2014-02-06 11:04:00 CET

2014-02-06 11:04:48 CET


Metso Oyj - Financial Statement Release

Metso's Financial Statements Review for 2013

Metso's Financial Statements Review for 2013

Metso Corporation's stock exchange release on February 6, 2014 at 12:00 noon
local time

We will arrange a news conference on Metso's Financial Statements Review for
2013 for the media, investors and analysts, in Helsinki today. The event takes
place at Metso Group Head Office, Fabianinkatu 9 A, Helsinki, Finland. A News
conference in English will be arranged at 15:00 EEST / Helsinki time (08:00 EDT
/ New York, 13:00 BST / London, 14:00 CEST / Paris). The news conference can
also be followed through a live webcast at www.metso.com/irwebcasts and through
a conference call. Questions are accepted via conference call. Details of the
event can be found at the end of this release.

This is a summary of Metso's Financial Statements Review for 2013. Complete
report is attached to this release as a pdf-file and is also available at

Figures in brackets refer to the comparison period, i.e. the same period last
year, and all figures relate to Metso's continuing operations, unless otherwise

Highlights of 2013
  * Investment activity and demand for equipment and services related to the oil& gas industry remained good, while mining was soft.
  * Orders received: EUR 3,709 million (EUR 4,215 million), of which EUR 2,038
    million (2,153 million) came from services orders.
  * Net sales: EUR 3,858 million (EUR 4,282 million), of which EUR 1,976 million
    (EUR 2,072) came from services sales.
  * EBITA before non-recurring expenses: EUR 496 million, 12.8% of net sales
    (EUR 486 million, 11.4%). Non-recurring expenses totaled EUR 54 million (EUR
    11 million).
  * The Board will propose a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share, i.e. 63% of
    earnings per share
  * The Pulp, Paper and Power businesses were demerged to create Valmet

Highlights of the last quarter of 2013
  * Orders received: EUR 885 million (EUR 982 million), of which EUR 457 million
    (EUR 494 million) came from services orders.
  * Net sales: EUR 1,018 million (EUR 1,132 million), of which EUR 509 million
    (EUR 550 million) came from services sales.
  * EBITA before non-recurring expenses: EUR 147 million, i.e. 14.4% of net
    sales (EUR 138 million and 12.2%). Non-recurring expenses totaled EUR 33

Financial guidance for 2014
Market activity is estimated to remain similar to 2013 but due to EUR 400
million lower opening backlog than one year ago we estimate that our net sales
in 2014 will be somewhat below 2013. Continuing cost efficiency actions are
expected to support our profitability and we estimate that our 2014 EBITA margin
before non-recurring items will be at around 12 percent of net sales.

Metso's President and CEO Matti Kähkönen:

Business activity in our core industries during the last quarter of 2013
remained similar to the level earlier in the year. Mining customers continued to
be cautious about new investments throughout the year, while good demand in the
oil & gas industry yielded an all-time high annual order intake for our
Automation segment. Underlying demand for our services business continued to be
good, but was somewhat offset by weaker rebuild activity and destocking during
the first half. Lower order intake resulted in a drop in net sales during the
last quarter and for the year as a whole. Orders and net sales were both
negatively impacted by the strengthening of the euro compared to other
currencies during the second half. Given this background, we are pleased that we
were able to improve our profitability. Our EBITA margin excluding non-recurring
items increased significantly, which resulted from cost efficiency and sales mix
improvements across the Group. We do not anticipate any major changes in terms
of demand for 2014, and as a result we will push ahead with our global
efficiency programs designed to support our profitability.

As a conclusion, I would like to mention our single largest undertaking last
year was the demerger of the Pulp, Paper and Power businesses to create Valmet
Corporation. This was completed successfully and we are now well on our way to
developing Metso into a more integrated and agile company and one that is better
able to create value for our stakeholders.

