2007-06-29 14:00:00 CEST 2007-06-29 14:00:00 CEST REGULATED INFORMATION Fiskars - BörsmeddelandeTILLÄGGSINFORMATION TILL BÖRSMEDDELANDET ANGÅENDE FÖRVÄRVET AV IITTALA GROUP SOM PUBLISERADES 29.06.2007 KL. 08.30Fiskars Oyj Abp Börsmeddelande 29.06.2007 kl. 15.00 TILLÄGGSINFORMATION TILL BÖRSMEDDELANDET ANGÅENDE FÖRVÄRVET AV IITTALA GROUP SOM PUBLISERADES 29.06.2007 KL. 08.30 1. Förvärvet finansieras med Fiskars existerande kreditfaciliteter. 2. Tilläggsinformation angående Iittala Groups finansiella ställning: Consolidated income statement, IFRS For the year ended 31 December 2006 In thousands of euro 2006 2005 Net sales 189,838 167,932 Cost of goods sold -113,204 -102,878 Gross profit 76,634 65,054 Other operating income 1,160 2,685 Marketing expenses -18,595 -16,338 Sales expenses -32,432 -26,597 Administrative expenses -9,310 -9,721 Other operating expenses -454 -136 Operating profit 17,003 14,947 Finance income 568 438 Finance expenses -7,231 -9,935 Share of profit of associates 8 30 Profit (loss) before tax 10,348 5,480 Income tax expense -2,979 -891 Profit for the period 7,369 4,589 Basic earnings per share (EUR) 0.59 0.37 Consolidated balance sheet As at 31 December 2006 In thousands of euro 2006 2005 ASSETS Non-current assets Tangible assets 28,959 29,866 Goodwill 48,871 48,827 Other intangible assets 1,821 557 Investments in associates 11 0 Available-for-sale investments and non-current receivables 310 248 Deferred tax assets 1,283 2,100 Total non-current assets 81,255 81,598 Current assets Inventories 41,983 39,248 Trade and other receivables 28,855 25,320 Current tax assets 457 684 Cash and bank 7,920 7,623 Total current assets 79,215 72,875 Total assets 160,470 154,473 Consolidated balance sheet As at 31 December 2006 In thousands of euro 2006 2005 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital 1,000 1,000 Reserves -115 -100 Retained earnings 7,516 147 Total equity 8,401 1,047 Non-current liabilities Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 101,008 105,930 Pension obligations 2,061 1,794 Provisions 283 2,069 Deferred tax liabilities 642 1,686 Total non-current liabilities 103,994 111,479 Current liabilities Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 6,397 6,587 Trade and other payables 39,459 33,850 Current tax receivable 1,284 451 Provisions 935 1,059 Total current liabilities 48,075 41,947 Total liabilities 152,069 153,426 Total equity and liabilities 160,470 154,473 Maija Elenius Leena Kahila-Bergh Ekonomidirektör Informationsdirektör |