2016-12-05 09:30:02 CET

2016-12-05 09:30:02 CET


Solteq Oyj - Company Announcement

Solteq Plc share issue directed to personnel

Solteq Plc Stock Exchange Bulletin 5 .12.2016 at 10.30 am

The Board of Directors of Solteq Plc decided on 21 November 2016 to arrange a
share issue directed to the Group’s personnel and to persons who have temporary
agency employment with a company belonging to the Group.

“Solteqians will grow Solteq to become the smallest global digital commerce
service provider. We want to encourage solteqians to subscribe shares, as it’s
only fair that as solteqians work to reach our goal, they will also gain on
company’s financial success”, says CEO Repe Harmanen.

The Board of Directors approved the terms and conditions for the share issue. A
maximum total of 500,000 new shares in the company will, in deviation from the
shareholders’ pre-emptive subscription right, be offered for subscription to the
Group’s personnel and to persons who have temporary agency employment with a
company belonging to the Group.

The share subscription prices are based on the trade volume weighted average
quotation of the company’s share on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd during 1—30 November
2016 and on two discounts of different size calculated from such quotation. The
average share price during the above-mentioned period was EUR 1.64 per share.
The subscription price is thus EUR 0.82 per share for the first 600 shares and
for shares subscribed after the first 600 shares, EUR 1.48 per share. The share
subscription period will be 7—22 December 2016. The subscriptions must be paid
upon subscription.

The terms and conditions for the share issue are attached to this stock exchange
bulleting. The final result of the share issue is expected to be announced in
January 2017.

The decision on the share issue is based on the authorization given by the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 16 March 2016.

Solteq Plc
Repe Harmanen, CEO

Additional Information

Repe Harmanen, CEO
Tel. +358 400 467 717
e-mail repe.harmanen@solteq.com


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Key Media

ENCL             Terms and Conditions for Share Issue Directed to Personnel
