2009-02-13 07:00:00 CET

2009-02-13 07:01:08 CET


Elektrobit Oyj - Financial Statement Release


Free for publication on February 13, 2009 at 8.00 am (CET+1)



- Net sales amounted to EUR 49.5 million (EUR 44.6 million, 4Q 2007),
representing an 11.1 per cent increase year-on-year.
- Operating  loss  from  business operations  amounted  to  EUR  -2.8
million and  the  non-recurring restructuring  costs  and  write-offs
totaled to EUR -5.7 million, resulting  in a total operating loss  of
EUR -8.5 million (EUR -2.4 million, 4Q 2007).
- Operating loss  from business  operations shows  clear  improvement
sequentially from EUR -11.3 million (3Q 2008) to EUR -2.8 million (4Q
- Operating cash flow amounted to EUR -0.5 million (EUR -8.6 million,
4Q 2007). The net  cash flow amounted to  EUR 1.4 million (EUR  -10.8
million, 4Q 2007).
- Equity ratio remained at a high level of 64.9% (70.9%, 4Q 2007).
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.11 (EUR -0.03, 4Q 2007).

EB's  profit  improvement  and  cost  structure  adjustment   program
launched in fourth  quarter 2008  is targeting  in total  for EUR  40
million annual cost savings  in comparison to the  cost level of  the
first half of 2008.

As a part of the profit improvement program EB announced October  1st
a change of the business model  in the Mobile WiMAX by shifting  from
investing upfront in  the development  of radio  base station  module
products to the development of customer-financed WiMAX solutions. The
change  of  business  model   reduces  significantly  EB's  own   R&D
investment  going  forward,  while  maintaining  the  opportunity  to
develop and implement demanding Mobile WiMAX solutions for customers.

EB'S CEO PERTTI KORHONEN:"EB was able  to improve  profitability by  reducing the  operational
losses from business operations EUR -11.3 million in third quarter of
2008 to EUR -2.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2008. Going forward
we continue  to  focus  on profitability  improvement  as  our  first
priority while continuing to invest in the future opportunities in  a
sustainable manner."

(Comparisons are  given to  January-December 2007,  unless  otherwise

EB's net sales during January - December 2008 increased 19.4 per cent
to EUR 172.3 million,  compared with EUR 144.3  million in January  -
December 2007. Operating  loss from Business  Operations amounted  to
EUR  -29.1  million  and   the  non-recurring  restructuring   costs,
write-offs and  bad  debt  reserves totaled  to  EUR  -13.6  million,
resulting in a total operating loss  of EUR -42.7 million (EUR  -20.3

The non-recurring costs of EUR 13.6 million consist of:
- restructuring costs of EUR 2.9 million, as announced in March,  due
to the rearrangements in the Wireless Business Segment and a  capital
loss and  a  write-off from  the  sale of  the  shares of  the  Swiss
subsidiary, Elektrobit AG,
- a write-off of EUR 2.8 million, as announced in June, due to review
of EB's  goodwill  valuations  of the  RFID  reader  system  business
belonging to the Wireless Business Segment,
- a write-off of EUR 0.6 million of an activated R&D investment,
- restructuring cost of EUR 0.6 million due to the rearrangements  in
support functions,
- a bad debt reserve of EUR 1.0 million,
- restructuring costs of  EUR 5.0 million  as announced in  November,
due to the rearrangement in  the Automotive Business Segment EUR  0.8
million, in  the Wireless  Business Segment  EUR 3.6  million and  in
support functions EUR 0.6 million,
- a write-off of EUR 0.7 million of  software licences.

The Automotive Business  Segment continued on  its solid growth  path
with net sales  during January -  December 2008 of  EUR 63.3  million
(EUR 52.6 million) representing a growth of 20.3 per cent compared to
January  -  December  2007.  The  net  sales  growth  was  thanks  to
increasingly competitive  EB product  offering both  in  Infotainment
software solutions (HMI and  navigation) as well  as in ECU  software
solutions (basic  software and  tooling),  which led  to  solidifying
position among current  customers as well  as winning new  customers.
Also the investments into global operations started to contribute  to
the business growth outside of Germany.

The operating loss  from Automotive Business  Operations amounted  to
EUR -10.3 million and the aforementioned bad debt reserve of EUR  1.0
million and  restructuring costs  of EUR  0.8 million,  resulting  to
total operating loss of EUR -12.1 million (EUR 0.7 million). This has
been caused  by  weaker  than planned  profitability  of  some  large
customer  projects,  continued  long-term  investments  into  leading
automotive Infotainment and ECU  software products, and expansion  of
the geographical footprint and  business development in France,  USA,
Japan and China. Through these  ongoing investments, EB is  executing
its strategy in  Automotive Segment  and building  the fundaments  to
play globally as a leading automotive software partner for automotive
OEMs and their vendors.

