2014-02-04 13:30:00 CET

2014-02-04 13:30:46 CET


Aspo - Company Announcement

Risto Vidgren appointed CFO for Leipurin Ltd

ASPO Plc         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE   January 4, 2014, at 14:30

Risto Vidgren, M.Sc. (Accounting and Finance), (aged 46), has been appointed CFO
for Leipurin Ltd, part of Aspo Group, as of February 5, 2014. This is a new
position strengthening the company's organization. The financial manager of
Leipurin, Johan Enlund, will continue in his post and report to Risto Vidgren.

Previously, Risto Vidgren has worked as CFO of Tulikivi Corporation, VP of
business development for Itella Corporation's Russian operations in OOO NLC in
Moscow, and Financial Director at Itella Corporation, Logistics. His experience
includes general and financial administration duties in Veho Group, Nokia
Corporation and Huhtamäki Oyj.

Vidgren reports to Paul Taimitarha, CEO of Leipurin Ltd."In November 2013, Aspo announced its intention to review the preconditions for
listing Leipurin Ltd as a separate company on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's main
list. A natural stage of this process is to strengthen the company's financial
and managerial expertise. Risto Vidgren's competence and ability to work in
Russia is a major asset to Leipurin Group and its management board," says Aki
Ojanen, Chairman of the Board of Leipurin Ltd and CEO of Aspo Group.


Aki Ojanen

Further information:
Paul Taimitarha, Managing Director of Leipurin Ltd, phone +358 9 521 70 or
+358 400 699 788.

Key media

Aspo is a conglomerate that owns and develops business operations in the
Northern Europe and growth markets focusing on demanding B-to-B customers. Our
strong company brands - ESL Shipping, Leipurin, Telko and Kaukomarkkinat - aim
to be the market leaders in their sectors. They are responsible for their own
operations, customer relationships, and the development of these. Together they
generate Aspo's goodwill. Aspo's Group structure and business operations are
continually developed without any predefined schedules. www.aspo.com

Leipurin serves the bakery industry and other food industry by providing product
development services, raw materials needed for baking, and equipment from
individual machines to full-scale baking lines. Leipurin operates in Finland,
Russia, the Baltic countries, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. In
Russia, its operations cover all geographic areas. In its procurement
operations, Leipurin operates both internationally and by developing local
procurement. In 2012, Leipurin's net sales were EUR 131 million.
