2008-02-01 09:00:00 CET

2008-02-01 09:00:26 CET


Pöyry - Corporate Action


The Board of Directors of Pöyry Plc has resolved to apply for listing
of the stock options 2004B on the official list of the OMX Nordic
Exchange in Helsinki so that the listing will commence approximately
on 1 March 2008.

The total number of stock options 2004B is 165 000. Each stock option
entitles its holder to subscribe for four shares in Pöyry Plc. The
2004B stock options entitle their holders to subscribe for a total of
660 000 shares. The present share subscription price for the stock
options 2004B is EUR 6.15/share. The share subscription price shall,
as per the dividend record date, be reduced by the amount of dividend
paid before the share subscription.

The share subscription period for stock options 2004B will commence
on 1 March 2008 and end on 31 March 2011. The place for the share
subscription is Pöyry Plc's headquarters, address: Jaakonkatu 3,
FI-01620 Vantaa, Finland.


Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen
President and CEO

Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO

Pöyry Plc 2004 stock option terms and conditions

Additional information by:
Anne Viitala, Group General Counsel, Pöyry Plc
Tel. +358 10 33 22811


OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
Major media



The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Pöyry Plc (Pöyry Plc or
the Company) has on 3 March 2004 resolved, in accordance with the
proposal by the Board of Directors of the Company (Board of
Directors) on 9 February 2004, to issue stock options to the
management of Pöyry Plc and its subsidiaries (Pöyry Group) and to a
wholly owned subsidiary of Pöyry Plc on the following terms and

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has on 7 March 2006
resolved to amend sections I.1, II.1 and II.3 of the terms and
conditions. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has on 10
March 2008 resolved to amend sections II.1, II.3, II.5 and II.7 of
the terms and conditions.


1. Number of stock options

The total number of stock options issued shall be 550 000, which
entitle to subscribe for a total of 2 200 000 shares in Pöyry Plc.

2. Stock options

Of the stock options 165 000 shall be marked with the symbol 2004A,
165 000 shall be marked with the symbol 2004B and 220 000 shall be
marked with the symbol 2004C. The persons to whom stock options shall
be distributed, shall be notified in writing by the Company about the
offer of stock options. The stock options shall be distributed to the
recipient when he or she has accepted the offer of the Company. Stock
option certificates shall, upon request, be delivered to the stock
option owner at the beginning of the relevant share subscription
period unless the stock options have been transferred to the
book-entry securities system.

3. Right to stock options

The stock options shall, with deviation from the shareholders'
pre-emptive right to subscription, be granted to the management of
the Pöyry group and to JP-Invest Ltd (JP-Invest), a wholly owned
subsidiary of Pöyry Plc. It is proposed that the shareholders'
pre-emptive right to subscription be deviated from since the stock
options are intended to form part of the Pöyry group's incentive and
commitment programme for the key personnel.

4. Distribution of stock options

The Board of Directors shall decide on the distribution of stock
options. JP-Invest shall be granted stock options to such extent that
the stock options are not distributed to the management of the Pöyry
Group. The Board of Directors shall later on decide upon the further
distribution of the stock options granted to JP-Invest, to members of
the management employed by or to be recruited by the Pöyry Group.

5. Transfer of stock options and obligation to offer stock options

The stock options are freely transferable, when the relevant share
subscription period has begun. The Company shall hold the stock
options on behalf of the stock option owner until the beginning of
the share subscription period. The stock option owner has the right
to acquire the possession of the stock options when the relevant
share subscription period begins. Should the stock option owner
transfer his/her stock options, such person is obliged to inform the
Company about the transfer in writing without delay. The Board of
Directors may, as an exception to the above, permit the transfer of
stock options also before such date.

Should a stock option owner cease to be employed by or in the service
of the Pöyry group before 1 March 2009, such person shall without
delay offer to the Company or its order, free of charge, the stock
options for which the share subscription period in accordance with
Section II.2 had not begun at the last day of such person's
employment or service. The Board of Directors can, however, in the
above-mentioned cases, decide that the stock option owner is entitled
to keep such stock options or a part of them, which are under
offering obligation. The offering obligation of stock options does
not apply to the stock option owner's estate.

Regardless of whether the stock option owner has offered his/her
stock options to the Company or not, the Company is entitled to
inform the stock option owner in writing that the stock option owner
has lost his/her stock options on the basis of the above-mentioned
reasons. Should the stock options be transferred to the book-entry
securities system, the Company has the right, whether or not the
stock options have been offered to the Company, to request and get
transferred all the stock options, for which the share subscription
period had not begun, from the stock option owner's book-entry
account to the book-entry account appointed by the Company without
the consent of the stock option owner. In addition, the Company is
entitled to register transfer restrictions and other restrictions
concerning the stock options to the stock option owner's book-entry
account without the consent of the stock option owner.


1. Right to subscribe for new shares

Each stock option entitles its owner to subscribe for four (4) shares
in Pöyry Plc. As a result of the subscriptions the number of shares
of Pöyry Plc may be increased by a maximum of 2 200 000 new shares.
The share subscription price shall be recorded in the invested
non-restricted equity fund.

JP-Invest, as a subsidiary of Pöyry Plc, shall not be entitled to
subscribe shares in Pöyry Plc on the basis of the stock options.

