2015-12-04 14:45:03 CET

2015-12-04 14:45:03 CET


Íbúðalánasjóður - Changes board/management/auditors

Changes to the Board of Directors of the Housing Financing Fund.

The Minister of Social Affairs and Housing has appointed Sigurbjörn
Ingimundarson Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Housing Financing
Fund (HFF) to replace Þorsteinn Arnalds. The Minister also appointed Valdemar
Valdemarsson to the Board. 

Sigurbjörn Ingimundarson completed a BA degree in law from Reykjavik University
in 2010. He continued his law studies at the University of Iceland in 2010–2013
and is currently an MBA student at the Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration at the University of Iceland. He was a vocational trainee and
summer worker at Landsvirkjun in 2011, at LOGOS Legal Services in 2012–2014 and
is currently managing director of the Independence Party’s parliamentary group. 

Valdemar Valdemarsson has been an alternate member of the Board of Directors of
the Housing Finance Fund since September 2013. He has recently attended Board
meetings as an alternate but will now become a full member of the Board.