2012-03-21 14:00:00 CET

2012-03-21 14:00:10 CET


English Finnish
Lemminkäinen - Company Announcement

Comparison figures for 2011, under Lemminkäinen's new sector division

3 p.m. 


From the beginning of 2012, Lemminkäinen's business operations are organised
into four business sectors: International Operations, Building Construction,
Infrastructure Construction and Technical Building Services. 

Effective 1 January 2012, Lemminkäinen's international operations were
organised into a new business sector - the company's fourth - which the company
created out of its international operations to ensure profitable growth and the
company's competitiveness in an international operating environment. The
International Operations business sector will contain all Lemminkäinen's
business functions outside Finland. In addition to Finland, Lemminkäinen's main
market areas comprise the other Nordic countries, Russia and the Baltic
countries. This business sector change aims to take better account of these
growth markets in operational management and development. 

Comparison figures for 2011, based on the new sector division, are presented in
the following: 

NET SALES                                       1-3/     1-6/     1-9/    1-12/
EUR mill.                                       2011     2011     2011     2011
International operations                        72.4    260.2    562.9    809.8
Building Construction                          143.8    322.2    499.8    720.9
Infrastructure Construction                     65.1    216.2    443.0    596.2
Technical Building Services                     52.0    108.1    171.2    239.9
Other operations                                 6.5     13.9     22.2     31.0
Group eliminations                             -19.1    -42.3    -67.0    -90.4
Segments total                                 320.6    878.3  1,632.1  2,307.4
Reconciling items                               -4.3    -12.0    -17.0    -33.3
Group total. IFRS                              316.3    866.3  1,615.1  2,274.1
OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS                           1-3/     1-6/     1-9/    1-12/
EUR mill.                                       2011     2011     2011     2011
International operations                       -13.3      3.6     30.9     42.2
Building Construction                           -4.3     -0.6      1.8      9.4
Infrastructure Construction                      7.1     13.4     35.0     30.9
Technical Building Services                      0.4     -0.7      1.3      2.8
Other operations                                -3.6     -7.1    -10.7    -16.6
Segments total                                 -13.8      8.6     58.3     68.8
Reconciling items                              -14.2    -16.0    -14.0    -15.3
Group total, IFRS                              -28.0     -7.4     44.3     53.5
OPERATING PROFIT, % OF NET SALES                1-3/     4-6/     7-9/   10-12/
EUR mill.                                       2011     2011     2011     2011
International operations                       -18.4      1.4      5.5      5.2
Building Construction                           -3.0     -0.2      0.4      1.3
Infrastructure Construction                     10.9      6.2      7.9      5.2
Technical Building Services                      0.8     -0.6      0.8      1.2
Group total, IFRS                               -8.9     -0.9      2.7      2.4
NET SALES, QUARTERLY                            1-3/     4-6/     7-9/   10-12/
EUR mill.                                       2011     2011     2011     2011
International operations                        72.4    187.8    302.7    246.9
Building Construction                          143.8    178.4    177.6    221.1
Infrastructure Construction                     65.1    151.1    226.8    153.2
Technical Building Services                     52.0     56.1     63.1     68.7