2. Share subscription and payment

The share subscription period shall be:
- for stock option 2004A 1 March 2007 - 31 March 2010,
- for stock option 2004B 1 March 2008 - 31 March 2011 and
- for stock option 2004C 1 March 2009 - 31 March 2012.

The share subscription shall take place at the head office of Pöyry
Plc or possibly at another location to be determined later. The
subscriber shall transfer the respective stock option certificates
with which he/she subscribes shares to the Company, or in case the
stock options have been transferred to the book-entry securities
system, the stock options with which shares have been subscribed
shall be deleted from the subscriber's book-entry account. Payment
for shares subscribed shall be effected upon subscription to the bank
account appointed by the Company. The Company shall decide on all
measures concerning the share subscription.

3. Share subscription price

The share subscription price shall be:

- for stock option 2004A the trade volume weighted average quotation
of the Pöyry Plc share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange between 1 April
and 30 April 2004 with an addition of twenty (20) percent,

- for stock option 2004B the trade volume weighted average quotation
of the Pöyry Plc share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange between 1 April
1 and 30 April 2005 with and addition of twenty (20) percent, and

- for stock option 2004C the trade volume weighted average quotation
of the Pöyry Plc share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange between 1 April
and 30 April 2006 with an addition of twenty (20) percent.

From the share subscription price of stock options shall, as per the
dividend record date, be deducted the amount of the dividend paid
after 1 April 2004 but before share subscription. The share
subscription price shall nevertheless always amount to at least EUR

4. Registration of shares

Shares subscribed for and fully paid shall be registered in the
book-entry account of the subscriber.

5. Shareholder rights

Dividend rights of the shares and other shareholder rights shall
commence when the shares have been entered into the Trade Register.

6. Share issues, convertible bonds and stock options before share

Should the Company, before the share subscription, increase its share
capital through an issue of new shares, or issue of new convertible
bonds or stock options, a stock option owner shall have the same
right as or an equal right to that of a shareholder. Equality is
reached in the manner determined by the Board of Directors by
adjusting the number of shares available for subscription, the share
subscription price or both of these.

Should the Company, before the share subscription, increase its share
capital by way of a bonus issue, the subscription ratio shall be
amended so that the ratio to the share capital of shares to be
subscribed by virtue of stock options remains unchanged. If the
number of shares that can be subscribed for by virtue of one stock
option should be a fraction, the fractional part shall be taken into
account by reducing the subscription price.

7. Rights in certain cases

If the Company reduces its share capital before the share
subscription, the subscription right accorded by the terms and
conditions of the stock options shall be adjusted accordingly as
specified in the resolution to reduce the share capital.

If the Company is placed in liquidation before the share
subscription, the stock option owner shall be given an opportunity to
exercise his subscription right before the liquidation begins within
a period of time determined by the Board of Directors.

If the Company resolves to merge into another company Pöyry Plc being
acquired or into a company to be formed in a combination merger, or
if the Company resolves to be divided, the stock option owner shall,
before the merger or division, be given the right to subscribe for
the shares with his/her stock options within a period of time
determined by the Board of Directors. After such date no subscription
right shall exist. In the above situations the stock option owner has
no right to require that the Company redeems the stock options from
him/her at market value.

If the Company, after the beginning of the share subscription period,
resolves to acquire its own shares by an offer made to all
shareholders, the stock option owners shall be made an equivalent
offer. In other cases acquisition of the Company's own shares does
not require the Company to take any action in relation to the stock

In case, before the end of the share subscription period, a
situation, as referred to in Chapter 14 Section 19 of the Finnish
Companies Act, in which a shareholder possesses over 90 percent of
the shares of Pöyry Plc and therefore has the right and obligation to
redeem the shares of the remaining shareholders, or a situation, as
referred to in Chapter 6 Section 6 of the Finnish Securities Market
Act, arises, the stock option owners shall be entitled to use their
right of subscription by virtue of the stock options within a period
of time determined by the Board of Directors.

If the shares of the Company are split into several shares, the share
subscription terms and conditions shall be amended so that the
relative proportion of shares available for subscription with the
stock options to the total number of the Company's shares, as well as
the share subscription price total, remain the same.

Converting the Company from a public company into a private company
shall not affect the terms and conditions of the stock options.


The laws of Finland shall be applied to these terms and conditions.
Disputes arising in relation to the stock options shall be settled by
arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Central
Chamber of Commerce.

The Board of Directors may decide on the transfer of the stock
options to the book-entry securities system at a later date and on
the resulting technical amendments to these terms and conditions,
including those amendments and specifications to the terms and
conditions, which are not considered crucial. Other matters related
to the stock options are decided on by the Board of Directors. The
stock option documentation is kept available for inspection at the
head office of Pöyry Plc.

The Company is entitled to withdraw such stock options which have not
been transferred, or with which shares have not been subscribed for,
free of charge, if the stock option owner acts against these terms
and conditions, or against regulations given by the Company on the
basis of these terms and conditions, or against applicable law, or
against regulations by authorities.

These terms and conditions have been made in Finnish and English. In
case of any discrepancy between the Finnish and English terms and
conditions, the Finnish terms and conditions are decisive.