2016-02-11 08:30:01 CET

2016-02-11 08:30:01 CET


English Finnish
Honkarakenne Oyj - Financial Statement Release





Net sales for 2015 saw a year-on-year contraction of 14 per cent. Net sales
fell in both Finland & Baltics and Russia & CIS, but increased in Global
Markets. The result before taxes remained in the red. Net sales for the fourth
quarter fell by 14 per cent on the corresponding period of the previous year.
At year-end, the Group's order book was 20 per cent higher than at the end of
the previous year. Sales of detached homes in Finland in particular contributed
to this rise. 

October - December 2015

  -- Honkarakenne Group's consolidated net sales for the last quarter of the
     year amounted to MEUR 9.9 (MEUR 11.5 in 2014),
representing a decrease over the same period the previous year of 14 % 
  -- Operating profit/loss was MEUR -0.1 (MEUR -0.3). Operating profit/loss
     without non-recurring items was MEUR 0.2 (MEUR -0.1)
  -- Loss before taxes was MEUR -0.3 (MEUR -0.4)
  -- Earnings per share amounted to EUR -0.02 (EUR -0.04)

Year 2015

  -- Honkarakenne Group’s consolidated net sales for the entire year was MEUR
     39.1 (45.5),
representing a decrease over the same period the previous year of 14 %
  -- Operating loss was MEUR -1.1 (MEUR -2.2).  Operating loss before
     non-recurring items was MEUR -0.2 (MEUR -2.0)
  -- Loss before taxes was MEUR -1.7 (MEUR -2.5)
  -- Earnings per share amounted to EUR
 -0.23 (EUR -0.40)

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend
be paid for the financial year ended 31 December 2015. 

Honkarakenne expects net sales for 2016 to remain at the same level as in the
previous year. Due to the development measures, the result before non-recurring
items and taxes is expected to improve. 

At the end of December, the Group's order book stood at MEUR 15.0, up 20 % on
the corresponding period of the previous year, when it stood at MEUR 12.5. The
order book refers to orders whose delivery date falls within the next 24
months. Some orders may include terms and conditions relating to financing or
building permits. 

It is currently more difficult to acquire funding from financial markets. Some
of the company’s loans carry a 30 per cent equity ratio covenant term. At the
end of the year the equity ratio stood at 37 % (37 %). 

KEY INDICATORS                                      10–12/  10–12/  1-12/  1-12/
                                                      2015    2014   2015   2014
Net sales, MEUR                                        9.9    11.5   39.1   45.5
Operating profit/loss, MEUR                           -0.1    -0.3   -1.1   -2.2
Operating profit excluding non-recurring items,        0.2    -0.1   -0.2   -2.0
Profit/loss before taxes, MEUR                        -0.3    -0.4   -1.7   -2.5
Average number of personnel                            135     151    139    161
Personnel in person-years, average                     108     119    115    146
Earnings/share                                       -0.02   -0.04  -0.23  -0.40
Equity ratio, %                                                        37     37
Return on equity, %                                                   -13    -20
Shareholders' equity/share, EUR                                      1.61   1.80
Gearing, %                                                             81     92

Marko Saarelainen, President and CEO of Honkarakenne Oyj, in connection with
the financial statement release: 

“The trend in net sales in Finland fell from previous year. I am, however,
satisfied with the outlook for Finland in 2016. The trade in detached houses in
particular looks promising. In 2015, we signed over 60 per cent more deals for
detached homes than in the previous year, and sales of detached houses in
Finland have been the most significant contributing factor to our improved
order book. The order book for vacation homes is also higher than last year. 

The market has been difficult in Russia and, in particular, CIS countries.
Taking the market situation into account, our sales in Russia have weathered
the financial crisis well due to our strong market position. Although sales in
Russia have fallen, Russia's net sales for 2015 were at the same level as in
2013, before the crisis in Ukraine. 

Net sales in Global Markets grew thanks to favourable trends in project sales.

