2008-12-01 08:00:06 CET

2008-12-01 08:00:21 CET


English Finnish
Larox Oyj - Company Announcement

Larox Corporation Company announcement 1.12.2008 at 9 am

Larox Corporation  Company announcement   1.12.2008  at 9 am                    

Listed shares based on Larox Corporation incentive system to the top management 

Based on Larox Corporation share issue to the top management in 2004, a total of
43.320 of the subscribed B-series shares, the restriction period of which ends 1
December 2008 will be released for trading together with other Larox Corporation
B-series shares on 1 December 2008.                                             

In the share issue to the top management a total of 108.300 B-series shares were
subscribed. These 43.320 shares released are the last ones to be released based 
on Larox Corporation share issue in 2004.                                       

Larox Corporation published the terms of the share issue of 2004 to the top     
management in stock exchange releases of 16 February 2004 and 17 March 2004.    

Lappeenranta 1 December 2008.                                                   

Larox Corporation                                        
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information please contact                                          
Mr Juha Parkkila, Corporate Legal Adviser                                       
Tel. +358 (0) 207 687 368                                                       
Fax. +358 (0) 207 687 277                                                       
Email: juha.parkkila@larox.com                                                  

DISTRIBUTION: Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd., Central media, www.larox.com            

Larox develops, designs and manufactures industrial filters and is a leading    
technology company in its field. Larox is a full service solution provider in   
filtration for separating solids from liquids. It supplies comprehensive        
aftermarket services throughout the lifespan of the Larox solution. Companies   
world-wide in mining and metallurgy, chemical processing and related industries 
benefit from the Larox technologies. Larox operates in over 40 countries and has
over 460 employees. Larox Group is headquartered in Lappeenranta, Finland, where
the Group also has production facilities. Net sales in 2007 totaled 158.3       
million euros, of which more than 95 % were generated by exports and            
the company's foreign operations.