2010-02-04 08:00:00 CET

2010-02-04 08:04:01 CET


Neste Oil - Financial Statement Release

Neste Oil's Financial statements for 2009

Stock Exchange Release

Neste Oil Corporation

4 February 2010 at 9.00 a.m. (EET)

- Full-year comparable operating profit of EUR 116 million (2008: 602 million)

- The year ended with a Q4 comparable operating profit of EUR -29 million,
including a  negative impact of EUR 30 million from non-recurring items

2009 in brief:

  * A new operational model was introduced, aimed to improve implementation of
    our strategic projects and to make the most of our best practises and
  * Comparable operating profit was EUR 116 million (2008: 602 million)
  * IFRS operating profit was EUR 335 million (2008: 186 million)
  * Investments totaled EUR 863 million (2008: 508 million), of which EUR 625
    million was allocated to Renewable Fuels
  * Sales volumes decreased by approx. 400,000 tons year-on-year, as a result of
    contango storage
  * Contango storage had a negative impact on net cash from operations, which
    came in at EUR 177 million (2008: 512 million)
  * Interest-bearing net debt increased to EUR 1,918 million (2008: 1,004
  * The Group's safety performance improved compared to 2008
  * The Board of Directors will propose a dividend of EUR 0.25 per share (2008:

Fourth quarter in brief:

  * Comparable operating profit of EUR -29 million (Q4/2008: 103 million),
    including the following non-recurring negative items:
    - EUR 10 million environmental provision (non-cash) booked against Nynas
    AB's result in Others
    - EUR 9 million one-off costs resulting from personnel reductions announced
    in October
    - EUR 3 million additional depreciation charge (non-cash) at Renewable Fuels
    - EUR 4 million additional depreciation charge (non-cash) booked at Oil
    Products related to the   Porvoo refinery's major turnaround in 2005
    - EUR 4 million IFRS pension cost adjustment (non-cash), booked in Others
  * IFRS operating profit of EUR 9 million (Q4/2008: -352 million)
  * Total refining margin of USD 5.85/bbl (Q4/2008: 15.05)
  * Significant contango storage was built up in anticipation for the
    maintenance turnaround at the Porvoo refinery
  * Contango storage depressed cash flow from operations by approximately EUR
    250 million, leading to a net cash from operations figure of EUR -225
    million (Q4/08: 486 million)

President & CEO Matti Lievonen:

The refining industry had a very difficult year in 2009, which was reflected
clearly in our result. A virtually unprecedented drop in oil demand, coupled
with increased new refining capacity, led to lower refining margins compared to
recent years. During these challenging times, I would like to thank our
personnel for their hard work and what we achieved during the year. We were able
to bring our fixed costs down by 10% and started many improvement projects that
will benefit us in the future.

2010 appears likely to be another challenging year due to the slow pace of
economic recovery. We will put a lot of focus on implementing our strategy and
will be aiming for a smooth ramp-up of the new renewable diesel plant in
Singapore during the second half. In addition, we will concentrate on ensuring a
problem-free maintenance turnaround at the Porvoo refinery during the second


10-12/2009 and 10-12/2008 unaudited, full year 2009 and 2008 audited

Figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding period for 2008, unless
otherwise stated.


EUR million (unless otherwise noted)                     10-12/09 10-12/08 7-9/09  2009   2008
 Revenue                                 2,491    2,805  2,500 9,636 15,043

 Operating profit before depreciation       74     -297    171   569    409

 Depreciation, amortization,

 and impairments                            65       55     58   234    223

 Operating profit                            9     -352    113   335    186

 Comparable operating profit *             -29      103     42   116    602

 Profit before income tax                    4     -382    102   296    129

 Earnings per share, EUR                 -0.01    -1.14   0.29  0.86   0.38

 Investments                               263      185    216   863    508

 Net cash from operating activities       -225      486    162   177    512

                                                           31 Dec 31 Dec

                                                             2009   2008
 Total equity                                               2,222  2,179

 Interest-bearing net debt                                  1,918  1,004

 Capital employed                                           4,257  3,237

 Return on capital employed pre-tax (ROCE), %                 9.0    6.1

 Return on average capital employed after tax (ROACE)**, %    2.5   13.1

 Return on equity (ROE), %                                   10.2    4.4

 Equity per share, EUR                                       8.64   8.48

 Cash flow per share, EUR                                    0.69   2.00

 Equity-to-assets ratio, %                                   39.1   46.3

 Leverage (Net debt to capital), %                           46.3   31.5

 Gearing, %                                                  86.3   46.1

* Comparable operating profit is calculated by excluding inventory gains/losses,
capital gains/losses, and unrealized changes in the fair value of oil and
freight derivative contracts from the reported operating profit. Inventory
gains/losses include changes in the fair value of all trading inventories.

** Rolling 12 months

The Group's full-year results for 2009

Sales at the Neste Oil Group totaled EUR 9,636 million, compared to EUR 15,043
million in 2008. The decline primarily resulted from lower petroleum product

The Group's comparable operating profit was EUR 116 million, compared to EUR
602 million in 2008. The most important negative contributor was the
significantly weaker market environment experienced in all segments,
particularly Oil Products. This was only partly offset by an 10% reduction in
fixed costs, which totaled EUR 604 million (679 million).

Oil Products' full-year comparable operating profit was EUR 105 million (602
million), Renewable Fuels' EUR -30 million (2 million), Oil Retail's EUR 50
million (22 million), and Others' -7 million (-29 million).

Profits from associated companies and joint ventures totaled EUR 20 million (13

Operating profit under IFRS was EUR 335 million (186 million). The increase
originated from inventory gains that totaled EUR 261 million and compares to an
inventory loss of EUR 453 million in 2008.

The full-year profit before taxes was EUR 296 million (129 million) and the
effective tax rate was 23.8% (21.8%).  Profit for 2009 was EUR 225 million (101
million) and earnings per share were EUR 0.86 (0.38)

Given the capital-intensive nature of its business, Neste Oil uses return on
average capital employed after tax (ROACE) as its primary financial target.
ROACE calculation is based on comparable results. At the end of December, the
rolling twelve-month ROACE was 2.5% (2008 financial year: 13.1%).

The Group's fourth-quarter results in 2009

Neste Oil's fourth-quarter sales totaled EUR 2,491 million (2,805 million),
reflecting lower sales volumes.

The Group's comparable operating profit was EUR -29 million in the fourth
quarter, compared to EUR 103 million a year earlier. The weak result was mainly
a consequence of a 61% drop in the total refining margin year-on-year and a
weaker freight market compared to 2008. Oil Retail's profitability improved
compared to the last quarter of 2008, which included significant inventory
losses. A reduction in fixed costs of 10% compared to the fourth quarter of
2008 made a positive contribution.

Oil Products' comparable operating profit was EUR -11 million (154 million) in
the fourth quarter, Renewable Fuels' EUR -10 million (-10 million), Oil Retail's
EUR 5 million (-5 million), and Others' EUR -11 million (-38 million).

Profits from associated companies and joint ventures totaled EUR -1 million (-26
million), and were depressed by a EUR 10 million provision at Nynas AB. Nynas
booked major inventory losses in the fourth quarter of 2008.

The Group's fourth-quarter 2009 IFRS operating profit was EUR 9 million (-352
million), as inventory profit totaled EUR 58 million, compared to an inventory
loss of EUR 467 million in 2008.

Pre-tax profit was EUR 4 million (-382 million). Profit for the period was EUR
1 million (-289 million) and earnings per share EUR -0.01 (-1.14).