The Wireless Business Segment's net  sales during January -  December
2008 amounted to EUR 108.6 million (EUR 90.9 million), representing a
growth of 19.5  per cent  compared to  January -  December 2007.  The
growth was achieved  both by  developing the  business with  existing
long-term customers and  by changing  the WiMAX  business model  from
asset development to customer financed model, which started to create
revenue  during   the  fourth   quarter.  The   net  sales   included
extraordinary low-margin through-licensing revenues of  approximately
EUR 3 million.  The operating loss from Business Operations  amounted
to  EUR  -17.5   million  and  the   aforementioned  write-offs   and
restructuring costs totaling  to EUR  -11.0 million,  resulting to  a
total operating  loss  of  EUR  -28.5  million  (EUR  -22.8  million)
- significant and larger than  originally anticipated investments  in
the R&D of Mobile WiMAX base station module products until end of 3Q,
- he delay of  the accumulation of  net sales of  WiMAX base  station
module products until end of 3Q,
- apid deceleration of the market and therefore the sales of wireless
communications emulation and design tools during the 2Q and 3Q,
- weaker demand and stronger than expected price competition in radio
network solutions' R&D services in the first half of 2008,
- heavy investment and lack of demand in RFID reader systems,
- slower than expected demand in mobile terminals R&D services in the
third quarter of 2008.

The total R&D investments during  the reporting period were EUR  37.9
million (EUR 38.3 million), equaling 22.0  per cent of the net  sales
(26.6 % in 2007). During the second half of 2008 EB has adjusted  its
R&D investments to a more sustainable level.

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)              1-12 2008 1-12 2007
                                                  12 months 12 months
NET SALES                                             172.3     144.3
OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                               -42.7     -20.3
Financial income and expenses                          -4.7       0.3
PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                     -47.4     -20.0
Profit after tax for the year from discontinued         0.3
operations                                                       13.1
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                                   -49.5      -6.9

Attributable to
  Equity holders of the parent                        -49.5      -6.9
  Minority interest                                     0.0       0.0

Earnings per share EUR continuing operations          -0.38     -0.15
Earnings per share EUR discontinued operations         0.00      0.10
Earnings per share EUR continuing and                 -0.38
discontinued operations                                         -0.05

- Cash flow from  Business Operations amounted  to EUR -24.7  million
(EUR -27.1 million).
- Equity ratio was 64.9% (70.9%).
- Net gearing was -40.2%  (-24.0%).


The quarterly  distribution  of the  Group's  overall net  sales  and
profit, MEUR:

|                           | 4Q 08 | 3Q 08 | 2Q 08 | 1Q 08 | 4Q 07 |
| Net sales                 |  49.5 |  34.5 |  41.0 |  47.3 |  44.6 |
| Operating profit (loss)   |  -8.5 | -12.9 | -13.3 |  -8.0 |  -2.4 |
| Operating  profit  (loss) |  -2.8 | -11.3 |  -9.9 |  -5.1 |  -3.9 |
| without     non-recurring |       |       |       |       |       |
| costs                     |       |       |       |       |       |
| Result before taxes       | -11.8 | -14.4 | -13.6 |  -7.7 |  -3.3 |
| Result for the period     | -14.0 | -14.6 | -13.5 |  -7.7 |  -3.3 |

The distribution of the net sales by Business Segment, MEUR:

|                   | 4Q 08 | 3Q 08 | 2Q 08 | 1Q 08 | 4Q 07 |
| Automotive        |  18.7 |  15.9 |  13.2 |  15.5 |  16.2 |
| Wireless          |  30.7 |  18.5 |  27.7 |  31.7 |  28.2 |
| Corporation total |  49.5 |  34.5 |  41.0 |  47.3 |  44.6 |

The distribution of the net sales by market area, MEUR and %:

|          | 4Q 08 | 3Q 08 | 2Q 08 | 1Q 08 | 4Q 07 |
| Asia     |   3.1 |   0.9 |   2.1 |   2.0 |   2.0 |
|          |  6.2% |  2.6% |  5.2% |  4.3% |  4.5% |
| Americas |  10.9 |   7.1 |  12.7 |  18.5 |  14.5 |
|          | 22.0% | 20.7% | 31.0% | 39.2% | 32.5% |
| Europe   |  35.5 |  26.4 |  26.2 |  26.8 |  28.1 |
|          | 71.8% | 76.7% | 63.8% | 56.5% | 63.0% |

Net sales  (external) and  operating profit  development by  Business
Segments and Other businesses were as follows, MEUR:

|                         | 4Q 08 | 3Q 08 | 2Q 08 | 1Q 08 | 4Q 07 |
| Automotive              |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net sales               |  18.7 |  15.9 |  13.2 |  15.5 |  16.2 |
| Operating profit (loss) |  -2.3 |  -4.1 |  -4.1 |  -1.6 |   1.0 |
| Wireless                |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net sales               |  30.7 |  18.5 |  27.7 |  31.7 |  28.2 |
| Operating profit (loss) |  -4.9 |  -8.1 |  -9.1 |  -6.5 |  -4.1 |
| Other businesses        |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net sales               |   0.1 |   0.1 |   0.1 |   0.1 |   0.1 |
| Operating profit (loss) |  -1.3 |  -0.7 |  -0.2 |   0.1 |   0.7 |
| Total                   |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net sales               |  49.5 |  34.5 |  41.0 |  47.3 |  44.6 |
| Operating profit (loss) |  -8.5 | -12.9 | -13.3 |  -8.0 |  -2.4 |


EB's reporting as from January 1, 2008 is based on the Automotive and
Wireless Business Segments.


