2017-02-03 12:35:00 CET

2017-02-03 12:35:00 CET


Englanti Liettua
Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB - Notification on material event

Regarding the installation of the LNG regasification station in Druskininkai

Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB (hereinafter – ESO or the Company),
identification code 304151376, registered office placed at Aguonu str. 24,
Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total number of registered ordinary shares
issued by company is 894 630 333; ISIN code LT0000130023. 

On 3rd February, 2017 a public call for tenders for the installation of the LNG
regasification station in Druskininkai was issued on Procurement Information
System (CVPIS). 

The contractor will have to execute engineering, procurement and construction
works of the LNG regasification station, as well as to take care of the
necessary infrastructure installation works. 

According to the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania approved
"Continuous supply of natural gas to consumers in Druskininkai municipality
assurance 2016-2017 year action plan", the LNG regasification facility
installation is necessary to ensure a safe and reliable supply of natural gas
to consumers in Druskininkai municipality. 

On 29 November, 2016 ESO acquired the natural gas distribution system of
Druskininkai municipality, and since November 1, when the former gas supplier
ceased operations, carries a guarantee gas supply activities. 

Natural gas is supplied for 2.674 residential and 9 business clients in

         Representative for Public Relations Martynas Burba, tel. (8~5) 2514516.