                                             10-12/09 10-12/08 7-9/09 2009 2008
 COMPARABLE OPERATING PROFIT                      -29      103     42  116  602

 - inventory gains/losses                          58     -467     62  261 -453

 - changes in the fair value of open oil
 derivatives                                      -20       10      8  -43   24

 - capital gains/losses                             0        2      1    1   13

 OPERATING PROFIT                                   9     -352    113  335  186

Cash flow, investments, and financing

Neste Oil Group's net cash from operating activities between January and
December totaled EUR 177 million (512 million). The difference compared to 2008
resulted from an increase in working capital, largely due to the contango
storage of petroleum products. Approximately EUR 250 million was tied up in
contango storage at the end of the year.

Investments totaled EUR 863 million in 2009 compared to EUR 508 million in
2008. Oil Products' capital spending was EUR 198 million (165 million),
Renewable Fuels' EUR 625 million (249 million), Oil Retail's EUR 29 million (63
million), and Others' EUR 11 million (31 million).

The Group's interest-bearing net debt was EUR 1,918 million at the end of the
year (1,004 million). Net financial expenses between January and December were
EUR 39 million (57 million). The average interest rate of borrowings at the end
of 2009 was 2.2%, and the average maturity 3.8 years.

The year-end equity-to-assets ratio was 39.1% (46.3%), the leverage ratio 46.3%
(31.5%), and the gearing ratio 86.3% (46.1%).

The Group's liquidity remained healthy. Cash and cash equivalents and committed,
unutilized credit facilities amounted to EUR 1,407 million at the end of
December (1,536 million). In September, Neste Oil issued a EUR 300 million
seven-year domestic bond with an annual coupon of 6.00%, and raised a bilateral
bank loan of EUR 200 million in December. There are no financial covenants in
existing loan agreements.

In accordance with its hedging policy, Neste Oil has hedged the majority of its
net foreign currency exposure for the next 12 months, mainly using forward
contracts and currency options. The most important hedged currency is the US

Main events during the reporting period

On 5 February 2009, Neste Oil announced that its operations would be reorganized
around three business areas, Oil Products, Renewable Fuels, and Oil Retail, and
seven common functions as of 1 April 2009. The new Neste Executive Board (NEB)
was appointed.

On 28 April, Neste Oil announced that it would postpone its plans to investment
in an isomerization unit at the Porvoo refinery. The decision resulted from the
weaker demand for petroleum products, and enabled resources to be concentrated
on the company's strategic growth projects. The cost of the isomerization unit
was estimated to be approximately EUR 80 million. The engineering work for the
unit is largely complete, and the intention is to move ahead with construction
when the market situation improves.

On 11 June, Neste Oil and Stora Enso inaugurated their demonstration plant for
biomass to liquids (BtL) production utilizing forestry residues in Varkaus,
Finland. A 50/50 joint venture, NSE Biofuels Oy, has been established to develop
technology for commercial-scale biocrude and later to produce this product as a
feedstock for renewable diesel.

On 29 July, Neste Oil announced that it has successfully started up its second
NExBTL renewable diesel plant at the Porvoo refinery, bringing the company's
total nameplate capacity of renewable diesel to 340,000 t/a.

On 5 August, Neste Oil announced its intention to save over EUR 60 million in
annual fixed costs and to secure around EUR 30 million of this through
personnel-related measures. Statutory employer-employee negotiations and a
consultation process were started in Finland and it was anticipated that 450
people would be affected.

On 6 August, a fire broke out on the main diesel production line at the Porvoo
refinery. Fortunately, no injuries were caused to personnel and no danger to
anyone outside the immediate area. The line was back in normal operation in late

On 7 September, Neste Oil issued a EUR 300 million seven-year domestic bond with
an annual coupon of 6.00%. The proceeds of the offering were used for general
corporate and refinancing purposes.

On 29 September, Neste Oil hosted a Capital Markets Day in Porvoo and Helsinki.
The event covered topical issues, such as the profitability of the company's key
growth business, renewable fuels, and the company's cost structure and capital
investments. The main message of the event was that Neste Oil remains fully
committed to its clean traffic fuel strategy. It was announced that the
company's financial targets remain unchanged.

On 1 October, the Finnish Court of Arbitration issued an arbitration award on
the contract dispute between Neste Oil and YIT Industrial and Network Services
relating to disagreements linked to the final financial settlement of mechanical
installation work on diesel production line 4 at Neste Oil's Porvoo refinery,
which was completed and came on stream in summer 2007. The dispute was put
before the Court of Arbitration in April 2008. The final decision had no
material impact on Neste Oil's result.

On 13 October, Neste Oil completed the statutory employer-employee negotiations
covering Finnish-based personnel employed by the company and its subsidiaries,
which began on 5 August 2009. As a result of the negotiations, Neste Oil's
personnel in Finland will be reduced by a total of 351. Of these, around 240
people will leave the company through voluntary retirement. The last job losses
related to these reductions will take place during 2010.

On 7 December, Neste Oil announced that it will transfer the management of its
statutory occupational pensions and the associated pension portfolio to the
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company as of 1 April 2010. The statutory
pension liabilities that are currently the responsibility of the Neste Oil
Pension Fund and that will be transferred to Ilmarinen totaled approximately EUR
310 million as of the end of 2009. As a result of the transfer, a non-recurring
charge is expected to be booked against Neste Oil's consolidated IFRS financial
statements in the second quarter of 2010. The transfer is expected to have a
positive cash flow impact.

Strategy implementation

Neste Oil continued to implement its clean fuel strategy in 2009. The company's
current capital projects consist of new plants designed to increase production
of renewable diesel and high-quality base oil.

Strategic projects

Construction of two world-scale, 800,000 t/a, renewable diesel plants continued
in Singapore and Rotterdam. The plants are expected to be mechanically complete
in summer 2010 and spring 2011 respectively. Both projects proceeded on-schedule
and on-budget.

Two smaller renewable diesel plants are operational at the Porvoo refinery. The
second of these achieved mechanical completion in summer 2009 and started up
very successfully in a couple of weeks. The nameplate capacity of both Porvoo
plants has been increased to 190,000 t/a each from the original 170,000 t/a.

Construction of a 400,000 t/a base oil plant in Bahrain, jointly owned by Neste
Oil (45%) and local partners, has proceeded according to plan. The plant is
expected to be mechanically complete in the second half of 2011.

Market overview

After collapsing in the second half of 2008, crude oil prices increased steadily
in the first half of 2009 and continued to rise towards the end of the year,
despite some short-lived downturns. Brent Dated doubled from around USD 40/bbl
to nearly USD 80/bbl towards the end of the year. Prices were mainly driven by
news of a recovery in the global economy, strengthening stock and commodity
markets, and a weaker US dollar - although oil market fundamentals remained
weak.  Price differentials between heavier and lighter crudes were very narrow,
reflecting the reduced supply of heavier grades following OPEC production cuts.

Refining margins weakened significantly compared to 2008 on the back of poor
product demand, especially for middle distillates. As a consequence, refinery
runs declined to record low levels, especially in OECD countries. Gasoline
margins recovered from the low level seen in 2008 but fell again in the latter
half of 2009. Demand for gasoline was quite stable, but production was limited
due to low refinery runs. The margins for middle distillates continued to
decline and sank to their lowest level in five years during the summer. Demand
for middle distillates was hit by the economic recession, and stocks built up to
record-high levels despite low refinery runs. The European market nevertheless
attracted large import volumes from the US and Asia.

Fuel oil margins were stronger than in 2008, supported by demand in Asia and the
US and cuts in refinery output. In addition, due to reduced crude oil usage,
some refineries refined light products from fuel oil.

In the biofuel market, feedstock prices increased through the end of 2009, after
the low levels seen in spring. This led to lower margins for biofuel producers.
The price premium between high-quality renewable diesel and conventional
biodiesel remained stable.

In the oil retail market, demand dropped year-on-year in all market areas, and
this was most evident in trucking and other business-related traffic. Oil demand
decreased in Finland by around 7% in 2009, whereas Baltic Rim markets showed
declines of over 10% and even close to 20% in the case of gasoline in the last

Freight rates for crude tankers in North Sea were only half of those seen in
2008, impacted by the increased number of vessels available.

