140      125
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD        222       314      204      702
Sharing of profit:                                   
To the parent company´s                              
shareholders                 222       314      204      702
Earnings per share (diluted), EUR              0.02     0.06
Earnings per share, EUR                        0.02     0.06

(EUR 1000)                               31.12.2007 31.12.2006
NON-CURRENTS ASSETS                                 
Tangible assets                                 321        307
other intangible assets                         448        213
Trade and other receivables                       5         75
Deferred tax assets                             502        330
CURRENT ASSETS                                1 276        925
CURRENT ASSETS                                      
Trade and other receivables                   2 570      3 104
Cash and cash equivalents                     1 245      1 884
CURRENT ASSETS                                3 815      4 988
TOTAL ASSETS                                  5 091      5 913

(EUR 1000)

Share capital                                 1 359      1 346
Share premium                                   231        195
Reserve funds                                    21         21
Translation differences                         -70        -49
Retained earnings                               722      1 072
TOTAL EQUITY                                  2 264      2 586
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                             
Interest-bearing liabilities                    182        285
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                         182        285
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                 
Accounts payable and other payables           2 458      2 850
Interest-bearing liabilities                    187        191
CURRENT LIABILITIES                           2 645      3 041
LIABILITIES                                   2 827      3 327
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                  5 091      5 913


(EUR 1000)                           1.1.-31.12.  1.1.-31.12.
                                           2007         2006  
Profit for the period                       204          702
Adjustments for the profit                      
 Deprecation                                214          206
 Non-cash transactions                     -140         -354
Changes in working capital:                     
 Changes in trade and other receivables     560           55
 Changes in accounts payable and           -401          323
 other liabilities
Interest expense and other financial         -8            5
Interest income and other financial income   41           55
Income taxes paid                           -32          -16
Net cash from operating activities          438          976

Purchases of tangible assets               -140         -173
Purchases of intangible assets             -324         -188
Net cash used in investing activities      -464         -361

Proceeds from issuance of share capital      49           25
Repayments of financial leases             -108          -95
Purchase of own shares                      -65            0
Dividends paid                             -489         -243
Net cash used in financing activities      -613         -313
Net change in cash and cash equivalents    -639          302
Cash and cash equivalents at the          1 884        1 582
beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents at the          1 245        1 884
end of period

                     holders´Share   Share Translation Retained
                     equity  issue premium     differ. earnings  Total
EQUITY 1.1.2007        1 346     0     217         -49    1 072  2 586          
Shares issued             13                                        13
Issue premium                           36                          36
Employees options                                             0      0
Dividends paid                                             -489   -489
Translation differences                            -21             -21
Purchase of own shares                                      -65    -65
Profit for the period                                       204    204
CHANGE IN                                                     
SHAREHOLDERS´EQUITY 1-12  13     0      36         -21     -350   -322
EQUITY 31.12.2007      1 359     0     253         -70      722  2 264


                      holders´ Share   Share Translation Retained   
(EUR 1.000)           equity   issue premium     differ. earnings Total
EQUITY 1.1.2006         1 335      0     203         -48      602 2 091
Shares issued              11                                        11
Issue premium                             14                         14
Employees options                                              10    10
Dividends paid                                               -243  -243
Translation differences                               -1             -1
Profit for the period                                         702   702
CHANGE IN                                                        
SHAREHOLDERS´EQUITY 1-12   11      0      14          -1      470   494
EQUITY 31.12.2006       1 346      0     217         -49    1 072 2 586


(EUR 000)                                    31.12.2007 31.12.2006
Commitments and contingent liabilities                     
Lease liabilities                                   460        636
Total                                               460        636
Current leasing liabilities                                
Leasing liabilities maturing during one year         30         15
Leasing liabilities maturing 2-5 years               21         18
Total                                                51         33
Total commitments and contingent liabilites         511        669


Increase of intagible assets:
(EUR 000)   31.12.2007  31.12.2006
Cost  1.1.         437         238
Increase           350         199

(EUR 000)    31.12.2007   31.12.2006
Cost 1.1.           748          586
Increase            140          162


                     1-3/  1-3/   4-6/  4-6/  7-9/  7-9/ 10-12/ 10-12/
(EUR 1000)           2007  2006   2007  2006  2007  2006   2007   2006

Net sales           1 634 1 671  2 225 2 081 1 205 1 362  1 995  1 787
Other operating income 19   159     17     2     7     0      3    107
Material and services  73   120    383   273    82   126    151    217
Employee benefits                                             
expences            1 044   948  1 059   960   879   799  1 065  1 140
Deprecation            42    48     48    49    56    50     67     58
Other operating       476   482    518   572   488   374    642    436
OPERATING PROFIT       19   232    233   228  -293    13     72     43

Finacial               15    25      8     8     4    12      6     15
PROFIT BEFORE TAX      34   257    241   236  -289    26     78     58
Income tax expences   -15   -71    -58   -53    68    -7    144    256
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD  19   186    183   184  -221    18    222    314


Key figures illustrating the financial development of the Group

EUR (000)                           2007   2006  2005   2004  2003
Net sales                          7 059  6 901 6 364  5 394 5 166
Growth of net sales-%                2.3    8.4  18.0    4.4 -40.8
Operating profit                      31    517   849    805   800
% of net sales                       0.4    7.5  13.3   14.9  15.5
Profit or loss before tax             64    577   905    694   727
% of net sales                       0.9    8.4  14.2   12.9  14.1
Profit for the period                204    702   690    470   709
% of net sales                       2.9   10.2  10.8    8.7  13.7
Return on equity,%                   8.4   30.0  38.9   44.3 138.3
Return of investments,%              2.5   19.2  32.0   28.7  35.4
Interest bearing liabilities         369    476   811  1 553 1 406
Cash and cash equivalents          1 245  1 884 1 582    767   410
Net liabilities                     -876 -1 408  -771    786   993

