2009-09-17 14:10:21 CEST

2009-09-17 14:11:24 CEST


English Lithuanian
SEB Bankas AB - Interim information

Financial statements for the 1st half of the year 2009 (corrected)

SEB Bank hereby announces the corrected interim consolidated report and
financial statements for the first half of the year 2009. 

The following inaccuracies have been corrected in the interim information:
- Item 5 in the report: capital adequacy ratio for the period ended 30 June,
- Item 17 in the report: the date Mats Emil Torstendahl, the Chaiman of the
Supervisory Council, was elected to the Council; 
- Pages 6 and 7 - entries 'Other payments', 'Decrease (increase) in due from
banks and loans to credit and financial institutions', 'Debt securities issued,
net' for the Group as well as entry  'Decrease (increase) in due from banks and
loans to credit and financial institutions' for the Bank for the period ended
30 June, 2008. 

The notification is non-confidential.

Ausra Matusevičiene, Head of Business Support Division and CFO, telephone
number +370 5 268 2564, is authorized to provide additional information
regarding the notification.