Key drivers

                            10-12/09 10-12/08 7-9/09  2009   2008 Jan 10 Jan 09

 Reference refining margin,
 USD/bbl                        1.73     8.66   2.20  3.14   9.93   2.81   6.62

 Neste Oil total refining
 margin, USD/bbl                5.85    15.05   5.97  7.35  13.39   n.a.   n.a.

 Urals-Brent price
 differential, USD/bbl         -0.68    -1.82  -0.46 -0.81  -2.95  -0.46  -1.11

 NWE Gasoline margin*,
 USD/bbl                        7.73     2.69  10.09  9.26   5.34   10.0   3.95

 NWE Diesel margin*,
 USD/bbl                       10.14    28.04   9.24 11.18  31.23   10.4  20.51

 NWE Heavy fuel oil
 margin*, USD/bbl              -6.41   -16.16  -5.95 -7.44 -25.16   -5.6  -9.27

 Brent Dated crude oil,
 USD/bbl                       74.56    54.87  68.27 61.51  96.98  76.19  43.59

 USD/EUR, market rate           1.48     1.32   1.43  1.39   1.47   1.43   1.32

 USD/EUR, hedged                1.33     1.45   1.40  1.41   1.42   n.a.   n.a.

 Crude freights, WS points
 (TD7)                            97      144     70    81    179    132    144

Production and sales

Neste Oil's total production in 2009 was 15.5 million tons (15.5 million), of
which 0.2 million tons (0.1 million) took the form of NExBTL renewable diesel. A
total of 15.1 million tons (15.2 million) of crude oil and other
hydrocarbon-based feedstocks were refined, 12.5 million tons (12.4 million) at
Porvoo and 2.6 million tons (2.8 million) at Naantali.

During the fourth quarter, the corresponding figure for total production was
4.1 million tons (4.0 million), with a NExBTL renewable diesel accounting for
0.1 million tons (0.0).  Neste Oil refined 3.3 million tons (3.3 million) at
Porvoo and 0.7 million tons (0.7 million) at Naantali, totaling 4.0 million tons
(4.0 million).

The Porvoo refinery operated at an average capacity utilization rate of 87%
(82%) in 2009, while Naantali reached 87% (92%). Utilization at the Porvoo
refinery was negatively affected in August and September by a fire on Line 4.
Excluding the latter incident, the line's performance improved compared to
2008, which was the main reason behind Porvoo's higher utilization rate. At
Naantali, capacity utilization was negatively affected by unplanned maintenance
shutdowns during the first half of the year. During the fourth quarter, both
refineries operated well, with capacity utilization at Porvoo running at 92%
(89%) and at Naantali at 89% (91%).

The proportion of Russian Export Blend (REB) in Neste Oil's total refinery input
rose to 63% (57%) for the year as a whole and 67% during the fourth quarter

Refinery production costs decreased to USD 4.4/bbl (5.9) for the year as a
whole. In the fourth quarter, the figure was USD 4.3/bbl (6.3).

The proportion of diesel fuel in Neste Oil's sales remained close to 40% in
2009, while the proportion of gasoline and heavy fuel oil increased. Less
favorable arbitrage economics resulted to a shift of gasoline exports from the
US to other markets.

During the fourth quarter, a total of 400,000 tons of gasoline and middle
distillates were stored in preparation for the Porvoo refinery's scheduled
maintenance shutdown during the second quarter of 2010. As of the end of 2009,
Neste Oil's contango storage stood at around 570,000 tons, which is scheduled to
be sold during the second quarter of 2010.

Neste Oil's sales from in-house production, by product category (1,000 t)

                     10-12/09   % 10-12/08   % 7-9/09   %   2009   %   2008   %

 Motor gasoline           837  24    1,052  28  1,146  33  4,218  30  4,056  28

 Gasoline components       51   1       33   1     62   2    270   2    253   2

 Diesel fuel            1,449  41    1,585  42  1,292  37  5,228  37  5,583  38

 Jet fuel                 191   5      154   4    136   4    613   4    658   5

 Base oils                 62   2       58   2     66   2    257   2    278   2

 Heating oil              178   5      245   7     99   3    631   4    763   5

 Heavy fuel oil           291   8      220   6    308   9  1,300   9    981   7

 LPG                       51   1       70   2     27   1    220   2    340   2

 NExBTL renewable
 diesel                    66   2       19   1     68   2    209   1     94   1

 Other products           382  11      318   8    318   9  1,233   9  1,565  11
 TOTAL                  3,559 100    3,755 100  3,522 100 14,178 100 14,571 100

Neste Oil's sales from in-house production, by market area (1,000 t)

                     10-12/09   % 10-12/08   % 7-9/09   %   2009   %   2008   %

 Finland                2,034  57    1,942  52  1,831  52  7,580  53  7,537  52

 Other Nordic
 countries                581  16      607  16    580  16  2,210  16  2,056  14

 Other Europe             629  18      734  19    692  20  2,488  18  3,028  20

 USA & Canada             229   6      467  12    357  10  1,686  12  1,857  13

 Other countries           86   2        3   0     62   2    214   2     94   1
 TOTAL                  3,559 100    3,754 100  3,522 100 14,178 100 14,571 100


As of April 2009, Neste Oil's businesses were grouped into four reporting
segments: Oil Products, Renewable Fuels, Oil Retail, and Others.

Oil Products

                                   10-12/09 10-12/08 7-9/09  2009   2008

 Revenue, MEUR                        1,987    2,221  1,971 7,631 12,641

 Comparable operating profit, MEUR      -11      154     15   105    602

 Operating profit, MEUR                  27     -301     80   318    183

 Total refining margin, USD/bbl        5.85    15.05   5.97  7.35  13.39

Oil Products posted a significantly lower comparable operating profit of EUR
105 million in 2009 compared to EUR 602 million in 2008. This decrease is mainly
attributable to a major drop in total refining margin, which averaged USD
7.35/bbl (13.39) during the year. The negative impact of market conditions and
lower sales volumes was only partly offset by better productivity, contango and
trading benefits, and cost reductions. The base oil business suffered from
significantly lower demand, and the oil tanker chartering business from very low
freight rates. Gasoline components performed better year-on-year, thanks to a
better overall gasoline market.

In the fourth quarter, Oil Products' comparable operating profit sank to EUR -11
million compared to EUR 154 million in the same quarter of 2008. Refining
operations continued to be profitable despite the considerably weaker market
environment, which was reflected in a drop in total refining margin to EUR
5.85/bbl from USD 15.05/bbl in 2008. The profitability of the other businesses
in Oil Products' portfolio declined compared to Q4/2008, due to low freight
rates in oil tanker chartering, high feedstock price in gasoline components, and
lower demand year-on-year in base oils. Oil Products booked additional
depreciation of EUR 4 million related to the Porvoo refinery's major turnaround
in 2005.

Oil Products' comparable return on net assets was 4.0% (21.2%) in 2009.

Renewable Fuels

                                   10-12/09 10-12/08 7-9/09 2009 2008

 Revenue, MEUR                           61       20     59  182  116

 Comparable operating profit, MEUR      -10      -10     -6  -30    2

 Operating profit, MEUR                 -11       -9     -1  -25    2

Renewable Fuels' comparable operating profit was EUR -30 million in 2009,
compared to EUR 2 million in 2008. This was the result of lower margins, partly
because of a favorable fixed feedstock price in 2008, and costs related to the
expansion of business and Research & Technology.

In the fourth quarter, Renewable Fuels posted a comparable operating profit of
EUR -10 million (-10 million). This includes a EUR 3 million additional
depreciation. Renewable diesel margins were lower in 2009, due to higher
feedstock prices, although this was offset by higher sales volumes after the
second plant at Porvoo came online during the second half.

Renewable Fuels' comparable return on net assets was -4.8% in 2009 (0.9%).