Other operations                                 6.5      7.4      8.3      8.8
Group eliminations                             -19.1    -23.2    -24.7    -23.4
Segments total                                 320.6    557.7    753.8    675.3
Reconciling items                               -4.3     -7.7     -5.0    -16.3
Group total, IFRS                              316.3    550.0    748.8    659.0
OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS, QUARTERLY                1-3/     4-6/     7-9/   10-12/
EUR mill.                                       2011     2011     2011     2011
International operations                       -13.3     16.9     27.3     11.3
Building Construction                           -4.3      3.7      2.4      7.6
Infrastructure Construction                      7.1      6.3     21.6     -4.1
Technical Building Services                      0.4     -1.1      2.0      1.5
Other operations                                -3.6     -3.5     -3.6     -5.9
Segments total                                 -13.8     22.4     49.7     10.5
Reconciling items                              -14.2     -1.8      2.0     -1.3
Group total, IFRS                              -28.0     20.6     51.7      9.2
OPERATING PROFIT, % OF NET SALES, QUARTERLY     1-3/     4-6/     7-9/   10-12/
EUR mill.                                       2011     2011     2011     2011
International operations                       -18.4      9.0      9.0      4.6
Building Construction                           -3.0      2.1      1.4      3.4
Infrastructure Construction                     10.9      4.2      9.5     -2.7
Technical Building Services                      0.8     -2.0      3.2      2.2
Group total, IFRS                               -8.9      3.8      6.9      1.4
EUR mill.                                    03/2011  06/2011  09/2011  12/2011
International operations                       212.1    321.4    354.2    304.0
Building Construction                          373.5    372.6    337.4    418.1
Infrastructure Construction                    163.0    213.6    216.5    158.8
Technical Building Services                     32.2     35.2     35.5     35.2
Other operations                                48.4     46.5     47.5     50.8
Segments total                                 829.1    989.3    991.1    966.9
Assets unallocated to segments                                                 
and Group eliminations, total                  269.4    407.0    684.8    275.9
Group total, IFRS                            1,098.5  1,396.3  1,675.9  1,242.8
ORDER BOOK BY BUSINESS SECTOR                                
EUR mill.                                    03/2011  06/2011  09/2011  12/2011
International operations                       445.7    563.2    527.2    482.5
Building Construction                          632.2    666.8    629.8    580.5
Infrastructure Construction                    285.9    389.5    214.7    238.3
Technical Building Services                    107.9    115.4    113.7     99.0
Group total                                  1,471.7  1,734.8  1,485.4  1,400.4
- of which unsold                              192.7    222.6    178.0    206.3
PERSONNEL BY BUSINESS SECTOR, AVERAGE                                          
EUR mill.                                    03/2011  06/2011  09/2011  12/2011
International operations                       2,080    2,406    2,632    2,636
Building Construction                          1,689    1,741    1,738    1,696
Infrastructure Construction                    1,604    1,825    2,015    2,032
Technical Building Services                    1,764    1,779    1,798    1,796
Parent company                                   226      238      253      261
Group total                                    7,363    7,989    8,436    8,421