Compared to the previous year the change in operating result without
non-recurring items was negatively impacted by the decline of 6.4 million euros
in net sales and positively impacted by the 3 million euros development
programme implemented by the Group as well as benefits due to the modernization
work at Karstula Mill carried out in previous years. 

We have engaged in cooperation with the Chinese authorities to establish
standards for log construction in China. Our goal is to obtain an acceptance
for Honkarakenne products during the first half of 2016 – we would then be the
only accepted supplier of log buildings in China. Only accepted suppliers are
allowed to participate in public sector projects. In September 2015, the
Chinese government announced a programme in which China will be promoting wood
construction for ecological reasons.” 


Honkarakenne Group’s net sales for the year 2015 decreased by 14 per cent to
MEUR 39.1 (MEUR 45.5). 

The Group’s last-quarter net sales in 2015 decreased by 14 per cent to MEUR 9.9
(MEUR 11.5). 

Geographical distribution of net sales:

DEVELOPMENT OF SALES                                            
Distribution of        1-12   1-12                              
net sales, %          /2015  /2014                              
Finland & Baltics      42 %   48 %                              
Russia & CIS           31 %   31 %                              
Global Markets         28 %   20 %                              
Total                 100 %  100 %                              
Net sales, MEUR       10-12  10-12       %   1-12   1-12       %
                      /2015  /2014  change  /2015  /2014  change
Finland & Baltics       3.0    4.6   -35 %   16.3   22.0   -26 %
Russia & CIS            5.0    4.2    19 %   12.0   14.3   -16 %
Global Markets          1.9    2.6   -27 %   10.8    9.3    17 %
Total                   9.9   11.5   -14 %   39.1   45.5   -14 %

Finland & Baltics includes the following countries: Finland, Estonia, Latvia
and Lithuania. 

Russia & CIS includes the following countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,
Ukraine and other CIS countries. 

Global Markets includes other countries than above-mentioned.

The Group’s order book stood at MEUR 15.0 at the end of December. In the
previous year at the same time period it was MEUR 12.5. 


The operating loss in 2015 was MEUR -1.1 (MEUR -2.2) and the result before
taxes MEUR -1.7 (MEUR -2.5). The result includes MEUR 0.8 (MEUR 0.2) in
non-recurring expenses relating to the CEO's severance pay, personnel
redundancies, and write-offs. 

For the period January–December, the operating loss excluding non-recurring
items was MEUR -0.2 (MEUR -2.0). Compared to the previous year the change in
operating result without non-recurring items was negatively impacted by the
decline of 6.4 million euros in net sales and positively impacted by the 3
million euros development programme implemented by the Group as well as
benefits due to the modernization work at Karstula Mill carried out in previous


The financial position of the Group was satisfactory at the end of the report
period. The equity ratio stood at 37 % (37 %) and net financial liabilities at
MEUR 6.5 (MEUR 8.2). MEUR 1.9 (MEUR 2.0) of the financial liabilities carries a
30 % equity ratio covenant term. Group liquid assets totalled MEUR 1.1 (MEUR
1.0). The Group also has a MEUR 7.8 (MEUR 8.0) bank overdraft facility, MEUR
2.5 of which had been drawn on at the end of the report period (MEUR 4.2).
Gearing stood at 81 % (92 %). 

The Group’s capital expenditure on fixed assets totalled MEUR 0.1 (MEUR 0.9),
while the Group’s depreciations and amortisation totalled MEUR 2.0 (MEUR 2.2).
The Alajärvi Mill property was transferred to non-current assets held for sale. 


In Finland & Baltics, Honkarakenne continued to invest in increasing sales of
detached houses. Particular efforts were made in developing the collection. For
the second year in a row, a Honkarakenne model was voted as Finland's best
detached house in a competition on the rakentaja.fi website. Myrskytuuli won
the competition in 2015 and Lounatuuli in 2014. At the Vantaa Housing Fair,
Honkarakenne launched the Savu collection, which is especially designed for
small urban plots. Towards the end of the fair, Honkarakenne also unveiled the
new modular Pa-La collection, whose modifiability facilitates clients’ house
design. In 2015, Honkarakenne signed over 60 per cent more deals for detached
homes than in the previous year. Sales of detached homes have been a
significant contributing factor in order book growth. 