Oil Retail

Key figures

                                    10-12/09 10-12/08 7-9/09  2009  2008

 Revenue, MEUR                           791      915    789 2,998 4,073

 Comparable operating profit, MEUR         5       -5     19    50    22

 Operating profit, MEUR                    6       -6     19    50    25

 Total sales volume*, 1,000 m3         1,030    1,142    986 4,002 4,353

 - gasoline station sales, 1,000 m3      333      376    374 1,405 1,479

 - diesel station sales, 1,000 m3        345      355    340 1,331 1,406

 - heating oil, 1,000 m3                 200      219    156   714   759

 - heavy fuel oil, 1,000 m3               78      105     57   287   356

* includes both station and terminal sales

Oil Retail's comparable operating profit totaled EUR 50 million in 2009,
compared to EUR 22 million in 2008. The Comparable operating profit for 2008
included a EUR 15 million write-down on bad debts and EUR 10 million in
inventory losses. Volumes were lower in 2009 and there was substantial pressure
on margins. A reduction in fixed costs year-on-year provided a positive

In the fourth quarter of 2009, volumes and margins were weak in the Baltic
countries and North-West Russia, and Oil Retail's comparable operating profit
came in at EUR 5 million (-5 million). The last quarter of 2008 was depressed by
significant inventory losses.

Oil Retail's comparable return on net assets was 15.8% (6.0%) in 2009.

Shares, share trading, and ownership

Neste Oil's shares are traded on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. The share price
closed 2009 at EUR 12.42, which is 17% higher compared to the end of 2008. At
its highest during 2009, the share price reached EUR 13.44, while at its lowest
the price stood at EUR 8.80, with the weighted average for the year coming in at
EUR 10.85. Market capitalization was EUR 3.2 billion as of 31 December 2009.

An average total of 1.1 million shares were traded daily. This represents 0.4%
of the Company's shares. An average of 22.4 million shares was traded monthly.
During the year as a whole, 269 million shares, or 105% of the total number of
shares, were traded.

Neste Oil's share capital registered with the Company Register as of 31 December
2009 totaled EUR 40 million, and the total number of shares outstanding is
256,403,686. The company does not hold any of its own shares, and the Board of
Directors has no authorization to buy back company shares or to issue
convertible bonds, share options, or new shares.

As of the end of 2009, the Finnish State owned 50.1% (50.1%) of outstanding
shares, foreign institutions 17.1% (20.6%), Finnish institutions 18.9% (19.5%),
and Finnish households 14.0% (9.8%).

Annual General Meeting

Neste Oil's Annual General Meeting 2009 was held on 3 April at the Helsinki Fair
Centre. The AGM adopted the company's financial statements and consolidated
financial statements for 2008 and discharged the Supervisory Board, Board of
Directors, and management from liability for 2008. The AGM also approved the
Board of Directors' proposal regarding the distribution of the company's profit
for 2008, sanctioning payment of a dividend of EUR 0.80 per share. Payment was
made on Friday, 17 April 2009.

In accordance with a proposal made by the AGM Nomination Committee, the AGM
confirmed the membership of the Board of Directors at eight members, and the
following were re-elected to serve until the end of the next AGM: Mr. Timo
Peltola, Mr. Mikael von Frenckell, Mr. Michiel Boersma, Ms. Ainomaija Haarla,
Ms. Nina Linander, Mr. Markku Tapio and Ms. Maarit Toivanen-Koivisto. Mr. Hannu
Ryöppönen was elected as a new member. Mr. Timo Peltola continued as Chairman
and Mr. Mikael von Frenckell as Vice Chairman. The AGM decided to pay the
following remuneration to the Board: Chairman EUR 66,000 a year, Vice
Chairman EUR 49,200 a year, and members EUR 35,400 a year. In addition, those
participating at Board meetings and meetings convened by the Board's committees
will receive a payment of EUR 600 per meeting, together with their traveling
costs, in accordance with the company's travel policy. A payment of double this,
EUR 1,200 per meeting, will be made to Board members living outside Finland.

Convening after the Annual General Meeting, Neste Oil's Board of Directors
elected the members of its two Committees. Timo Peltola was elected Chairman and
Michiel Boersma, Mikael von Frenckell, and Ainomaija Haarla as members of the
Personnel and Remuneration Committee. Nina Linander was elected Chairman and
Hannu Ryöppönen, Markku Tapio, and Maarit Toivanen-Koivisto as members of the
Audit Committee.

The AGM confirmed that the Supervisory Board shall comprise eight members and
the following members were elected: Ms. Heidi Hautala (Chairman), Mr. Kimmo
Tiilikainen (Vice Chairman), Mr. Esko Ahonen, Mr. Mikael Forss, Mr. Timo
Heinonen, Mr. Markus Mustajärvi, Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, and Ms. Anne-Mari
Virolainen. Mr. Kimmo Tiilikainen was elected for the first time. Members are
all Finnish Members of Parliament, with the exception of Mr. Mikael Forss, who
is a Director at the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. No changes were
made to the remuneration paid to the Supervisory Board, which remains as
follows: Chairman EUR 1,000 a month, Vice Chairman EUR 600 a month, and
members EUR 500 a month. In addition, those participating at Supervisory Board
meetings receive a payment of EUR 200 per meeting.

In accordance with a proposal by the Board of Directors, Ernst & Young Oy,
Authorized Public Accountants, were appointed as the company's Auditor, with
Authorized Public Accountant Anna-Maija Simola as Responsible Auditor, until the
end of the next AGM. Payment for their services shall be made in accordance with
their invoice that is accepted by the company.

Following a proposal by the Prime Minister's Office, representing the Finnish
State, the AGM decided to establish a Nominations Committee to prepare proposals
covering the members of the Board of Directors and their remuneration for
consideration by the next AGM. The Nomination Committee comprises
representatives of the Company's three largest shareholders and shall also
include, as expert members, the Chairman of the Board, together with one member
elected by the Board from among its members unaffiliated with any of the
Company's major shareholders. In 2009, the Nomination Committee comprised
Director General Pekka Timonen from the Ownership Steering Department at the
Prime Minister's Office; Timo Ritakallio, Deputy CEO, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension
Insurance Company; and Risto Murto, Chief Investment Officer, Varma Mutual
Pension Insurance Company. The Chairman of Neste Oil's Board of Directors Timo
Peltola and Vice Chairman Mikael von Frenckell served as the Committee's expert

Organizational restructuring

Neste Oil's operations were reorganized around three business areas and seven
common functions as of 1 April 2009. The new structure is designed to give the
company a more cost-efficient and customer-driven operating model, and one that
will be better capable of implementing corporate strategy. The new matrix
organization will ensure that the best practices and know-how of business areas
and functions will benefit the entire company, and that new international units,
such as the renewable diesel plants currently being built, can be integrated
into the Group's operations more effectively and that reporting will be more

The business areas are as follows: Oil Products, Renewable Fuels, and Oil
Retail. Activities outside these business areas are grouped under Others. The
common functions are: Production & Logistics, Finance, Human Resources,
Sustainability & HSSE, Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs, Technology& Strategy, and Legal Affairs.

As of 1 April, the Neste Executive Board (NEB) comprises the following members:
Matti Lievonen, President & CEO; Matti Lehmus, Executive Vice President, Oil
Products; Jarmo Honkamaa, Executive Vice President, Renewable Fuels, Deputy CEO;
Sakari Toivola, Executive Vice President, Oil Retail; Ilkka Poranen, Senior Vice
President, Production & Logistics; Ilkka Salonen, CFO; Hannele Jakosuo-Jansson,
Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Simo Honkanen, Senior Vice President,
Sustainability and HSSE; Osmo Kammonen, Senior Vice President, Communications,
Marketing and Public Affairs; and Lars Peter Lindfors, Senior Vice President,
Technology and Strategy. Matti Hautakangas, General Counsel, acts as secretary
to the NEB.


