2008-05-08 14:37:55 CEST

2008-05-08 14:38:57 CEST


Dvarcioniu Keramika AB - Interim information

Interim Financial Statements for the First Three Months of 2008

The largest ceramic tiles manufacturer in the Baltic States DVARČIONIŲ KERAMIKA
announces its unaudited Interim Financial Statements for the first three months
of 2008, prepared according to International Financial Reporting Standards. 

The total DVARČIONIŲ KERAMIKA AB  revenue in January-March of 2008 was LTL
thousand (EUR 4.873 thousand), an increase by 11.6 per cent over the total
revenue of LTL 15.074 thousand (EUR 4.366 thousand) in the first three months
of 2007. 

EBITDA for the first three months of 2008 went up by 23,7 per cent to LTL 3.073
thousand (EUR 890 thousand) over LTL 2.484 thousand (EUR 719 thousand) in the
first three months of 2007. EBITDA margin was 18,3 per cent. 

Profit before income tax in the first three months of 2008 was up by 371,6 per
cent and amounted to LTL 632 thousand (EUR 183 thousand) (LTL 134 thousand (EUR
39 thousand) a year ago). 

Profit for the period amounted to LTL 679 thousand (EUR 197 thousand), an
increase by 565,7 per cent over LTL 102 thousand (EUR 30 thousand) a year ago. 

ENCL.: DVARČIONIŲ KERAMIKA, AB Interim Financial Statements for the first three
months of 2008. 

Alan Levin, 
Chief Financial Officer 
tel. +370 5 2317823