2007-05-03 08:00:00 CEST

2007-05-03 08:00:00 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Honkarakenne Oyj - Quarterly report


Honkarakenne's consolidated net sales for the first quarter of 2007 amounted to
EUR 18.5 million, compared with EUR 13.9 million in the same period last year.
The net sales increased by 4.6 million euros, which is a 33% improvement on the
previous year. Profit before tax showed a loss of EUR 0.1 million (loss of MEUR

The profit for the beginning of the year will show a loss due to seasonal
changes. The winter season production volumes and deliveries were significantly
better in comparison to previous years. In addition to favorable volumes, the
profit was also boosted by improved utilization rates at the factories, more
efficient raw material use, and lower overhead costs. The weakening of the
Japa-nese Yen continues to burden the profitability of Japanese exports. The
price of the raw wood material has increased very rapidly, which weakened the
otherwise favorable profit development. 

The net sales increased in Finland, Russia and France. The 100-house project in
Kazakhstan is progressing as planned. The increase in VAT resulted in smaller
German exports than last year, and the Japanese exports fell short of the
previ-ous year's figures due to the weakened Yen. 

The market situation has remained favorable in Honka's main market areas

Honkarakenne Group's order book amounted to EUR 39.6 million (27.8) at the end
of March, i.e. it was 42 per cent bigger than the corresponding figure from
last year. 

Financing and investments

The financial position of the Group has remained stable. The equity ratio stood
at 39.7% (37.6%) and interest-bearing net liabilities at EUR 9.1 million (EUR
17.5 million). Group's liquid assets totaled EUR 4.0 million (EUR 1.8 million).
Gearing stood at 52.9% (99.9%). Capital expenditure totaled EUR 0.6 million
(EUR 0.7 million). 

Own shares

Honkarakenne Oyj has repurchased 40.556 of its B shares during the period under
review for an average price of EUR 5.57 per share. 

At the end of the review period the company held 69,100 of its B shares with a
total nominal value of EUR 138,200.00 and a total purchase price of EUR
379,353.34. These shares represent 1.84% of the company's capital stock and
0.73% of the voting rights. The purchase cost has been deducted from
sharehold-ers' equity in the consolidated financial statements. 

The Board of Directors has been granted a share repurchase authorization, valid
until 4 April 2008, to repurchase company shares for an amount equivalent to a
maximum of 5% of the company's capital stock. The Board of Directors has also
been granted authority, also valid until 4 April 2008, to dispose of 187,448 B

Strengthening program

The company's Board of Directors held a meeting on 30 March 2007 and agreed on
a strengthening program, which enables rapid profitability improvement. The
ef-fects of the strengthening program will be seen mainly in the result of

Future Outlook

The price of raw wood material has continued its upward climb, which forces the
company to transfer the new increases to its sales prices during the spring and
summer. Nevertheless, the heavily increased prices have not weakened the demand
that has remained stable. 

The net sales and profit of the second quarter will exceed last year's figures,
thanks to excellent advance sales and order book. 

Further information: CEO and President Esko Teerikorpi, tel. +358 20 575 7816,
+358 40 580 6111, esko.teerikorpi@honka.com. 

This and previous press releases can be found on the company's website at
www.honka.com, Investors. The interim report for January-June 2007 will be
pub-lished on 9 August 2007. 