Favourable trends were seen in advance sales of vacation homes towards the end
of the year, and the order book for vacation homes ended the year on a higher
level than in 2014. 

In Russia & CIS, Honkarakenne continued to work on area development projects in
Russia with a local dealer. In Russia, construction is increasingly focusing on
area development projects in which several Honkarakenne houses are implemented
in a single area. 

The market has been difficult in Russia and, in particular, CIS countries.
Russia's economic situation, the price of oil, and exchange rate fluctuations
were also reflected in the market for Honkarakenne products in Russia. Taking
the market situation into account, Russian sales have weathered the financial
crisis well due to our strong market position. Although sales in Russia have
fallen, Russia's net sales for 2015 were at the same level as in 2013, before
the crisis in Ukraine. Honkarakenne is keeping a close eye on developments in

In Global Markets, net sales were up on the previous year. The most significant
factor contributing to this growth comprised successful project sales in Africa
in particular. 

Development work in a future growth area – China – continued. Honkarakenne has
engaged in cooperation with the Chinese authorities to establish standards for
log construction in China. The goal is to obtain an acceptance for Honkarakenne
products during the first half of 2016 – the company would then be the only
accepted supplier of log buildings in China. Only accepted suppliers are
allowed to participate in public sector projects. In September 2015, the
Chinese government announced a programme in which China will be promoting wood
construction for ecological reasons. 


R&D focused on the special characteristics of detached house sales.
Honkarakenne introduced a corner solution for the urban environment that is a
complete departure from the cross corners seen in traditional log houses. This
will significantly increase Honka’s sales opportunities. 

In addition, the company's R&D continued to focus on the special features of
the Chinese market in sales of Honkarakenne's log houses. 

In the January–December period, the Group's R&D expenditure totalled MEUR 0.4
(MEUR 0.5), representing 0.9 % of net sales (1.0 %). The Group did not
capitalise any development expenditure during the financial year. 

In terms of person years, the Group employed a total of 115 (146) people in
average in 2015, representing a year-on-year decrease of 31. 

In 2015 the Group employed 139 (161) people on average. By the end of the year,
the Group employed 134 (148) people. 

In November, the Group conducted negotiations under the act on co-operation
within undertakings that resulted in temporary lay-offs of maximum 90 days for
all clerical and managerial employees in Finland until the end of May 2016. In
August–September, the Group also conducted negotiations under the act on
co-operation within undertakings that resulted in temporary lay-offs of maximum
90 days for all production employees in Finland until the end of May 2016. 


Honkarakenne streamlined its management during the third quarter. President and
CEO Marko Saarelainen took greater responsibility for customer work and is in
charge for all sales areas. 

Mika Koivisto, former Vice President of Business Area Finland and Peter
Morinov, former Vice President of Business Area Russia and CIS, moved to Sales
Manager positions inside the company but did not continue as members of the
company’s management team. Pekka Elo, former Vice President of Business Area
Global Markets, did not continue working with the company. 

President and CEO Mikko Kilpeläinen was relieved of his duties at the end of
March. The company's CFO Mikko Jaskari was the acting President and CEO until
Marko Saarelainen was appointed as Honkarakenne's President and CEO at the end
of the second quarter. 


In the second quarter of 2013, the Board of Directors decided on a long-term
share-based incentive plan for members of the Executive Group. The performance
period of the new plan began on 1 January 2013 and will end on 31 December
2016. The potential reward for the performance period is based on the
cumulative earnings per share (EPS) for 2013 - 2016 and on the average return
on capital employed (ROCE) for 2013 - 2016. Any rewards for the performance
period 2013 - 2016 will be paid partly as B shares and partly in cash in 2017.
The rewards to be paid on the basis of the performance period will correspond
to a total maximum of about 340,000 B shares, including the amount to be paid
in cash. 