Metso's key figures
                                        Q4/   Q4/
 EUR million                           2013  2012 Change %  2013  2012 Change %
 Orders received                        885   982      -10 3,709 4,215      -12

 Orders received of services business   457   494       -7 2,038 2,153       -5

          % of orders received           52    50             55    51

 Order backlog at the end of the
 period                                                    1,927 2,324      -17

 Net sales                            1,018 1,132      -10 3,858 4,282      -10

 Net sales of services business         509   550       -7 1,976 2,072       -5

          % of net sales                 50    49             51    48

 Earnings before interests, tax and
 amortization (EBITA) and non-
 recurring items                        147   138        6   496   486        2

          % of net sales               14.4  12.2           12.8  11.4

 Operating profit *())                  108   126      -14   423   458       -8

          % of net sales               10.6  11.1           11.0  10.7

 Earnings per share, EUR               0.35  0.36        3  1.59  1.71      -12

 Free cash flow                                              224   257

 Return on capital employed (ROCE)
 before taxes, %                                            15.6  18.2

 Return on equity (ROE), %                                  15.5  17.4

 Equity to asset ratio at the end of
 the period, %                                              36.9  40.5

 Net gearing at the end of the
 period, %                                                  41.6  14.2

*()) The full year 2013 operating profit was negatively impacted by EUR 54
million of non-recurring items (EUR 11 million) and fourth quarter by EUR 33
million (EUR 9 million). Non-recurring items are detailed in the tables section.

Note: Valmet (previously Metso's Pulp, Paper and Power businesses) and Valmet
Automotive (previously a Metso subsidiary) are reported in consolidated
financial statements for 2013 as discontinued operations (IFRS 5). The post-tax
net profit of discontinued operations will be presented as a single figure at
the bottom of Metso's income statement. The net assets of discontinued
operations are excluded from Metso's balance sheet as of December 31, 2013 and
are included in the balance  sheet  as of December 31, 2012.. Earnings per share
for discontinued operations are reported separately from continuing operations,
and Metso's equity per share as of December 31, 2013 excludes the net assets of
discontinued operations.

Short-term outlook

Market development
We expect demand for mining equipment and projects to be weak. Due to our large
installed equipment base and our stronger services presence, we expect demand
for our mining services to remain good.

Demand for construction equipment and related services is projected to remain

Demand for our process automation systems is expected to remain satisfactory,
whereas demand for flow control products and related services is expected to
remain good.

Metso is a leading process performance provider, with customers in the
mining,construction,and oil & gas industries. Metso is also known for its
advanced automation solutions for pulp, paper and power generation. Our focus is
on the continuous development of intelligent solutions that improve
sustainability and profitability. Metso's shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Ltd. Metso employs around 16,000 professionals in 50 countries. Expect

www.metso.com,  www.twitter.com/metsogroup

For further information, please contact:
Matti Kähkönen, President and CEO, Metso Corporation, tel. +358 20 484 3000
Harri Nikunen, CFO, Metso Corporation, tel. +358 20 484 3010
Juha Rouhiainen, VP, Investor Relations, Metso Corporation, tel.
+358 20 484 3253

Metso Corporation
Harri Nikunen

Juha Rouhiainen
VP, Investor Relations

Invitation to news conference for investors, analysts and media

Metso will arrange the news conference for media, investors and analysts at
Metso Group Head Office, Fabianinkatu 9 A, Helsinki, today, on February 6, 2014
08:00 EST / New York
13:00 GMT / London
14:00 CET / Paris
15:00 EET / Helsinki

This conference can also be followed through a live webcast at
www.metso.com/IRwebcasts and a conference call from 15:00 EET onwards. Questions
are accepted during the event via conference call.

Due to live webcast, we kindly ask those attending in person to be present 5
minutes prior to the start of the event.

Conference call details
Conference call participants are requested to dial in five minutes before the
scheduled time at:
US: +1 877 491 0064
other countries: +44 20 7162 0077
access code: 940 040

A replay of the call will be available for two weeks until February 20, 2014 on
the following phone numbers:
US: +1 954 334 0342
other countries: +44 20 7031 4064
access code 940 040

An audio file (mp3) and a transcript of the event will be made available for
downloading at www.metso.com/IRwebcasts on Monday, February 10, 2014.

The presentation material will be available after the publication of the
Financial Statements Review on February 6, 2014 at www.metso.com/investors at
approximately 12.00 noon EET.

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