Neste Oil employed an average of 5,286 (5,174) employees in 2009, of which
1,333 are based outside Finland. As of the end of December, the company had
5,092 employees (5,262), of which 1,424 are located outside Finland. Wages and
salaries paid by the company totaled EUR 233 million in 2009 (251 million).

Health, safety, and the environment

The main indicator for safety performance used by Neste Oil - total recordable
injury frequency (TRIF, number of cases per million hours worked) for all work
done for the company, combining the company's own personnel and contractors -
stood at 3.1 (5.2) at the end of 2009. The target for 2009 was below 4.  Lost
workday injury frequency (LWIF) stood at 2.2. The target for 2009 was below 2.
LWIF in 2008 was 3.2. Safety performance during 2009 was the best in the
company's history.

No serious environmental accidents resulting in liability occurred at Neste
Oil's refineries or other production facilities in 2009. The environmental
emissions of Neste Oil's operations remained low throughout the year, with the
exception of short-term sulfur dioxide emissions in July, resulting from flaring
due to technical and operational problems. Permitted emission limit values were
not exceeded. The wastewater treatment plants at the refineries operated very
well. The oil content of waterborne emissions was 0.07 g/ton of crude oil
processed. This is less than 2.2% of the 3 g/ton maximum emission recommendation
by the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission.

Neste Oil has successfully fulfilled all the requirements related to carbon
dioxide emissions in 2009. The verification of emissions for 2009 is scheduled,
and the company is able to report and surrender allowances equal to its total
emissions in 2009. The company has received emission rights for 3.6 million tons
of CO2 emissions a year between 2008 and 2012, and will need to acquire rights
from the market to cover expected future emissions.

The REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) regulation
came into force in the EU on 1 June 2007. Neste Oil has contributed to joint
work carried out under the framework of the European oil companies'
organization, Concawe, and the company's project for meeting REACH requirements
has progressed according to plan.

Neste Oil retained its position in or was selected for inclusion in a number of
sustainability indexes during 2009. It was included in the Dow Jones
Sustainability World Index for the third year in a row. Neste Oil has been
awarded 'Best in Class' recognition for its social accountability by the
Norwegian banking group, Storebrand, and has been included in Innovest's Global
100 list of the world's most sustainable companies three times, and featured in
the Ethibel Pioneer Investment Register.

Research and development

Research and development focusing on both crude oil-based and renewable traffic
fuels is crucial in implementing Neste Oil's strategy. Neste Oil's R&D
expenditure totaled EUR 37 million in 2009 (37 million). The company's main R&D
projects were related to extending the raw material and technological base for
renewable fuels.

Events after the reporting period

On 12 January 2010, Neste Oil decided to transfer the management of its
supplementary pension benefits and the associated pension portfolio of its
Finnish companies to OP Life Assurance Company Ltd. The move is expected to take
place on 1 April 2010. A non-recurring charge is expected to be booked against
Neste Oil's consolidated IFRS financial statements in the second quarter of
2010. The transfer is expected to have a positive cash flow impact.

On 1 February 2010, Neste Oil announced that it is to receive a total of EUR
47.5 million in compensation for damage and lost production volumes following a
fire on Line 4 at the Porvoo refinery on 4 April 2008. The compensation will be
booked against the company's first-quarter 2010 result.

Potential short-term and long-term risks

The oil market has been and is expected to continue to be very volatile. Oil
refiners are exposed to a variety of political and economic trends and events,
as well as natural phenomena that affect the short- and long-term supply of and
demand for the products that they produce and sell.

The largest uncertainty over the short term continues to be the pace of the
anticipated recovery of the world economy, which is likely to have a material
impact on the demand for petroleum products generally and diesel fuel in

Sudden and unplanned outages at Neste Oil's production units or facilities
continue to represent a short-term operational risk.

Rapid and large changes in feedstock and product prices may lead to significant
inventory gains or losses, or change in working capital. These may have a
material impact on the company's IFRS operating profit and net cash from

Over the longer term, access to funding and rising capital costs, as well as
challenges in procuring and developing new competitive and reasonably priced raw
materials, may impact the company's growth plans.

The implementation of biofuel legislation in the EU and other key market areas
may influence the speed at which the demand for these fuels develops. Risks
include also any problems or delays in completing the NExBTL renewable diesel
investments or failure to capture the anticipated benefits from these
investments. In the longer term, failure to protect its proprietary technology
or introduction and implementation of competing renewable fuel technologies or
hybrid and electric engines may have a negative impact on the company's results.

The key market drivers for Neste Oil's financial performance are international
refining margins, the price differential between Russian Export Blend (REB) and
Brent crude, and the USD/EUR exchange rate.

For more detailed information on Neste Oil's risks and risk management, please
refer to the company's Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2009.


The market environment is likely to remain challenging in 2010. It is still too
early to say whether the global economy has returned to sustainable growth even
if there are some positive signs. Oil demand forecasts for 2010 indicate growth,
primarily in non-OECD countries, after the historical collapse seen in 2009, but
demand will be largely dictated by general economic developments.

Refining margins are expected to increase only gradually, due to the slow
recovery of demand and the new capacity set to come on stream in 2010, as well
as high petroleum product inventories. It is likely that refinery utilization
rates will be limited globally and that more capacity will be closed either
temporarily or for good.

Diesel and middle distillate margins have strengthened somewhat during January
2010, resulting from the cold weather and normal seasonal demand. Margins are
not expected to increase significantly before inventories, both onshore and
floating, which are running at high levels, have been drawn down. This is
expected to take at least six months, depending on how demand develops. Gasoline
inventories are close to normal levels, and there is a possibility of positive
seasonal impact to gasoline margins ahead of the driving season.

A major planned six-week turnaround will be carried out at Neste Oil's Porvoo
refinery starting at the beginning of April. During this, Neste Oil will sell
stored products, which totaled appr. 600,000 tons (over 4 million barrels) at
the end of 2009. This will have a positive impact on the operational cash flow
in the second quarter.

The Renewable Fuels business is anticipated to report negative results until
sales volumes increase significantly, which is expected during the last months
of 2010 when the new plant in Singapore is scheduled to come on stream.

No significant recovery of demand is expected on oil retail markets, either in
Finland or elsewhere. Increased economic activity would have a positive impact
on diesel demand in trucking and other transport use. Neste Oil will continue to
offset the impact of a weak market by increasing its internal efficiency.

A non-recurring insurance compensation of EUR 47.5 million will be booked in the
first quarter operating profit.

A non-recurring charge is expected to be booked in the second quarter 2010
operating profit relating to transfer of the Neste Oil Pension Fund outside the
company. The cash flow impact of these transfers in the second quarter will be

The Group's fixed costs are estimated to be on a similar level to those in 2009.

The Group's cash investments are expected to be around EUR 920 million (870
million), of which strategic investments will account for 580 million (670
million), maintenance investments 310 million (160 million), and productivity
investments 30 million (40 million).

Dividend distribution proposal and the AGM

The Board of Directors' dividend proposal to the Annual General Meeting is EUR
0.25 per share for 2009, totaling EUR 64 million.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 15 April 2009 at 11:00 a.m. EET at
the Helsinki Fair Centre.

Reporting date for the first-quarter 2010 results

Neste Oil will publish its first-quarter results for 2010 on 29 April 2010 at
approximately 9:00 a.m. EET.

Espoo, 3 February 2010

Neste Oil Corporation

Board of Directors

Further information:

Matti Lievonen, President & CEO, tel. +358 10 458 11

Ilkka Salonen, CFO, tel. +358 10 458 4490

Investor Relations, tel. +358 10 458 5132

News conference and conference call

A press conference in Finnish on the fourth quarter and full-year results will
be held today, 4 February 2010, at 11:30 am EET at the company's headquarters,
Keilaranta 21, Espoo. www.nesteoil.com <http://www.nesteoil.com/> will feature
English versions of the presentation materials. A conference call in English for
investors and analysts will be held on 4 February 2010 at 3:00 pm Finland /
1:00 pm London / 8:00 am New York. The call-in numbers are as follows: Europe:
+44 (0)20 3023 4426, US: +1 866 966 5335. The conference call can be followed at
f0da8265&portal_id=87cf8ed9b77cfb128c775d5a0751c499. An instant replay of the
call will be available for one week at +44 (0)20 8196 1998 for Europe and +1
866 583 1035 for the US, using access code 725434#.

