2012-03-26 12:00:00 CEST

2012-03-26 12:00:45 CEST


Cargotec - Company Announcement

Cargotec's comparison figures for 2010 - 2011 in accordance with the new reporting segment structure


As announced earlier, Cargotec will as of 1 January 2012 report financial
information in three reporting segments: Marine, Terminals and Load Handling. On
these reporting segments, Cargotec will disclose quarterly figures for orders
received, order book, sales, operating profit and number of employees.

In addition to segment reporting, Cargotec will continue to disclose quarterly
sales and number of employees by geographical area, which are EMEA (Europe,
Middle East and Africa), Asia-Pacific and Americas.

The first interim report of 2012 to be published on 26 April 2012 will be
prepared according to the new reporting structure. Cargotec's 2010-2011
financial information has been restated to comply with the new reporting segment
structure. The new restated comparison figures below are also available in excel
format at www.cargotec.com/investors/financials/reporting changes.

|Orders received, MEUR             |Q4/2011|Q3/2011|Q2/2011|Q1/2011| 2011| 2010|
|Marine                            |    216|    246|    248|    286|  997|1,040|
|Terminals                         |    425|    389|    318|    332|1,464|  993|
|Load Handling                     |    202|    177|    195|    202|  776|  699|
|Internal orders received          |     -1|     -1|      0|      0|   -3|   -3|
|Total                             |    842|    811|    761|    819|3,233|2,729|
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|Order book, MEUR                  |Q4/2011|Q3/2011|Q2/2011|Q1/2011| 2011| 2010|
|Marine                            |  1,375|  1,407|  1,487|  1,595|1,375|1,675|
|Terminals                         |    865|    755|    635|    588|  865|  507|
|Load Handling                     |    189|    189|    184|    189|  189|  173|
|Internal order book               |     -3|     -1|      0|      0|   -3|    0|
|Total                             |  2,426|  2,349|  2,306|  2,373|2,426|2,356|
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|Sales, MEUR                       |Q4/2011|Q3/2011|Q2/2011|Q1/2011| 2011| 2010|
|Marine                            |    284|    297|    310|    322|1,213|1,050|
|Terminals                         |    337|    278|    284|    260|1,159|  913|
|Load Handling                     |    208|    178|    202|    181|  769|  615|
|Internal sales                    |     -1|     -1|     -1|      0|   -2|   -3|
|Total                             |    828|    753|    795|    763|3,139|2,575|
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|Operating profit, MEUR            |Q4/2011|Q3/2011|Q2/2011|Q1/2011| 2011| 2010|
|Marine                            |   42.9|   44.0|   45.9|   43.3|176.2|147.6|
|Terminals                         |   10.3|   17.3|   13.3|   15.0| 55.9| 32.3|
|Load Handling                     |    5.2|    3.3|    8.5|    3.6| 20.6|  4.6|
|Corporate administration and other|  -10.5|  -10.2|  -13.6|  -11.4|-45.7|-42.6|
|Operating profit excluding        |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|restructuring costs               |   48.0|   54.4|   54.0|   50.6|207.0|141.9|
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|Restructuring costs:              |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|Marine                            |       |       |       |       |     |  0.1|
|Terminals                         |       |       |       |       |     |  6.2|
|Load Handling                     |       |       |       |       |     |  2.1|
|Corporate administration and other|       |       |       |       |     |  2.1|
|Operating profit                  |   48.0|   54.4|   54.0|   50.6|207.0|131.4|
|                                  |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|Operating profit, %               |Q4/2011|Q3/2011|Q2/2011|Q1/2011| 2011| 2010|
|Marine                            |   15.1|   14.8|   14.8|   13.4| 14.5| 14.1|
|Terminals                         |    3.1|    6.2|    4.7|    5.8|  4.8|  3.5|
|Load Handling                     |    2.5|    1.9|    4.2|    2.0|  2.7|  0.8|
|Cargotec, operating profit        |       |       |       |       |     |     |
|excluding restructuring costs     |    5.8|    7.2|    6.8|    6.6|  6.6|  5.5|
|Cargotec                          |    5.8|    7.2|    6.8|    6.6|  6.6|  5.1|

For further information please contact:
Eeva Sipilä, Executive Vice President and CFO, tel. +358 20 777 4104
Paula Liimatta, Director, Investor Relations, tel. +358 20 777 4084

Cargotec improves the efficiency of cargo flows on land and at sea - wherever
cargo is on the move. Cargotec's daughter brands, Hiab, Kalmar and MacGregor are
recognised leaders in cargo and load handling solutions around the world.
Cargotec's global network is positioned close to customers and offers extensive
services that ensure the continuous, reliable and sustainable performance of
equipment. Cargotec's sales totalled EUR 3.1 billion in 2011 and it employs
approximately 11,000 people. Cargotec's class B shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki under symbol CGCBV. www.cargotec.com