The Automotive Business Segment consists of in-car software  products
and tooling,  navigation  software  for after  market  devices  (PND,
personal navigation  devices) and  R&D  services for  the  automotive
industry with  leading  car  manufacturers  (OEMs),  car  electronics
suppliers (Tier1s)  and  automotive  chipset  suppliers  (Tier2s)  as
customers.  By   combining  its   software  products,   tooling   and
engineering services  EB is  creating  for its  automotive  customers
unique, customized solutions.

During the fourth quarter, the  net sales of the Automotive  Business
Segment amounted to  EUR 18.7  million (EUR 16.2  million, 4Q  2007),
which  represents  a  year-on-year  growth  of  15.2  per  cent.  The
operating loss, including non-recurring costs of EUR 0.8 million, was
EUR -2.3 million  (EUR 1.0  million, 4Q 2007).  The loss  was due  to
continued  significant   investment   in  product   development   and
geographical expansion, and weaker than planned profitability of some
large customer projects.  The business continued  to grow during  the
period according to  the plan  and the progress  related to  customer
acquisition was good.

EB continued to proceed on  its long-term path to conduct  automotive
business with leading automotive software  products and tools in  the
global market. In  November EB announced  having supplied two  ground
breaking  applications  for  Ford   SYNC,  a  fully  integrated   car
connectivity and entertainment platform. In December EB announced new
versions of  EB street  director navigation  software and  EB  tresos
Standard Software tooling.


The Wireless Business Segment comprises the following businesses:
- Wireless Solutions provides  customized solutions and R&D  services
for  wireless  industry  and  other  industries  utilizing   wireless
- Wireless Communications  Tools provides test  tools for  measuring,
modeling and emulating radio channel environments.
- Wireless  Sensor Solutions  provides complete  RFID reader  network

During the fourth  quarter of  2008, the  net sales  of the  Wireless
Business Segment amounted to EUR  30.7 million (EUR 28.2 million,  4Q
2007), representing  a  year-on-year  growth of  8.7  per  cent.  The
operating loss from business operations amounted to EUR -0.8  million
and the non-recurring restructuring  costs and write-offs totaled  to
EUR -4.0 million,  resulting in a  total operating loss  of EUR  -4.9
million (EUR -4.1 million, 4Q 2007).

As a part of the profit improvement program EB announced October  1st
a change of the business model  in the Mobile WiMAX by shifting  from
investing upfront in  the development  of radio  base station  module
products to the development of customer-financed WiMAX solutions. The
change  of  business  model   reduces  significantly  EB's  own   R&D
investment  going  forward,  while  maintaining  the  opportunity  to
develop and implement demanding Mobile WiMAX solutions for customers.

Due to the change of the business model, Mobile WiMAX contributed  to
the growth of the revenues during  the fourth quarter. Driven by  the
global slowdown, the price pressures increased during the quarter  in
R&D services.

The sales  of wireless  communications'  emulation and  design  tools
started to recover. The new emulator platform with the first  product
Propsim F8 introduced  in September started  to generate interest  on
the  market  and  the  first  F8  was  delivered  in  December  2008.
Geographically the  radio channel  emulator business  was in  balance
between different regions of the world.

The UHF RFID reader systems sales saw a downturn from the already low
levels of sales earlier this year due to weaker demand for automotive
supply  chain  solutions.  The  size  of  the  individual  deployment
programs remained small, as the market consists mostly of pilots  and
trial cases.


The share of electronics and software in cars has grown significantly
during the past years and it is expected that the trend of  increased
use of software in automotive continues to prevail in the market. The
majority of  the innovation  and  differentiation in  the  automotive
industry is brought about  by software and  electronics. In order  to
enable  faster  innovation  and   to  improve  quality,   development
efficiency and complexity  related to software,  the use of  standard
software solutions is expected  to increase. The automotive  software
market is expected to enjoy a 15 per cent Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) during 2007-2012 in Europe (Frost & Sullivan). This may in the
near-term be  affected  by the  current  downturn of  the  automotive
industry. However, the underlying  growth of the automotive  software
market is expected to continue past the crisis.

The global mobile infrastructure market is decreasing to some  extent
and the consolidation of  the industry is  expected to continue.  The
commercial market start of Mobile WiMAX has delayed when compared  to
the original schedule, but the operator service market has started in
the first cities in the USA.

The global mobile  phone market is  leveling off and  is expected  to
decrease in volume in short-term. The value share is expected to move
towards higher-end due to the  increased demand for new features  and
services. Open  architectures  and software  platforms  are  emerging
faster than earlier anticipated, creating opportunities for companies
with strong integration capabilities.

The mobile satellite services industry is undergoing a large paradigm
shift to  the  next generation  solutions  with new  operators  being
formed  and  traditional  operators  upgrading  their  solutions  and
offerings.  Mastering  of  multi-radio  technologies  and  end-to-end
system architectures covering both terminal and network technologies,
has gained importance in the complex wireless technology industry.