The preceding information contains, or may be deemed to contain,"forward-looking statements". These statements relate to future events or our
future financial performance, including, but not limited to, strategic plans,
potential growth, planned operational changes, expected capital expenditures,
future cash sources and requirements, liquidity and cost savings that involve
known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause Neste
Oil Corporation's or its businesses' actual results, levels of activity,
performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or
implied by any forward-looking statements.  In some cases, such forward-looking
statements can be identified by terminology such as "may,"  "will,""could,""would,""should,""expect,""plan,""anticipate,""intend,""believe,""estimate,""predict,""potential," or "continue," or the negative of those
terms or other comparable terminology. By their nature, forward-looking
statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and
depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Future results
may vary from the results expressed in, or implied by, the forward-looking
statements, possibly to a material degree. All forward-looking statements made
in this report are based on information presently available to management and
Neste Oil Corporation assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking
statements. Nothing in this report constitutes investment advice and this report
shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any
securities or otherwise to engage in any investment activity.



 10-12/2009 and 10-12/2008
 unaudited, full year 2009 and
 2008 audited




                                      10-12/2009 10-12/2008 1-12/2009 1-12/2008

 Revenue                    3              2 491      2 805     9 636    15 043

 Other income                                  6          7        29        44

 Share of profit (loss)
 of associates and joint

 ventures                   3                 -1        -26        20        13

 Materials and
 services                                 -2 180     -2 789    -8 167   -13 657

 Employee benefit
 costs                                       -80        -84      -301      -315

 amortization and
 impairments                3                -65        -55      -234      -223

 Other expenses                             -162       -210      -648      -719

 Operating profit                              9       -352       335       186

 Financial income and

 Financial income                              4          2        10         8

 expenses                                     -8        -28       -44       -70

 Exchange rate and fair value
 gains and

 losses                                       -1         -4        -5         5

 Total financial income and
 expenses                                     -5        -30       -39       -57

 Profit before income taxes                    4       -382       296       129

 Income tax
 expense                                      -3         93       -71       -28

 Profit for the
 period                                        1       -289       225       101

 attributable to:

 Owners of the parent                         -1       -290       221        97

 Minority interest                             2          1         4         4

                                               1       -289       225       101

 Earnings per share from

 attributable to the

 of the parent basic and

 diluted (in euro per
 share)                                    -0,01      -1,14      0,86      0,38



                                      10-12/2009 10-12/2008 1-12/2009 1-12/2008

 Profit for the
 period                                        1       -289       225       101

 income for the

 net of tax:

 differences and
 other changes                                 3        -34         9       -44

 Cash flow hedges

 recorded in
 equity                                       -2        -22         3       -23

 transferred to
 income statement                            -11         21        15       -25

 Net investment
 hedges                                        0          0         0         0

 Hedging reserves in
 associates and joint
 ventures                                      0          0        -2        -1

 Other comprehensive
 income for the period,
 net of tax                                  -10        -35        25       -93

 income for the
 period                                       -9       -324       250         8

 attributable to:

 Owners of the
 parent                                      -11       -325       246         4

 Minority interest                             2          1         4         4

                                              -9       -324       250         8


                                                                  31 Dec 31 Dec

 MEUR                    Note                                       2009   2008


 Non-current assets

 Intangible assets          4                                         48     51

 Property, plant and
 equipment                  4                                      3 235  2 675

 Investments in
 associates and joint

 ventures                                                            216    152

 Non-current receivables                                               3     13

 Pension assets                                                      111    105

 Deferred tax assets                                                  11     16

 Derivative financial
 instruments                5                                          3     16

 financial assets                                                      1      1

 Total non-current
 assets                                                            3 628  3 029

 Current assets

 Inventories                                                       1 148    637

 Trade and other
 receivables                                                         757    786

 Derivative financial
 instruments                5                                         50    213

 Cash and cash
 equivalents                                                         117     55

 Total current
 assets                                                            2 072  1 691

 Total assets                                                      5 700  4 720


 Capital and reserves
 attributable to the owners

 of the parent

 Share capital                                                        40     40

 Other equity               2                                      2 170  2 131

 Total                                                             2 210  2 171

 Minority interest                                                    12      8

 Total equity                                                      2 222  2 179



 liabilities                                                       1 590    926

 Deferred tax
 liabilities                                                         328    297

 Provisions                                                           22     24

 Pension liabilities                                                  10     12

 Derivative financial
 instruments                5                                         15     32

 Other non-current
 liabilities                                                           0      3

 Total non-current
 liabilities                                                       1 965  1 294

 Current liabilities

 liabilities                                                         445    133

 Current tax
 liabilities                                                           5      1

 Derivative financial
 instruments                5                                         83    197

 Trade and other
 payables                                                            980    916

 Total current
 liabilities                                                       1 513  1 247

 Total liabilities                                                 3 478  2 541

 Total equity and
 liabilities                                                       5 700  4 720


                              Attributable to equity holders of the

                        Share Reserve     Fair Translation    Re-    Mi-  Total

                          ca-    fund    value      diffe- tained nority equity

                        pital              and      rences   ear-  inte-

                                         other              nings   rest

 MEUR                                 reserves

 Total equity at 1
 January 2008              40      10       42         -11   2342      4  2 427

 Dividend paid                                               -256          -256

 compensation                                                   0             0

 Transfer from
 retained earnings                                                            0

 Total comprehensive

 for the period                            -49         -43     96      4      8

 Total equity at 31

 2008                      40      10       -7         -54   2182      8   2179

                        Share Reserve     Fair Translation    Re-    Mi-  Total

                          ca-    fund    value      diffe- tained nority equity

                        pital              and      rences   ear-  inte-

                                         other              nings   rest

 MEUR                                 reserves

 Total equity at 1
 January 2009              40      10       -7         -54   2182      8  2 179

 Dividend paid                                               -205          -205

 compensation                                                  -2            -2

 Transfer from
 retained earnings                  1                          -1             0

 Total comprehensive

 for the period                             16           9    221      4    250

 Total equity at 31

 2009                      40      11        9         -45  2 195     12  2 222


 MEUR                            10-12/2009 10-12/2008    1-12/2009   1-12/2008

 Cash flow from operating

 Profit before taxes                      4       -382          296         129

 Adjustments, total                      81         93          268         249

 Change in working
 capital                               -345        836         -450         248

 Cash generated from
 operations                            -260        547          114         626

 Finance cost, net                       29          6           20         -29

 Income taxes paid                        6        -67           43         -85

 Net cash generated from
 operating activities                  -225        486          177         512

 Capital expenditures                  -248       -184         -816        -497

 Acquisition of
 subsidiary                               -          -            -         -10

 Acquisition of
 associates and joint
 ventures                               -15         -1          -47          -1

 Proceeds from sales of
 fixed assets                             1          5            7           9

 Proceeds from sales of
 shares                                   0          2            0          12

 Change in other
 investments                            -16        -12          -29          -8

 Cash flow before
 financing activities                  -503        296         -708          17

 Net change in loans and
 other financing

 activities                             551       -346          975         244

 Dividends paid to the

 of the parent                            0          0         -205        -256

 Net increase
 (+)/decrease (-) in cash                48        -50           62           5

 and cash equivalents


                                                             31 Dec      31 Dec

                                                               2009        2008

 Capital employed, MEUR                                        4257        3237

 Interest-bearing net
 debt, MEUR                                                    1918        1004

