2009-03-13 15:30:00 CET

2009-03-13 15:30:01 CET


Enska Finnska
Tiimari Oyj Abp - Company Announcement


Tiimari Plc       Stock Exchange Release March 13, 2009 at 16.30                

TIIMARI GROUP'S SALES FEBRUARY 2009 (preliminary)                               

Tiimari Group's sales were 5 mill. euro in February 2009 down by 17 per cent on 
the corresponding month previous year. In Finland there were 24 sales days in   
February 2009, one day less than previous year. In addition to smaller number of
trading days, sales were significantly affected by the Easter 2009 sales season 
starting 3 weeks later than the previous year.                              

The considerably weakened exchange rates of the Swedish crown, the Polish zloty,
and the Latvian lat affected euro-nominated sales.                              

Tiimari group sales for February 2009                                           

|          | Monthly sales    |       |       cumulative sales       |         |
|          |  2/2009 | 2/2008 | Chg-% | 1-2/2009 | 1-2/2008 |  Chg-% | 12/2008 |
| Tiimari  |   3 990 |  4 817 |  -17  |    7 677 |    8 913 |   -14  |  70 848 |
| Gallerix |   1 015 |  1 135 |  -11  |    2 017 |    2 261 |   -11  |  13 082 |
| TiiMore  |      32 |     95 |  -66  |      107 |      113 |    -5  |   1 115 |
| Group    |   5 037 |  6 047 |  -17  |    9 801 |   11 287 |   -13  |  85 045 |
| total    |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
|          |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| Finland  |   3 567 |  4 384 |  -19  |    6 870 |    8 194 |   -16  |  63 530 |
| Sweden   |   1 074 |  1 126 |   -5  |    2 146 |    2 236 |    -4  |  14 089 |
| Other    |     364 |    442 |  -18  |      678 |      744 |    -9  |   6 311 |
| countrie |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| s        |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| Retail   |   5 005 |  5 952 |  -16  |    9 694 |   11 174 |   -13  |  83 930 |
| concepts |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| ,        |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| total    |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| Tiimore  |      32 |     95 |  -66  |      107 |      113 |    -5  |   1 115 |
| (Finland |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| )        |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |
| Group    |   5 037 |  6 047 |  -17  |    9 801 |   11 287 |   -13  |  85 045 |
| total    |         |        |       |          |          |        |         |

Kristina Illi                                                                   
Managing Director                                                               
Tiimari Plc                                                                     

More information:                                                               
Managing Director Kristina Illi, +358 400 408 889                               

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of three retail shop        
concepts: Tiimari, Gallerix and Paperazzi. These three concepts do business in  
eight countries within the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300
shops. All three concepts belong to the forerunners of their market segment. In 
the corporation there is also a company called Tiimore Oy which specialises in  
corporate gifts and sales promotion solutions.