The R&D services market is facing price pressures continuing to drive
increased off-shoring  in the  industry. However,  attractive  niches
continue to exist (OVUM). Because  of the economical slowdown, it  is
estimated that  companies  will  be reviewing  their  R&D  costs  and
project  portfolio  resulting  to   reduction  of  the  overall   R&D
expenditures and activities  during the  next couple  of years.  OEMs
need to reduce their fixed  costs and increase flexibility. This  can
create new opportunities for partnering.

The wireless  communications  tools  market  has  been  weak  as  the
expected market  drivers  (MIMO  technologies, 3GPP  LTE  and  Mobile
WiMAX) have  so  far  generated only  moderate  demand  for  advanced
development tools.  The demand  may have  been impacted  also by  the
economical downturn but it  is expected that in  the medium and  long
term the  wireless communications  tools market  will see  an era  of
growth driven by 3GPP LTE.


The total  R&D investments  during the  fourth quarter  were EUR  7.4
million (EUR 13.2 million,  4Q 2007), equaling 14.9  per cent of  the
net sales (29.7 % in 2007). The reduction is mostly due to the change
of business  model  in  Mobile  WiMAX. The  R&D  investments  to  the
automotive software increased.


EB exited from RFID technology business in the beginning of  February
2009 by selling 7iD Technologies GmbH to the acting management of the
said company in  Austria.  RFID  business has been  part of  Wireless
Sensor Solution  business in  EB. Due  to this  transaction  Wireless
Sensor Solution business  ceases to exist.  The write-offs caused  by
the transaction are included in  the earlier announced (20  November,
2008) maximum  EUR 5  million non-recurring  restructuring costs  and
write-offs for the second half of 2008. The transaction will not have
significant impact on EB's balance sheet or result.


EB's  profit  improvement  and  cost  structure  adjustment   program
launched in fourth  quarter 2008 and  targeting in total  for EUR  40
million annual cost savings  in comparison to the  cost level of  the
first half  of  2008, is  proceeding  as planned.  The  cost  savings
measures totaling to  EUR 30  million have been  completed during  4Q
2008 and are gaining  their full impact from  the beginning of  2009.
The additional measures targeting to EUR 10 million savings have been
mostly identified and are currently being implemented.

EB announced on  October 1st a  change of the  business model in  the
Mobile WiMAX by shifting from investing upfront in the development of
radio  base   station  module   products   to  the   development   of
customer-financed WiMAX  solutions.  The  change  of  business  model
reduces significantly EB's  own R&D investment  going forward,  while
maintaining the opportunity to develop and implement demanding Mobile
WiMAX solutions for customers. EB also continued to adjust  downwards
its other R&D investments, increase further the resource  utilization
and reduce high cost subcontracting.

EB has  concluded the  actions  to reduce  personnel  by 115  of  the
targeted reductions of 170 employees globally by the end of the first
half of 2009. Earlier in October EB reduced its personnel in  support
functions by 42  employees. EB has  also agreed upon  a maximum of  6
week's temporarily dismiss  of employees  in Wireless  Communications


Current economic downturn  and turbulence  in all  markets is  making
forecasting challenging and  the visibility  is short.  Based on  the
current limited visibility, EB expects that the turnover of the first
half of 2009 will be on the same level or lower as in the second half
of 2008 (EUR 84.0 million). The announced annual EUR 40 million  cost
savings actions will continue to gain effect during the first half of
2009 and consequently the profitability of the first half of 2009  is
expected to improve significantly compared to the operative result of
the second half of 2008 (EUR -14.1 million).


The global  economic slowdown  may  affect the  demand for  the  EB's
services, solutions and products and provide pressure on e.g. volumes
and pricing. It may also increase the risk for credit losses. Further
the following risks are related to the company's business  operations
in the ongoing financial period:

In  R&D  services  businesses  the   risks  are  mainly  related   to
uncertainties of customers' product program decisions, their make  or
buy decisions and, on  the other hand,  their decisions to  continue,
downsize or terminate current product programs, ramping up of project
resources, timing of  the most important  technology components  and,
competitive situation in  the market,  which all may  affect the  R&D
service demand and price levels. Further, there are typical  industry
warranty and  liability  risks  involved  in  selling  R&D  services.
Additional  risks   emanate  from   ongoing  restructuring   of   the
telecommunications infrastructure industry.

In the solutions and product businesses the risks are mainly  related
to potential market delays, to  size, timing and short visibility  of
the customers'  product  purchases  and  orders,  timely  closing  of
customer contracts,  delays in  R&D  projects, activations  based  on
customer contracts, obsolescence of inventories and technology  risks
in  product  development  causing  higher  than  planned  R&D  costs.
Revenues expected  to come  from new  products for  existing and  new
customers include normal timing risks.

More information on the risks  and uncertainties affecting EB can  be
found on the company website at www.elektrobit.com.


The figures presented in the balance sheet of December 31, 2008, have
been compared with the balance sheet of December 31, 2007
(EUR 1,000).