Equity                             2 264  2 586 2 091  1 459 1 259
Gearing,%                          -38.7  -54.4 -36.9   53.9  78.8
Equity ratio,%                      57.0   59.0  52.4   36.7  20.7
Total balance sheet                5 091  5 913 5 430  4 792 4 430
Investments in non-current assets    463    361   229     24    98
% of net sales                       6.6    5.2   3.6    0.4   1.9
Research and development expences  1 502  1 245 1 324  1 095 1 085
% of net sales                      21.3   18.0  20.8   20.3  21.0
Personnel average for period          58     59    48     39    54
Personnel at the beginning of         58     56    40     41    98
Personnel at the end of period        58     58    56     40    41
Earnings per share, EUR             0.02   0.06  0.06   0.04  0.02
Earnings per share (diluted), EUR   0.02   0.06  0.06        
Equity per share, EUR               0.18   0.21  0.17   0.12  0.07
                                    2007   2006   2005   2004   2003
                                    IFRS   IFRS   IFRS   IFRS    FAS
Earnings per share, EUR             0.02   0.06   0.06   0.04   0.02
Earnings per share (diluted), EUR   0.02   0.06   0.06             
Equity per share, EUR               0.18   0.21   0.17   0.12   0.07
Dividend per share                  0.03   0.04   0.02   0.00   0.00
Dividend/profit, %                 181.2   69.0   35.0    0.0    0,0
Effective dividend yield, %         3.53   4.17   3.38             
Price/profit(P/E-rate)                51     17     10     13     25
Development of share price                                   
 Average stock price, EUR           0.84   0.87   0.57   0.58   0.34
 Lowest stock price, EUR            0.73   0.57   0.46   0.46   0.20
 Highest stock price, EUR           0.97   1.30   0.65   0.77   0.54
 Stock price 31.12., EUR            0.85   0.96   0.59   0.52   0.50
Total market value of shares          
31.12., 1 000 EUR                 10 502 11 746  7 159  6 273  5 713
Development of shares traded                                 
Turnover million shares            3 491  2 965  5 750  2 605  3 562 
Turnover % of the total shares      29.0   24.2   47.4   38.0   31.2 
Number of shares 31.12.,
1 000 shares                      12 355 12 236 12 134 12 063  11 426
Weighted average                  12 302 12 171 12 080 11 816  10 414
Diluted                           12 449 12 386 12 243 12 000  11 556

Calculation of Key Indicators:

Return on equity (ROE), %:
Profit for the period x 100
Shareholders' equity + minority interest (average)

Return on investment (ROI), %:
Profit before taxes + interest and other financial
expenses x 100
Balance sheet total - non-interest bearing liabilities (average)

Equity ratio, %:
Shareholders' equity x 100
Balance sheet total - deferred revenue

Gearing, %:
Interest bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents x 100
Shareholders' equity 

Earnings per share, euro:
Profit for period
Adjusted number of shares over the financial year (average)

Equity per share, euro:
Shareholders' equity
Adjusted number of shares at the end of the financial period

Dividend per share, euro:
Total dividend paid
Adjusted number of shares at the end of the financial period

Dividend / profit, %:
Dividend per share x 100
Earnings per share

Effective dividend yield, %:
Dividend per share (adjusted) x 100
Adjusted share price at the end of the financial period

Price-earnings ratio (P/E):
Adjusted share price at the end of the financial period x 100
Earnings per share (adjusted)

Market value of share capital:
(Number of shares - own shares) x share price at the end of the
financial period

Turnover of shares, % of share capital:
Turnover (number of shares) x 100
Number of shares issued (average)

Quick ratio:
Current assets - inventories
Current liabilities - advances received

                                  Number of              %-share
                                 shares kpl     Shares and votes
Ulkomarkkinat Oy                  1 600 000              12.95 %
Vesa-Pekka Leskinen                 851 400               6.89 %
 + Kauppamainos Oy                  475 170               3.85 %
Total                             1 326 570              10.74 %
Alesco S.A                        1 300 000              10.52 %
Autocarrera Oy Ab                 1 235 917              10.00 %
Jouko Pelkonen                      402 000               3.25 %
   Pohjolan Rahoitus Oy             504 100               4.08 %
   Electrosale Oy                   322 000               2.61 %
Total                             1 228 100               9.94 %
Kari Junkkonen                      512 016               4.14 %
Fortel Invest Oy                    425 326               3.44 %
SR EQ Technology                    376 000               3.04 %
Päivi Marttila                      293 072               2.37 %
   Edina Oy                          33 900               0.27 %
Total                               326 972               2.65 %
Asko Piekkola                       316 438               2.56 %
Jaakkola Jari                       220 000               1,78 %
   Value FM Oy                       55 000               0.45 %
Total                               275 000               2.23 %
Esa Pääkkönen                       246 054               1.99 %
Veli-Mikko Leskinen                 232 530               1.88 %
other shareholders                4 190 357              33.92 %
Total                            12 355 363             100.00 %

In Helsinki, Finland, February 13th, 2008

Board of Directors of QPR Software Plc

Vesa-Pekka Leskinen, Chairman of the Board
Jarmo Niemi
Asko Piekkola
Topi Piela
Niklas Sonkin

Jari Jaakkola, CEO


For more information, please contact:


Jari Jaakkola, CEO
tel +35840 502 6397