2007-06-26 16:26:55 CEST

2007-06-26 16:26:55 CEST


TietoEnator Oyj - Changes in company's own shares

Cancellation of own shares and stock options 2002 A/B

TietoEnator Corporation Stock Exchange announcement 26 june 2007 5.20
pm EET

TietoEnator's Board of Directors has decided to cancel 138,350 own
shares repurchased for the allocations in the three-year share based
incentive plan. The repurchases of these shares were based on the
programme decided by the Board of Directors on 26 April 2006.

The allocations in the share based incentive plan are dependent on
reaching financial performance targets set annually by the Board of
Directors. The allocation regarding the year 2006 was based on
TietoEnator Group's earnings per share (EPS) increasing 10 - 30%
compared with 2005. As the financial targets were not met, there was
no share allocation in 2007 and therefore the shares not needed for
the incentive plan will be cancelled.

TietoEnator's Board of  Directors has also  decided to cancel  77,000
stock options 2002  A/B held  by Tieto  Corporation Oy  as all  stock
options 2002 have vested  and there will  be no further  allocations.
After the cancellation the total number of stock options 2002 A/B  is
1,333,270 that entitle to subscribe for 1,333,270 TietoEnator shares.


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal Media