                                           12/2008 12/2007
Non-current assets                          46,724  77,196
Current assets                             133,797 158,918
Total assets                               180,520 236,114
Share capital                               12,941  12,941
Other equity                               102,181 152,710
Total shareholders' equity                 115,123 165,651
Non-current liabilities                     19,690  28,937
Current liabilities                         45,708  41,526
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities 180,520 236,114

Net cash flow from operations during the period under review:

+ net profit +/- adjustment of accrual basis items EUR -22.4 million

+ decrease in net working capital                  EUR  2.4  million
+ interest, taxes and dividends                    EUR -4.7 million
= cash generated from operations                   EUR -24.7 million
- net cash used in investment activities           EUR +31.8 million
- net cash used in financing                       EUR -10.5 million
= net change in cash and cash equivalents          EUR -3.3 million

The amount  of  accounts and  other  receivables, booked  in  current
receivables, was EUR 61.9 million  (EUR 78.8 million on December  31,
2007). Accounts and other  payables, booked in interest-free  current
liabilities, were at EUR 38.7  million (EUR 33.2 million on  December
31, 2007).

The amount of  non-depreciated consolidation goodwill  at the end  of
the period under  review was EUR  18.3 million (EUR  19.6 million  on
December 31, 2007).

The amount of gross  investments in the period  under review was  EUR
9.8 million, consisting of replacement investments and acquisition of
Net Consulting & Services S.A.R.L. Net investments for the  reporting
period totaled  to EUR  -11.5  million including  the  aforementioned
items, the termination of a long-term investment portfolio and  items
created by the sales of Elektrobit AG and Kiinteistö Oy Automaatiotie
1. The total amount  of depreciation during  the period under  review
was EUR 16.4 million, including EUR 5.5 million of depreciation owing
to business acquisitions.

The amount of interest-bearing debt at the end of the reporting
period was EUR 22.4 million. The distribution of net financing
expenses on the income statement was as follows:

interest, dividend and other financial income  EUR  4.2 million
interest expenses and other financial expenses EUR -3.5 million
foreign exchange gains and losses              EUR -5.4 million

EB's equity ratio at the  end of the period  was 64.9 per cent  (70.9
per cent at the end of 2007).

The figures  from  the period  under  review includes  the  statutory
reserves EUR 3.6 million.

EB follows a currency strategy, the  objective of which is to  ensure
the margins of business  operations in changing market  circumstances
by minimizing the influence of exchange rates. In accordance with the
principles of the currency strategy, the agreed customer  commitments
net cash flow  of the currency  in question is  hedged. The net  cash
flow is determined on the  basis of sales receivables, payables,  the
order book  and  the budgeted  net  currency cash  flow.  The  hedged
foreign currency  exposure  at  the  end of  the  review  period  was
equivalent to EUR 11.9 million.

EB employed an average  of 1768 people  between January and  December
2008. At the end of December, EB had 1735 employees (1725 at the  end
of  2007).  A  significant  part   of  EB's  personnel  are   product
development engineers.


EB's Chairman of the  Board, Dr. Tech.  J.T. Bergqvist resigned  from
the chairmanship and membership of the Board and M.Sc Juha Hulkko was
elected as the new Chairman of the Board in November 2008. The  Board
of Directors decided to establish three committees to prepare matters
falling within the competence of the Board. The committees are  audit
and financial committee  and committees for  Automotive and  Wireless


There were no  changes in  ownership during the  period under  review
that would have caused  flagging notifications which are  obligations
for disclosure  in  accordance  with  Chapter 2,  section  9  of  the
Securities Market Act.


According to the  parent company's balance  sheet December 31,  2009,
the distributable  funds are  EUR 22  335 962,13.  The loss  for  the
financial period is EUR -4 874 599,42.

The Board of Directors proposes to  the Annual General Meeting to  be
held on March 19, 2009 that no dividend shall be paid.

Oulu, February 13, 2009

EB, Elektrobit Corporation
The Board of Directors

Further Information:
Pertti Korhonen
Tel. +358 40 344 5148

Outi Torniainen
Director, Communications and Marketing
Tel. +358 40 512 1375

Principal media


EB, Elektrobit Corporation, will hold  a press conference for  media,
analysts  and  institutional   investors  concerning  the   Financial
Statement 2008 on

February 13, 2009 at 11.00 - 12.00 hours (CET+1)
in Espoo Keilasatama 5
MR Purje, 2nd floor

The conference  will  be audio  webcast  and published  live  on  the
Internet through WebEx.
To join the online meeting
1. Go to
2. Enter your name and email address
3. Enter the meeting password: Kok!ous103
4. Click "Join Now"
In           technical            problems           go            to

There will be a possibility to present questions in place as well  as
by calling to the following  conference call number: + 358  20699101,
PIN: 757344#

A recording  of  the  audio  webcast  will  be  available  after  the
conference  on   EB's   website   www.elektrobit.com/investors.   The
presentation material will be available after the publication of  the
Financial Statement on the same address.


The EB  consensus  estimate made  by  the analysts  who  observe  the
company is updated  approximately a  week before the  release of  the
financial report. The  latest estimate  is available  on the  company
website www.elektrobit.com/investors.

February 13, 2008
EB, Elektrobit Corporation
Corporate Communications


The consolidated financial statement has been prepared in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The
Financial Statement of 2008 has been audited and the auditing report
has been dated on February 12, 2009.

