2008-07-29 15:19:27 CEST

2008-07-29 15:20:28 CEST


Kauno Energija AB - Interim information

Intermediate information on JSC "Kauno energija" for the 6 months

Presenting JSC ”Kauno energija” (company code 235014830) financial statetments
for the I quarter of the year 2008, consolidated intermediate report for the 6
months of the year 2008 and confirmation of responsible persons. 
Not audited Company activity result of the accounting period - for the 6
months, 2008 (30 June, 2008) according to the International accounting
standards is profit 9493 thousand LTL (2749 thousand EUR), Group‘s profit 9253
thousand LTL (2680 thousand EUR). 
Income from the sales of the Company per 6 months period, 2008 - 112150
thousand LTL (32481 thousand EUR), Group‘s - 112660 thousand LTL (32629
thousand EUR). 

Jovita Sereikienė
Head of Asset Management Department
+370 37 305664