2007-11-08 12:07:33 CET

2007-11-08 12:07:33 CET


Englanti Suomi
Lassila & Tikanoja - Corporate Action


Pursuant to the 2002C share options issued in 2002, 32,745 new shares were      
subscribed for after the previous entry in the Trade Register on 9 August 2007. 
The share subscription price is EUR 11.46.                                      

As a result of these subscriptions, the company's registered share capital will 
increase by EUR 16,372.50 to EUR 19,392,187.00 and the number of the shares will
increase to 38,784,374 shares.                                                  

The increase of the share capital should be entered in the Trade Register on 15 
November 2007. The new shares should be available for public trading on OMX     
Nordic Exchange in Helsinki on 16 November 2007 together with the existing      

A total of 280,000 2002C share options were issued. The subscription period     
ended on 30 October 2007. A total of 273,900 shares were subscribed for pursuant
to the 2002C options. The remaining outstanding 100 options as well as the 6,000
options held by L&T Advance Oy expired.                                         

The Board of Directors of Lassila & Tikanoja plc will approve share             
subscriptions made pursuant to the share options next time in the meeting       
handling the approval of the financial statements for year 2007. The detailed   
subscription schedule for 2005A options for the year 2008 will be disclosed at a
later stage.                                                                    

LASSILA & TIKANOJA PLC                                                          

Sirkka Tuomola                                                                  
Vice President and CFO                                                          

For additional information please contact Sirkka Tuomola, tel +358 10 636 2883.