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)              1-12/2008 1-12/2007
                                                  12 months 12 months

NET SALES                                             172.3     144.3
Other operating income                                  6.2      14.4
Change in work in progress and finished goods          -2.8       1.5
Work performed by the undertaking for its own
and capitalized                                         0.1       0.5
Raw materials                                         -18.0     -10.1
Personnel expenses                                   -104.0     -96.5
Depreciation                                          -16.4     -15.9
Other operating expenses                              -80.1     -58.5
OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                               -42.7     -20.3
Financial income and expenses                          -4.7       0.3
RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                   -47.4     -20.0
Income taxes                                           -2.4       0.0
OPERATIONS                                            -49.8     -20.0
Result after taxes for the period from
operations                                              0.3      13.1
RESULT FOR THE PERIOD                                 -49.5      -6.9

Attributable to
  Equity holders of the parent                        -49.5      -6.9

Earnings per share EUR continuing operations
  Basic earnings per share                            -0.38     -0.15
  Diluted earnings per share                          -0.38     -0.15

Earnings per share EUR discontinued operations
  Basic earnings per share                              0.0      0.10
  Diluted earnings per share                            0.0      0.10

Earnings per share EUR continuing and
  Basic earnings per share                            -0.38     -0.05
  Diluted earnings per share                          -0.38     -0.05

Average number of shares, 1000 pcs                  129 413   129 413

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (MEUR)                  Dec. 31,  Dec. 31,
                                                       2008      2007
Non-current assets
  Property, plant and equipment                        16.2      25.1
  Goodwill                                             18.3      19.6
  Intangible assets                                    11.0      18.0
  Financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss                                                          10.8
  Other financial assets                                0.4       0.3
  Receivables                                           0.8       0.7
  Deferred tax assets                                   0.1       2.8
Non-current assets total                               46.7      77.2
Current assets
  Inventories                                           3.3       7.6
  Trade and other receivables                          61.9      78,8
  Financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss                                                          50.9
  Cash and short term deposits                         68.6      21.6
Current assets total                                  133.8     158.9
TOTAL ASSETS                                          180.5     236.1

Equity attributable to equity holders of the
  Share capital                                        12.9      12.9
  Share premium                                        64.6      64.6
  Translation difference                                0.2      -0.4
  Retained earnings                                    37.4      88.5
Minority interest                                       0.0       0.0
Total equity                                          115.1     165.7
Non-current liabilities
  Deferred tax liabilities                              2.6       4.4
  Provisions                                            1.0
  Interest-bearing liabilities                         15.4      23.9
  Other liabilities                                     0.7       0.6
Non-current liabilities total                          19.7      28.9
Current liabilities
  Trade and other payables                             35.1      31.1
  Financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss                                          0.1
  Pension obligations                                   1.0       0.9
  Current tax liabilities                               0.0       1.2
  Provisions                                            2.5
  Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                 7.0       8.3
Current liabilities total                              45.7      41.5
Total liablities                                       65.4      70.5
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                          180.5     236.1

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT  (MEUR)          1-12/2008 1-12/2007
                                                  12 months 12 months
Result for the period                                 -49.5      -6.9
Adjustment of accrual basis items                      27.0      -6.4
Change in net working capital                           2.4     -11.6
Interest paid on operating activities                  -7.3      -1.8
Interest received from operating activities             4.4       1.5
Other financial income and expenses, net
received                                                0.0       0.0
Income taxes paid                                      -1.7      -1.9
NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                    -24.7     -27.1

Acquisition of business unit, net of cash
acquired                                               -0.9      -4.7
Acquisition of minority interest                                -10.2
Disposal of business unit, net of cash acquired        26.8      16.9
Purchase of property, plant and equipment              -1.8      -3.9
Purchase of intangible assets                          -2.6      -6.3
Purchase of other investments                          -0.5      -3.9
Sale of property, plant and equipment                   0.2       0.5
Sale of intangible assets                                         1.1
Proceeds from sale of investments                      10.6       3.7
NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                     31.8      -6.8

Loans granted                                                    -0.5
Proceeds from borrowing                                 0.1       8.2
Repayment of borrowing                                 -1.9      -7.6
Payment of finance liabilities                         -6.0      -5.1
Dividends paid                                         -2.6     -14.2
NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                    -10.5     -19.3

NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                -3.3     -53.2
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period                                                 71.9     125.1
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             68.6      71.9


A = Share capital
B = Share premium
C = Retained earnings
D = Result for the period
E = Minority interest
F = Total equity

                                A    B     C     D    E     F

Equity on January 1, 2007    12.9 64.6 108.9        2.1 188.6
  Result for the period                       -6.9        6.9
  Dividend distribution                -14.2            -14.2
  Share-related compensation             1.2              1.2
  Translation difference                -0.2       -2.1  -2.3
  Others                                -0.7             -0.7
Equity on December 31, 2007  12.9 64.6  95.0  -6.9  0.0 165.7

Equity on January 1, 2008    12.9 64.6  88.1            165.7
  Result for the period                      -49.5      -49.5
  Dividend distribution                 -2.6             -2.6
  Share-related compensation             1.0              1.0
  Translation difference                 0.6              0.6
  Others                                -0.0             -0.0
Equity on December 31, 2008  12.9 64.6  87.1 -49.5      115.1


Accounting principles for the Financial Statement Bulletin:
The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed
in the financial statement bulletin as compared with annual financial

Explanatory comments about the seasonality or cyclicality of
reporting period operations:
The company operates in business areas which are subject to seasonal

The nature and amount of items affecting assets, liabilities, equity,
net income, or cash flows which are unusual because of their nature,
size or incidence:
The investment portfolio in the non-current assets worth of EUR  10.6
million was  dissolved and  the amount  was transferred  into  assets
during the reporting period.