At the end of 2015, payouts from the share scheme were assessed as zero for the
entire performance period 2013- 2016, and any amounts previously recognised for
the scheme were cancelled. This resulted in a total cost reduction of EUR 33


The Annual General Meeting of Honkarakenne Oyj was held at the company’s
headquarters in Tuusula on 17 April 2015. The AGM approved the parent company's
and the consolidated Financial Statements, and discharged the members of the
Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for 2014. The AGM decided not to
pay a dividend for the 2014 financial year. 

Hannu Krook, Anita Saarelainen, Mauri Saarelainen and Arto Tiitinen were
re-elected to the company's Board of Directors. Kati Rauhaniemi and Jukka
Saarelainen were elected as new members. At the Board's constituent meeting,
Arto Tiitinen was elected Chairman of the Board and Mauri Saarelainen was
elected as Deputy Chairman. At the same meeting, the Board decided to establish
a Remuneration and Nomination Committee. The following directors were elected
as members of the committee: Arto Tiitinen (as Chairman of the Committee),
Anita Saarelainen and Mauri Saarelainen. 

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, member of the Finnish Institute of Authorised Public
Accountants, was re-appointed as auditor of the company, with Maria Grönroos,
APA, as chief auditor. 


Honkarakenne has not acquired its own shares during the report period. At the
end of the report period, the Group held 364,385 of its Honkarakenne B shares
with a total purchase price of EUR 1,381,750.23. These shares represent 6.99 %
of the company's all shares and 3.34 % of all votes. The purchase cost has been
deducted from shareholders' equity in the consolidated financial statements. 

On 17 April 2015, the AGM decided that the Board of Directors will be
authorised to acquire a maximum of 400,000 of the company’s own B shares with
assets included in the company’s unrestricted equity. In addition, the AGM
authorised the Board to decide on a rights issue or bonus issue and on granting
special rights to shares referred to in Section 1 of Chapter 10 of the Limited
Liability Companies Act in one or more instalments. By virtue of the
authorisation, the Board may issue a maximum total of 1,500,000 new shares
and/or relinquish old B shares held by the company, including those shares that
can be issued by virtue of special rights. Both authorisations will remain in
force until the next Annual General Meeting, however expiring at the latest on
June 30, 2016. 


Honkarakenne Oyj follows the Limited Liability Companies Act and the Finnish
Corporate Governance Code, 1 October 2010, for listed companies issued by the
Finnish Securities Market Association. The company's website, www.honka.com,
provides more information on the corporate governance systems. 


Russia is one of Honkarakenne’s major business territories. The Ukrainian
crisis, the trend in the price of oil and strong exchange rate fluctuations
currently cause instability in the Russian market. This might have major
impacts on Honkarakenne’s operations. 

It is currently more difficult to acquire funding from financial markets. Some
of the company’s loans carry a 30 % equity ratio covenant term. At the end of
the year the equity ratio stood at 37 % (37 %). If the company's sales do not
develop as expected, it is possible that the terms of the covenant will be
broken during the first half of the year. The company has launched negotiations
on new loan financing with banks and potential other financiers. 

The assessment of amounts in the balance sheet is based on current assessment
by the management. If these assessments are changed, this may result in changes
to the Group's result. 


This report contains statements that relate to the future, and these statements
are based on hypotheses that the company's management hold currently as well as
on the decisions and plans that are currently in place. Although the management
believes that the hypotheses relating to the future are well-founded, there is
no guarantee that the said hypotheses will prove to be correct. 

This financial statement release has been drafted in accordance with IAS 34.
The principles adhered to in preparing the annual financial statements 2014
also apply to this financial statement release but new and amended IFRS
standards and interpretations effective in 2015 have been applied. Amended
standards and interpretations effective from the beginning of year 2015 have no
bearing on the figures presented for the report period. 

The figures have not been examined by the auditor.


No significant events.


