2012-07-11 15:35:03 CEST

2012-07-11 15:36:03 CEST


SEB Bankas AB - Notification on material event

Regarding the Statment of Objections received from the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2012-07-11 15:35 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 
On 10 July 2012 AB SEB bankas received from the Competition Council of the      
 Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter the Competition Council) the Statement of   
 Objections on the investigation performed regarding compatibility of the       
 actions of AB SEB bankas and several other entities with the requirements of   
 the Article 5 of the Competition Law of Republic of Lithuania and requirements 
 of the Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of European Union          
 (hereinafter the Statement of Objections). According to the preliminary view of
 the investigators who prepared the Statement of Objections, the actions of AB  
 SEB bankas allegedly harmed competition in cash handling and collection        
 services markets.                                                              
The sending of the Statement of Objections to the parties involved in the       
 investigation does not mean that it is already determined that the infringement
 was made by AB SEB bankas and the findings of the investigation do not restrain
 the Competition Council taking the final decision after completing all the     
 procedures associated with this investigation.                                 

 If the Competition Council acknowledges the evidence of the infringement to be
sufficient, it may require AB SEB bankas to cease the infringement and impose
the fine up to 10 percent of the total annual revenue of the last financial

This notification is non-confidential.

Raimondas Kvedaras, President of AB SEB bankas.

11 July 2012, Vilnius

         Arvydas Žilinskas, Head of Media Relations of AB SEB bankas, tel. +370
5 268 1198, is authorized to provide additional information regarding the
material event.