The cash flow from investments  during the reporting period  includes
the sale price payment  of EUR 13.1 million  from the property  sales
transaction done in December 2007.

As a consequence of the property sales of Kiinteistö Oy Automaatiotie
1 non-current assets decreased  EUR 6.0 million and  interest-bearing
borrowings decreased EUR 6.0 million.

The  result   of  the   reporting  period   comprises   non-recurring
restructuring costs of  EUR 9.2 million,  goodwill write-offs of  EUR
2.8 million,  a write-off  of EUR  0.6 million  of an  activated  R&D
investment and bad dept reserve of EUR 1.0 million.

Dividends paid:
According to the decision of the company's Annual Shareholders'
Meeting held on March 14, 2008, dividend of EUR 0.02 per share, a
total of EUR 2,588,253.80 was paid on March 28, 2008

SEGMENT INFORMATION (MEUR)          1-12/2008 1-12/2007
                                    12 months 12 months

  Net sales to external customers        63.3      52.6
  Net sales to other segments             0.1       0.0
  Net sales total                        63.4      52.7

  Operating profit (loss)               -12.1       0.7

  Net sales to external customers       108.6      90.9
  Net sales to other segments             0.1       0.8
  Net sales total                       108.6      91.7

  Operating profit (loss)               -28.5     -22.8

Other businesses
  Net sales to external customers         0.4       0.8
  Net sales to other segments             0.0       0.0
  Net sales total                         0.4       0.8

  Operating profit (loss)                -2.1       1.8

  Net sales to external customers         0.0       0.0
  Net sales to other segments            -0.2      -0.8
  Net sales total                        -0.2      -0.8

  Operating profit (loss)                 0.0       0.0

Group total
  Net sales to external customers       172.3     144.3
  Operating profit (loss)               -42.7     -20.3

Net sales of geographical segments (MEUR)   1-12/2008 1-12/2007
                                            12 months 12 months
Net sales
  Europe                                        114.9     101.6
  Americas                                       49.2      33.3
  Asia                                            8.1       9.5
Net sales total                                 172.3     144.3

Material events subsequent to the end of the interim period that have
not been reflected in the financial statements for the interim
2dn of February,  2009 EB  existed from RFID  technology business  by
selling 7iD Technologies GmbH  to the acting  management of the  said
company in Austria. RFID  business has been  part of Wireless  Sensor
Solution business  in  EB  and  it has  20  employees.  Due  to  this
transaction Wireless Sensor Solution business ceases to exist.

The effect of changes in the composition of the group structure
during the interim period:
During the reporting period, EB sold 100 per cent of the share
capital of Elektrobit AG and 100 per cent of share capital of
Kiinteistö Oy Automaatiotie 1.

During the reporting period, EB has acquired 100 per cent of the
share of Net Consulting & Services S.A.R.L in France. The acquisition
does not have a significant impact on EB's balance sheet or result.

Related party transactions:                       1-12/2008 1-12/2007

Employee benefits for key management and stock
option expenses total                                   2.7       2.5
Loans and guarantees to related party
There have not been other transactions between
related parties

INCOME STATEMENT BY      10-12/      7-9/     4-6/      1-3/   10-12/
QUARTER (MEUR)             2008      2008     2008      2008     2007
                       3 months  3 months 3 months  3 months 3 months

NET SALES                  49.5      34.5     41.0      47.3     44.6
Other operating income      1.5       2.6      0.7       1.4     10.7
Change in work in
progress and
finished goods             -1.2      -0.8     -0.1      -0.6     -1.1
Work performed by the
for its own purpose
and capitalized             0.0      -0.0      0.0       0.1      0.1
Raw materials              -6.6      -2.3     -3.6      -5.6     -3.1
Personnel expenses        -27.8     -24.3    -24.8     -27.2    -26.6
Depreciation               -3.8      -2.9     -6.5      -3.2     -7.6Other operating
expenses                  -20.1     -19.7    -20.1     -20.2    -19.5
(LOSS)                     -8.5     -12.9    -13.3      -8.0     -2.4
Financial income and
expenses                   -3.3      -1.6     -0.2       0.4     -0.9
RESULT BEFORE TAXES       -11.8     -14.4    -13.6      -7.7     -3.3
Income taxes               -2.3      -0.1      0.0      -0.0      0.0
CONTINUING OPERATIONS     -14.0     -14.6    -13.5      -7.7     -3.3
Result after taxes for
the period from
operations                  0.1       0.0      0.1       0.0      0.4
RESULT FOR THE PERIOD     -13.9     -14.6    -13.4      -7.7     -2.9

Attributable to
  Equity holders of
the parent                -13.9     -14.6    -13.4      -7.7     -2.9

BALANCE SHEET BY       Dec. 31, Sept. 30, June 30, March 31, Dec. 31,
(MEUR)                     2008      2008     2008      2008     2007