Board of Directors

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media
Financial supervision


(MEUR)                              1-3/07   1-3/06   1-12/06

Net sales                            18,5     13,9     84,9
Increase/decrease in inventories      2,0      0,8     -1,6
Production for own use                0,0      0,0      0,2
Other operating income                0,3      0,5      2,0

Materials and services               12,2      9,2     51,3
Staff expenses                        4,2      3,9     16,6
Depreciations                         1,0      1,0      4,0
Other operating expenses              3,2      3,2     14,7

Operating profit/loss                 0,1     -2,2     -1,3

Financial income and expenses        -0,2     -0,1     -0,5

Profit/loss before taxes             -0,1     -2,3     -1,8

Taxes                                -0,1     +0,5     +0,2
Minority share                        0,0      0,0      0,0

Profit/loss for the period           -0,2     -1,8     -1,6


(MEUR)                             31.3.07 31.3.06 31.12.06


Non current assets
- Intangible assets                   1,4      1,1      1,3
- Tangible assets                    25,0     26,9     25,4
- Loans receivables and
  other receivables                   0,8      1,2      0,9
- Deferred tax assets                 1,4      1,7      1,3
- Investments                         0,8      0,9      0,7
Total                                29,4     31,8     29,6

Current assets
- Inventories                        18,4     16,9     15,7
- Receivables                         9,6      9,1      9,4
- Cash and bank receivables           4,0      1,8      4,1
Total                                32,0     27,8     29,2

Total assets                         61,3     59,6     58,8

Shareholders' equity and liabilities

Capital stock                         7,5      7,5      7,5
Other capital and reserves            9,7     10,0     10,1
Total                                17,2     17,5     17,6

Minority share                        0,0      0,0      0,0

Long term liabilities
Loans                                10,7     14,7     11,9
Deferred tax liabilities              1,1      1,3      1,3
Provisions                            0,2      0,2      0,2
Other liabilities                     0,0      0,1      0,0
Total                                12,0     16,3     13,4

Short term liabilities
Loans                                 2,4      4,6      3,8
Accounts payable and
other liabilities                    29,7     21,1     23,9
Total                                32,1     25,7     27,7

Total shareholders' equity and
Liabilities                          61,3     59,6     58,8


Earnings per share(EPS), EUR        -0,03    -0,49    -0,42
Equity per share, EUR                 4,6      4,7      4,7
Equity ratio, %                      39,7     37,6     37,7
Interest bearing net 
liabilities(MEUR)                     9,1     17,5     11,7
Gearing, %                           52,9     99,9     65,7
Gross investments (MEUR)              0,6      0,7      2,6
% of net sales                        3,2      5,2      3,1
Average number of personnel           432      415      428
Order book (MEUR)                    39,6     27,8     32,6


(MEUR)                              1-3/07   1-3/06  1-12/06

Cash flow from operations            +1,9     -3,5     +4,7
Cash flow from investments           -0,4     +0,6     -1,6
Cash flow from financing             -1,6     +2,6     -1,0
  Increase in credit capital          0,0     +3,4    +10,0
  Decrease in credit capital         -1,3     -0,8    -10,7
  Dividends paid                      0,0      0,0      0,0
  Other financial items              -0,3      0,0     -0,3
Change in liquid assets              -0,1     -0,3     +2,0
Liquid assets at the beginning
of the period                        +4,1     +2,1     +2,1
Liquid assets at the end of
the period                           +4,0     +1,8     +4,1



For own loans
- Mortgages                          20,0     20,9     20,0
- Pledged shares                     0,18     0,18     0,18
For others
- Guarantees                         0,80     0,68     1,49
Leasing liabilities                  0,50     0,59     0,30
Rent liabilities                     0,40     0,43     0,42
Other liabilities                    0,00     0,10     0,00

Nominal values of forward
exchange contracts                    1,9      0,0      0,0


1000 EUR
                Share     Share premium Reserve   Retained    Total
                capital   fund          fund      earnings

1.1.2006         7.498        520       5.316       5.959     19.293
differences                                            18         18
for the period                                     -1.824     -1.824

31.3.2006        7.498        520       5.316       4.153     17.487

1.1.2007         7.498        520       5.316       4.308     17.642
differences                                             0          0
Purchase of 
own shares                                           -226       -226
for the period                                       -231       -231

31.3.2007        7.498        520       5.316       3.851     17.185

The accounting principles used in this interim report correspond to IFRS
The figures are unaudited