 Capital expenditure and
 investments in shares,
 MEUR                                                           863         508

 Return on average capital
 employed, after tax, ROACE
 %                                                              2,5        13,1

 Return on capital
 employed, pre-tax, ROCE
 %                                                              9,0         6,1

 Return on  equity, %                                          10,2         4,4

 Equity per share, EUR                                         8,64        8,48

 Cash flow per share, EUR                                      0,69        2,00

 ratio (P/E)                                                  14,42       28,03

 Equity-to-assets ratio,
 %                                                             39,1        46,3

 Gearing, %                                                    86,3        46,1

 Leverage ratio, %                                             46,3        31,5

 Dividend per
 share 1)                                                      0,25        0,80

 Dividend payout
 ratio, % 1)                                                   29,0       211,9

 Dividend yield, %
 1)                                                             2,0         7,6

 Average number of shares                                 255903960   255903686

 Number of shares at the
 end of the period                                        255913686   255903686

 Average number of
 personnel                                                     5286        5174

 1) Board of Directors
 proposal to the Annual
 General Meeting



 The report on Annual Financial Statements has been prepared in accordance with
 IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by EU. The accounting policies
 adopted are consistent with those of the Group's annual financial statements
 for the year ended 31 December 2008 with the changes described below.

 The Group applies the following
 interpretations or amendments
 as of 1 January 2009:

 - IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Revised. This revised standard
 separates changes in equity of an entity arising from transactions with owners
 from other changes in equity

 - Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. This amendment
 enhance disclosures about fair value measurement and liquidity risk.

 - IAS 23 Borrowing Costs - Revised. The Group has revised the accounting
 principle for capitalizing borrowing costs in accordance with the revised
 standard. The revised accounting principle had no effect to the reported

 The following interpretations are mandatory for the financial year
 ending 31 December 2009, but not relevant for the Group:

 - IFRIC 13
 Customer Loyalty

 - Annual
 improvements 2008

 - Amendments to IFRS 2
 Share-Based Payment: Vesting
 Conditions and Cancellations

 - Amendments to IAS 32 Financial instruments: Presentation and IAS 1
 Presentation of Financial Statements - Financial Instruments Puttable at Fair
 Value and Obligations Arising on Liquidation

 - Amendments to IFRIC 9 Remeasurement of Embedded Derivatives and IAS 39
 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurements - Embedded derivatives


 In 2007 Neste Oil entered into an agreement with a third party service
 provider concerning the administration of the share-based management share
 performance arrangement for key management personnel. As part of the
 agreement, the service provider purchased a total of 500,000 Neste Oil shares
 in February 2007 in order to hedge part of Neste Oil's cash flow risk in
 relation to the possible future payment of the rewards, which will take place
 partly in Neste Oil shares and partly in cash during 2013. Despite the legal
 form of the hedging arrangement, it has been accounted for as if the share
 purchases had been conducted directly by Neste Oil, as required by IFRS 2,
 Share based payments and SIC-12, Consolidation - Special purpose entities.

 The consolidated balance sheet and the consolidated changes in total equity
 reflect the substance of the arrangement with a deduction amounting to EUR 12
 million in equity. This amount represents the consideration paid for the
 shares by the third party service provider. In December 2009 Neste Oil decided
 to assign 10,000 shares held by the third party service provider. At the date
 of the transfer, the value of the shares was 119 thousand euros. As at 31
 December 2009 there were 490,000 shares accounted for as treasury shares.


 Neste Oil's operations are grouped into four segments:
 Oil Products, Renewable Fuels, Oil Retail and Others.

 Group administration, shared service functions as well as Research and
 Technology, Neste Jacobs and Nynas AB are included in the Others segment.


 MEUR                         10-12/2009     10-12/2008 1-12/2009     1-12/2008

 Oil Products                       1987           2221      7631         12641

 Renewable Fuels                      61             20       182           116

 Oil Retail                          791            915      2998          4073

 Others                               44             43       164           143

 Eliminations                       -392           -394     -1339         -1930

 Total                              2491           2805      9636         15043


 MEUR                         10-12/2009     10-12/2008 1-12/2009     1-12/2008

 Oil Products                         27           -301       318           183

 Renewable Fuels                     -11             -9       -25             2

 Oil Retail                            6             -6        50            25

 Others                              -11            -38        -6           -29

 Eliminations                         -2              2        -2             5

 Total                                 9           -352       335           186


 MEUR                         10-12/2009     10-12/2008 1-12/2009     1-12/2008

 Oil Products                        -11            154       105           602

 Renewable Fuels                     -10            -10       -30             2

 Oil Retail                            5             -5        50            22

 Others                              -11            -38        -7           -29

 Eliminations                         -2              2        -2             5

 Total                               -29            103       116           602


 MEUR                         10-12/2009     10-12/2008 1-12/2009     1-12/2008

 Oil Products                         48             44       178           175

 Renewable Fuels                       6              2        14             7

 Oil Retail                            8              6        31            31

 Others                                3              3        11            10

 Total                                65             55       234           223


 MEUR                         10-12/2009     10-12/2008 1-12/2009     1-12/2008

 Oil Products                         59             47       198           165

 Renewable Fuels                     191            108       625           249

 Oil Retail                           10             22        29            63

 Others                                3              8        11            31

 Total                               263            185       863           508

 TOTAL ASSETS                                              31 Dec        31 Dec

 MEUR                                                        2009          2008

 Oil Products                                                3750          3352

 Renewable Fuels                                             1080           450

 Oil Retail                                                   545           568

 Others                                                       281           265

 assets                                                       234           240

 Eliminations                                                -190          -155

 Total                                                       5700          4720

 NET ASSETS                                                  31 Dec 31 Dec

 MEUR                                                          2009   2008

 Oil Products                                                  2943   2436

 Renewable Fuels                                                940    381

 Oil Retail                                                     305    351

 Others                                                         234    201

 Eliminations                                                     1      4

 Total                                                         4423   3373

 RETURN ON NET ASSETS, %                                     31 Dec 31 Dec

                                                               2009   2008

 Oil Products                                                  12,0    6,4

 Renewable Fuels                                               -4,0    0,9

 Oil Retail                                                    15,8    6,8

 COMPARABLE RETURN ON NET ASSETS, %                          31 Dec 31 Dec

                                                               2009   2008

 Oil Products                                                   4,0   21,2

 Renewable Fuels                                               -4,8    0,9

 Oil Retail                                                    15,8    6,0




                         10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3 10-12   7-9    4-6    1-3

                         /2009 /2009 /2009 /2009 /2008 /2008  /2008  /2008

 Oil Products             1987  1971  2091  1582  2221  3907   3798   2715

 Renewable Fuels            61    59    38    24    20    27     46     23

 Oil Retail                791   789   727   691   915  1132   1078    948

 Others                     44    37    41    42    43    36     33     31

 Eliminations             -392  -356  -305  -286  -394  -581   -535   -420

 Total                    2491  2500  2592  2053  2805  4521   4420   3297



                         10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3 10-12   7-9    4-6    1-3

                         /2009 /2009 /2009 /2009 /2008 /2008  /2008  /2008

 Oil Products               27    80   105   106  -301    15    272    197

 Renewable Fuels           -11    -1    -3   -10    -9    -2     12      1

 Oil Retail                  6    19    13    12    -6     9     11     11

 Others                    -11    17    -1   -11   -38    21     -4     -8

 Eliminations               -2    -2     4    -2     2     1     -1      3

 Total                       9   113   118    95  -352    44    290    204



                         10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3 10-12   7-9    4-6    1-3

                         /2009 /2009 /2009 /2009 /2008 /2008  /2008  /2008

 Oil Products              -11    15    37    64   154   173    162    113

 Renewable Fuels           -10    -6    -7    -7   -10    -3     13      2

 Oil Retail                  5    19    14    12    -5     7     11      9

 Others                    -11    16    -1   -11   -38    21     -4     -8

 Eliminations               -2    -2     4    -2     2     1     -1      3

 Total                     -29    42    47    56   103   199    181    119



                         10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3 10-12   7-9    4-6    1-3