Non-current assets
  Property, plant and
equipment                  16.2      17.4     24.3      24.5     25.1
  Goodwill                 18.3      18.2     17.6      19.6     19.6
  Intangible assets        11.0      15.8     16.3      18.2     18.0
  Financial assets at
fair value
  through profit or
loss                                                             10.8
  Other financial
assets                      0.4       0.3      0.3       0.4      0.3
  Receivables               0.8       0.9      0.9       0.7      0.7
  Deferred tax assets       0.1       2.6      3.4       3.0      2.8
Non-current assets
total                      46.7      55.3     62.8      66.4     77.2
Current assets
  Inventories               3.3       5.8      7.2       7.4      7.6
  Trade and other
receivables                61.9      60.2     61.9      64.9     78.8
  Financial assets at
fair value
  through profit or
loss                                           0.5       1.6     50.9
  Cash and short term
deposits                   68.6      67.2     74.8      85.7     21.6
Current assets total      133.8     133.2    144.4     159.6    158.9
TOTAL ASSETS              180.5     188.5    207.2     226.0    236.1

Equity attributable to
equity holders
of the parent
  Share capital            12.9      12.9     12.9      12.9     12.9
  Share premium            64.6      64.6     64.6      64.6     64.6
difference                  0.2       0.1     -0.8      -0.8     -0.4
  Retained earnings        37.4      51.0     65.6      78.6     88.5
Minority interest
Total equity              115.1     128.6    142.3     155.3    165.7
  Deferred tax
liabilities                 2.6       3.2      3.5       4.2      4.4
  Provisions                1.0       1.2
liabilities                15.4      15.9     22.8      23.9     23.9
  Other liabilities         0.7       0.6      0.6       0.6      0.6
liabilities total          19.7      20.8     26.8      28.7     28.9
Current liablities
  Trade and other
payables                   35.1      26.2     28.0      33.4     32.3
liabilities at fair
  through profit or
loss                        0.1       1.1
  Pension obligations       1.0       1.1      1.1       1.1      0.9
  Provisions                2.5       0.7
loans and
(non-current)               7.0       9.9      8.9       7.5      8.3
Current liabilities
total                      45.7      39.1     38.0      42.0     41.5
Total liablities           65.4      59.9     64.8      70.7     70.5
LIABILITIES               180.5     188.5    207.2     226.0    236.1

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW     10-12/     7-9/     4-6/     1-3/   10-12/
STATEMENT BY QUARTER         2008     2008     2008     2008     2007
                         3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months

  Net cash from
operating activities         -0.5     -7.7     -9.0     -7.4     -8.6
  Net cash from
investing activities          5.7      0.5     -0.0     25.7     -0.7
  Net cash from
financing activities         -3.8     -0.4     -1.8     -4.5     -1.4
Net change in cash and
equivalents                   1.4     -7.6    -10.9     13.8    -10.8

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE RELATED RATIOS              1-12/2008 1-12/2007
                                                  12 months 12 months

Net sales                                             172.3     144.3
Operating profit (loss)                               -42.7     -20.3
    Operating profit (loss), % of net sales           -24.8     -14.1
Result before taxes                                   -47.4     -20.0
    Result before taxes, % of net sales               -27.5     -13.9
Result for the period                                 -49.8     -20.0

Interest-bearing net liabilities, (MEUR)              -46.2     -39.7
Net gearing, -%                                       -40.2     -24.0
Equity ratio, %                                        64.9      70.9
Gross investments, (MEUR)                               9.8      44.1
Average personnel during the period                    1768      1695
Personnel at the period end                            1735      1725

AMOUNT OF SHARE ISSUE ADJUSTMENT                   Dec. 31,  Dec. 31,
(1,000 pcs)                                            2008      2007

At the end of period                                129 413   129 413
Average for the period                              129 413   129 413
Average for the period diluted with stock
options                                             129 413   129 413

STOCK-RELATED FINANCIAL RATIOS (EUR)              1-12/2008 1-12/2007
                                                  12 months 12 months

Basic earnings per share                              -0.38     -0.15
Diluted earnings per share                            -0.38     -0.15
Equity *) per share                                    0.89      1.28

  *) Equity attributable to equity holders of
the parent

MARKET VALUES OF SHARES (EUR)                 1-12/2008     1-12/2007

Highest                                            1.79          2.48
Lowest                                             0.29          1.51
Average                                            0.82          1.93
At the end of period                               0.33          1.64

Market value of the stock, (MEUR)                  42.7         212.2
Trading value of shares, (MEUR)                     9.6          53.4
Number of shares traded, (1,000 pcs)             11 770        27 656
Related to average number of shares %               9.1          21.4

(MEUR)                                             2008          2007

  Floating charges                                  3.1           3.1
  Mortgages                                         0.0           7.0
  Pledges                                           1.1           9.8
  Guarantees                                        4.1           2.1

Mortgages are pledged for liabilities
totaled                                             9.9          17.3

Rental liabilities
   Falling due in the next year                     4.2           4.0
   Falling due after one year                       5.1           4.9


Foreign exchange forward contracts
   Market value                                    -0.1           0.7
   Nominal value                                   11.9          26.4