Other adjustments in the 2011 financial statements

For the corresponding period, Lemminkäinen makes an adjustment for funds that
were prematurely entered in 2008 in connection with a claim for compensation.
As a result of the adjustment, profit is reduced by EUR 3.2 million and sales
and other receivables by EUR 4.4 million, and deferred tax receivables are
increased by EUR 1.1 million. 
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION     1-3/     1-6/     1-9/    1-12/
EUR mill.                                        2011     2011     2011     2011
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                                 176.2    201.5    199.3    207.2
Goodwill                                         84.7     85.7     85.4     85.7
Other intangible assets                          15.8     17.5     17.3     18.7
Investments                                      14.7     13.8     15.0     15.3
Deferred tax asset                               23.4     31.5     30.0     19.4
Other non-current receivables                     5.9      6.2      6.1      4.8
Total                                           320.8    356.2    353.1    351.0
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                     404.3    455.9    460.3    448.5
Trade and other receivables                     334.0    550.5    597.4    407.3
Income tax receivables                           14.6     14.3     13.7      5.6
Cash funds                                       24.7     19.4    251.5     30.4
Total                                           777.7  1,040.1  1,322.8    891.8
Assets, total                                 1,098.5  1,396.3  1,675.9  1,242.8
Share capital                                    34.0     34.0     34.0     34.0
Share premium account                             5.8      5.7      5.7      5.7
Hedging reserve                                  -1.0     -0.9     -1.0     -0.9
Fair value reserve                                0.1      0.0      0.0         
Invested unrestricted equity reserve             63.1     63.2     63.2     63.2
Translation differences                           2.4      2.2     -0.3      1.4
Retained earnings                               220.7    210.9    210.6    210.6
Profit/loss for the period                      -11.7      0.6     35.3     34.7
Equity attributable to shareholders of the      313.4    315.7    347.5    348.7
 parent company                                                                 
Non-controlling interest                          2.2      2.1      1.5      1.7
Shareholders' equity, total                     315.6    317.9    349.0    350.4
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Deferred tax liabilities                         17.4     20.1     21.3     21.7
Pension liabilities                               0.6      3.5      3.3      3.9
Financial liabilities                           141.4    191.0    342.4    194.6
Provisions                                        2.6      3.7      4.4      6.2
Other liabilities                                 3.9      3.1      2.8      3.2
Total                                           165.9    221.4    374.3    229.7
Current liabilities                                                             
Financial liabilities                           253.2    330.1    272.1    237.0
Provisions                                        6.4      9.1      8.3      7.5
Accounts payable and other liabilities          348.2    507.6    659.0    416.4
Income tax liabilities                            9.2     10.2     13.3      1.8
Total                                           617.0    857.0    952.6    662.7
Liabilities, total                              782.9  1,078.4  1,326.9    892.4
Shareholders' equity and liabilities, total   1,098.5  1,396.3  1,675.9  1,242.8
ECONOMIC TRENDS AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS         1-3/     1-6/     1-9/    1-12/
                                                 2011     2011     2011     2011
Return on equity, rolling 12 months, % 1)         4.9      5.7      9.9     10.5
Return on investment, rolling 12 months, %        8.6      6.4      9.2     10.8
Operating profit, % of net sales                 -8.9     -0.9      2.7      2.4
Equity ratio, %                                  32.6     25.9     23.3     30.8
Gearing, %                                      117.2    157.8    104.0    114.5
Interest-bearing net debt, EUR million          369.9    501.7    363.0    401.2
Gross investments, EUR million (incl.             9.5     50.1     62.2     84.0
 leasing purchases)                                                             
Order book, EUR mill.                         1,471.7  1,734.8  1,485.4  1,400.4
- of which orders outside Finland, EUR mill.    445.7    563.2    527.2    482.5
Average number of employees                     7,363    7,989    8,436    8,421
Employees at end of period                      7,576    9,432    9,121    7,929
Net sales, EUR mill.                            316.3    866.3  1,615.1  2,274.1
- of which operations outside Finland, EUR       71.9    252.0    549.1    780.3
% of net sales                                   22.7     29.1     34.0     34.3
1) Includes the effect of discontinued                                          
SHARE-SPECIFIC INDICATORS                        1-3/     1-6/     1-9/    1-12/
                                                 2011     2011     2011     2011
Earnings per share, EUR                         -0.59     0.03     1.80     1.77
Equity per share, EUR                           15.95    16.07    17.69    17.75
Dividend per share, EUR                                                   0.501)
Dividend to earnings ratio, %                                               28.3
Market capitalization, EUR mill.                517.4    455.6    396.8    367.8
Share price at end of period, EUR               26.34    23.19    20.20    18.72
Trading volume during period, 1,000 shares        890    1,738    3,125    3,367
Number of issued shares, 1,000 shares          19,645   19,645   19,645   19,645
Weighted average number of shares over the     19,645   19,645   19,645   19,645
 period, 1,000 shares                                                           
1) Board of Directors' proposal to the AGM                                      

Corporate Communications

Robert Öhman, CFO
Lemminkäinen Corporation
Tel. +358 2071 53515

Katri Sundström
Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel. +358 2071 54813

key media

Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. The
Group's business sectors are building construction, infrastructure
construction, technical building services and international operations. Net
sales in 2011 were about EUR 2.3 billion, of which international operations
accounted for roughly one third. The Group employs an average of 8,400 people.
Lemminkäinen Corporation's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange
Helsinki. www.lemminkainen.com