The parent company has no distributable funds and no funds can be allocated as
profits. The parent company posted a MEUR -1.6 loss for the financial year. 

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend
be paid for the financial year ended 31 December 2015. 


Honkarakenne expects net sales for 2016 to remain at the same level as in the
previous year. Due to the development measures, the result before non-recurring
items and taxes is expected to improve. 


The Annual General Meeting of Honkarakenne Oyj will be held at the company’s
headquarters in Tuusula on Friday 15 April 2016 at 2:00 pm. 


Board of Directors

Further information:

Marko Saarelainen, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 542 0254,


Mikko Jaskari, CFO tel. +358 400 535 337, mikko.jaskari@honka.com

This and previous releases are available for viewing on the company’s website
at www.honka.com. 

Honkarakenne will publish the Directors’ Report and Financial Statements for
2015 as well as a separate Corporate Governance Statement on the company’s
website at www.honka.com latest in week 12. Interim Reports for 2016 will be
published on 4 May 2016, 4 August 2016 and 27 October 2016. 



Key media

Financial Supervisory Authority

unaudited                                         10-12    10-12    1-12    1-12
                                                  /2015    /2014   /2015   /2014
Net sales                                           9.9     11.5    39.1    45.5
Other operating income                              0.2      0.1     0.3     0.5
Change in inventories                               0.0     -1.8    -0.6    -2.1
Materials and services                             -6.4     -6.0   -24.8   -29.2
Employee benefit expenses                          -1.7     -2.0    -7.5    -8.3
Depreciations and amortisation                     -0.5     -0.6    -2.0    -2.2
Impairment                                         -0.2     -0.0    -0.3    -0.0
Other operating expenses                           -1.4     -1.4    -5.3    -6.4
Operating profit/loss                              -0.1     -0.3    -1.1    -2.2
Financial income                                    0.0      0.1     0.2     0.1
Financial expenses                                 -0.2     -0.2    -0.8    -0.5
Share of associated companies' result              -0.0     -0.0    -0.1    -0.0
Profit/loss before taxes                           -0.3     -0.4    -1.7    -2.5
Taxes                                               0.2      0.2     0.6     0.6
Profit/loss for the period                         -0.1     -0.2    -1.1    -1.9
Other comprehensive income                                                      
Translation differences                             0.0     -0.1     0.2    -0.0
Total comprehensive                                -0.0     -0.3    -0.9    -2.0
income for the period                                                           
Result for the period attributable to                                           
Equity holders of the parent                       -0.1     -0.2    -1.1    -1.9
Non-controlling interest                           -0.0     -0.0    -0.0    -0.0
                                                   -0.1     -0.2    -1.1    -1.9
Comprehensive income attributable to                                            
Equity holders of the parent                       -0.0     -0.3    -0.9    -2.0
Non-controlling interest                           -0.0     -0.0     0.0     0.0
                                                   -0.0     -0.3    -0.9    -2.0
Calculated from the result for the period                                       
 attributable to equity holders of parent                                       
Earnings/share (EPS), EUR                                                       
Basic                                             -0.02    -0.04   -0.23   -0.40
Diluted                                           -0.02    -0.04   -0.23   -0.40

Honkarakenne Oyj has two series of shares: A shares and B shares, which have
different right to dividend. Profit distribution of 0.20 EUR per share will be
paid first for B shares, then 0.20 EUR per share for A shares, followed by
equal distribution of remaining profit distribution between all shares. 