                         /2009 /2009 /2009 /2009 /2008 /2008  /2008  /2008

 Oil Products               48    43    43    44    44    44     41     46

 Renewable Fuels             6     4     2     2     2     2      1      2

 Oil Retail                  8     8     8     7     6     9      8      8

 Others                      3     3     3     2     3     1      3      3

 Total                      65    58    56    55    55    56     53     59




                         10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3 10-12   7-9    4-6    1-3

                         /2009 /2009 /2009 /2009 /2008 /2008  /2008  /2008

 Oil Products               59    45    51    43    47    46     39     33

 Renewable Fuels           191   161   150   123   108    64     50     27

 Oil Retail                 10     9     6     4    22    18     15      8

 Others                      3     1     3     4     8     3      6     14

 Total                     263   216   210   174   185   131    110     82




 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                                          31 Dec     31 Dec

 MEUR                                                           2009       2008

 Opening balance                                                2726       2477

 Depreciation, amortization and
 impairments                                                    -234       -223

 expenditure                                                     820        497

 Disposals                                                       -21         -8

 differences                                                      -8        -28

 Acquired group
 companies                                                         0         11

 Closing balance                                                3283       2726

 CAPITAL COMMITMENTS                                          31 Dec     31 Dec

 MEUR                                                           2009       2008

 Commitments to purchase
 property, plant and equipment                                   431        540

 Total                                                           431        540

 Capital commitments include EUR 63 million future commitments related to
 energy and utility supply agreements, which will be accounted for as finance


                                 31 Dec 2009              31 Dec 2008

 Interest rate and

 contracts and

 share forward
 contracts                           Nominal         Net     Nominal        Net

 MEUR                                  value  fair value       value fair value

 Interest rate
 swaps                                   723         -13         475        -13

 Forward foreign
 contracts                              1759          -7        1381         17

 Currency options

 Purchased                               115          -1         336         -5

 Written                                 114           2         256        -11

 Share forward
 contracts                                 9          -4          14         -8

 Oil and freight
 derivative                                     Net fair               Net fair
 contracts                            Volume       value      Volume      value

                                 million bbl        Meur million bbl       Meur

 Sales contracts                          18         -32          28        166

 contracts                                 7          10          32       -147

 Purchased options                         1          -8           1        -12

 Written options                           1           8           1         12

 The fair values of derivative financial instruments subject to public trading
 are based on market prices as of the balance sheet date. The fair values of
 other derivative financial instruments are  based on the present value of cash
 flows resulting from the contracts, and, in respect of options, on evaluation
 models. The amounts also include unsettled closed positions. Derivative
 financial instruments are mainly used to manage the Group's currency, interest
 rate and price risk.


 Details of transactions between the Group and
 associates/joint ventures are disclosed below.

                                                           1-12            1-12

 Transactions carried out with
 associates and joint ventures                            /2009           /2008

 Sales of goods and
 services                                                    70             110

 Purchases of goods and
 services                                                    48              72

 Receivables                                                 23              14

 Financial income and
 expenses                                                     0               0

 Liabilities                                                  2               9


                                                         31 Dec          31 Dec

 MEUR                                                      2009            2008

 Contingent liabilities

 On own behalf for

 Real estate mortgages                                       26              26

 Pledged assets                                               2               3

 Other contingent
 liabilities                                                 48              37

 Total                                                       76              66

 On behalf of associates
 and joint ventures

 Guarantees                                                   4               5

 Other contingent
 liabilities                                                  2               2

 Total                                                        6               7

 On behalf of others

 Guarantees                                                  18              12

 Total                                                       18              12

 Total                                                      100              85

                                                         31 Dec          31 Dec

 MEUR                                                      2009            2008

 Operating lease

 Due within one year                                         82             106

 Due between one and five years                             166             190

 Due later than five
 years                                                      120             123

 Total                                                      368             419

 The Group's operating lease commitments primarily relate to time charter
 vessels, land and office space. In 2008 the lease commitments included
 operating leases contained in hydrogen supply agreements. Based on updated
 information the hydrogen supply agreements have been reassessed in 2009 and
 will be accounted for as take-or-pay contracts. The previous years figures
 concerning operating lease liabilities have been restated accordingly.

 Other contingent

 Neste Oil Corporation has a collective contingent liability with Fortum Heat
 and Gas Oy of the demerged Fortum Oil and Gas Oy's liabilities based on the
 Finnish Companies Act's Chapter 17 Paragraph 16.6.



Operating profit = Operating profit includes the revenue from the sale of goods
and services, other income such as gain from sale of shares or non-financial
assets, share of profits (loss) of associates and joint ventures, less losses
from sale of shares or non-financial assets, as well as expenses related to
production, marketing and selling activities, administration, depreciation,
amortization, and impairment charges. Realized and unrealized gains or losses on
oil and freight derivative contracts together with realized gains and losses
from foreign currency and oil derivative contracts hedging cash flows of
commercial sales and purchases that have been recycled in the income statement,
are also included in operating profit.

Comparable operating profit = Operating profit -/+ inventory gains/losses -/+
gains/losses from sale of shares and non-financial assets - unrealized change in
fair value of oil and freight derivative contracts. Inventory gains/losses
include the change in fair value of all trading inventories.

Return on equity, (ROE) % = 100 x (Profit before taxes - taxes) / Total equity

Return on capital employed, pre-tax (ROCE) % = 100 x (Profit before taxes +
interest and other financial expenses) / Capital employed average

Return on average capital employed, after-tax (ROACE) % = 100 x (Profit for the
period (adjusted for inventory gains/losses, gains/losses from sale of shares
and non-financial assets and unrealized gains/losses on oil and freight
derivative contracts, net of tax) + minority interest + interest expenses and
other financial expenses related to interest-bearing liabilities (net of tax)) /
Capital employed average

Capital employed = Total assets - interest-free liabilities - deferred tax
liabilities -provisions

Interest-bearing net debt = Interest- bearing liabilities - cash and cash

Leverage ratio, % = 100 x Interest- bearing net debt / (Interest- bearing net
debt + Total equity)

Gearing, % = 100 x (Interest bearing net debt / Total equity)

Equity-to assets ratio, % = 100 x Total equity / (Total assets - advances

Return on net assets, % = 100 x Segment operating profit / Average segment net

Comparable return on net assets, % = 100 x Segment comparable operating profit /
Average segment net assets

Segment net assets = Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets,
investment in associates and joint ventures including shareholder loans, pension
assets, inventories and interest-free receivables and liabilities allocated to
the business segment, provisions and pension liabilities

Research and development expenditure = Research and development expenditure
comprise of the expenses of the Research & Technology unit serving all business
areas of the Group, as well as research and technology expenses incurred in
business areas, which are included in the consolidated income statement.
Depreciation and amortization are included in the figure. The expenses are
presented as gross, before deducting grants received.


Earnings per share (EPS) = Profit for the period attributable to the equity
holders of the company / Adjusted average number of shares during the period

Equity per share = Shareholder's equity attributable to the equity holders of
the company/ Adjusted average number of shares at the end of the period

Cash flow per share = Net cash generated from operating activities / Adjusted
average number of shares during the period

Price / earnings ratio (P/E) = Share price at the end of the period / Earnings
per share

Dividend payout ratio, % = 100 x Dividend per share / Earnings per share

Dividend yield, % = 100 x Dividend per share / Share price at the end of the

Average share price = Amount traded in euros during the period / Number of
shares traded during the period

Market capitalization at the end of the period = Number of shares at the end of
the period x share price at the end of the period

Trading volume = Number of shares traded during the period, and number of shares
traded during the period in relation to the weighted average number of shares
during the period
