2008-03-05 08:51:47 CET

2008-03-05 08:52:38 CET


Anglų Suomių
Amanda Capital - Company Announcement



March 5, 2008                                                             

GILES SOLD TO CHARTERHOUSE CAPITAL PARTNERS                                     
- Exits in Amanda's portfolio                                                   

There have been exits in Amanda's portfolio. The exits together generate a cash 
flow of over million euros for Amanda. All the exits are profitable.            

Gresham Private Equity -fund has sold company called Giles to Charterhouse      
Capital Partners. Giles is a leading UK insurance broker. The proceeds to Amanda
will be expected in the first quarter 2008.                                     

Permira III - private equity fund has sold its stake in Aearo Tenhnologies to   
3M. Aearo Technologies is a global leader in the personal protection equipment  
industry. The proceeds to Amanda will be expected in the first quarter 2008.    

Balderton Capital (previously Benchmark Capital) has sold MySQL to Sun          
Microsystems. MySQL is an open source icon and developer of one of the world's  
fastest growing open source databases. The proceeds to Amanda will be expected  
in the second quarter or third quarter 2008.                                    

AMANDA CAPITAL PLC                                                              

Petter Hoffström                                                                

Additional Information: CFO Petter Hoffström, tel. +358 9 6829 6012             

Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, www.amandacapital.fi             

The Amanda Group is a private equity management company. Its parent company is  
the first publicly listed private equity fund of funds in Scandinavia. Amanda   
has investments in 24 private equity funds and in four funds of funds under     
Amanda's own management.                                                        

Amanda Group is one of Finland's largest management companies of private equity 
fund investments. It manages several private equity fund portfolios under       
consultancy agreements and six private equity funds of funds with several       
domestic and international institutions as investors. Amanda Group currently has
EUR 1.6 billion of assets under management (original investment commitments)    
with which it has made investments in more than 100 private equity funds in     
Europe, the US, Asia, and Russia.