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                       31.12.2015  31.12.2014
Non-current assets                                                     
Property, plant and equipment                          11.4        14.5
Goodwill                                                0.1         0.1
Other intangible assets                                 0.2         0.3
Investments in associated companies                     0.2         0.3
Receivables                                             0.2         0.2
Deferred tax assets                                     2.7         2.1
                                                       14.8        17.5
Current assets                                                         
Inventories                                             4.2         4.9
Trade and other receivables                             3.7         4.5
Cash and bank receivables                               1.1         1.0
                                                        9.1        10.4
Non-current assets held for sale                        1.0         0.0
Total assets                                           24.9        27.9
Shareholders' equity and liabilities             31.12.2015  31.12.2014
Equity attributable to equity holders                                  
of the parent company                                                  
Share capital                                           9.9         9.9
Share premium account                                   0.5         0.5
Fund for invested unrestricted equity                   6.5         6.5
Own shares                                             -1.4        -1.4
Translation differences                                -0.0        -0.2
Retained earnings                                      -7.8        -6.6
                                                        7.8         8.7
Non-controlling interests                               0.2         0.2
Total equity                                            8.0         8.9
Non-current liabilities                                                
Provisions                                              0.2         0.3
Financial liabilities                                   4.5         7.4
                                                        4.8         7.7
Current liabilities                                                    
Trade and other payables                                8.6         8.8
Current tax liabilities                                 0.1         0.0
Provisions                                              0.3         0.6
Current financial liabilities                           3.1         1.8
                                                       12.1        11.3
Liabilities of non-current assets held for sale         0.1         0.0
Total liabilities                                      16.9        19.0
Total equity and liabilities                           24.9        27.9

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                         
EUR thousand              Equity attributable to equity holders of the    
                           a)   b)    c)    d)     e)     f)  Total   g)   Total
Total equity             9898  520  6444  -197  -1382  -4710  10573  211   10784
Profit/loss for the                                    -1936  -1936   -7   -1942
Translation difference                     -18                  -18          -18
Directed share issue                  90                         90           90
Management incentive                                       7      7            7
Total equity             9898  520  6534  -215  -1382  -6638   8716  204    8920
                          Equity attributable to equity holders of              
                                         the parent                             
                           a)   b)    c)    d)     e)     f)  Total   g)   Total
Total equity             9898  520  6534  -215  -1382  -6638   8716  204    8920
Profit/loss for the                                    -1095  -1095    0   -1095
Translation difference                     189                  189          189
Management incentive                                     -23    -23          -23
Total equity             9898  520  6534   -27  -1382  -7757   7786  204    7990

a) Share capital

b) Share premium account

c) Fund for invested unrestricted equity

d) Translation difference

e) Own shares

f) Retained earnings

g) Non-controlling interests

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                       1.1.-       1.1.-
abridged                                              31.12.2015  31.12.2014
Cash flow from operating activities                          1.8        -0.8
Cash flow from investing activities, net                    -0.1        -1.3
Total cash flows from financing activities                  -1.6        -0.2
Share issue                                                  0.0         0.1
Proceeds from borrowings                                     0.2         3.0
Repayment of borrowings                                     -1.7        -3.1
Other financial items                                       -0.1        -0.1
Change in cash and cash equivalents                          0.1        -2.3
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period         1.0         3.2
Cash and cash equivalents at the close of period             1.1         1.0


Accounting policies

This financial statement release has been drafted in accordance with IAS 34.
The principles adhered to in preparing the annual financial statements 2014
also apply to this financial statement release but new and amended IFRS
standards and interpretations effective in 2015 have been applied. Amended
standards and interpretations effective from the beginning of year 2015 have no
bearing on the figures presented for the report period. 

The figures have not been examined by the auditor.

Honka Management Oy, which is a company established in 2010 by members of
company’s Executive Group, is included in the consolidated financial statements
due to the terms and conditions of the shareholder agreement concluded between
it and Honkarakenne Oyj. 

Honkarakenne has three geographical operating segments that have been combined
into one segment for reporting purposes. Geographically, sales are divided as
follows: Finland & Baltics, Russia & CIS and Global Markets. The internal
reporting of the management is in line with IFRS reporting. For this reason,
separate reconciliations are not presented. 

