2007-11-12 11:11:07 CET

2007-11-12 11:11:07 CET


English Finnish
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Company Announcement

Directed share issue of Tiimari Plc

TIIMARI PLC                   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 12 November 2007           

DIRECTED SHARE ISSUE OF TIIMARI PLC                                             

The Board of Directors of Tiimari Plc has today on 12 November 2007 resolved on 
a share issue on the basis of the authorisation granted by the Annual General   
Meeting of Shareholders on 17 April 2007. The share issue relates to the        
acquisition of the Swedish Gallerix chain that was signed and announced on 1    
November 2007. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement,  
the remaining part of the basic purchase price, i.e. approximately 30%, has been
settled by giving the sellers of the Gallerix transaction 463,320 new shares now
to be issued for subscription.                                                  

In the share issue the total of 463,320 new shares in Tiimari Plc have been     
given for subscription to five subscribers, i.e. the sellers of the shares in   
Gallerix International AB, in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive      
subscription right.                                                             

All new shares have been subscribed for and the subscription price of the shares
has been settled by assigning Tiimari Plc 1,500 shares in Gallerix International
AB as contribution in kind. The subscription price for the new shares in Tiimari
Plc (EUR 4.90/share) will be recognised in its entirety in the invested free    
equity fund of Tiimari Plc.                                                     

As a result of the share issue, the number of shares in Tiimari Plc will        
increase from the current 9,847,750 shares to 10,311,070 shares. The registered 
share capital of Tiimari Plc remains at EUR 7,686,200.00 following the          
registration of the new shares.                                                 

The new shares will be registered with the Trade Register and they are expected 
to be admitted to trading on or about 13 November 2007. The subscribers of the  
shares have agreed to selling and transfer restrictions as communicated on 1    
November 2007. According to the restrictions, 50% of the shares will be released
on 1 November 2008 and 50% on 1 November 2009.                                  

TIIMARI PLC                                                                     

For further information, please contact:                                        

Further information: Managing Director Kristina Illi, tel. +358 (0)400 408 889