2010-11-29 13:43:10 CET

2010-11-29 13:44:06 CET


English Lithuanian
Linas AB - Interim information

Activity results of 9 months of year 2010 of AB “Linas” group of companies. Interim information of 9 months of year 2010.

The sales incomes for 9 months of year 2010 of AB “Linas” group of companies
made 25,53 mln Lt (7,39 mln EUR), when in 2009 they made 23,99 mln Lt (6,95 mln

Profit before taxation of the Group of companies during 9 months of year 2010 -
8,58 mln Lt (2,49 mln EUR). During the same period of year 2009 sales incomes
before taxation were 0,73 mln Lt (0,21 mlnl EUR). The profit before taxation of
the Group grew significantly after the acknowledgement of 7,1 mln Lt forfeit
acc.to the decision of Kaunas District court. 

Presenting confirmation of the responsible persons of AB “Linas” and interim
not audited consolidated financial statements of 9 months of year 2010. 

AB “Linas” director
Martynas Jasinskas
Tel. +370 45 506100