2008-07-22 14:22:32 CEST

2008-07-22 14:23:32 CEST


Lietuvos Energija AB - Notification on material event

Performance for the H1 of 2008

The preliminary consolidated unaudited operations results for H1 2008 of
Lietuvos Energija AB group: 
-  income - LTL 676.9 m (EUR 196 m) (H1 2007 - LTL 555.9 m (EUR 161 m));
-  pre-tax profit - LTL 72.5 m (EUR 21 m) (H1 2007 - LTL 41.4 m (EUR 12 m)); 
-  net profit - LTL 61.2 m (LTL 17.7 m) (H1 2007 - LTL 411.4 m (EUR 12 m)); 

The profit growth was mainly conditioned by the increase in electricity
transmission volumes, higher export prices, optimization of costs and the
specifics of electricity trade in the wholesale market predetermined by
seasonal demand as well as the respective amendments in the Regulations on the
allocation of the public service obligations (PSO). 
Ona Garniene
Leading economist
Phone 370 5 2782457