2008-04-03 13:50:00 CEST

2008-04-03 13:50:01 CEST


English Finnish
Amanda Capital - Company Announcement


AMANDA CAPITAL PLC				STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                                    
Amanda Capital will expand its product selection from traditional private
equity funds of funds in the form of limited partnerships into equity funds.
Amanda SICAV-SIF - Liquid Private Equity Fund ("Amanda LPE") will invest
globally in listed private equity firms and funds. 

Amanda LPE will be intended for well-informed investors who wish to have access 
to the historically well performed asset class in a liquid form. AMANDA LPE will
be established as a sub-fund of a Luxembourg SICAV-SIF (Specialized Investment  
Fund) and be managed by a wholly owned subsidiary of Amanda Capital plc, Amanda 
Management Company S.A., Luxembourg, to be established shortly. The value of    
Amanda LPE will be quoted daily, and its investment operations will begin in May

In the past few years, private equity investments have grown considerably due to
the excellent returns offered by this asset class. Consequently, many new       
investors, who have not been able to make investments in traditional private    
equity funds established as limited partnerships due to, e.g. the high minimum  
investment amount, the lower liquidity of such investments or tax reasons, have 
become interested in private equity investments, says Marko Hovi, a member of   
Amanda Management Company S.A.'s Board of Directors.                            
Amanda Capital Plc will invest five million euros in the new fund, which will   
offer Amanda an excellent means of investing assets efficiently in the private  
equity market. In traditional limited partnerships, the investment commitment is
often committed to the target companies slowly, and the pace of investment is   
difficult to predict. The new fund allows us to better regulate our degree of   
investment, says Petteri Änkilä, CEO of Amanda.                                 

Amanda will continue to establish new equity funds classified as alternative    
investments. Consequently, Amanda Advisors Ltd, which is a wholly owned         
subsidiary of Amanda, has decided to apply for an authorisation to act as       
investment firm.                                                                

AMANDA CAPITAL PLC                                                              

Additional Information: CEO Petteri Änkilä, tel. +358 9 6829 6011               
			 IR Director Piia Latvala, tel. +358 9 6829 6027                             

Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, www.amandacapital.fi             

The Amanda Group is a private equity management company. Its parent company is  
the first publicly listed private equity fund of funds in Scandinavia. Amanda   
has investments in 24 private equity funds and in four funds of funds under     
Amanda's own management.                                                        

Amanda Group is one of Finland's largest management companies of private equity 
fund investments. It manages several private equity fund portfolios under       
consultancy agreements and six private equity funds of funds with several       
domestic and international institutions as investors. Amanda Group currently has
EUR 2.3 billion of assets under management (original investment commitments)    
with which it has made investments in more than 100 private equity funds in     
Europe, the US, Asia, and Russia.