Property, plant and equipment                                                 
Unaudited                                        Property, plant and equipment
Cost 1.1.2015                                                             65.9
Additions                                                                  0.1
Transferred to non-current assets held for sale                          -14.9
Disposals                                                                 -0.1
Cost 31.12.2015                                                           51.0
Accumulated depreciation 1.1.2015                                        -51.4
Transferred to non-current assets held for sale                           13.9
Disposals                                                                  0.1
Depreciation for the period                                               -1.9
Impairment                                                                -0.3
Accumulated depreciation 31.12.2015                                      -39.6
Carrying amount 1.1.2015                                                  14.5
Carrying amount 31.12.2015                                                11.4

The Alajärvi Mill property was transferred to non-current assets held for sale.

Non-recurring expenses

The result for the financial year includes MEUR 0.8 (MEUR 0.2) in non-recurring
expenses relating to the CEO's severance pay, personnel redundancies, and

Own shares

Honkarakenne has not acquired its own shares during the report period. At the
end of the report period, the Group held 364,385 of its Honkarakenne B shares
with a total purchase price of EUR 1,381,750.23. These shares represent 6.99 %
of the company's all shares and 3.34 % of all votes. The purchase cost has been
deducted from shareholders' equity in the consolidated financial statements. 

Contingent liabilities                                              
Unaudited                                     31.12.2015  31.12.2014
For own loans                                                       
- Mortgages                                         25.7        25.7
- Other quarantees                                   1.9         2.1
Rental liabilities                                   0.3         0.4
Leasing liabilities                                  0.2         0.4
Nominal values of forward exchange contracts         1.8         1.7
Derivative contracts                                 0.2         0.3

Events with related parties

The Group’s related parties consist of subsidiaries and associated companies;
the company's management and any companies in which they exert influence; and
those involved in the Saarelainen shareholder agreement and any companies
controlled by them. The management personnel considered to be related parties
comprise the Board of Directors, President & CEO, and the company's Executive
Group. The pricing of goods and services in transactions with related parties
conforms to market-based pricing. 

During the report period, ordinary business transactions with related parties
were made as follows: sales of goods and services to related parties amounted
to EUR 409 thousand and purchases from related parties amounted to EUR 415

In 2010 and 2011, Honkarakenne Oyj granted long-term loans totalling MEUR 0.9
to Honka Management Oy, which is owned by the company’s senior management. An
impairment was recognised in 2014 and in 2015 for this loan in the parent
company, the total amount of these impairments is MEUR 0.4. 

KEY INDICATORS                                                            
                                                            1-12    1-12  
Unaudited                                                   2015    2014  
Earnings/share (EPS)                euro                   -0.23   -0.40  
Return on equity                    %                        -13     -20  
Equity ratio                        %                         37      37  
Shareholders equity/share           euro                    1.61    1.80  
Net financial liabilities           MEUR                     6.5     8.2  
Gearing                             %                         81      92  
Gross investments                   MEUR                     0.1     0.9  
                                    % of net sales           0.2     2.1  
Order book                          MEUR                    15.0    12.5  
Average number of personnel         Clerical                  71      90  
                                    Workers                   68      71  
                                    Total                    139     161  
Personnel in person-years, average  Clerical                  63      81  
                                    Workers                   51      66  
                                    Total                    115     146  
Adjusted number of shares (’000)    At period-end           4847    4847  
                                    Average during          4847    4840  
Calculation of key indicators:                                                  
                                          Profit for the period                 
                                           attributable to equity               
                                           holders of parent                    
Earnings/share (EPS):                     ------------------------------        
                                          Average number of outstanding         
                                          Result before taxes – taxes           
Return on equity %:                       ------------------------------  x 100 
                                          Total equity, average                 
                                          Total equity                          
Equity ratio, %:                          ------------------------------  x 100 
                                          Balance sheet total - advances        
Net financial liabilities:                Financial liabilities – cash          
                                           and cash equivalents                 
                                          Financial liabilities – cash          
                                           and cash equivalents                 
Gearing, %:                               ------------------------------  x 100 
                                          Total equity                          
                                          Shareholders’ equity                  
Shareholders equity/share:                ------------------------------        
                                          Number of outstanding shares at the   
                                           close of period